Bullies May Enjoy Seeing Others in Pain
A pretty interesting science story READ_HERE.
That makes me wonder if anyone ever did a study to see if kids who were bullies wind up being criminals as adults. If not it would make an interesting study - as it shows those kids have sociopathic ways of thinking.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
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Test indeed. Can we fix that shit? Pain sucks.
I was severely a victim of bullies in school. So this says they really are evil.
I was pretty well known and liked, but being way short when I was young I got some of that bully shit. I was a pretty good talker that luckily spared me any real abuse. Finally I grew to 5 ft 10, rather average. I always hated that macho sick shit.
I really think if ethics was creatively taught from grade one, we could really change that mentality in a generation or two.
I really love corny songs, the metal guitar man I am. Here's one ....
Jackie Deshannon - what the world needs now
Atheism Books.
So its evil to act on thousands of years of genetic coding, hundreds of years of societal structure, and just over a dozen years of cultural up-bringing?
...my... how standards have lowered 
What Would Kharn Do?
if you look on you tube or the like it seems more than a few end up on the other side of the law.
Bullies suck. In fact they inspire rather cruel revenge scenarios in my mind. Bullies like to push people around by using physical force. In my world bullies would suffer for their crimes by having their arms and legs amputated, hence they lose the ability to use physical intimidation. ....sweet
Sad thing is it took a columbine to get the schools to address this (though most instead came up with brain-dead zero tolerance policies and expelling kinds who write stories nvolving violence rather than addressing the real issue. ) I think if they treated bullying as anti-social behavior rather than "it's just what every kid goes through" it might help more. Believe me, the schools blame the victim or treat it like it's nothing - especially in rural schools where the bullied kid wasn't born in town.
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I would also add that bullies provoke people to respond in extreme ways. How many times will we see children bullied endlessly and finally lash out in a violent way? Bullies build rage in bullied children that is sometimes released. Every now and then we get someone thinking "I keep being picked on by jocks, why don't I just show up with a gun and shoot all of them?"
That being said, dealing with bullies is an important life lesson that everyone should learn. It is just that some people take bullying for years without fighting back, until one day when they murder their tormentors. As a society we really need to find a way to prevent students from silently building rage and then venting it on everyone with a firearm.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
I personally think the bullies should be sent to Juvie until they can get them to not do it.
I just remembered something from fourth grade:
I once wrote violent song lyrics when I was a kid. The song was found and I was given six months of psychological counseling over the matter. But when I fought someone at school for picking on me (and beat the shit out of him) I was only suspended for two days. I do think it is bizarre that I can pummel someone's face and get a two day break from school as a 'punishment', but if I take a song and write new lyrics for it about a violent fictional character I get months of psychological counseling. Lesson of this story: don't vent rage and frustration through music at a school when you are a kid, only vent it though actual violence. Way to go, US public school system.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
I actually wrote a story in 9th grade about a nerdy kid who stole a flamethrower from a 7-11 and brought it to school killing all the bullies, blowing up the school bus killing all the kids on it when they said "bye nerd" when he left (his response was "bye" and flaming the bus) and eventually dying after burning down the school. I got an A and no discipline. This was in 1989. 10 years later a kid writing that would be in serious trouble.
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I'm that kid 10 years later; though I did not write about flamethrowers. One of my friends and I loved the video game Turok. So we collaborated to write a Turok song. When it was found I was singled out as the author, so I didn't mention my friend's help in this. The lyrics were violent, but then that's just because the video game Turok is violent. I didn't see why this was such a big deal. Especially since actual violence resulted in little to no punishment. I punched that bully until he ran away with a fucked up face. I chased him down and and kept attacking him until a teacher pulled me away. That was worth two days of suspension. But a song with questionable lyrics is worth six months of counseling.
That year (fourth grade) a fellow student told me he would have his friends hold me down after school and he would burn me with matches. I told on him (I was too afraid to fight him out of an honest fear that he would disfigure me using matches) and he was suspended for the rest of the day since he did have matches on him. So threats to torture a student result in a partial day suspension. A violent song about a video character results in six months of psychological counseling. There is a thoroughly broken system for dealing with violence in schools. We really need to rethink how we deal with violence and bullying in schools. When nine years olds are threatening torture with matches there is a real problem in our schools. And I know that I was not particularly bullied in school. Other students had it way worse than me.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
It is my understanding that 7-11, being a convenience store, does not generally stock illegal weaponry.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
I was a victim too, but looking back at it now, it takes two and you cant always coddle someone's insecurities. I allowed them to get to me because I was insecure.
