The culture of internet porn and teens

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The culture of internet porn and teens

ABC has done an article on the prevalence of young people using the internet and cell phones to post nude pictures of themselves. 


Despite specific warnings from prosecutors, the 15-year-old Ohio girl who was arrested last week and accused of sending nude pictures of herself to classmates probably doubted that she could ultimately be forced to register as a sex offender under state law, psychologists and Internet experts say.

Is this appropriate?  Should a fifteen year old girl be a registered sex offender for taking nudie photos of herself?  I thought the idea was that we're trying to protect children from sexual predators.  There's no predator here.

What about her classmates who saw her naked?  Are they scarred for life?  (Yeah.  I know... make your own joke about really fat ugly naked girls...  I'm asking this seriously.)  Are they scarred for this afternoon?  Are the boys going to become sexual predators because of seeing this photo?

(Remember... if you say they are going to be more likely to do or be anything, I'm going to demand the study where you got the information.)

"They don't understand the consequences," said Aftab, an ABC News consultant.

Actually, I don't understand the consequences, either.  I'm just having a hard time wrapping my brain around this.  What real harm has been done?  Laws are here to protect people from harm, right? 

I know there's a fine line here.  Since this photo has been taken, there's now an illegal picture floating around the internet.  Somebody might unknowingly be looking at child pornography.  Hell, if they ever have their computer searched, they could go to jail for many, many years.

Also, what if a genuine sexual deviant gets a hold of this photo.  Then, he'll have a photo of an underage girl to which he can jerk off.   That's bad, right?

Actually, when you think about it, maybe it's not as bad as all that.  The girl in this particular photo wasn't exploited or used.  She took the photo herself.  Granted, the child fetishest is doing something wrong under the law, and if the photo was found, he would be prosecuted for possessing child porn, and that would be fine and dandy.  But there's a finer point in this.  If you search the internet for "pictures of 17 year olds" you'd probably find some naked girls.  Are they really seventeen?  I dunno.  Probably some are, and some aren't.  Same goes for 16 or 15 year olds.  The fact is, it's impossible to tell their age from their bodies.  You can make a good guess that a girl isn't fully mature, but what if she was a late bloomer?  I've seen twenty year olds who looked like fifteen year olds and vice versa  (clothed, you perverts!)

I'm getting around to a broad point here.  I'm all for protecting children from adult sexual predators, but is this particular prosecution actually doing that, or is it a knee-jerk reaction because it's about children and sex?  Are we just metaphorically confiscating nail clippers from grandmothers on planes?

"They don't think about where that video is going to go, or how long it's going to be on the Internet and the 50-year-old who is going to be drooling over it."

Supposing that there are fifty year old men drooling over this girl's picture, what exactly is the issue?  I know, I know.  It's embarrassing and humiliating.  But is it embarrassing and humiliating because the knowledge that old men are drooling over you is inherently embarrassing and humiliating, or is it because we have a religiously inspired view of sexuality that teaches us from early childhood that we should be embarrassed and humiliated at the thought of anyone drooling over us, or worse... having a fantasy about having sex with us!

I know a woman who has two young daughters.  Back before the childbirthing years, she had quite a few nude photos taken, and from what I'm led to believe, she had some X-rated ones taken too, though I've never been invited to personally verify this information.  Anyway, she's proud of the photos.  She says "Hey, I'm never going to look that good again, and I like knowing that I can always see how hot I was when I was young.  Brings back sexy memories."

Conceited?  Brash?  Maybe, but is that wrong?  What's wrong with her being proud of being hot when she was younger?  For that matter, supposing she had a picture of herself nude at 15, would it be wrong for her to keep it in her collection?  Is it wrong for her to be turned on remembering her own sexuality when she was 15?  This isn't a small point, by the way.  Suppose, for example, that a couple starts dating at 15 and end up getting married at 21.  Supposing that they had sex when they were fifteen, and took a nude photo of the girl, is it wrong for them to keep it in their photo collection after they are married?  Are they wrong for remembering how fun it was?  Or... are they only wrong for looking at a picture of how fun it was?  Or... is it only wrong for them to show the picture to others?  But... if they're proud of it, and show it to one of their friends, who exactly is being harmed?

I suggest that even with child porn, the line is not quite as clear cut as it might seem.  Oh, I forgot to mention -- my friend, when asked about her daughters seeing the photos, said that she'd be proud for her daughters to see how hot their mom was.  They've got good genes, and they ought to be proud of it.

Interesting... no humiliation.  Hell, she showed the photos at a party to people she'd only just met.  No humiliation.  I wonder, if she had taken photos when she was seventeen or sixteen... would that automatically have made her humiliated and degraded? 

If convicted, the girl, whose identity has not been released, could face a sentence of anywhere from probation to several years in a juvenile detention center.


Is this appropriate?


authorities are also considering charges for the students who received her photos, which are considered child pornography under law.

What the fuck?  High school kids are exploring their sexuality like all high school kids do, and we're going to fucking lock them all up and make them child offenders for the rest of their life because they used a phone while doing so?  Curiously, if she had taken her clothes off for them in person, there wouldn't have been a crime, as far as I know.

