Prayers to Jake.

Two things I thought the good people here should know about....
First, for those who enjoy me answering your prayers ( see ) there's a new way to pray ! Need to pray on the go ? Need a more direct access to the one you're praying to ? Now you can pray online using Twitter ! With Twitter you can upload your prayer and get a response within hours to your pc, cell phone, or smart phone ! Want to know if you're going to do well on that test ? Twitter a prayer to Jake ! Want world peace ? Twitter a prayer to Jake ! Want your rice not to burn ? Twitter a prayer to Jake !
( get your theist friends to use it. Tell them to take the P2J challenge and pray to Jake for one week. Use it as a tool to challenge the role they feel their god has had in their lives.)
Remember, Jake guarantees a 51% better response then any god !
Second, I'm looking for someone with Flash experience that can create a random video button for PrayersToJake. If you can donate some time to helping me with a project I'd be apreciative.
Come join me at my blog AfterFaith or on the forums at The Atheist Network.
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I posted a thank you prayer to you Jake.
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