Crack pot item for sale on the online store

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Crack pot item for sale on the online store

 Ok, so I saw an item on the online store that supports 9/11 conspiracy theorists (aka idiots) and it would seem this would be the last place I would find this kind of lunacy.  Why is it there?  Am I missing something?  It can be found in the clearance section.


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Is this not the online

Is this not the online store: ?



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No its here now that I look, it looks like they are not responsible for it, this should have been directed at  I should have looked into this more, sorry.


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Wow, I'm surprised

Wow, I'm surprised evolvefish would carry something like that.

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scottintulsa wrote: now that I look, it looks like they are not responsible for it, this should have been directed at  I should have looked into this more, sorry.


Evolve Fish simply tries to stock products that they think they will sell in their audience.  If we're talking about the same item, you should find solace in the fact that they've had to reduce the price. 

Is this the item?

9-11 9/11 9.11.01 9/11/01 Sept 11 WTC twin towers pentagon New York NY Washington PNAC Bush Cheney Rumsfeld Wolfowitz Feith Rice Giuliani world trade center NORAD Flight 11 93 77 175 9/11 Was An Inside Job button
$2.00 $1.00 Price reduced!!
9/11 Was An Inside Job! Here's one for you folks out there who, like many people we know, find numerous holes in the 'official' version of events on Sept 11, 2001.
Political antiBush antiWar button. Dia: 2-1/4" (5.7cm)

[Order]  [Checkout]


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Sapient wrote:scottintulsa

Sapient wrote:

scottintulsa wrote: now that I look, it looks like they are not responsible for it, this should have been directed at  I should have looked into this more, sorry.


Evolve Fish simply tries to stock products that they think they will sell in their audience.  If we're talking about the same item, you should find solace in the fact that they've had to reduce the price. 

Is this the item?

9-11 9/11 9.11.01 9/11/01 Sept 11 WTC twin towers pentagon New York NY Washington PNAC Bush Cheney Rumsfeld Wolfowitz Feith Rice Giuliani world trade center NORAD Flight 11 93 77 175 9/11 Was An Inside Job button
$2.00 $1.00 Price reduced!!
9/11 Was An Inside Job! Here's one for you folks out there who, like many people we know, find numerous holes in the 'official' version of events on Sept 11, 2001.
Political antiBush antiWar button. Dia: 2-1/4" (5.7cm)

[Order]  [Checkout]


If you warp the logic behind it, you could say 9/11 was an inside job. I mean, buildings don't get attacked for no reason. I bet that if this nation wasn't led by morons up to that point 9/11 wouldn't have happened. So yes, it was an inside job - they practically invited people to do something horrible by being idiots.