Again, I have to ask.  Is this really about child pornography, or is it possible we're overreacting just a tad.  Isn't this just natural sexual experimentation by teenagers?

There are other examples. Earlier this year, an Ohio boy reportedly made a sexual cell phone video of himself and sent it to female classmates, one of whom then forwarded the video to at least 30 other people. Similar incidents have been reported in Wyoming, New York and Pennsylvania.

Ok...  And I can't say I think it's the best idea, but again... are they going to charge everyone who received the video?  Is it really about stamping out every single instance of the digital recording of anything potentially sexual by teens, or are we trying to protect people from sexual predators?  If we're trying to protect people from sexual predators, shouldn't we be going after sexual predators, and not teens pulling pranks on each other?

By the way, in all seriousness, do you think this kid's life is ruined, or is it more likely that he'll just have to sheepishly accept some ribbing at parties when he grows up?  I'm afraid that if he's a Christian, he might have some real problems, but I live in a microculture of non-Christians who just chuckle a little at stupid childhood sexual antics.  They don't have a cow, man.

"They don't understand the global nature and extent of the Internet, and how easy it is once you posted something, even if you think it's private, could become public very quickly," said John Grohol, a psychologist and publisher of

Um... really?  You're telling me that a fifteen year old who's been on the internet since she was four doesn't know that it's global or that there's porn all over the place?

Yeah... and nobody knows that cigarettes are dangerous, either.

Such incidents are a symptom of a culture where sexual imagery like the infamous photo of Britney Spears' exposed crotch or Vanity Fair's seminude photos of 15-year-old "Hannah Montana" star Miley Cyrus have become the norm, said Jean Kilbourne, author of "So Sexy, So Soon: The New Sexualized Childhood and What Parents Can Do to Protect Their Kids."

So what?  I've seen Britney's snatch.  It looks suspiciously like a vagina.  So what?  I saw the Hannah Montana photos, too.  They're nice photos.  So what?  She's pretty, and old enough to know that she's pretty and sexual.  Can't we all just "drop trou" and laugh at each other's privates for a minute and then get over it?

"This is primarily because of the Internet porn that has become incredibly available to everybody, including very young children," she said. "Today, an 8-year-old can stumble onto a site in which two or three men are doing everything imaginable to one woman."

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a non-sequitur.  Weren't we just talking about a fifteen year old girl taking nude photos of herself on her cell phone?  How'd we get to 8-year-olds surfing the internet without parental supervision?  THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE TOPIC.  It's alarmist and reactionary and emotional.  We all think it's scary that an eight year old might see porn, right?

Well... actually... I'm not a hundred percent convinced that it's scary or even bad.  Sex is part of life.  Why, again, do we think that it's a good idea to keep sex a secret from children?  Where's the study that proves that children are scarred for life if they learn about sex before puberty?  All the science I know about shows very clearly that before children are interested in sex, they're unimpressed and singularly ambivalent about sexual imagery.  If an eight year old saw a very graphic photo -- say, two guys in leather with whips having anal sex -- a mother who calmly explained that some grown men do some unusual sexual things sometimes, might be doing herself and her daughter a favor, as opposed to freaking out and making a federal case out of it.  (Literally.)  Grown adults who like whips and leather and anal sex aren't doing anything wrong if it's consentual.  Why not just pass it by casually and suggest a nature film instead?  It's not the end of the world.

"Everybody feels that the most important thing is to get your 15 minutes of fame and to go to any lengths to achieve it. So sending pictures around like that is a way of getting a whole lot of attention and recognition even though it's going to be devastating and short-lived."

This is empty ranting.  What's the point?

There's no doubting their interest. A study released last year by the University of Alberta found as many as 90 percent of boys and 70 percent of girls between the ages of 13 and 14 have accessed sexually explicit material at least once.


A prime example of the mainstreaming of pornography, said Kilbourne, is the widespread popularity of thong underwear, a garment that originated in the world of strippers and porn and made its way into major apparel retail shops across America.

This is very simple.  If you have dimples in your ass, you can wear a thong.  If you have cellulite, do us all a favor and cover that shit up.

Add that to a world where many young people long to become overnight Internet sensations and incidents like the one in Ohio are inevitable, said Carmine Sarracino, co-author of "The Porning of America."


"It's simply an emulation. The more important point is that they get porn whether or not they go looking for it because the whole culture is shaped by porn. They get porn through the mainstream culture," Sarracino said, citing Abercrombie & Fitch ads with half-naked men and women, as well as a Carl's Jr. hamburger commercial, where Paris Hilton appeared to mimic oral sex with a burger.

Oh, fuck off.  No, they don't.  I have the internet at my office, and not once have I been assaulted by porn at work.  However, when I type "two girls one guy blowjob" into my search, I get porn.  That's because we have this thing called "Google" that gives us what we want on the internet.

And by the way, that Abercrombie and Fitch ad isn't porn.  It's sexy people advertising clothes.

