Speaking of Wealth Redistribution...

Obama’s Tax Plan Better for Working Families Than McCain’s
As the Republican Convention continued Tuesday night, former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) brought out a tired old talking point in his speech, one that Sen. John McCain and his allies have been pushing all year and that corporate interests have been trying to sell for decades. It’s the old “tax hike” scare.
Thompson and McCain are flat-out wrong when they allege Sen. Barack Obama’s proposed economic plan would raise taxes on millions of working families. In reality, his plan would give tax cuts to nearly all working families.
Source: The Washington Post
Later in the article:
Obama’s plan gives tax cuts to 95 percent of working families. The overwhelming majority of taxpayers would see a bigger tax cut under Obama’s plan than McCain’s. As The Washington Post chart shows, 60 percent of taxpayers would get a tax cut three times as big from Obama as from McCain. That’s real money in the pockets of hardworking families.
Meanwhile, McCain’s economic proposals are mostly built around expanding on Bush’s giveaways to the very rich and to corporations. As we’ve reported, economists are struck not only by the massive scale of the tax cuts and the incredible imbalance, but by the sharp reversal these plans represent from McCain’s positions just a few years ago. Rather than being a “maverick,” as his allies in Washington and the press love to call him, McCain, who initially opposed Bush’s tax cuts for the rich but now wants to make them permanent, has steered hard toward the Bush economic agenda.
I leave the criticism and analysis to you.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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Here's my analysis...
Why does someone making 8 times what I make need a further tax break that is double mine?
Thanks for posting this.
If those charts are correct, either way, I make out on the deal. I think the real question is, who's policies would actually be put into affect and what changes will be made to those plans once one of them is in the White House? We are just seeing the fancy glossy brouchures for each candidate right now, once we actually get the product, things aren't always what they appeared to be.
Unless you're rich, you'd get a better deal under Obama.
I have a question, why are taxes considered a BAD thing... o_O? and why is raising taxes considered a mortal sin?
Canadians pay 14% (BC) to 23%(Quebec) in combined Government and Provincial taxs on almost everything
WTF do Americans pay? 8%? (pulled that number out of my ass)
What Would Kharn Do?
I've never said any such thing. I do think taxing people based on how much it will affect their standard of living is good public policy.
It isn't. It's when, where, how, and why you raise them that comes into question. I resent having my taxes raised to fund a war and a trillion dollar lynching.
Sales tax averages 7-9% in most places. Income tax varies significantly, but most of my employees take home about 84% of their gross, and then end up owing taxes at the end of the year.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I wish I only paid 8%. I'm taxed roughly 34% of my earnings when combining state and federal taxes.
I really don't feel sorry for someone who has that much and bitches about paying more. Even if the top CEO in this country only made 2 million a year, there is not one place in this country where you couldn't find food and shelter. I could make 2 mill work. I already make 8ph work, so cry me a fucking river if you have to live in one mansion insted of 5.
It is not that people want more, it is that the ratio between the richest of the rich and the poorest of the poor is tremendiously lopsided and growing. No one should be forced to give up more if they have more, but they should have the common sense to know when they can afford it, and they can, but they either don't want to admit it, or dont care and are greedy.
I don't know where I read anothe post on this site, but if I recall correctly one of America's richest economists agrees that rich people should not bitch. If someone reading this knows which post that was, repost the link here.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Exactly Brian, I would just love to hear the whack reasoning that the middle to lower class people that would end up paying more under Mclame have. I mean the people that know they will be paying more.
I know, i know... just your bare-bones average amurican type, thinks differently then you hamby. When we're talking Amurican politics, raising taxes is considered a mortal sin.
What Would Kharn Do?
Hey now, let's not give them any ideas.
If you don't watch out the commie pinkos will steal your children and barbeque your puppies while smoking dope. It's a fact! Reagan said so!
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
Ok, and whats the bad side?
What Would Kharn Do?
How so many Americans can support the repug party still is beyond me. I know that they have gotten so good at using religion and the fear of terrorism to divide the masses, but come on. The democrats have always been the party of the middle class and poor. I don't agree with the dems on most issues but I feel that their compassion is much greater than the repugs anytime.
McCain has successfully used the fear of higher taxes against Obama to the repug base and unless Obama hammers home his tax plan to middle America he could face defeat. The economy should be Obama's hinge pin and show a workable solution to the economic woes we face right now.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
It is the wonderful "official" logic of supply side economics or "Reaganomics" of the eighties. They figure if the richest receive the big tax breaks they will reinvest in their factories, stores ect. providing jobs to the masses. They earn more money, paying their higher rate of taxes to offset the benefit given to rich and purchase more goods and services, thereby stimulating the economy. It will backfire, the rich will invest in non tangible assests and we will triple our national debt like they did in the eighties.
Well before you go pinning America's problems all on one party, lets not forget that government has mushroomed under both parties. Why? because we as individuals have not taken the personal responsibility to cut out the middle man as much as possible and deal honestly with each other. Instead we use government to pit class against class. It is much like a child pitting parent against parent instead of trying to solve the problem without them.
More regulation as a blanket solution is just as bad as no regulation as a blanket solution and neither do anything but side for an agenda. It is how we solve problems together that is important not the fact that we value different things.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Just in case it wasn't obvious....
I was referring to the McCain scenario above.
I have become more and more leery of tax cuts the older I get. It sounds so good, until the hospitals and schools all around you keep closing and going on strike.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
By no means do I blame any one party for the size of our federal government and the massive waste done by such. You are 100% correct that we are to blame by not reigning in the incompetent power of our corrupt politicians. Both major parties need to be outed and someone.... anyone would be better than what the dems or repubs have to offer. As a matter of fact my hero, Ron Paul said we should all vote no confidence and vote for third party candidates.
The Constitution does not allow for many of the programs we have under the fed government. Hell, it doesn't even allow for a standing army, yet we have had a standing army for what.... 160 years now? The social welfare system has given rise to a corporate welfare system and which one is worse?
The wealthy folks in this country need to realize that they have been given special privelige living here. I don't ask anyone to pay more than their fair share mind you, but the rich will not take care of the poor. That's the ideal I find attractive about the dems, well at least the old dem party anyways. Empowering the working class to build an economic system and not relying on the upper class giving the workers crumbs. So I say tax the hell outta em until they realize that trickle down economics has been a failure.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
"Eat the Rich", a wise old saying indeed .....
Oh, Hamby, there's a riot going on in .... (where your keen social perception might be helpful),
Technocracy a better answer, a Scientific one.
78 - This is something perhaps Hamby could help us sort thru ....
Atheism Books.
Shhh! dont ruin it, im having fun... meany
What Would Kharn Do?
So sorry DOOMED, but shit, my people suffer so .... god needs help!