What is it about Christians that you hate? [YOU RESPOND]

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What is it about Christians that you hate? [YOU RESPOND]

From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:00 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] A Christian's opinion... (this is NOT hate mail)

Rachel sent a message using the contact form at

To begin, I commend you on being so strong in what you believe, or rather,
what you don't believe. But I must inquire, why Christians? What is it
about Christians you just absolutely hate? If you claim to not believe in
any God or gods, then why is it the Christians you focus on? Are you
afraid the Muslims will come kill you or something if you say anything
about them? What about Hindus, Buddhists, and so on? It upsets me that you
have created a website focusing directly on bringing Christians down,
rather than making yourselves look better. I would greatly appreciate a
response to this e-mail, with answers to my questions.

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Christianity is the

Christianity is the predominant religion in this country.  It is christians that want to meddle in my life and lead a life of ignorant superstition.  Were I in India, I'm sure I would focus on hinduism, in Iran on islam, etc.

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Christians aren't content on keeping to themselves. They want to force their religion in classrooms, convert everyone they see, outlaw homosexuals, set up a theocracy, meddle in everyone's private lives (especially love lives), and force everyone to follow their fallible morality.

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This is a problem of

This is a problem of perception. It's probably been stated that we disavow all religions, but christianity is the most common here and well, most other religions don't seem to come in and represent.

I don't see that atheists hate christians. Most of us here have had regular exposure to religion in our lives at some point, but decided it wasn't "for us". I was a born again fundy baptist for a short period of my life and grew up in a church. For the last 20 years I have just found that god worship is not something I find appealing. If you want to hey fine by me, but excuse anybody that doesn't want to accept everything said without at least looking at the evidence.

Actually, many of the threats the moderators and atheists in general are coming from "christians". As for Hindus and Buddhists, Hindus do have a tendency to blow themselves up and buddhists have set themselves on fire. I find this hardly rational so in my opinion they are fair game as well. As an theist I don't care how I am perceived by theists. I, for a long time, hid my atheism because I was afraid what others might think of me. Now, I openly state my lack of belief to anyone and everyone I know. If someone doesn't like me because I don't believe in their god it's not my problem, it's their lack of understanding and prejudice at fault. If you have a way to increase the PR of the atheist community I am sure most of us would love to hear it, because the stereotypes are so engrained in our culture.


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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:00 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] A Christian's opinion... (this is NOT hate mail)

Rachel sent a message using the contact form at

What is it about Christians you just absolutely hate?


When once asked in the library if I believed in Jesus Christ, I pointed out that zombie novels are in the fiction section.

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:00 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] A Christian's opinion... (this is NOT hate mail)

Rachel sent a message using the contact form at

To begin, I commend you on being so strong in what you believe, or rather,
what you don't believe. But I must inquire, why Christians? What is it
about Christians you just absolutely hate? If you claim to not believe in
any God or gods, then why is it the Christians you focus on? Are you
afraid the Muslims will come kill you or something if you say anything
about them? What about Hindus, Buddhists, and so on? It upsets me that you
have created a website focusing directly on bringing Christians down,
rather than making yourselves look better. I would greatly appreciate a
response to this e-mail, with answers to my questions.

Do you know who Carly Simon is? You probably think this post is about you, don't you?

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Defeat the local prevalent

Defeat the local prevalent Xians,  and most all the religions of dogma will fall ... Fuck dogma .....

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hating christians?

I will go on the recording stating the following. I do not hate christians, muslims, jews, hindus, buddhists or anyone else of any other religious faith. I do not like their beliefs regarding reality, that god or someother unprovable deity or force some how cares or interacts with our reality and that we should or must live by the rules or beliefs of their religious beliefs. That is not the same has hating someone. I personally HATE pedeophiles, which is completely different thing than hating someone for their beliefs. As such the majority of the traffic to this site seems to of those of the christian faith. However there have been muslims and I assume other of different faith trying to prove their deity or beliefs as the one true religion, god(s) or belief. But that majority is christian, the majority of the members live in christian majority nations, as such the majority of debates revolve around christian beliefs and ideology.

