THis is about a former memeber HeyZeusCreaseToe
I am so sorry to have to post this but HeyZeusCreaseToe passed away a lil less then a week ago..I am his gf and just thought id let you all know...This is devestating news to his whole family/friends/and me.
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I'm so sorry to hear that.
He was a clever and witty member of these boards and I will miss him.
I particularly liked how he would occasionaly quote Yoda to make a point. That was something this fellow Star Wars fan could definately relate to
Please accept my condolences, for what it's worth.
I wish you and his family all the best.
- Nikolaj
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
We're sad to hear this news. Many of us were curious if there were any details that can be spoken of? He had several very close friends here.
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My condolences to you, his friends and family. He seemed like a really good guy from his posts and he will be missed. I will pray to Jake for all.
"Always seek out the truth, but avoid at all costs those that claim to have found it" ANONYMOUS
There are alot more details i hate to just post this on line it seems kinda impersonal but he committed suicide ...he had alot of issues he didn't like to talk about much....but he was in alot of physical and emotional pain that he often kept to himself... if you all would like you are more details than this you are more than welcome to personally email me at [email protected] or just ask the questions you would like more details on or if you would like to attend services..Although for the record the services will be at the United Methodist Church in Paradise Valley Arizona( I know he wasnt a religious person but his parents were..althought we will be heading to california to sprinkle the ashes in the ocean since he did mention that once to me)...I thank you all for your condolences and he was one of the most eloquent spoken and amazing individuals i have known. ...sorry if this didnt answer more questions you all have but again if you have more questions feel free to ask me
Natasha V
im not sure how to post so everyone can know things on here cuz i just signed up to let all u guyz know but i posted another comment under this forum for details.. i was wondering if you knew any other forums or things that he was apart of that needed to hear the news
I know what it's like. I have several attempts under my belt - about a year ago I wound up in intensive care and the mental hospital for about a week and a half. I know dying still calls to me a lot. It sucks another person who doesn't believe the religious bullshit is gone. We didn't agree at all on gun control or economics but were both staunch atheists.
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True i have no idea what i believe..i used to tell him ill search for my truth when i feel im ready cuz currently i dont care but maybe now ill do my research ...he was always big on educating yourself he taught me more about life and things then i believe he knows...its sad to hear when people see death as a better alternative to life...but i guess sometimes whe you feel like your not really living then death may seem just sux cuz my dad commited suicide as well and i feel that they dont realize that it literally rips out the hearts of those you leave behind...thank you for your support of showing how much respect he had from people
Very sorry to hear about your father, Natasha. I can only imagine how that would feel.
Hey, RRS brethren, I was thinking it would be nice if we put together a little memorial post to HeyZeus. Maybe we could go through his old posts and pull out some memorable quotes, so people can get an idea of what he was like.
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His humor and rational mind will be greatly missed. Like Nikolaj, I really appreciated his Yoda responses. Think I'll go read some of his older posts now.
Wow, that leaves me feeling kind of weird and sad. I really feel bad for the guy, seriously. Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences. Peace.
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I'll miss his posts.
Natasha, stay strong!
Video by:
thank you for all your guyz condelences if their anything you need to post a lil memorial for him let me know? like pics or anything ..although i dont know how much help i can be just let me know
Did he leave any sort of note, or any wishes that we can act upon?
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he left a ton of notes for alot of friends and family but he only said his reasons for his actions and then the first page of every not was personally adressed to that indiv. and mine said nothing that would help here since the jist was that he was in love with me..and his reasons were about his physical and emotional pain.did he ever tell you guyz about his accident in spain in 2001 that left him with a terrible back???..but yeah other then that he didnt say anything else...the only other thing we are doing is a memorial in paradise valley...i dunno if any of u are from AZ? If so you are more then welcome to come if you have the time...and in cali we are going to be dumping the ashes but that will be a while cuz im in school right now and i gotta get with his mom on when we will be doing that...sorry i couldnt be of much help
Natasha thank you so much for taking the time to post here. Each of us have had varying interaction with Heyzeus and appreciate any and all information you can and have shared.
Do you know if there are any memorial funds being gathered? If you have a link to the obituary or memorial service announcement that would be fantastic too.
I cannot imagine what you are going through but taking a moment to post here is amazing on your part during this tough time, thank you.
Slowly building a blog at ~
Dear Friends
We have finally nailed down the date and time for Nathan's service. It will be at the chapel at our church. Construction is going
on at the south end of the campus. So it is probably best to enter on the west entrance.It is on north side of Lincoln--both
entrances have tall cactus (cacti?)
PARADISE VALLEY, AZ 1/4 mile west of Tatum
Hopefully, Nathan will be able to check out his service and say he appreciated your casual, colorful attire (he was no GQ, huh?)
to honor his casual laid back style! There will be guitar music---no organ music--he will appreciate that, don't you agree?
In other words, this will be A CELEBRATION OF LIFE!!!!!! I am hoping there might be a time at the service where you might
share a story or something about him if you are comfortable. Reception following Celebration right there on the same campus.
I am sending out a rather mass mailing---it is difficult to contact so many people who care---and don't feel bad if you are
unable to join us. Instead please say a prayer for him and make a toast to him.
Haven't written his obit yet, must do tomorrow. let me say now---in lieu of flowers make a donation to
the American Spinal Injury Assoc.
XO Dianne and Chris Dean
This is all the info his mom sent me about the memorial...i hope this helps...ill keep this updated as i get more information as it comes...i understand that most people on here probably can not attend the service but apprently his mom is saying donations to the spinal injury assoc. is best! Oh and his name is Nathan Scott if anyone did not know that...Perhaps sometime i will be able to get to know some of you guyz that were close to him on here and learn about some of the important things he shared with you all about religion and life in general. thank you guyz so much in showing you support if heyzeuse!
I miss Heyzues... as well and his comments. It was a real joy to have him here among like-minded atheists. His comments were always brief and well poised.
NatashaV can I suggest you copy the comments made in this post and read them out loud at his memmorial. I do believe Nathen would thank you for it. And it would gve him one last swing at a religion.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I would read his posts at his memorial the only problem is his parents were conservative and methodist and i really dont want to hurt his mom then she already is...otherwise i would because it never bothered me that he was atheist but i think the family might not like it
but i can see if i can place them at the alter maybe with his other things that made nathan while they may not be read they would be placed for others to see??
The obituary will be posted in the Arizona Republic tomarrow Sunday November 16,2008....i thought id let u all know and his mom said she only wanted it ran one day but im guessing since i think you can get it online it would be up a "long" time in a sense but im not sure
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Thanks for the link Renee.