You people are absolutely despicable. [YOU RESPOND]

Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 9:10 PM
Subject: [General Question] unbelieveable
charlie sent a message using the contact form at
You people are absolutely despicable. Your website is not about atheism, it's about hate. All you are doing is trying to make a mockery of people who believe in a higher being. Oh, and your debate with Kirk and Ray, they were very professional and did an outstanding job representing Christianity. Since you know nothing about it, it is so easy for you to "turn over a rock" and make your claims seem valid. You have no life or any purpose for your existence other than to try and ruin someone else's life. Just to get one thing straight, the violence statistics you brought forth in the debate are completely irrelevant. The reason we are such a violently chaotic society, is because people are pushing away from God. It is not because of the belief in a higher being that is causing people to act this way, its the ridding of the Bible in our society. I wish I was there to stand up to you two because I wouldn't back down. Nothing you said in that debate had anything to do with proving your points. All you did was get a rise out of the atheists in the crowd. Trust me when I say this, you will be accountable for your actions and it will be a dear price to pay. Best of luck to you anyway.
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"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
Charlie, were you and Todd Friel separated at birth?
so Ray is not a very good debate competitor. big deal. the problem with so called athiests is that they rely on faith in darwinism and books by richard dawkins. they cannot prove anything themselves. the same with christians. we have FAITH in the bible through spiritual confirmation. there is no physical evidence supporting what we believe and how we live our lives. also, most athiests have never even opened the bible so they are arguing out of ignorance. there is nothing condoning violence in the bible. violence depicted in the bible is simply testimonies of cause and effect. u need to be able to understand the teachings of the old testament and the new testament. christianity is a loving doctrine that makes perfect sense. also, in case i havent mentioned it before, the majority of people who hate christianity so much, typically come from troubled backgrounds and they all ask the same question, where was God when I needed him? people want God to fix something they created from a worldy aspect. in hat case, what are we learning in this life? when we sin, snap our fingers for God, and its all better. since sin feels good to the flesh, whats the point in not sinning then? we cannot overcome the flesh or the evils of this world because evil is more powerful then we are. thats why we need God. God does the most important thing for us and that is makes us realize how bad we need Him in our lives for spiritual survival.
The only hate I've read on this site comes from theists, no joke, Christans spew more then others, or maybe its a bad perception because Christans out number other believers.
It's impossible for atheists to hate gods of any type since we DO NOT BELIEVE in any gods.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I love you man. I have no issue with theists as people I certainly do with their beliefs. My intent is to wake people up to reality so you can live a fulfilling life free from guilt over a fantasy holdover from the age of savages.
As you are incredibly biased I would expect nothing less from you. I was once one of you so I know the arguments and Kirk and Ray failed in their intention as they used the Bible anyway.
Actually, I went to 9 years of parochial school, considered being a minister, went to 2 years of Grad school at a Jesuit university, have studied theology, comparative religions and more. What exactly do you think I don't know?
No, I have time to do pretty much anything, especially on Sundays. My purpose is to make a difference in the world, what's yours?
As a Catholic for example, I could rob a store, go to confession and ask for forgiveness. I get penance and I'm told to go and sin no more. Perhaps the priest may suggest I turn my self in as well as part of the penance. If I was a confirmed robber, I'd just do the prayers and go about my business. Since all a Christian needs to do is be heart fully sorry for the action and ask Jesus to forgive him it would seem to open the door to misuse. But what do I know.
As will you when you realize someday you have fallen for a fantasy and wasted your life in pursuing it.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
Wow. I can't even begin to fathom how people like you function in society. The majority of your statement was completely untrue, but do to your being brainwashed from birth, you don't really seem to care."Since you know nothing about it"... Bullshit. They know more about the bible than most christians ever will, seeing as they've actually READ it. Attempting to educate people is not to be confused with "trying to ruin peoples lives". They countered ALL the points, and even made a few new ones, which your little friends kirk and ray either deflected in asking another question without answering, or attempted to answer with the same old christian "god doesn't need a reason" bullshit. Christianity is the perfect lie. Anything goes according to what you perceive as "good", and god did it. Anything goes wrong, god did it 'out of love' or 'to prove a point'. Christians couldn't possibly begin to explain where god came from, so they came up with the little "god doesn't need a creator" jewel we all know and love. Every argument or statement an atheist makes is automatically wrong, seeing as we're 'evil for not believing', so you just disregard every point we make as "work of the devil", and therefore invalid.
