legalization of marijuana

El Gato Negro
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legalization of marijuana

What steps are you taking to finally legalize marijuana?

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hmm,  also, what are you

hmm,  also, what are you doing to stop the disappearance of the honey bees?

Renee Obsidianwords
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OH and don't forget Global

OH and don't forget Global warming .... AND my neighbor who insists on cooking with curry every single day with his windows open...

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Dray wrote:hmm,  also,

Dray wrote:

hmm,  also, what are you doing to stop the disappearance of the honey bees?


That's a enviromental question that I would be more than willing to explore. Post the topic here or do a search to see if anybody else has posted a similar topic.

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A Nihlist cares, that seems

A Nihlist cares, that seems a contradiction? I've tired of tying to understand that philosophy. I smoke, I vote, I talk. What are you doing? Wait, nihlist do things? Umm, I don't it? Why bother?.... 

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Why? Do you have a

Why? Do you have a suggestion, Mr Black Cat?

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Eloise wrote:Why? Do you

Eloise wrote:

Why? Do you have a suggestion, Mr Black Cat?


A business plan. You have to view Amercian Politics like a business.  You have to suggested it in a economical proposal. That's a start.

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We run trillion dollar

We run trillion dollar businesses as socialism, and society as laissez-faire economics. What then?

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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

A Nihlist cares, that seems a contradiction? I've tired of tying to understand that philosophy. I smoke, I vote, I talk. What are you doing? Wait, nihlist do things? Umm, I don't it? Why bother?.... 


Have you ever walked the streets of Astoria, New York in the desolate winter. Witnessing failed equations. The incompetence of nature. I once indured the fallacy of a Ukrainian atheist. She coaxed me into believing that there was hope in evolution. Survial wasn't enough for me. Her accent trembled in unison with the railing subway. Duscha pleaded with me to believe in reason and logic. I simply replied...."nay". In her despair she shouted that my nihilism was a mental illness.  Watching her pale skin gasp for a touch....i kissed her. Under a NY bridge I tested Darwin's thesis. It failed...

haha, i'm just fucking around...i'm actually high right now Laughing out loud

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I so want to nuke this

I so want to nuke this thread, dude.

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magilum wrote:I so want to

magilum wrote:

I so want to nuke this thread, dude.


The topic of legalization of marijuana is valid. I AM GOD AS YOU made a impish comment concerning my my signiture which I playfully replied to. hope u see the humor in it.

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magilum wrote:We run

magilum wrote:

We run trillion dollar businesses as socialism, and society as laissez-faire economics. What then?

On a serious note. Hemp can create more ethanol than corn can with less acres. Which in turn would reduce the cost of food. Not to mention the billions taxpayers would save by having less people in jails/prisons. The taxs on legal marijuana would produce billions in revenue both in the state/federal level. Just to name a few.

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El Gato Negro wrote:magilum

El Gato Negro wrote:

magilum wrote:

We run trillion dollar businesses as socialism, and society as laissez-faire economics. What then?

On a serious note. Hemp can create more ethanol than corn can with less acres. Which in turn would reduce the cost of food. Not to mention the billions taxpayers would save by having less people in jails/prisons. The taxs on legal marijuana would produce billions in revenue both in the state/federal level. Just to name a few.

Most hemps would just give you a headache, so let's save the coy euphemisms for the dreadlocked white kids in the quad. The DEA and the so-called "prison-industrial complex" wouldn't give up without a fight; not to forget the endlessly moralizing senators piercing the hearts of middle America with touching sermons about gateway drugs. It's not that I disagree -- alcohol's worse -- but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

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magilum wrote:El Gato Negro

magilum wrote:

El Gato Negro wrote:

magilum wrote:

We run trillion dollar businesses as socialism, and society as laissez-faire economics. What then?

On a serious note. Hemp can create more ethanol than corn can with less acres. Which in turn would reduce the cost of food. Not to mention the billions taxpayers would save by having less people in jails/prisons. The taxs on legal marijuana would produce billions in revenue both in the state/federal level. Just to name a few.