Certainly no one should beat someone up for fun. But I also took, not only what bullies said about me personally, but my friends and parents as well. Most of that was the fact that I tried too hard to be what others wanted me to be rather than being myself. I caused myself a lot of pain, all be it because I did not know better, but that does not mean that honest and blunt criticism should be thrown out the window because someone might get offended.
So while I agree with you in that people can be cruel and that should be fought, we cant make censorship a blanket solution because someone cant handle honest criticism.
Because I was too sensitive growing up, I had a hard time seeing when someone really was trying to help me by critisizing me and confused it with insulting me.
I outgrew that mentality and finally became confortable in my own skin, and so called "bullies" don't get to me because I don't take it personally and see their actions as a result of their own insecurities.
I don't think a call for sensitivity should incorperate censorship as an absolute sollution to protect people's feelings.
Otherwise people who are fans of Jesus could sensor us for merely telling the truth that magic does not exist because they don't want to be offended by the truth. We are not bullies by stating the fact that claims of virgin births are myth and that humans cannot survive rigor mortis.
Demanding sensitivity is what the ignorant assholes did to Galileo in putting him under house arrest to send the message that telling the truth is less important than protecting the mass delusion of the insecure masses. It is the same mentality that caused assholes to blow a gasket over a cartoon depicting Muhammed with a bomb in his turbin.
Certainly we should not become bullies ourselves, but there is nothing wrong with us bluntly stating facts, even when it offends someone. Maybe those who are offended should examine what they claim instead of falsely accusing us of hating them. Maybe they would learn something.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Nope. It was a joke.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
... whats all this vs bully prejudice? Im sorry but they're a requirement of growing up PROPERLY
I mean, what benefits would we have for removing, and preventing bullying? o_O
What Would Kharn Do?
It causes serious emotional problems that often continue into adulthood, and can disrupt the kids education.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
So can anything else -_-
What Would Kharn Do?
I have worked at a 7-11 and worked with people who had no vowels and tons of sylibles in a name that could take up a hard drive.
So it wouldn't suprise me today if you could find a selection of dirty bombs next to the Bubble Yum. (JUST KIDDING FOLKS, DON'T BLOW A GASKET, I HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR TOO)
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
... Pop Rocks?...
(and no you dont)
What Would Kharn Do?
The last job that I had I worked with a Muslim who had lived in the country for 30 years. When I first met him I asked him his name, he said "Frank". Looking at his complection and his still slightly broken english, I asked him why people call him that.
He said it is because people couldn't pronounce his name. I said FUCK THEM. I admit myself sometimes it takes me a while to repeat a name to the point I can pronounce it, but I do complete the effort. I told him that if someone could not pronounce his real name, that is their problem not yours.
Even when I worked at the 7-11 over time, my immigrent co workers didn't give me a Indian nick name because at first they couldn't pronounce it. I learned to pronounce their names and they too learned to pronounce mine. We got along and any complaints we had about each other were about work or personality, not race or language barriers.
BUT, in every job I have had I have never lost my sense of humor, which is why I love South Park. When my former Muslim co-worker, not at the 7-11, but my last job, when I would greet him, I would ask, "So how is my favorite Al Quida member?"
He would roll his eyes and I would respond, " Hey, at least you don't have my ugly face and no morals".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
... definetly remembering that one
I would not recomend saying that to a Muslim you are not good friends with.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
My ow my... i wonder what could happen?
Nothing that hasnt happened to me before -_-
What Would Kharn Do?
There's a big difference between the once in a while thing that nearly every kid deals with and being victimized by bullies nearly every day from 1st through 12th grade and ending up barely able to order food in a restaurant in adulthood due to severe social anxiety.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
adapt or die
Cant fault the strong for your weakness
But in all seriousness... if 12years of victimization, didnt make some one change how they operate themselves... fuck'em
All i see is the inability to adapt and overcome... children need to learn this, and thats what bullying does. (primitively)
What Would Kharn Do?
Some things can't be adapted to - at least not in a positive way.
anything can be adapted to, just not everything can be overcome
and positive/negative are individually relative... and thusly worth no consideration
What Would Kharn Do?
I'm talking "negative" as something along the lines of bringing a gun to school and shooting the bully - obviously that will solve the problem of that particular bully, but lead to worse consequences. My solution was to avoid social contact as much as possible. Some victims even end up dropping out of school to solve the problem. Wouldn't a better solution be for schools to not tolerate such behavior?