And by the way, SO FUCKING WHAT if Paris Hilton emulates a blowjob.  The kids who don't know what a blowjob is won't get it.  The ones who do will get it.  They'll laugh, or they'll talk about what a bitch Paris is.  So fucking what?

"It's a symptom of a much larger phenomenon that's happening."


Um... what is it that's happening?


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That's so fucked up. I blame

That's so fucked up. I blame religion again for the fucked up view of sex the average American has. First off even if it was an adult getting off on the pictures, that's not pedophilia - a 15 year old isn't a child - but the big issue is that child porn laws are meant to protect children/teens from being victimized - she can hardly victimize herself. This is the sort of thing that happens with these bullshit "zero tolerance" laws they have. By the way, there's a great chapter in David Mills' "Atheist Universe" about regular porn and how the religious right is wrong about it.

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For clarification:Dimples -

For clarification:

Dimples - OK for thong:


No dimples.  Not ok for thong:

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Maybe now's a good time to

Maybe now's a good time to track down that vi.... I've said too much.

All I see here is an empty rant, filled with non sequiturs, about how children are using the internet they grew up with as a tool to explore their sexuality.  There's something that seems more innocent about that than having the sex that their parents don't wnat them to.  Of course, they're still having that.  Perhaps people should consider that they were once young people with budding sexualities and that they weren't predated on merely because of this?  If young people have found some new way to express and explore their sexuality, it won't have been the first time and it is certainly not the last time. -Well, it might be for that poor girl and her friend.

[MOD EDIT: I deleted your double post  -HD]

Edit: Thanks, Hambydammit

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Quote: This is the sort of

This is the sort of thing that happens with these bullshit "zero tolerance" laws they have.

Zero tolerance equals zero individual thought.

By the way, there's a great chapter in David Mills' "Atheist Universe" about regular porn and how the religious right is wrong about it.

Yep.  It's a really well written chapter.  Hell, the whole book is fantastic.  I recommend that one over Dawkins to most run of the mill theists.  He did a great job of writing for people on that level.


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GRRRRRRR! It's fucking OHIO

GRRRRRRR! It's fucking OHIO again!

This state is fucked up. Sure, there's a lot of educated folks here (the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology is having its annual meeting here right now), but FUCK! this is stupid.

So we're driven by sex. As we said back when i was a teen exploring sexuality: Duh!

Why is it that the letter of the law inevitably fails to reflect the spirit of the law? Or is it a twisting of the spirit to match the spirit of those wishing the world were a different place?

Anyway, thanks Hamby. I didn't need blood pressure pills before, but I suspect I do now.


[edit] fixed typo

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Holy crap! Yeah, I agree

Holy crap! Yeah, I agree with you on the whole thing, Hamby. 

If convicted, the girl, whose identity has not been released, could face a sentence of anywhere from probation to several years in a juvenile detention center.

Several years in juvi for taking pictures of herself? Really?

This just doesn't seem justified. I mean, she's going to be punished by society, not based on her actual crimes, but because of their implications. It's like a crime of morality.

And, sex offender? I thought this was reserved for people who actually molested other people. This girl is going to be listed in the same category as rapists? How does that make sense?

"They don't understand the consequences," said Aftab, an ABC News consultant. "They don't think about where that video is going to go, or how long it's going to be on the Internet and the 50-year-old who is going to be drooling over it."

As an 18 year old myself, I would argue that virtually all of them DO understand the consequences. In fact, it is partly the very thought that men will be enjoying their pictures that inspires them to do this. It gives them a sense of recklessness, power, and  accomplishment 

"They don't understand the global nature and extent of the Internet, and how easy it is once you posted something, even if you think it's private, could become public very quickly," said John Grohol, a psychologist and publisher of

Generation Y and Z already understand the Internet better than the previous generations. If they know how to use html to post a picture, then, certainly they can figure out that the Internet is public. 

That's why teenagers make their stuff public in the first place, so that everyone on the Internet that visits the page can see it. To suggest that most teenagers actually want their stuff to be private, but "screw up" because they didn't know how the Internet worked........this is beyond ignorant.

There's no doubting their interest. A study released last year by the University of Alberta found as many as 90 percent of boys and 70 percent of girls between the ages of 13 and 14 have accessed sexually explicit material at least once.

Strange, although this is undoubtedly true, I doubt that most 13-14 year olds would actually admit to this, for fear of their parents finding out. So, how did they conduct this study?

Also, why is this supposed to be surprising? Doesn't anyone remember their childhood?

authorities are also considering charges for the students who received her photos, which are considered child pornography under law.


Wait, am I not interpreting this correctly? They're going to be condemned for receiving the pictures? What the fuck? What the hell were they supposed to do? Delete the picture before they looked at it? 

Inside the Minds of Teens Who Post Sexual Images of Themselves


Internet Facilitates Self-Nude Photos but Teens Miss the Implications

Even the subtitle is extremely biased.

Of course, don't get me wrong, I don't support child pornography, but this kind of thing should simply be condemned and left up to the parents. Several years in jail? Phooey.  

Hambydammit wrote:
Oh, fuck off.  No, they don't.  I have the internet at my office, and not once have I been assaulted by porn at work.  However, when I type "two girls one guy blowjob" into my search, I get porn.




Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Quote:Of course, don't get

Of course, don't get me wrong, I don't support child pornography, but this kind of thing should simply be condemned and left up to the parents. Several years in jail? Phooey. 

Should we even condemn it?  Why?  Instead of having a cow about some nudie pictures being sent to some friends, wouldn't it be better to take an entirely different route?  "Listen, Little Suzie, I understand you sent some naughty pictures to your friends.  I hope you know that if you're thinking of becoming sexually active, you owe it to yourself and all of your friends to make mature decisions about it.  It's fun to experiment with sexuality, but remember, when you do it with the internet or cell phones, it could stay around for a long time.  Are you going to be ok with that?"

If we think about it, all those stories about people losing their jobs because of photos from their youth... is that a representation of them being bad people, or is it just a bunch of prudes getting their panties in a twist about stuff that isn't their business.  Who fucking cares about nudie pictures?  It's just bodies, for fuck's sake.




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Quote:Of course, don't get

Of course, don't get me wrong, I don't support child pornography, but this kind of thing should simply be condemned and left up to the parents. Several years in jail? Phooey. 

Should we even condemn it?  Why?  Instead of having a cow about some nudie pictures being sent to some friends, wouldn't it be better to take an entirely different route?  "Listen, Little Suzie, I understand you sent some naughty pictures to your friends.  I hope you know that if you're thinking of becoming sexually active, you owe it to yourself and all of your friends to make mature decisions about it.  It's fun to experiment with sexuality, but remember, when you do it with the internet or cell phones, it could stay around for a long time.  Are you going to be ok with that?"

If we think about it, all those stories about people losing their jobs because of photos from their youth... is that a representation of them being bad people, or is it just a bunch of prudes getting their panties in a twist about stuff that isn't their business.  Who fucking cares about nudie pictures?  It's just bodies, for fuck's sake.




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You know, in the original

You know, in the original Greek, "pornography" refers to writing (though I assume that may be stretched a bit to include scribbling little drawings, too--the Greeks did that alot) about "harlots", and by extension, the deeds of harlots.  I can think of no book as influential in the history of western civilization that deals with harlots and their deeds more than the Bible.  King David, and by extension, Jesus himself, had Rahab the harlot of Jericho in his lineage, and of course in the End Times, we will all be confronted with the choice of remaining pure or drinking of the cup of the fornications of the Whore of Babylon (one might read, the Devil's "Bottom Bitch&quotEye-wink.  So I can only assume that those Bible Stories for Kids books (I remember the Jericho story quite clearly from one of those) are child pornography, or at least pornography for children.

As for a stupid teenager who flashes her tits at the tenth grade via the cell phone, I get the feeling that the authorities are overreacting because they've lost all capacity to counteract the independent exploration of sexuality by teenagers and more importantly, that they'd lost it years ago but didn't know until Tuesday.  I can imagine how a guy my dad's age, who's never sent an email or taken a digital photograph, might feel absolutely helpless in the face of this development, especially if he's got even a smidgen of the sense that his daughter is his property until her marriage (Google "Purity Balls", if you've not heard of them.  Balls.  Baaaaaaaalls.)  

By way of a non-sequitur, I'd like to mention that "Harlot" would be an adorable name for a little girl.  Just sounds cute to me.


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Technically it was the

Technically it was the writings OF "harlots" (pornos was the name for a low-class prostitute. ) It literally was grafitti advertising by them.

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Hambydammit wrote:Should we

Hambydammit wrote:
Should we even condemn it?  Why?

Haha, I didn't even think about that.


Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare

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Quote:Haha, I didn't even

Haha, I didn't even think about that.

If you'll permit me to use you as an example, this is exactly what I'm trying to change in the world.  Our preconceptions of sexuality are so dominated by religion that even among atheists, it often doesn't occur to us that a particular thing might not be inherently wrong just because our parents would think it so.  The fact is, it's normal and natural for teenagers to experiment with sexuality.  It's best if they do it with each other as opposed to old people because they're just learning.  They're usually not sophisticated enough to know all the subtlety involved in adult sexual talk and activity.

The bottom line, though, is that we Americans tend to believe that there are magical lines between nonsexuality and sexuality, and that some things are just plain wrong.  The fact is, some fifteen year olds are mature enough to have sexual relationships and others aren't mature enough when they're twenty five.  There's nothing inherently wrong with a picture of a fifteen year old's boobs.  And if I may go one tenuous step farther... is there really any crime committed if a twenty one year old has a fantasy about having sex with a young girl while looking at a picture of a girl who may or may not be eighteen?  Is thoughtcrime really illegal now?  (Consider:  If this girl's picture is on the internet, and some guy finds it, guesses that she's underage, and jerks off, has anyone -- anyone at all -- been harmed?)

Look, exploiting teens for the sexual gratification of adults is bad because it exploits teens.  But come on, people!  Teens enjoying the exploration of their emerging sexuality is awesome!  Don't you remember how awesome it was the first time you saw someone of the preferred sex naked?  Your first session of "hands in the pants"?  It's all new and magical and wonderful, and if we cynical adults would just stop telling impressionable kids how horrible it is that they're growing up naturally, they could probably enjoy it more, and more responsibly.



