Jesus and the Apostles
Hey Rook and Co.,
I've been researching the Jesus Myth Hypothesis, and I agree that Jesus fits the "Mythic Hero Archetype" and that there is little evidence of him. However, what do you make of Paul, who claimed to have talked with People who knew Jesus when he was alive? And what about Peter, James (brother of Jesus, allegedly), and John who claimed to have known him?
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Hey Switch. I didn't know I had my own company, but kudos to them...whoever they are!
First, Paul never claims to have talked to people who "knew Jesus when he was alive". No such statement exists in any of the epistles of paul. In the book of Acts, yes, this conclusion is drawn, but Acts is not written by Paul. Acts was written by Luke, sometime in the second century (Pervo 2006; Tyson 2006). Keep in mind that what an Apostle was in Paul's day (the first century) was not the same as what an Apostle was in Luke's (second century), and the shift seems to be more focused around the idea of Jesus. An Apostle to Paul was anybody who had received the revelation of Jesus (not from him physically, but through the holy spirit), and when Paul speaks of the "other" disciples he counts himself among them. Paul makes it clear he never recieved his teachings from men. See my article here:
Of Peter, James and John, they may have existed. Peter and James certainly did, if Paul's letters are truly authentic and not just tradition. John (I assume you mean the evangelist) is not the author of the Gospel of John. The name comes from Christians who named the Gospel after the fact. If you mean John, the epistle writer, that is also a pseudonymous work. In other words, they were epistles written in the name of John, but not by John. This was done for several reasons, most of which revolved around the idea of authority - if you had a "letter from John" that proclaimed your idea of Christianity, you could claim more weight to your ideas with it. Another reason is just for entertainment. During the second sophistic, fictional letter writing was the common thing to do. (Costa 2002)
Please also understand that just because Christians exist in antiquity is not evidence of a historical Jesus. Orphites and Dionysiacs existed in antiquity as well, many claiming that the figures of Orpheus and Dionysus were historical. It is easy to read the New Testament through "gospel-colored glasses" and get lost in it all.
Best wishes,
Rook and Co.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists. Books by Rook Hawkins (Thomas Verenna)
There's more evidence for Jesus then for Tiberius Caesar. The ratio is 48/10. Get educated on the subject (author of the thread) before you make such stupid statements.
Rook, your statements about Luke and everything else is SO untrue. Do you really believe what you are saying or are you just intentionally lying?
Scholar A.T. Robinson proves in his book "REDATING THE NEW TRESTAMENT" that all books in the NT were written in the mid first century, and he's not even a Christian.
W.F. Albright considered the world's greatest Bible archaeologist, says in his book "RECENT DISCOVERIES IN BIBLE LANDS," that all books in the NT were written before A.D. 75.
W.F.Albright is considered the world's greatest bible archaeologist, only by some of those who believe the earth is only 6000 years old; sensible people consider him a quack. His "recent discoveries..." are questionable since he himself has been dead for some 30 or so years.
Real discoveries, published recently show that Nazareth was first inhabited in 25C.E. Maybe you or someother true believer could explain how J.C. grew up in a town that DID NOT exist. Dig up Albright and see if he can help.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
John A.T. Robinson wasn't a Christian?
<laughs maniacally>
Thank you, Incog, for revealing yourself as a fool.
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
I thought the idea of Nazareth not being inhabited in Jesus' supposed time has been refuted? There's still plenty of other reasons not to believe he existed but I don't want to see us using stuff that isn't true.
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