
The Doomed Soul
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Joined: 2007-08-31
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*Climbs up onto his ramshackle soap box*


Ladies and Humies, I'ze um aboot teh ambark on ah 2 munth mission, dat will soorly cost me, meh life.

See, Waaaghamma is ooot, and me joost happan teh beat da snortling outa dem EB boyz until day give meh a copai todee

So! to all meh atheist boyz... leetz start us a grand...





... sorry for the Ork talk... but its better then chanting "Blood for the Blood God" once every 5 minutes... (which... tends to make cashier lines move alot faster for some reason... )

Any one care to join me and smash some Humie's, Pointy's, and Stunties skulls in... oh... 5 hours when Warhammer servers come online to the public?

Destruction only!

No Order, No exceptions


Posts: 386
Joined: 2006-07-15
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LOL! i dont think i am going

LOL! i dont think i am going to buy warhammer right away... Plus for me to even speak those words "Warhammer" is blasphamy, the guild would kill me lol!  Plus the WOTLK is coming out in 2 months so...