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Hambydammit wrote:Look,

Hambydammit wrote:

Look, exploiting teens for the sexual gratification of adults is bad because it exploits teens.  But come on, people!  Teens enjoying the exploration of their emerging sexuality is awesome!  Don't you remember how awesome it was the first time you saw someone of the preferred sex naked?  Your first session of "hands in the pants"?  It's all new and magical and wonderful, and if we cynical adults would just stop telling impressionable kids how horrible it is that they're growing up naturally, they could probably enjoy it more, and more responsibly.

I agree a hundred percent. I grew up around folks that felt the human body was meant to be hidden and sex talk avoided…… and as a result, I became quite backwards regarding the subject. I mean, there’s simply no reason I should have felt ashamed to simply buy a condom. But none the less, I was. There’s no reason I should have treated sex as a form of secret rebellion. But yet, I did. I wasn’t able to form a healthy sexual relationship until I was about nineteen.

In the end all this behavior is managing to do is create the very problems it seeks to avoid. What’s worse is, I get the feeling they know this and are simply ignoring it.

That aside, I’m no longer surprised when it comes to this sort of thing. I was born and raised here in Ohio, and I’ve seen some pretty stupid stuff take place. (But lucky me, I will be moving to Florida (again) sometime towards the end of the month…… and they’re just brimming with atheist and rationalist there…. )

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The sex gene , the big bang,

The sex gene , the big bang, DNA, atomic attraction, always fucking .... the cosmic dance of attraction , with rejection on the other side fucking as well , plus minus, yin yang, matter anti matter always fucking, getting it on , as the middle of the one of fucking , as says thermodynamics as all fucks ....

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 I think 15 year old girl

 I think 15 year old girl would be too old for any real pedophyle. 

There's a flash game where you're given a photo of a girl and you have to choose if she's legal, however i can't find that game right now.

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Quote:There's a flash game

There's a flash game where you're given a photo of a girl and you have to choose if she's legal, however i can't find that game right now.

I remember that game.  It's actually what I was thinking of when I wrote that part of the OP.

The thing is, there are two completely different issues when it comes to minors.  The first is adults using prepubescent or adolescent children for sex.  That's the really scary stuff that fucks people up for the rest of their lives.  It's obvious when a child is prepubescent.  There's no wiggle room or "I thought she was 18" bullshit.  That's pedophilia.

The article I critiqued equated 8 year olds seeing sex on the internet with 15 year olds taking pictures of themselves.  These two things are not connected.  Furthermore, what does it matter whether the girl is 15 or 25 if we're talking about 8 year olds seeing porn?  If we're talking about porn on the internet, let's talk about that, but if the subject is 15 year old girls, then it's another matter.

Generally speaking, all 15 year olds are aware of their sexuality, and many of them are well on their way to physical sexual maturity.  That is, they are difficult to distinguish physically from 18, 20, or sometimes even 22 year olds and older.  Emotionally and intellectually, they are often naive and inexperienced, and so we have laws about adults exploiting them for sex.  But let's get this absolutely clear.  There's a very big difference between a 21 year old dating a 15 year old and any adult having any kind of sexual contact with an 8 year old.

A very big difference.

I'm not suggesting that we ought to clap our hands and do a jig when our 15 year old daughters bring home 21 year old boyfriends.  However, treating that as pedophilia is just wrong.  It's not.  Ninety five percent of the time, It's a horny 21 year old and a horny 15 year old who both want to have sex.  They're both sexually mature enough to have sex.

But this article isn't even about 15 year olds having sex.  It's about seeing their breasts naked.  Again, your point is very well made.  Just looking at a photo, it's really damn hard to guess the age of the subject.  Seeing a sexually developed 15 year old naked and getting turned on is not perverted or criminal.  Evolution has designed women to be most attractive to men when they're young, and men to be attracted most to young women.

I'm sick and tired of people equating pedophilia with teenage experimentation.  The two are profoundly different.  It's a direct result of a culturally enforced attitude that sex suddenly becomes magically ok on a person's 18th birthday, but that it's evil, perverted, and degrading before that.

We should protect teens from predators, but hell, we should protect everybody from predators.  Underage girls shouldn't be forced into prostitution, but neither should 30 year old women.  At some point, we really ought to look at the draconian laws addressing teens and sex and ask ourselves if what we're doing is for the protection of the innocent or the enforcement of morality.



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 Well it's for sure that

 Well it's for sure that it's something fucked up in the system if a 15year old girl can be sentenced for being a normal teenager (interested in sex). F that, there's some fucked up things in USA laws.

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We all are born not only

We all are born not only atheists, but also naked, and through sexual organs. This is the God's standard, which the Christian morality should accept. If not, we should remind them on every ocassion.
Reputedly, the sexuality is very effective way of controlling people. The fear from people discovering their sexuality might be a fear of losing control over them.

