The Appendix. Intelligent design?
I'm not sure if this has been discussed before, but how do proponents of ID explain the appendix? When I had mine out, the doctor said I wouldn't miss it, nor could he name a specific function it performed. Apparently it is more developed in monkeys (wikipedia).
Smells like evolution to me!
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It was made for digesting the god-apples in the Garden of Eden, but it could no longer maintain itself reliably once it had become tainted by sin and was deprived of said god-apples. Prior to Adam and Eve being cast out, people could, and would be relied upon to, continuously re-eat their own dookie; which only became foul-smelling and septic after the fall of man.
Yeah, my shit stinks too ?
Thanks for explaining magilum ....
Speaking as an engineer the human body is a most suckass design---no intelligence involved. What "Brain" put the pleasure centers AND sewage disposal in the same organs.
Thousands of people choke and sufocate each year because of the "intelligent design" of using the same orifice for both food and air. Other mammals do not have this safty hazzard.
The voice box is the worst design of all, it is stuck permenently in the narrowest part of our throats and gives us the ability to choke on our own food and water, other primates do not have this worry.
A better design would be to have the ability to move the voice box down in the chest cavity while we are eating, THEN move it back in order to talk. This IS NOT far fetched, humans are born this way. Newborns (who can not possibly deal with solid food) are protected from solid food; what kind of " intelligent design" is that.
The voice box moves up into the throat at around age 3 to 4 months, corrisponding to the highest rate per age of sudden infant death syndrom. That's some pissant design.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Great point Jeffrick! I never really thought about our other "design" flaws, I wonder if there are any medico's or biologists out there who could point out any others?
We have no wings, no gills. Geezz god, what gives?
...only one penis!! c'mon.
Why can't I fly!!!
If we really were intelligently designer then our designer was complete wasted and/or stupid when doing it (hmmm now I remember why I'm a Pastafarian)
6 billion people in this world own 12 billion eyes, look around at the people in your own small section of the world, put your glasses on first you probably need them since 80% of eyes need corrective eyewear, not to mention those who are just plain blind!
The Comedy team of Comfort & Cameron use the human eye as proof of "intelligent design" (pauses to clean glasses), what kind of "intelligence" designs a part with 80% failure rate!! In my peer group they would be de-ceritified. Would any intelligent person buy a house or car (or anything) that didn't work 80% of the time.
Evolution explains the why and how we (and our eyes) are the way we are. Let us not confuse the word evolution with the word perfection. Engineers strive for perfection but allow a +/- .006 tollerence. Those who can't file for unemployment.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I saw that as a reply to the "watchmaker" argument - how 99% of species became extinct. A watchmaker who made 99% of his watches defective would quickly be fired (or out of business if self-employed. )
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