Most hemps would just give you a headache, so let's save the coy euphemisms for the dreadlocked white kids in the quad. The DEA and the so-called "prison-industrial complex" wouldn't give up without a fight; not to forget the endlessly moralizing senators piercing the hearts of middle America with touching sermons about gateway drugs. It's not that I disagree -- alcohol's worse -- but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

pharmaceutical companies are already losing ground with the American public. This is creating a major loophole in the system. It's going to take small steps. The first being legalization of medicial marijuana. Second dicrimalizing marijuana. Third the reintroduction of hemp as a natural resource. Now we can implement any of this without some serious lobbist funds. Now i completely agree with you as far as selling it to middle america. Any thoughts?

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El Gato Negro wrote:magilum

El Gato Negro wrote:

magilum wrote:

El Gato Negro wrote:

magilum wrote:

We run trillion dollar businesses as socialism, and society as laissez-faire economics. What then?

On a serious note. Hemp can create more ethanol than corn can with less acres. Which in turn would reduce the cost of food. Not to mention the billions taxpayers would save by having less people in jails/prisons. The taxs on legal marijuana would produce billions in revenue both in the state/federal level. Just to name a few.

Most hemps would just give you a headache, so let's save the coy euphemisms for the dreadlocked white kids in the quad. The DEA and the so-called "prison-industrial complex" wouldn't give up without a fight; not to forget the endlessly moralizing senators piercing the hearts of middle America with touching sermons about gateway drugs. It's not that I disagree -- alcohol's worse -- but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

pharmaceutical companies are already losing ground with the American public. This is creating a major loophole in the system. It's going to take small steps. The first being legalization of medicial marijuana. Second dicrimalizing marijuana. Third the reintroduction of hemp as a natural resource. Now we can implement any of this without some serious lobbist funds. Now i completely agree with you as far as selling it to middle america. Any thoughts?

I'm not convinced the whims of the American public are important. I see a lot of indignation about a lot of topics, but I don't see a lot of change.

I thought medical marijuana was legal, at least at some point, in parts of the US. An aggressive campaign for decriminalizing it in a mass market is going to lead to political hysteria. I tend to think the public, stupid as it is, won't see the progression from a waif doing a rough course of chemo that needs her appetite back to you and the grip department hotboxing it in the U-Haul.

Non-drug hemp is already used for more than messenger bags and hackey sacks; it's been wound into (uselessly non-smokable) rope for ages. I still don't think the presence of hemp products, however conflated they generally are with marijuana, really helps warm people to the idea of legalizing the drug. I could be wrong, though.

Now, what loophole do you  speak of?

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Well yeah, about trying to

Well yeah, about trying to get pot, etc, legalized eventually. Thanks to those that make an effort, better than I. At least it's pretty available, but the mafia prices and prisons laws are insane.

  El Gato, you's  a clever writer, and an interesting site you link, which I will better look thru. Maybe a thread on 'nihilist' ???  I could never much get my little head around it, like the freewill debates. Seems a dead end philosophically for this dead head.

Nietzsche - German philosopher, advocated overcoming the slave mentality and nihilism that he thought were exemplified in historical Christianity. [ Sartre too, etc ]



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*Whistles on his way through

*Whistles on his way through the thread*

Click Me! :D


Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:*Whistles on

Vastet wrote:

*Whistles on his way through the thread*

Click Me! :D



excuse the long hiatus. Thank you for posting the link, Vastet. Interesting to see the Canadian perspective. Got a friend in the UK who is about to give me a new update on the laws over there. Apparently some major law just passed in Parliament. Something about changing the class and category of Marijuana.

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El Gato Negro wrote:Vastet

El Gato Negro wrote:

Vastet wrote:

*Whistles on his way through the thread*

Click Me! :D



excuse the long hiatus. Thank you for posting the link, Vastet. Interesting to see the Canadian perspective. Got a friend in the UK who is about to give me a new update on the laws over there. Apparently some major law just passed in Parliament. Something about changing the class and category of Marijuana.

I recall hearing about that a few months ago.

Oo, quoting your post notified me as to where that link was located. MSN is disbanding groups, so that link will only work for another 13 days or so. Fortunately I have it here as well:

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Obama for marijuana???

Obama for marijuana???