"Sexual offense"? What the hell is this nonsense? What idiot usurps the right to decide by what people should be offended?
Naked people, male, female, pretty, or ugly, never offended me. ( because fortunately I had been raised so) Sexuality is not a form of offense. (unless they don't invite you)
Of course, I don't say I'd take a pics of myself, or found myself on a nude beach, but I respect the right of everyone for that. The right for nudity and sexuality should be expressed in a chart of basic human rights, so no old pervert, or a hag with cellulitis can ever threaten young hot teens for not hiding their body. Also, the informations about a function of sexual organs (which is moral, by the way) should be made available to uninformed children, just as there are advices about hygiene, nutrition or traffic rules, meant for protecting other aspects of our health. I hope this shows well how de-tabooized these informations must become.

The antisexual bigotry itself is a form of sexual perversion. It directly creates a perversion by suppressing the sexuality, this is why it's unhealthy. For example, there wouldn't be practically no misuse of children by priests, if the priests would have their girlfriends.
Sexual activity (including gay and lesbo, which is also common among animals) doesn't cost lives, quite oppositely. Only open-minded, guilt-free sexuality provides a safety from thoughts of harming others sexually, and it's the best way how to discover a real deviants, (if any) who would be otherwise well hidden. How can we otherwise differ a hidden deviant from a "chaste" person?
Also, if a sexuality is an expression of love, then we should support the love. Love is moral.

I had read about some american standards about nudity and sexuality. Reputedly, people can't be naked even witin their own house, if the neighbours can know about it. The highway drivers, who in Europe used to urinate at the side of the road, are now yelled upon by American drivers. Skinny dippers and nudists are arrested, if their bare ass is seen by anyone passing by. They're not flashers, they're people enjoying the comfortable state of nudity, a comfort which the clothed people can never know.


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Quote:Reputedly, the

Reputedly, the sexuality is very effective way of controlling people. The fear from people discovering their sexuality might be a fear of losing control over them.

It's not just reputed.  It's well understood by psychologists that control of a person's sexuality is pretty much equivalent to control of the person.  From the point of view of evolutionary psychology, this is almost a no-brainer, since we are complex social creatures built on the foundation of gene survival through sexual reproduction.

Also, the informations about a function of sexual organs (which is moral, by the way) should be made available to uninformed children, just as there are advices about hygiene, nutrition or traffic rules, meant for protecting other aspects of our health. I hope this shows well how de-tabooized these informations must become.

I have never read one scientific, controlled study which demonstrated any harm at all to children who learn about sex honestly and frankly before puberty.  There is simply not one shred of evidence that human sexuality ought to be hidden from children.  This is not to say they shouldn't be protected from sexual predators, but that is entirely different from the notion of shielding them from the knowledge of human sexuality.

Hiding sexuality from children is a well established tradition, but I can't find a shred of evidence that it's necessary or good.

The antisexual bigotry itself is a form of sexual perversion. It directly creates a perversion by suppressing the sexuality, this is why it's unhealthy. For example, there wouldn't be practically no misuse of children by priests, if the priests would have their girlfriends.

Well, there's still the possibility that some priests are pedophiles, and pedophilia is a real condition that isn't tied directly to suppression in childhood, but your point is well made.  It has been widely suggested, though never scientifically proven, that many men become priests in an attempt to control homosexual urges or other "deviant" sexuality.  You are absolutely correct to say that embracing human sexuality for what it is would likely limit or nearly eliminate sexual abuse by priests.  It's just that maybe quite a few of them would prefer boyfriends.  In any case, you're still correct.

Sexual activity (including gay and lesbo, which is also common among animals) doesn't cost lives, quite oppositely. Only open-minded, guilt-free sexuality provides a safety from thoughts of harming others sexually, and it's the best way how to discover a real deviants, (if any) who would be otherwise well hidden. How can we otherwise differ a hidden deviant from a "chaste" person?

It's truly sad that the scientific study of human sexuality has taken "deviance" as a given.  A recent study (I don't have the link, but it should be easy to google) demonstrated that people who are into BDSM and other deviant sexual practices are no  more or less happy in their outside life than people with "normal" missionary tendencies.  They don't have higher rates of depression or low self esteem, and when they are allowed to practice their preferred... um... practices without prejudice, they seem just as normal as anyone else.

As far as I can tell, "normal" and "deviant" sexuality are largely religious constructs.  I can't find a scientific parallel.  However, it is worth mentioning that there are genuine cases of significantly harmful sexual compulsions, such as pedophilia, necrophilia, amputee fetishes, etc.  (That means people get off sexually by having their limbs cut off.  No shit.  Look it up.  It's a real condition.)  Just as there are degrees of mental health that are so far from the norm as to be classified as disorders (bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc) so too are there sexual neurological conditions.  However, these are very, very rare compared with the number of people who are labeled as sexually deviant.

I had read about some american standards about nudity and sexuality. Reputedly, people can't be naked even witin their own house, if the neighbours can know about it.

That's basically true in most states.  For instance, if your back yard is visible to the neighbors, you cannot sunbathe nude.  If your windows are open and visible to neighbors or the street, you cannot be nude.

Skinny dippers and nudists are arrested, if their bare ass is seen by anyone passing by.

