You Say You Want a Theocracy?

Afghan student gets 20 years instead of death for advocating women's rights
Arrested by security police and initially held without charges, he was eventually tried on blasphemy charges, convicted and sentenced to death.
Is this so different from what America does to "Enemy Combatants"? Remember, some of the enemy combatants are U.S. citizens. Also remember, many people were arrested and held without charges during the last presidential election for the crime of wearing anti-Bush T-Shirts to Rethuglican rallies.
Religious conservatives had welcomed the earlier sentence against Kambakhsh. After the death penalty was handed down at his January trial, public demonstrations were held in support of the decision, and some prominent clerics declared he deserved to be executed for violating the teachings of Islam.
Those pesky conservatives... good thing we don't have any of those in America...
Kambakhsh's supporters have said the case should be thrown out because the previous trial was held in secret and he was denied legal representation
America would never do that, now... would we?
Family members have said Kambakhsh was beaten and threatened with death until he signed a confession and that local journalists who expressed support for him were warned they would be arrested if they persisted.
Surely America opposes torture to extract confessions, don't we?
Kambakhsh's journalist brother, Yaqoub Ibrahimi, has said he believes the blasphemy charges were a pretext and that Ibrahimi was the authorities' real target because of articles he wrote about abuses by local warlords and militias.
And surely America wouldn't stoop to the level of political retribution for a news story, would we?
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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And this is the government we wound up puting in. Marginally better than the Taliban but not by much. I personally think this election in the US should be monitored by the UN the way they are in corrupt 3rd world countries - the Rethuglicans are corrupt and the US is well on the way to 3rd world status - look at the income gap between rich and poor and the recent state of the economy.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Well, the way I read that article, the only thing America does differently is...
Gee whiz... it just looks like a difference in degree to me. We seem to do everything that the Afghan government did. We just don't do it over women's rights, and we only hold citizens indefinitely without charges... we don't um....
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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