In conclusion, if you're christian, quit asking atheists for reasons why god doesn't exist. Even if you're given one, you'll deny it. Let atheists continue to be the more intelligent open-minded, and you continue believing in the big magic man in the sky that's all powerful, but needed an entire week to create the universe.
My purpose in life is to figure out what to do with this life and the life of my child, not listen to someone else tell me what I should do.
Most human cultures have been chaotic and violent. When religion ruled the western world it was called the Dark Ages.
The reason we are such a violent, chaotic society now is that people are unwilling to think long-term and take responsibility for their actions. Why should they when they have been taught to just do as they have been told and not reason anything out for themselves? This site holds christians accountable for their actions now, not in some far-off future. If you don't like it, stop acting in such a short-sighted destructive manner. Than no one here will have anything to say against christianity.
Have you ever read the Bible? I have, and based on your e-mail, i would assume you never have. The fact that we are getting away from the bible causes hatred?? You are completely right. Lets get to work getting back to the bible shall we kids? Step 1) Revoke women's rights, after all God made them for the soul purpose of entertaining men, from now on, women are not to act, speak, or even think without the permission of a man, if she does, she shall be stoned to death in accordance with the bible! 2) Blacks need to be removed from our society and burned on the cross for their crimes, after all God painted them that way to let us know they are evil. 3) As stated in the bible, anyone who does not believe in your god, must be tortured and stoned to DEATH! 4) Any man who lies with another man, shall be tortured and put to death in accordance with the bible. Wow kids! I think we are making progress! We already have enough rules to completely remove hate from our world. What you silly athiests don't understand, is that we don't HATE Gays, Women, Blacks, and people who do not share our beliefs, we just want them dead, or, under our control, it isn't HATE it is simply doing God's Work! So jump on the LOVE train boys and girls, and kill a minority, be a Special Agent for Jesus! Oh and make sure you continue to attack science and genetic research, and make sure medicine does not advance, but if you get sick, don't waste your time praying(we all know that won't work) just go to a doctor(that heathenistic science pushing scum) and he will cure you, remember when your life is on the line, choose science, cause after all a dead Jesus agent, is a useless Jesus agent!
Fuckin hypocrits
I think you need to get your nose out of the bible and into a dictionary and see what the definition of hate is.
Oh trust me, Kirk and Ray are doing a fine job making a mockery of your religion just fine.
Proof please. So the crusades and the inquisition were ok with you though? Right?
Stand up, sit down, I don't care what you do, just don't poison the young minds in our public schools with your tales of ghosts and goblins. Boy is your god going to be pissed when he hears that you are judging people. Isn't he the only one allowed to do that?
Anyway, Satan and me have some Grand Theft Auto to play...
If anyone makes a mockery of you, Charlie, rest assured it's because your email is complete nonsense.
You see what you did here... double standard, hypocrite. When piss-artist christians debate it's a professional and outstanding representation of something, but when atheists do it they are pointlessly ruining someone's life. (who's brainwashed did you say?)
Clearly you missed the part where Kelly demonstrated the clear correlation between non-religious/non-superstitious culture (you know, countries that have en masse "pushed away" from your 'kin bible!) and LOW violence rates. But I suppose you can be forgiven, since you are clearly brainwashed.
Oh how I wish you had been, too, carried on like you are doing here and earned yourself a rest at the happy home prior to deprogramming. Seriously Charlie, You're brainwashed and it's not pretty.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
WOW !! These are some good comments, I just wish the "Charlie" was around to chat, maybe.
It's no wonder I like this web site.
As a matter of fact I have read the bible -- and if you don't think that the bible condones violence, why don't you take a look at Deuteronomy chapter 13, where the author tells you to murder your wife, daughter, friend, etc if they tempt you to worship a false god.
