Denial of the Holy Spirit and Why Christian Conversion is Useless.

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Denial of the Holy Spirit and Why Christian Conversion is Useless.

I watched “The God Who Wasn't There” for the first time today. I know, I should have watched it a long time ago, but I never really got around to it. I decided to get it yesterday because I am tired of my friends talking about Zeitgeist and I've heard over and over again that TGWWT is about the same subject and infinitely better. When I watched it, it didn't tell me much that I didn't know, but it was very good at telling it to me. I very much enjoy the soundtrack, especially the “this is just a simulation” track.


The thing that stood out to me the most was Flemming's account of his childhood attending his private Catholic school. He pointed out the two verses that talk about the unforgivable sin of denying the Holy Spirit and how, as a child, he was terrified that he had accidentally done that before. Christians doubt all the time, especially the Holy Spirit. These two verses say that if you ever believe that there is no Holy Spirit, it's game over. No second chances. If you've ever believed there is no Holy Spirit, you're going straight to hell.


This means that there are beaucoups of people who profess to be Christians, have previously doubted the validity of the Holy Spirit, and are now unwittingly condemned to hell. They unknowingly continue their obedience to god. Maybe this is why prayers are so rarely answered: anyone who has ever been skeptical about their religion is automatically doomed to hell!


This leads to my point. Any non-Christians that are old enough to have considered the possibility of the Holy Spirit and denied the existence of it (which constituted the majority of non-Christian people), are permanently doomed to hell. Therefore, any attempts to convert these people are completely futile. Even if they do convert, they are still going to hell.

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The Atheist Delusion, 

The Atheist Delusion,  wrote:

 "He stole the keys of sin and death because through his redemptive work on the cross, we shall have eternal life where there is no sin nor death." ~~~~~~~~

  WOW, my sincere sympathies, as you are like perfectly brainwashed. Your god of abraham and your pauline jesus is pure hand me down devilish ignorant surrender dogma pollution .... "Get behind me Satan", you fool as was story jesus scolding hypocrite peter, the arrogant "rock" dummy. In religious terms christainity is of the most blasphemist stifling theologies ever contrived against reason and logic.