Didja hear Bush's comments on religion today?

Oh my dawg, didja hear W's words in Beijing today? "God is love....No state, man or woman, should fear the influence of loving religion".
OH my dawg...will his term ever ever end....
"When you explain why you dismiss all other possible gods, i'll explain how i can dismiss yours."
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Thanks Jean! Here is the LINK
A quote:
"China's officially atheist communist rulers strictly suppressed religion for three decades after coming to power in 1949"
I guess I need to read up on how communism and atheism go hand in hand.
I could suppose that communist leaders would only want its citizens to follow them, not a god, so to allow those citizens worship would be somewhat scary in regards to the power their govt has.
Has china been an "atheist" nation and I just didn't know it?
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If only there was such a thing as a "loving religion"...
I am so sick of the media selling that bullshit. I watched the Today Show and Mat did a story on the "forbiden city" which was a long time palace of the Chinese royalty. The paintings and motifs depicted in the building represented HEAVEN and DIVINITY!
It is bullshit to say that Chinese people are not religious. Their superstitions simply are different. The government IS made up of these superstitious people, just like the United State's government is made up of superstitious people.
The pragmatic difference between China and America is that we have outgrown an authoritarian view, via a constitution with a system of checks and balances. We have a free market.
BUT, to get where we are today, even under our Constitution there was tons of oppression by our government of minorities. China's population should not be doomed to live under it's close minded government by the rest of the world associating every citizen to their government. That is what a lot of Americans bitch about when other countries bitch about us, "You are all the same".
We had a Constitution AND slavery AND we killed off many tribes of Native Americans. China's government is still stuck in the past . I think along with being blunt with them politically, we can also relate that we too had smelly farts.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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