Just like it makes perfect sense to believe that as long as you believe in God you can drink poison and not be harmed? Your bible says so. Just check out Mark 16:18. Or how about Job 39:9 where it talks about a unicorn serving God. After all, unicorns are real, so that makes perfect sense, right?
Yes , absolutely , I AM "trying to make a mockery of people who believe in a higher being."
Atheism Books.
Hey Charlie,
You can't use your imaginary friend to scare us, just doesn't work.
Why all the hostility, dude? Upset you've wasted all your time and effort on a 'wubbie'?
Wise up
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
No, I already switched to Geico.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I went 21st Century ....
Atheism Books.
Yes, all us atheists that donate to charity, give blood, support policies that prevent death and disease such as increasing the use of DDT, support science and technology, and support the betterment of standards of living...yup, we're despicable.
Guess again. There's no hatred of religion or god belief. There's no hatred of individuals or groups that have a god belief and subscribe to a religion. The hatred is only when those things influence public policy. When laws are passed, wars break out, people are persecuted or oppressed, because somebody believes their god gives them permission we have a problem. It's the atheist's caring for fellow humans that drives this hate. Atheists want to see this sort of suffering and non-sense eliminated. We seek only to encourage people to think, and think for themselves, and stop accepting fairy tales as the guiding force in their lives, and over ours.
Only toward those that pretend theirs is the only one true way and have "proof" of their god of choice.
I agree. They did a great job representing christianity as having no evidence for the existence of the god they follow.
Well, it was Ray and Kirk that claimed they could prove the existence of a specific god and that they could do it without using the buy-bull. It would seem they were the ones "turning over a rock". They presented not a single item that proved their position. They presented only faith.
I'll leave that task up to religion. Research the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda. I have music, love, friends, family, beer, picturesque landscapes, and a whole world to enjoy. Making myself and those around me happy, helping others, is all the purpose I need.
If statistics showing the most theistic countries as being more violent is irrelevant then your claim that people pushing away from god is causing the increased violence is equally irrelevant. However, there are actually stats showing the former. There isn't a shred of evidence showing the later. You're just plain wrong. We can also look at historical trends in those stats. We find that as a country becomes more theistic we find violence, mortality, equal rights, and so on worsen, including the United States.
Again it was Ray and Kirk that were there to prove points. Brian and Kelly were there to refute them.
Really? have any proof of that? something outside of the buy-bull? Or is that a personal threat?
And to you.
Consider this account closed. It's disgraceful this site has no function to delete an account. I cannot be part of an organization that seeks only to replace the religion of the god of the bible with the religion of "poor me" bleeding heart liberalism. Rational my ass! Not believing in a god is one thing. A rational view of the rest of the world is something else, which isn't found here.
Chah-lie bit me.
All of that and you STILL have to love us and forgive order of some invisible middle eastern dead guy. Must cause a bit of conflict in your 'soul' and maybe a few sleepless nights? I sleep just fine, in case you're wondering. No boogey men in my world...not of the supernatural kind anyway. It really simplifies life like you may not be able to imagine. Peace!
Many self proclaimed christians do not know their scripture, but that doesn't really make them less christian than you, because all they have to do is believe unerringly what their pastor tells them to be a member of your little club. Ignorance, and an unwillingness to question authority are perfectly fine in religions. Most atheists I know have read quite a bit of christian scripture, since it is so readily available in our culture. I'm the rare exception in having read 3 different versions of the christian doctrine as well as most of the available texts of several other religions (islam, judaism, buddhism, shintoism).
As far as the proof argument goes, there is incontrovertible proof of many things that refute religious scripture. That the earth and universe are much older than the arbitrary and short time period christians, muslims, and jews seem to think it is is a big whammy. We could go on and on with such factual scientific and historical tidbits, but even focusing on those misses the point and is yet another utterly pointless bone of contention to be discussed.
The real issue here is what exactly religion is, and that is by definition dogma. Most religionists can easily see the flawed thinking involved in every other dogmatic system.....other than their own. What they fail to realize, is that it is the inflexible absolute nature of dogma that is the very problem.
