You better hope you are right in your mockery of God. [YOU RESPOND]

From: [removed email due to a request from the emailer, it was his work email, wouldn't want to get fired for being clueless in matters of science and philosophy I guess]
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2008 3:01 PM
Subject: [General Question] Prophesy
Ed Cassidy sent a message using the contact form at
I found your website, looking for a book of prophesies fullfilled in Jesus.
I was shocked at your mockery og God and His word, then I was brokenharted
for you to be so decieved.
Do you know that the odds of Jesus NOT being the prophesied Messiah is
about 1 in 1 trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion,
trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion trillion (virtually mathmatically
The Books of the Bible were written over thousands of years, in multiple
languages, and by approximately 40 different prophets that God spoke
through. And yet through all of this there are some 100 (or more)
rophesies that clearly foreshadow where the Messiah (Jesus Christ) would be
born, how He would be born, his misistry, that He would speak in parables,
His life, His death, his resurrection, and on and on and on. How can this
have been possible without a higher being (our Lord) weaving it all
together through time.
History and Science has even proven the validity of the Bible. So the
real question is do you believe Jesus claims about Himself. That He was
God in the flesh, that came as our sacrificial lamb, to pay for the sins we
have committed towards God.
The question is not did Jesus live, did He die on the cross for our sins,
did He raise to life and ascend into heaven as our Lord and Savior, and
will He grant us forgiveness of our sins (by the blood He shed on the
cross) - if we repent (turn from sin and surrender to Him as our Lord and
Savior). The issue really is (for you and every human being) boiled down
to the same question Jesus asked Peter in the new Testament. Jesus asked,
"Who do you say that I am?" This very question will determine where you
spend eternity - heaven or hell.
So you better hope you are right in your mockery of God on this website,
otherwise you are in for a real surprise the moment you pass from this
I hurts my heart to think that you have been confused and possibly
deceived (which comes from satan and his schemes - as also stated in the
Bible), and now you are relying on your own human, worldly wisdom to call
God a liar and yourself correct, simply because you do not have all the
facts or the faith. But besides mocking God, your website also leads
others astray - which God commands us not to do.
Read Galatians 6, verses 7-8: God can;t be mocked. You will reap what
you sow.
I pray for you to study these things out further.
And please don;t think I'm some wack-job. I can totally relate to most
people. I spent the first 20 years of my life as a total partier, about 10
years as a religious Pharasee, but now see that submitting to Christ is the
only way to salvation - and an awesome life here on earth. Not an "easy"
life, but an "awesome" one.
In Galatians 5:28- It lists the acts of the human sinful nature. And in
the Book of Romans, God tells us that our sins have seperated us from God.
The Bible also clearly says in Acts 2 versus 38 that if we repent and are
baptised into Christ, the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for us will
attributed to us (as if we had never sinned). You see God will punish your
sins. Either in Christ (if you receive the free gift He is offering) or in
you (eternal damnation if you reject Christ). The bloos of Jesus is the
only thing in all existance that can get us into heaven.
Jesus was the prophesied Messia, the Savior.
I would bet almost anything I own that you want to live your own life
without accountability (as your own lord - calling your own shots), and
thus you justify your sin by either ignoring what you know to be true
(deliberate rebellion toward God), or you have a lack of knowledge and are
decieved (by Satan and his schemes). Either way, Jeses says "rpentor
perish". He also says "you are either with Him or against Him". He also
says that "He is the way, the truth and the life and that no one comes to
the Father except by Him". So you better hope you are right in your
current position, that God's word, the prophesies and Jesus are a joke,
becuse otherwise you will have eternity to sit in hell and wish you had
chosen otherwise, nad not led others astray with your website. God says
that everyone will sit before the judgement seat of Christ to give an
account for their life.
I have prayed for you guys, and will continue to do so. That God does not
hold your foolish arogance against you, as He did not hold against me. But
the Bible says that there is a point in time when "your consious can become
siered as with a hot iron". I hope you repent before that time, and save
your soul and your hearers.
Love in Christ,
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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Yes, god will not be mocked. He sent bears to maul 42 children to death for calling a prophet bald so if the bible is true then you are correct. Atheists do not mock god, well maybe sometimes when whack jobs come in spouting non-sense such as virtually improbable mathematically jesus didn't exist.
