This really disgusts me...(religion & politics)
So, this minister, reverend, pastor, whatever, Rick Warren, is having one on ones with McCain and Obama to discuss their faith. Why the 'F' does this even matter? I'm sorry, but, abortion is not an issue that is going to bring this country to a screeming halt. As a matter of fact, if I was to make a list, abortion would be waaayyyy down the list of "Things that will end America" right around, maybe below, the latest Britney Spears sighting.
This pretty much cements how I'm going to vote...which is for neither of them, unless one of them says (which I highly doubt), "The matter of my personal beliefs are private and have no bearing on my ambitions and ability to run this country".
Will we ever get to a point where a candidates religious or non religious stance are non factor in elections?
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Yes, but anyone capable of reading this thread will be long dead before it happens.
Unfortunately, I have to say I agree with you on that.
I see your point and agree but abortion won't be the only thing discussed so I am kind of happy about this as it will allow Obama to show some of his strengths compared with McCain ineptitude, in my view. Obviously though, I've already decided who to vote against, at the very least. It would take a hell of a lot more than weaseling on the abortion issue to get me to not vote for either of them.
Are we going to think short term and give up? I am sure if blacks during slavery said, "Well there are some founders that want to set us free, but we will never see it", slavery might still exist.
Ideological wars take generations. I am quite sure that those oppressed by the ancient Egptians didn't think belief in Horus would ever die, but it did.
When I compare where the word "atheist" was in 01 compared to the explosion of voices today, it is encouraging. I may not see an openly atheist president in my lifetime. BUT, we have had famous judges who were atheist, not to mention Penn & Teller and Kathern Hepburn.
I certainly don't have to think pragmatically beyond my last breath, but those I may inspire through out my life certainly can outlive me as far as ideas in the minds of others.
We have reality on our side. Superstition can morph and change colors, but it cannot survive under the scrutiny of objective reasoning.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Voter apathy is one of the key reasons the U.S.A. is in the position it is in now. When a person doesn't vote or doesn't get to vote that person abdicates decisions to other people which could affect that persons existence. If you don't vote and that vote you threw away gets McCain elected, you essentially voted the guy in by your not voting, and don't have a right to complain when you get abused by his government.
Vote for McCain... ...and he'll bring Jesus back
Any of the two parties that claims they are pragmatic are the same parties that are funded by the ideological. Humans would rather think they can pay their rent because (daddy, big brother) will save their ass.
Praying to Thor to be the victors in war, or the that you didn't pay your electric bill on time, is as futile as praying that I will get laid by Heidi Clume.
I am as subject to life as the next person and for any idiot to consult a Ouiji board or little green men giving birth to Jebus, or a promise of getting fucked by 72 women because I like the idea?
I'd rather staple my nuts to concrete and hurl myself into the east river than to actually believe in any fictional drivel.
"My label is different" and the same magical ambiguous claims can be found in all these cheer leading clubs.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Definitely do not want to give up. Would love to find a strong atheist contender for the White House or someone who has the spine to tell the religious groups who want to get their grubby little fingers in every election, to back off and that it's no concern of theirs. I'm willing to fight (not physically) to try and make it a reality were there truely is a separation of church and state.
I think you are right about voter apathy here in a America and in my opinion, coupled with a blind devotion to a particular party as well. I do have to disagree with you on when a person chooses not to vote though. That's one of the many things that makes this country great, and that's having that choice to abstain. I think there's a big difference between a person who just doesn't care and a person who does care enough to say, "Neither one is good enough for my vote." I also feel that a person who just doesn't care and votes for whoever, does more harm than the person who has thought out the consequences of their vote and decides not to vote for either.
For President, right now, I'm not voting for either McCain or Obama, that may change in the next couple of months, but, I fear it's going to be more of a 'lesser of two evils'. I will definitely vote, since there is more than just the Presidential prize on the ballot.
I think I understand where you're comming from. For me, it's...I just don't get it. How can people believe in this crap? I iike Star Wars, but, I'm not counting on Yoda to pull me out of a tight spot. All these clubs funnel to the same place no matter the name of the club.
Here we are again, arguing about that damned oval office. We know that until an Atheist runs for office we are stuck with an evil president. So we need to vote for the lesser of the two evils. Voting third party is such a waste of time, and I will admit it is your time to waste.
This pandering to Evangelicals really infuriates the hell out of me too.
However, one of the best reasons I can think of to vote in November is this:
We have (9) current Supreme Court Justices.
(1) was appointed by President Gerald Ford (R)
(2) were appointed by President Ronald Reagan (R)
(2) were appointed by President G. Bush "Senior" (R)
(2) were appointed by President William Clinton (D)
(2) were appointed by President GW Bush "Junior" (R)
7 of the 9 were appointed by Conservatives.
There is a strong possibility that your next President will make the newest appointment.. or perhaps (2)...or (3)
And that will determine how laws will be interpreted for many years to come.
So get out there and vote dammit !!
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
More good points to keep fresh in the minds of all people. Get out to vote, please register everyone legal to vote. This country can be saved only by our vote.