It is the fundamental difference between faith, and BLIND FAITH. There is nothing wrong with placing faith in something, assuming your allowed to exercise skepticism and scrutiny when necessary, but religion does not allow this at all. You must by definition blindly believe, because somehow that makes you a holier person? Do I even have to point out the flaws here? Can you not see the flaws in this way of thinking if we were discussing Norse Mythology, and those few in the world who STILL BELIEVE in this ancient religion?
This brings to mind the time a mormon almost punched me in a WalMart parking lot when I pointed out to him (because he wouldn't stop bugging me) that he was as atheist as I was about zeus, aphrodite, and thor, and that I just took it one more god than he did. But, anger and violence is often the last resort of such people.
Any system of thought or belief that requires you to commit BLIND faith in something, is fundamentally wrong, stupid, and potentially dangerous. Whether it is christianity or fascism we're talking about, this aspect of the situation always rings true for anyone willing to think outside of their own innate fear and cultural indoctrination.
The non-scientist among us certainly does place faith in our scientific community and in the scientific process. But such faith is not BLIND faith. We are FREE, unlike YOU, to retain our skepticism. We are free to question, unlike you. We are free to doubt, unlike you. And this freedom reigns throughout the entire system of rational and scientific thought, and thus becomes a wonderful self correcting mechanism. See an eminent scientist release a paper on some new fangled and controversial way of interpreting some aspect of the world, and watch a ton of fellow scientists fall on his conclusions like a ton of bricks to prove him right....or wrong.
No one is allowed to do that to the pope when he says using condoms is bad even though millions who could have been saved from HIV infections have become infected to make him and jesus happy. Not all aspects of religion are this insidious and downright evil, but all religions have the potential to be so, BECAUSE you're not allowed to say no to dumb things.
Science and rationality EVOLVE over time as we learn about, understand, and apply more of what we know. And it is this evolution over time that has slowly over history peeled back the veil from religion and shown it to be as assinine as any other dogma.
In the case of christianity it all started with the Protestant Reformation (which was ironically enough instigated by technology.....the Printing Press), and over the centuries hence christianity has had to accede its authority over the western world bit by bit.
In modern western culture I would say that battle lines seem to have formed over this issue simply because many feel it is about time for the rest of the inanity to be held under scrutiny until it further weakens or just goes away.
Though it would be nice to believe that all atheists come from troubled backgrounds, I would say the situation is the exact opposite, or at the very least immaterial to the discussion. I know people who have had troubled lives who are devoutly religious as well as many who are atheists. The same can be said for for those I know who've led relatively sedate lives.
The mitigating factor in all of my experiences has been whether or not someone developed the intellectual curiosity (and courage) to examine such issues beyond the veil of cultural indoctrination. Those that are comfortable questioning religious tenets in so overtly a religious nation, usually become "spiritual but not religious", agnostic, or atheist thinkers. Those who cannot make this socially risky move outside of cultural conformity, stick with what mom and dad raised them to be.
I was raised in a religious household (baptist), and thogh many years of reasoned discussion has amazingly enough weakened my mother's grip on religion, it has not done so with my brother who remains a devout baptist. Unlike many baptists though, my brother and I know where to leave this issue and remain best of friends.
I wish that were the case with the other gazillion southern baptists I'm surrounded by here in the deep south, most of whom seem to have forgotten that whole "love thy neighbor" and "judge not lest ye be judged" thingy.
Anonymous theist above wrote:
"so called atheists"
um, so-called? seriously, how hard is it to understand what atheist means? It is not "faith" in Darwinism or Richard Dawkins, it is merely a willingness to see a point of view that makes sense, far more than a magical sky daddy. Science has shown, repeatedly, that observable outcomes meet our expectations. This is not "faith." This is first hand experience, Darwin and Dawkins both having observed outcomes that meet our expectations provide us with a base from which we can then make MORE observable outcomes that meet our expectations. This is science. Faith is the complete opposite, by definition. It requires a suspension of disbelief. The "miracles" in the Bible have never ben reproduced, therefore they cannot be observable, thus providing no base from which we can observe more miracles. Otherwise, we'ld all be walking on water, and no one would be hungry.
"most atheists have never opened a bible"
Excuse me, where are you getting your statistics from? Be careful not to use words like "most" and such without some MAJOR citation.