Except in very controlled, very small areas designated as nude beaches, this is true.  Again, even if you are skinny dipping on private property, you can be arrested if someone sees you.

They're not flashers, they're people enjoying the comfortable state of nudity, a comfort which the clothed people can never know.

I wasn't kidding earlier when I said I think everybody ought to just drop their trousers and get over it.  I suspect that particularly in America, some people go a little overboard with nudism as a backlash against the repression, but for the most part, I think if nudity were not so villified, people would be a lot more comfortable with themselves in general.


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Luminon, right on friend,

Luminon, right on friend, you too Hamby. Yeah, out law clothes, unless it's cold .... Kidding a side, I vote to enact a national, world wide, yearly "nude day" or more .... I want freedom.

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Pedophilia:  (According to

Pedophilia:  (According to the DSM)

  • A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger);
  • B. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty;
  • C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.

So, just to be clear, pedophilia is NOT involved in any case where the girl is a post-pubescent teenager.  Let's keep our hysterical fears separated appropriately, ok?



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This is United States of

This is United States of North America, theo-memetic bullshit. It is strictly a religious (more specifically, a Christian) value judgement and legislative law.

How could I dare say such a thing?


Question: Have you ever watched a man being literally cut right down the center, spleen and spinal chord vertebrates visibly bursting-out his back like pearly champagne corks? I have. Where did I see it? On the screen of a computer in my high-school computer lab. When? When I was 17, watching snuff footage from the Iraq conflict (namely, what happened to Saddam's guard units when the heavy American munitions hit them. I'm the last person t condone armed warfare or violence, butI've got to say: it looked really fucking cool). The 3rd person to find-out what I was watching? My Lab teacher.

Did cops get called? Did the local media get stirred-up? Was I referred to a psychiatrist?

Of course not. The teacher told me that it was disgusting, and to turn it off.


Are kids chastised for wearing jewelry dipicting the crucifixion? Is there panic whenever kids are present in an audience where footage from the 9/11 attacks is shown?

Of course not.


The moment anyone shows-off these to children, though, or children start showing-off their own set:



...Someone fucking flies off the handle.


So, why is it okay for me to watch a few thousand people die in a terrorist attack on an office building, or a watch a man in graphic detail get unspooled into his individual bits by depleted uranium, but definitely not okay for sex to be a topic introduced to me while I'm developing?


Answer: Because Christianity is perfectly fine with gratuitous violence - always has been, always will be; it's a central tenet of the faith - but it is certainly not okay with sex. At all (and, of course, Islam is even more extreme in this regard).

If sex is introduced at a young age, the faith loses that level of control over it's membership. It's that simple. The orthodoxy wants to maintain it's flock of sheep, and it knows that easiest and most effective way to do so is to control what our genes are after (even if they don't necessarily know the specifics).


Perhaps I can corroborate my hypothesis a little further:

Anyone from a more secular part of the world, could you tell us what sort of laws your country has that governs this sort of activity (Personal prediction: there aren't any)?

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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Quote:Anyone from a more

Anyone from a more secular part of the world, could you tell us what sort of laws your country has that governs this sort of activity (Personal prediction: there aren't any)?

Well, I'm not from another part of the world, but I can at least partially answer this.  Remember, Europe has been Christian for longer than America.  They've got some strange laws about sex as well.  I don't know all the specifics, but don't mistake anyplace in particular for a total bastien of sexual sanity.  Also, remember that the far east has had its share of dominance of women.

The fact is, the world hasn't been the easiest place to be a sexually liberated pereson for most of recorded history.  We're just to the point where we have enough scientific justification to speak openly and freely about what sexuality is and what it is not.

At the risk of sounding sarcastic (I'm totally serious) what the world needs is more people devoting their careers to the study of people having sex.


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In Norway last year a

In Norway last year a similar case made the news. The girl was 15.


The article, prompted by a school director's publicly stated fears, centred on the naivety displayed by the girl in question essentially posting sexually explicit images of herself into the public domain. More particularly, the possibly long term negative impact this might have on the individual if she was unlucky enough for that image to be exploited in a manner which included reference to her identity, direct or oblique.


The girl and her schoolmates were counselled and decided, with parental involvement in the decision, that she would stay on at the school. The recipients of the image voluntarily deleted the image from whatever media they had saved it and alerted "Krypos" (the Norwegian police body with responsibility for data protection crime) concerning which ISPs and phone networks had been used in its further transmission. Damage limitation in other words.


I accept that the girl, and the girl in Ohio, are guilty of nothing more than teenage exploration of their sexuality. However the method they both chose to conduct that exploration increased their vulnerability to being hurt in the future. Punishing someone in that situation is stupid, and almost a bigger crime in any case than the event might subsequently lead to since by the nature of the process of punishment it cmpoundly increases the vulnerability of the individual.


The Norwegian article was published only after the police reported that they had tracked down and secured the image's deletion through agreement with various ISPs etc in as much as they could. The girl's identity and even that of the school and its director were kept out of the papers - neither were germaine to the point of the article in any case.

