The Dominionist Agenda

Even within our own movement there are too many activists who do not take the threat of Dominionism seriously enough. This has got to change.
For the Dominionist, and for those who knowingly or not send them support with money and votes, there is no functional distinction between literal, allegorical, and metaphorical interpretations of biblical prophecy. We all know how easily rank and file Christians can be manipulated by the retroactive interpretation of current events as relating to biblical prophecy, and even many progressive/liberal evangelicals seem to rely on the idea that God himself would strike down anyone acting falsely in the name of the Word. That is why the Dominionists must be stopped. Christianity in its right-wing totalitarian form is an apocalyptic conspiracy theory and a call to repression, fascism and genocide. There are few who actually identify as Dominionists, but millions of people in this country knowingly or unknowingly support them. The have mass control over evangelical voting blocks, are rich as hell, and guess what? Thanks to Eric Prince of Blackwater (a Dominionist) the Doms' have a personal fucking corporate army, while the legitimate armed forces of this country too have been infiltrated and used as a staging ground for evangelism, peer pressure, and religious discrimination. The facts are out there, I'm not going to patronize any of you by posting them here, but I will make a list of key words for which there is no excuse not to enter into google. Please, do yourself a favor and do the research. Then you'll understand why I am afraid, especially when those within our own movement shrug the Doms off as a bunch of crazies in tinfoil hats.
Christian Reconstructionism
Christian Zionism
Eric Prince
D. James Kennedy
John Hagee
Eric Prince
Military Religious Freedoms Foundation
Mikey Weinstein
End Times
Chip Berlet
Christian Coalition
Family Research Council
Eagle Forum
Heritage Foundation
“It is true that in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. It is equally true that in the land of the blind, the two-eyed man is an enemy of the state, the people, and domestic tranquility… and necessarily so. Someone has to rearrange the furniture.”
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YES YES , and Hamby has written on the danger of the appeasing moderates ....
To make a point, regarding atheists for Jesus, "I have not come to make peace but division" .... "My message or hell on earth !" For whatever it's worth, and clucthing at ideas , I tell the Xains, Jesus does not approve of your xain ideas ....
Fuck them Paulines, all you christians, you anti chirst devil idol worshipers of god of abe.
Shout at the Devil, at the devils servants, the Xains, and all of them god of abe worshipers ....
A video opens here
Ye who told us we aren't god , fuck fuck fuck you .... Fuck your god of Abraham idol worship ....
Gona google the fucking rest, thanks .....
Atheism Books.
I am in agreement. This is why I can't speak out on my atheism where I live. To do so would be needlessly suicidal, which is also why I don't give specifics of where I live.
One group I forgot to mention you should add to your list is Concerned Christian Citizens
Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back
So soooo true a statement is that, particularly if McCain manages to get elected and then dies in office leaving US with a truly whacko and extreme Dominionist in Veep Palin...
Right-wing totalitarianism IS Fascism - in this case a Christian motivated fascism akin to the German Church's support of Hitler.
Well I surely don't think it treats readers here in a condescending way [definition of patronizing] by making their research easier. So I am going to post some articles about Palin's recidivistic religious cult for the clinically psychotic Christian.
All links click to a new browswer window leaving this browser intact:
Palin's Churches & the 3rd Wave Part 1: History & Theology of 3rd Wave Dominionism to a bible ruled US Theocracy
Palin's Churches & the 3rd Wave Part 2: Docs proving deep involvement of Palin's churches in 3rd Wave Movement
Palin's Church - hard core 'Joel's Army' doomsday dominionists for theocracy : Joel's Army 'Armed for Armageddon'
The 'divine mandate' of a gun crazed 'Joel's Army' Cult: Physically force Christian 'dominion' on non-believers
McCain's mad pander to a psychotic Christain right lunatic fringe continues to unfold: McCain VP courts TheoFascists
A rapture crazed whacko: Psychotic Evangelical faith in bible's impending Apocalypse drives Palin's pro-Israel view
Doomsday Psychotic Palin wanted to ban books based on their 'lanquage' while Mayor of tiny bucolic Christian town
Palin's Doomsday Church deletes her Speeches : Palin preaches US Gov't 'acts out the will of the Lord' in Iraq
Palin's Doomsday church leader says Jews deserve to be terror victims as God's punishment for not being Christian
Palin addressed her Church's congregation asking them to pray for 'oil pipeline development' & 'God's will' in Iraq
Just Another Dirty Alaskan GOP Politician: Top 10 things you should know about Radical Christian Right Sarah Palin
'Fringe' Secessionist Alaskan Independence Party says Palin a member in 90s: 'Alaska 1st, Alaska Always'
Jerry Springer meets Desparate GOP Housewives: Doomsday Xtian Palin announces her unwed daughter pregnant
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid that a Right-Wing Christian Lunatic Fringe Loves Palin : From the Bible Belt Twilight Zone
If there was a God, Man wouldn't have had to invent him [reversing Voltaire's famous quote].
Above Accidentally posted twice...