"There is nothing condoning violence in the Bible"
Okay, now who hasn't opened a Bible? Have you SEEN Revelations? Or what about what happened to Sodom and Gommorhea? The walls of Jericho? meh, moot point.
"The majority of people who hate Christianity so much..." Okay, I already warned you about using dangerous words like majority. Also, as athiests, we don't hate Christianity nearly as much as say, Islamic Jihadists.
Following that is some rather unintelligble garbage about sin. Only religious people believe they are sinners. Athiests don't believe in sin, because sin is an act against god, which again, we don't believe in.
I cannot begin to tell you how many times I wish religions advocated birth control.
Dear Charlie,
Let me sum up your letter: You believe we are bad people, we are full of hate, and we are going to hell because we are immoral. Our whole reason for being is to destroy others. We have no valid arguments and no real understanding of the world. Our mere existence is contributing to the decline of society. But you wish us well.
Wow Charlie, you sound really angry and really scared. My impression in reading your letter is that you have made up your mind about not only us, but about the nature of reality and God. You are certain about your understanding of the world.
It is our goal to challenge the assumptions of people like you, who hold to the bronze-age mythology of the bible. We have found that the magical ideas about the way that the world works that are presented in the bible are false. God is a magical person, Jesus is a magical person, heaven and hell are magical places.
We don't believe in magic.
Or at least we have no evidence of the existence of magic, and so we don't believe. Just like we don't believe in bigfoot.
I can understand why we would scare and anger you Charlie. We are challenging your certainty. No wonder you think we are bad. But we're not bad, really. We just just have a knowledge that you lack. We understand that the world is too complicated for one book to make valid sense of. We understand that our lack of knowledge is not proof that magic is real. We understand that bronze-age priests did believe in magic (just like you do) but that the fact that they wrote about the magic doesn't make it true. We also understand that however powerfully a story moves us emotionally, that doesn't mean that it is literally true.
It is one of the great paradoxes of learning - uncertainty is the gateway to wisdom. You are certain of your god and of his magic. This is a mistake you are making. Because you are certain, you have lost your ability to question. After all why question what is certain? If you will open your mind and consider the possibility (just the possibility) that the bible is wrong about so very, very much, you will discover that there is a whole world of possibility waiting.
In this world of endless possibility, there is only one way of deciding what's true, and that is evidence.
Not faith.
Not revelation.
Not the word of an authority, not even a divine authority.
Only evidence.
This is the world of reason.
Come on in. The water is fine!
These are the same types of people who claim America as being a Christian nation failing to take into accounts of not only the founders, but important historical figures who, while having some degree of belief, railed against the idea that theocracy should rule this country.
"Question with boldness even the existance of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823
"If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Mohometans, Jews or Christians of any Sect, or they may be Atheists.
-- George Washington, letter to Tench Tilghman asking him to secure a carpenter and a bricklayer for his Mount Vernon estate, March 24, 1784, in Paul F Boller, George Washington & Religion (1963) p. 118, quoted from Ed and Michael Buckner, "Quotations that Support the Separation of State and Church"
So if in claiming to be a deist or even if being a Christian, recognizing that others question what you believe automatically makes you evil, must make these founders enemies of Hitler, and I am sure they would have been.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Suffering Succotash!
I don't belive this is a place of hate at all. I think of it as a place of enlightenment and understanding. However... I can't speak for anyone else here, but I actually am begining to hate theist. Every time I hear one of their cop-outs a little peice of me dies. In my mind, they are people who are either mentally or emotionally ill-equiped to deal with the crushing truth that is reality. The idea that everything truly is meaningless is just a bit much to handle for them. There is no higher purpose. There is only this life. And the only thing that gives it any sense of meaning is to live happily and to make others happy. Apart from that, there is no meaning. Atleast no meaning that I can grasp. That being said, I hope everyone here finds something to give their life some peronal sense of meaning.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
No, I say that YOU don't know anything about christianity. The reason I have no faith is because I was a christian and have seen that it is merely a collaboration of lies that contradict each other. Don't make assumptions about us until you have the knowledge to do so.
Evolution cannot be debated. 'Tis real.
I have noticed that more athiests have read the bible than those who claim to believ in it.