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Kevin R Brown wrote:Perhaps

Kevin R Brown wrote:

Perhaps I can corroborate my hypothesis a little further:

Anyone from a more secular part of the world, could you tell us what sort of laws your country has that governs this sort of activity (Personal prediction: there aren't any)?

Exactly. My parents' club did one more petition on this, but so far, no effect yet. Also, they included a mental and environmental violence in form of commercials. There's a lot of money in control over people (through sex), in the industry of making violent films and news, and in all other industries represented by the commercials.
Furthermore, our politicians are busy with staying in power, insulting publically their voters and each other.
What now? Bring down the financial system, of course, this will give a death blow to the commerce and will allow us to change these things. The financial system is already wobbly, as we see in last weeks adn as it is demonstrated in the link currently in my signature.

But this country, and the are of the world general is rather sexually sane. Small children are tolerated to be naked or to urinate in public, men can stop by a highway and urinate too, women can sunbathe topless, and so on.
But I don't remember a similar case, not even one when a girl took a photos of herself and those got public, nor can I tell what would happen. It's well possible, that nothing serious, if the girl would be 15 or higher. Since that moment, a sex is allowed, though a participation on erotic films or photos is still punished (the photographers), and so is a sex of older people ( like a teacher) with such a young person. It's defined as abuse of the younger by the older person, and so the older is practically always punished. Hopefully nobody would commit an insanity of criminal prosecution against a child, unlike I heard it's happening in USA.
I'm not sure if there aren't some more details, (it shouldn't be a hoax) but a sex of two people below 15 is allowed too, they both must be below 15, otherwise it's a sexual abuse. Rather than allowed it's lawfully untreated. It is literally said that a person who performs a sex with a person younger than 15 years will be punished. (1-8 years + more if there is any harm done) But how can you punish young people, who both commited this with each other, can't be legally charged below 15, and who will be sexually legalized after 15, so what's the point in punishing them? (I mean, in this country, not USA)
Incest is punished, (2 years max.) but again, probably again not below 15.

On the other side, the news are full of serious sexual and other crimes, and it's rare to see someone locked up much above 10 years, even in really terrifying cases. The "highest punishment" or "absolute punishment" here is said as either for lifetime, or 20 years and more. The low punisments aren't however as big problem, as there are locked up probably innocent people, and criminals are either free, on Bahamas, or in government.

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Children and sexual

Children and sexual behaviour is probably the most difficult topic possible to have a rational discourse on.

According to the politicalcompass, my views are way to the left of most Americans, but I do have Nelson Mandela, Ghandi and the Dalai Lama for company Smiling

Despite this I think the article does have a point but it makes it very badly.

Thinking back to my schooldays, (10-15 years ago) a female friend of mine (I think we were 16/17 at the time) wanted to be a model or actress and she had been offered some work modelling swimwear in a catalogue. We laughed and another (male) friend asked her if she knew that dirty old blokes were going to be wanking all over her pictures, she said she was fine about it because it just meant she was really fit, the more cum the better. A couple of days later she cancelled the gig because she couldn't get the image of our (fat, sweaty, unshaven, alcoholic) science teacher, wanking all over her, out of her head. She never got any more offers of modelling and went off to uni instead.

In contrast, a couple of my girlfriend's friends were sexually active at a very young age, the 2 of them, at age 13 had a bet with each other to see who could give the most blowjobs in a month. The winner managed 5 in a single night. Both girls spent the rest of thier school years being teased mercilessly and branded as sluts. The last I know of the winner is that she became a stripper, developed a drug problem and moved to London. The other girl is now married with a child but lives in constant fear of her husband or child ever finding out about her sexual past.

In 10 or 20 years when the innocent naked photo is spread across thousands of porn sites I'll bet money that the 15 year old girl will regret having sent the picture. Would you have enjoyed your childhood if you spent all of it being teased about the naked picture of your mom on the internet? Threatening children with prison time or being registered as a sex offender is clearly excessive, (IMO sensible sex education works much better) but setting boundaries for sexual behaviour as kids grow up is, I think, reasonable.

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I think it's obviously

I think it's obviously absurd for underage kiddies to be posting nude pictures of themselves or videos but they should go to that length to criminalize them. If anything they should just destroy the evidence and slap them on the wrists and say "That's bad. You're going to lure dangerous men who want to exploit you sexually like Father Michael by posting nude pictures and videos on the internet! Don't do it again!"

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Careful that you don't read

Careful that you don't read too much into my critique.  I don't advocate that teenage girls give as many blowjobs as they can in any length of time as a bet.  What I advocate is a sensible, nonreligious approach to developing sexuality in teens.  Experimentation is natural and normal, and it should be sensibly condoned.  Where there is real danger, we should discourage certain behaviors, but let's be clear about this.  Regardless of the degree of mortification experienced by your friend, she was in no real danger from old men wanking off to her picture in a swimsuit catalog.  If she decided not to do it for that reason, that's her decision, but even if we're talking about an old man getting a private naked photo of her and wanking off, there's still no real harm.

The law is not there to protect us from our own sense of indecency.  It's there to prevent crime against citizens.



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