However an atheist doesn't believe in any god of any sorts, not just the christian but any god. I am not afraid of muslims or anyone of any faith, I have told muslims in my country that I do not believe in their god, I have told jews I don't believe in their god, christians the same thing, hindu as well, and buddhist (that although are philisophically speaking are probably the best religious wise out there) I have told them that I do not believe in their religious views.

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Hate the ism, not the ist.I

Hate the ism, not the ist.

I hate theism.  If I hated theists I'd work a 9-5, play outdoors with my family every night and every weekend, and basically not give a shit about them.  On the other hand if I lost a mother to Jesus, have empathy for people who have been brainwashed into theism, and have a deep rooted care and concern for theists I will do everything in my power throughout my life to see to it that they abandon theism.  Even if that includes depleting a retirement fund to make it happen, subjecting myself to tons of threats by the people I'm trying to help, living like a pauper, not getting as much "me time" as I'd like, having to constantly make sure the alarm is set, and the kids aren't playing in the front yard without an armed family member nearby watching over them.

I hate theism, not theists.

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Sapient wrote:Hate the ism,

Sapient wrote:

Hate the ism, not the ist.

I hate theism.  If I hated theists I'd work a 9-5, play outdoors with my family every night and every weekend, and basically not give a shit about them.  On the other hand if I lost a mother to Jesus, have empathy for people who have been brainwashed into theism, and have a deep rooted care and concern for theists I will do everything in my power throughout my life to see to it that they abandon theism.  Even if that includes depleting a retirement fund to make it happen, subjecting myself to tons of threats by the people I'm trying to help, living like a pauper, not getting as much "me time" as I'd like, having to constantly make sure the alarm is set, and the kids aren't playing in the front yard without an armed family member nearby watching over them.

I hate theism, not theists.


This should be made as a standard response to the "Why do you hate Christians" asshats. I actually do hate the fucktards that try to force their shit on me. That's why I get pissed and often play the role of the RRS's "attack dawg." Theists that try to force their shit on the rest of us do piss me the fuck off.

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Robert Satori
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Nothing special about that

Bigots the world over align themselves with every philosophical position, including Atheism, and Christianity. Some people even align themselves to such groups to prop up their pre-existing prejudisms about other, opposed groups.

Take, for example, the gay basher who joins the Christian church in order to validate his or her hatred.

Or the anti-Semite who converts to Islam.

Some people have a similar personal grudge against Christians, and align themselves with Atheism.

And so this phenomenon propagates itself.

This is not quite rational behaviour. As such you can usually identify these people within the communities pretty easily, because they don't often have a firm grasp of the philosophy they've allied themselves with.

It's unfortunate that most groups won't weed out these loud and damaging impostors, rationalizing that their support serves the "cause."

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RationalResponseSquad wrote:

From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:00 PM
Subject: [Defend my God!] A Christian's opinion... (this is NOT hate mail)

Rachel sent a message using the contact form at

To begin, I commend you on being so strong in what you believe, or rather,
what you don't believe. But I must inquire, why Christians? What is it
about Christians you just absolutely hate? If you claim to not believe in
any God or gods, then why is it the Christians you focus on? Are you
afraid the Muslims will come kill you or something if you say anything
about them? What about Hindus, Buddhists, and so on? It upsets me that you
have created a website focusing directly on bringing Christians down,
rather than making yourselves look better. I would greatly appreciate a
response to this e-mail, with answers to my questions.

Assuming you're in a western country, especially part of North America, what's funny is how a member of a powerful majority can still feign persecution.

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Well yeah Robert ....

Well yeah Robert S  .... yanking each others "delusion chain" is a moral responsibility.

             Those who know the good, do the good. - Socrates

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- Steven Weinberg, Nobel Prize-winning physicist