More Sarah Palin lunacy!

Some of you have probably seen these by now, but for those who haven't, watch these before they're taken down. Send these to everyone you know!
When will this become a bigger issue in the press?
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
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Both links lead to the same spot.
I think this is the Keith Olbermann thing:
More here.......
Thanks Nikimoto. Copied & pasted the wrong link the second time.
Does it irritate anyone else that the media jumped all over the Rev. wright thing (which arguably turned out not to be a big deal,) but haven't given Palin's church anywhere near the coverage? It's clear from the footage we have, that Palin is certifiable, yet most people are completely unaware!
Hell even the RRS blogs have talked about Palin's daughter etc., but haven't made a post on this yet? WTF???????
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
... done, mailed
I find it so funny that of all the politians i know, this weird hockey mom scares me the most.
If she was just weird or just a hockey mom, I could deal with that. I wouldn't like the weird part necessarily, but I could accept it as I do with a vast array of people I already know and trust.
The idea of her becoming arguably the 2nd most prominent American in the world is what terrifies me. She has shown, in the limited arena where she's been permitted to speak, that she is both incoherent and irrational.
Her answers in the interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric were all over the map. Only a couple of times did she answer the questions directly. In all other instances she either dodged the question as a typical politician would do when confronted with a no-win scenario OR she answered like she knew what she was talking about and as if she was answering the question directly, when in fact she wasn't even close to understanding the question itself.
It appears, if one is to believe the latest polls, that the Obama-Biden ticket is making substantial gains in a few battleground states over the past week. That has given me some measure of comfort. Last night though, I had my third nightmare (since she was picked by McCain and his close knit group of advisors and good friends) about lil Ms. Alaskan Veep Figurehead and her election and eventual rise to the Presidency. It was not a nice dream at all.
We get to see more of her tonight and I hope Biden looks and sounds better BUT that he doesn't scorch her too bad lest she receive a new wave of sympathy support to ride.
I think McCain should just go ahead and dump Palin from the ticket and go with another female VP who knows how to handle pressure and deal with the media.....
The comparisons to Dan Quayle remind me of an old George Carlin routine from that time - how some people are stupid, some people are fucking nuts and some people are full of shit. She - like Dan Quayle - is all 3.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
A Britney, I think.
Well, Palin and her are about equally sane.
Geez, I thought everybody in the US who owned a television knew about Britney being a mental case...
Give the man a cigar !!!
Yeah, well while we're on the topic of Palin lunacy,
there's this little funny gem from break. com
I think Sarah's man is giving her the cigar in this one...
***not to have little ones around for this link***
Uhhh, enjoy....I umm think?
Not that I wouldn't fuck her...
The idea of fucking Palin makes me sick. The owner of the pussy matters to me, as easy going, and horny as I am. Geezz Matt, lust is not cureable, but shit man, be no woman's fool.
Atheism Books.
This is the best video I've seen on Palin and the danger of her religious beliefs so far..
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell
Thanks again AmericanIdle. I just sent this email to my 200 plus list,
Did you all even watch the VP debate tonight yet? Religion is idol worship lunacy ... no savior exists ... get real ... counting on a savior is NUTS ... Palin and all worshiping "god of of abraham", as is most all western religion shit dogma, is simply fucking WRONG.
The traditional church is ran by "blind hypocrites" as story Jesus said .... Christianity is Antichrist crap.
I call Christianity and all "god of Abe" shit, including Judaism and Islam the devil's gospel of WRONG thinking ....
Palin’s unexplored foreign policy credential: Biblical prophecy
Atheism Books.
Best... Emoticon... Ever
What Would Kharn Do?
That video sums up exactly why I think Palin is such a big deal. Frickin' scary!
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
Scary stuff! The "end times" could well be upon us if she gets more power. It's a worry!!
"Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition". - Isaac Asimov