Where I spend eternity is an unknown. Most likely it will be a state of nothingness as there is no proof heaven exists and the body cannot survive the death of the mind (and vice-versa). I don't believe in fate as a cosmic law but there are somethings in life that could be called "fate". If I were born in China in 100 c.e. then most likely my fate according to you is hell. Any god that judges someone by rather or not they have ever heard of jeebus is not one I would want to associate myself with. Actually Thor might be kind of cool, at least he produces lightning from the sky.
The people that come to this website are looking for answers just as you were (are). No one is told what to believe here but if by your drive by evangalism seek to convert pls feel free to join and discuss things in an intelligent manner and check the prosythelizing at the door.
BTW thanks for the concern Ed, however misplaced it is.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
1- Glad you were brought to this website through your search for geesus prophecies --> JUST think of how many people see this place! OMG!
2-You claim shock at the mockery of gawd. We are equal opportunity mockers, I will assume with the word jesus in the first sentence you are speaking of the christian gawd.
3-As for the odds you state above regarding geesus being the messiah...I am not a math wizard but I would love to see the math you used to come to that statement.
4-The books of the bible were written over time, the stories were added and doesn't it bother you that you are using this argument to lend truth to the statement of geesus being prophecised as the messiah....many of the books were compiled and written AFTER his supposed existence.
5-Please list all the scientific and historic proof of your bibles validity.
6-You state: " the real issue is boiled down to the same question Jesus asked Peter in the new Testament. Jesus asked,
"Who do you say that I am?"
You state in the beginning of that same paragraph the question of Geesus' existence isn't even the real issue. Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?
7-I feel my heart break knowing that you live in fear of hell.
8-Your prayer would be in vain, isn't vanity one of those 'no-nos' from that book of yours? You would only be making yourself feel good because it doesn't matter a bit to us if you pray for us. As a matter of fact, don't pray for us, please pray for every man, woman and child starving in the world, all the animals that are abused and for all people with cancer. I look forward to seeing your results.
9-Where was your gawd for the 20 years you partied? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself that? And don't lie to yourself and say "oh he was only TESTING me" or my favorite "I only had to open my heart to let him in"
10-I love living life without accountability! I get to make my own decisions and not base everything I do off the threat of burning in a lake of fire for all eternity. Instead I get to use my MIND to make decisions as to what is right and what is wrong, not to mention what is culturally accepted and the laws that were created to support societal norms.
What is really cool is when I get to eat babies...nom nom nom
Please continue to visit the site. Read through all the posts to find all the blasphemies against your gawd ... maybe, just maybe you will break through the wall that your belief has built up around you and let you see the world for yourself.
Slowly building a blog at ~
We have as much to fear mocking your sky daddy as you would in mocking Thor or Micky Mouse. Just because you subscribe to a cheer leading club does not make the magical claims and naked assertion of such club true.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
We are not god mockers. We are god-believer mockers. Mock you!
"Do you know that the odds of Jesus NOT being the prophesied Messiah is about 1 in 1 trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion trillion (virtually mathmatically impossible)."
I await the Bayesian analysis and the scriptural and historical bases that underpin it that supposedly led to this astounding figure. Until then, your numbers mean nothing, merely constituting an unjustified assertion.
Stultior stulto fuisti, qui tabellis crederes!
Ed, I think the odds are good that you have more than a passing familiarity with Frito soup and tractor pulls.
O...kay.... Now calculate the odds that 'messiah' means anything of major consequence to modern man.
Easy, it's called an ad hoc hypothesis it's what you use to turn older biblical legends into prophesies of later biblical figures when they can reasonably be shown to not be anything of the sort - example
No it hasn't. What more can I say? this is a ridiculous assertion.
Declaring your intent to pray may contribute to worsening the original condition - see this study in the American heart journal, 2006 Apr, 151(4):934-42 - copy of extract available here . I would ask you to please stop declaring your intent to pray for others.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
They're making a left turn.
"Who do you say that I am?" This very question will determine where you
spend eternity - heaven or hell." ~ OP ////
I AM the Christ, and the Devil's books are many, as is the Bible and Koran .... I never wrote a single word .... there was no need , as my message was simple, "I am god as YOU" ....
Who do you say I AM ? Who do you say YOU are ? Idol worship is the design of the Devil ....
I AM condemned to be what I AM, GOD .... no choice about it .... fuck religion dogma. God of Abraham is the enemy of earth.
Atheism Books.
Do you understand what atheist means? We are not calling 'God' a liar, God does not exist. Christians are liars.
Christians lie that any god communitcates with you.
Christians lie that any god performs miracles or answers prayers.
There is nothing 'awesome' about your life of delusion and 'believing' out of fear.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen