Animator and film maker
Hi everyone,
My name is Ravi, I'm introducing myself here for the first time as an aspiring animation artist and film maker who wants to get more involved in activist projects and share my thoughts with fellow atheists in the world.
I come from Spain, so I'm not sure whether i'm welcome far as I've noticed everyone seems to be from the US. I just thought that atheism was a common thing among many people across the globe..that's why I happen to be here.
I wanted to show my portfolio of work to everyone interested to be involved in further projects, ideas, is my very first live action short film, "Amor e Morte": e morte.mpg
And you can find my professional work on my website:
Hope everyone enjoys it...thank you all and hope to get the ball rolling with some cool projects/ideas. Please keep the feedback coming.
PS: If Greydon Square happens to be reading this: just wanna express my total admiration and deep following to your music. If you would like to get an animated music video on your repertoir I would love to be part of it's making!!
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The RRS forums are really very international. Where I think the majority may be from the US, I know we have plenty of folks from many other nations. I think you'll enjoy it here.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
There's many of us non 'merkins here. Mostly from Canada, England and Australia but also from numerous other countries around the cube.
Welcome aboard, I'll check out those links when I get home from work.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
That's right, it is quite intrnational. I'm pretty new here myself, so greetings from the UK, and I liked your monkey-in-jail movie. I'm sure your talent will be put to great use. I tried one of the links but it didn't work. Have you done any animation work promoting secularism yet?
What's the difference between Texas and Saudi Arabia? In Texas they execute you for murder, in Saudi Arabia they excecute you for having a Xmass tree.
Thank you very much for the very warm welcome....I'm really glad I was wrong on my assumption
The link to the film is here, sorry for the broken one on my last post:
My main purpose joining this forum was to get a chance to make a project (animation/film, etc...) involving atheism and getting the support from the rational response squad to make this something reachable to world's atheists.
Once again thanks for the warm welcome, hope the link works this time!
You got talent!
Only one comment - maybe its due to the fact that it's close to 1 am here but the message was slightly lost on me until the end - maybe that was the point?
but great work, very professional looking.
What's the difference between Texas and Saudi Arabia? In Texas they execute you for murder, in Saudi Arabia they excecute you for having a Xmass tree.