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
And what behavior would that be? Speaking ones mind? Sarcasm? Comedy? Insults? Practical Jokes? Rough housing? Harassment? Arguments? Fights?
The only time a school needs to step in, is when violence is involved (... ya, even i admit to that).
Physical bullying is one thing, its easy to spot, easy to prevent, easy to solve...
but Verbal bullying? Thats a fuckin joke... WORDS... ffs... WORDS... how weak do you have to be where words mentally and emotionally harm you for the rest of your life?
So the fat kid gets called fat... so ugly kid gets called ugly, and the poor kid called poor... wah wah boo hoo, grow up kiddies.
When one learns that words cannot harm you, they are no longer a child
I think im going off on a rant... arent i? (looks up) ... o_O yup
What Would Kharn Do?
Matt in a lot of ways bugs me with his sensitivity, and having been there I can understand him, and while I disagree that you cant always let everything get to you, you also cant expect everyone to coddle your insecurities.
He is not wrong in the fact that we can be more human in how we deal with each other and you are not wrong in that playing the victim because you are insecure is the fault of those who attack you.
He brings up Colimbine HS and while I think it is not a suprise, I also do not think it is a justification. I was picked on by jocks and bullied and beat up. I was dispised by most kids my age on my street and my parents could not understand my sensitive nature.
While those are explinations as to why some act out, they are not an excuse and I feel lucky that I got over the baggage that others projected on me.
I think that is what me allows to approach theists whom I know I will blaspheme while at the same time making it clear that I will die just like they will and that I am no more or less important to the cosmos than they are.
You cant beat someone into submission, they cant, and we cant. What we can do is understand that we all have different comfort levels and those who are sensitive should realize that they are just as responsable for jumping into a forum where they know others arnt, just as it would be irresponsible for me to be a bull in a china shop where the expectation is a library.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
I don't want to encourage acts of violence, but have you tried cutting their heads off with a chainsaw ?
What kinda of sick fuckin whacko does that make you then?
(also... im apperantly bullying you right now
What Would Kharn Do?
I don't know....how many different kinds of sick wacko's are there ?
Bullies are never strong. (Well, they are often physically strong, but that's not the subject here.) Bullies do what they do more often than not because they're trying to assert some power in an otherwise totally powerless life. It is an anti-social behavior and should not be tolerated, as the habitual behavior will not serve the bully well in his or her adult life.
That said: No situation or differential of power excuses shitty behavior on either end of this dynamic.
For example: My high school life became much, much better once I realized I could make our phys-ed class bully cry with a few well chosen words. (Bullies like targets that don't bite back.) But this is where the schools go catastrophically wrong.
The faculty and administration of a school tend to get used to certain patterns of behavior. The bullies don't get a lot of attention because that's the bully's expected behavior. Likewise, the picked-on get little attention because that is their expected behavior.
Once the picked-on choose to actively defend themselves, their step out of their expected pattern of behavior stands in stark contrast to the status quo, garnering a hell of a lot more attention than the behavior really deserved. This reinforces both the bully's crappy behavior and the picked-on's choice to remain passive.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
That's true Jill, ...especially after you have whacked them in the back of the head with a meat-tenderizing hammer over and over and over and over and over and over and over ....
hee hee hee hee !
"OUCH !!!!"
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
Whoa Jill, now you're scaring me !
( Seriously, although in reality I'm frequently pre-occupied with the darker side of life, ie fatal car crashes, autopsies, disasters, serial killers, deformities, gore, etc, I actually am quite a compassionate person and live with a number of rescued animals. I must admit to also being about as emotionally stable as nitro-glycerin and I carry a handgun for personal protection. Hey, I gotta be me !!!
Much of the bullying was physical in my case.
It is also maladaptive behavior in the bullies case - these things they get away with in school with maybe a slap on the wrist will likely result in adulthood with things along the lines of termination of employment, harassment lawsuits or even prison sentences.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I just got around to reading the article, and I am astounded. Sadists enjoy causing pain? Holy fuck! I never in a million years would have guessed that! Thank heavens we have great people to apply for grants to give us such much needed information. I hope that they next tackle the pressing questions of " Do sugary drinks cause cavities? ", " Broken glass, can it make good carpeting? ", and the perennially pressing problem " Can removing ones head with a chainsaw be detrimental to their health? "
Jesus titty fucking Christ!
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.