One of our own on FSTDT

atheistScience Freak
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One of our own on FSTDT

I just went on FSTDT, and interestingly enough, a comment from Mattshizzle was posted there. The comment can be seen here:

Usually only politically conservative people and fundies make it on to that site, but they've made an exception for Mattshizzle. I believe that this is the first time fstdt have ever gotten a comment off of I wonder if more posts from this site will make it onto fstdt. They in the past have gotten one post from a site, and then search it for more things to post on fstdt.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

atheistScience Freak
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MattShizzle wrote:

Jormungander wrote:

That would drive away companies. Companies can abandon countries that punish them with absurd taxes. If you want to destroy business in the US go with that idea. Ireland and plenty of Asian countries would be glad to host business headquarters if you make it painful enough for businesses to operate in the US.



As soon as we pass these laws we also pass one automatically nationalizing any business that tries to move overseas and the owner or entire board of directors is sent for life to a prison that makes gitmo look like club med (daily beetings, rotten food thrown in their face every meal, spit on by their former employess once a week. ) Trying to move a business out of the country would officially be punished by life in the worst prison imaginable. I am strongly against just "letting people run their business how they want. " I'd rather see the government tell every business exactly how to run. As to the part about making stuff up to fire people, I'd have it they have to have well documented proof the person did what they said - basically businesses should have to have government approval to fire anyone - or they can get rid of them but they have to pay 5 years worth of wages to them and pay for their medical insurance until they get another job or 5 years whatever comes first. They also should need government approval for any policy they have. I'd personally like to outlaw private enterprise above the mom and pop level anyway.


And don't forget, factory work is the best plenty of people can hope for. Globalization should also be illegal.

So the only way the economic plans of yours would work is if society was run by a dictator as bad as Stalin or some comparably brutal government. If it takes the threat of daily beatings for life to get people to follow an economic plan, then you obviously need a better plan. If such a despotic government was ever produced it would run its economy into the ground and be overthrown. The gulags, beatings and public torture that you describe would only make people hate such a government more.

As for documented proof needed to fire someone: managers sometimes build a paper trail before firing someone. Give that person bad reviews for a few months and comment that they are showing no improvement or will to improve. Then fire them and claim that you are justified. People know how to make lies seem legit.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India

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They'd need VIDEO evidence

They'd need VIDEO evidence or something else that was real proof, not just heresay to fire someone - have a government official observe a reason to do it - NOTHING the company would say would be sufficient evidence. And do you really think EVERYONE would hate it? I think the average non-conservative would LOVE to see the rich get stuck to. I would love to live in the society I described because the rich motherfuckers couldn't exploit anyone and there'd be little or no income gap. BTW, you ever read how many modern Russians would even prefer Stalin to the current way things are there? I wouldn't repress social freedoms for a big difference. BTW do you think the average autoworker who went from $50 an hour to nothing or a shit service industry job would object to my system or would he love to see the piece of shit that sent his job to Mexico suffer? And probably join in on punishing the fuckface.

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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Curious, 'the ends justify

Curious, 'the ends justify the means'? How wonderfully Machiavellian. A shame, you could have made a wonderful dictator, you even believe yourself to be on the moral high ground even when advocating the most abominable behavior. Never lose that, its necessary for you to be a ruthless totalitarian despot.

As for your proposed treatment, I would like to point out that those 'motherfuckers' aren't the ones advocating torture just because they don't like someone. As such that puts them decidedly higher than you on the morality scale. Yes, they exploit people for their own economic gain, now explain to me how you are not trying to do the same to them in addition to gaining a twisted sadistic pleasure from it.

Now then, also explain why the 'Capitalist Scum' don't deserve rights.

While your at it, since your entire goal with this seems to be to gain money and a greater economic standing, explain how you yourself are not a member of the 'Capitalist Scum'.

As for the whole post Soviet Russia thing, that's just the Nastalgia Effect combined with an economy that is doing shit dives in a toilet, but is now actually starting to recover. There are people in America who would prefer to see this country return to the days of their childhood because they have this imaginary sense that it was somehow 'better' then. Fruthermore, there are people in America who want the country to be a Theocracy, does that mean a Theocracy is actually a good form of government? Your argument here is just an Argument ad Populum. Why don't you try backing your statements with facts instead. Considering how much proof of incompetence you would require of corporations to fire people, I feel I can ask for this much.

Furthermore, you idea of 'force the company to pay 5 years wages' is utterly retarded. Forcing the company to pay for someone who is not working for them would just give the people an incentive to slack off in hopes that the company would try to fire them. You are essentially advocating direct slavery of the owners to the workers, and sorry, but that's retarded. It would lead to a system where no one did any work but kept getting payed. That combined with the fact that you also advocate 1000% tariffs would ensure the economy would collapse almost instantly.

As for what the victims of outsourcing would want, are you really advocating giving the idiots and failures in the country power? Its a well known fact of humans that they seek revenge. Once again, very Machiavellian.

You really haven't thought this through much have you?

On a minor note, are you capable of talking without capitalizing entire words or tossing random swear words into every other sentence?

"Slaves would be tyrants were the chance theirs." –Victor Hugo

Addendum: Since you are advocating the violent overthrow of Capitalism, all the Capitalists need to do is declare themselves sovereign nations, make a uniform (already done in most cases) and then when you capture them they are POWs, thus the Geneva Conventions apply.

When you say it like that you make it sound so Sinister...