FOX News dishes the gossip, pwns self
FOX reports: Palin Didn't Know Africa is a Continent
In publishing this news report, FOX has pwned itself. If there was ever any doubt that the media is a marketing tool for politics, not a source of objective news, there can be none now. Fox Chief Political Correspondent Carl Cameron admitted in as many words that the press knew that Palin was a complete incompetent, but kept it to themselves.
We all know how this happened. Some combination of confidentiality clauses, personal threats, and unspoken (or spoken) mandates from the top end of the media sources ensured that nobody would dish any unapproved dirt before the election. It doesn't matter who orchestrated it, or precisely how it happened. The fact is, not one journalist had the ability or the inclination to try to save America from having a virtually illiterate vice president.
And we think we have a free press.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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FAUX Noise is about as "fair and balanced" as Pravda was back in the day.
I nearly spit a sip of my morning O.J. when Billy O'Really says (after hearing from the correspondent)...
"OK, sooo her frame of reference in history and geography and current events was WEAK, *according to your sources*, the, so, but.... she can be tutored -- a womans not stupid -- you can tutor people who blah blah blah-dee blah....."
Typical O'Really phrasing actually, so it probably shouldn't have struck me as funny, cause he constantly rephrases things people say to suit his own agenda. Nevertheless, I laughed out loud.
Of course it was still pretty obvious...
I was so offended when I saw that!
Honestly, now that she's not running for understudy to a dying man, I kinda feel sorry for her.
After all, she's a hick, and we know that, so can't she just be allowed to crawl back under the rock she came from in peace?
Fox didn't need to do this, but it's still good dirt, so they went and did it on November 5th!!!
This is not important information, it's just kicking what is still, afterall, a human being, while she's down...
But when she was running for potentialy the highest office in not just the US, but the world, this was important information. Information that could have changed voter's minds. And Fox let it slide then, even though at the time this was important information about the knowledge of someone who could be in charge of US foreign policy, and it's nuclear arsenal.
I think I have never been as offended by Fox in my life...
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
I thought that the Charlie Gibson interview and the Katie Couric interviews already demonstrated her incompetience. FOX News withholding this makes them look like asses. They would rather have a dumbass conservative a heartbeat away from the Presidency than do their job to point out her flaws and shame the Republican party into considering a stronger VP candidate. The fuckheads at FOX News could have actually forced the Republicans to pick a stronger VP and perhaps McCain would have performed better. Oh, well too late.
Remember how you figured out there is no Santa? Well, their god is just like Santa. They just haven’t figured out he’s not real yet.
C'mon , did anyone actually need the news media to reveal Palin's incompetence ? Just watch her incoherant, rambling response during the Katie Couric interview. It was almost painful to watch her.
I heard about this but I wasn't sure if it was true until now.I mean,who doesn't know Africa is a continent and not a country. Besides 90% of Americans I've spoken to...
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
I think I knew Africa was a continent, not a country in 1st grade! Imagine there was a major terrorist attack had she won and McCain died!
Palin : "That's it! Nuke Africa!"
General : "WHERE in Africa madam President?"
Palin : "The whole thing!"
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
...... hope you don't mind.
Prez : "That's it! Nuke Alaska!"
General : "WHERE in Alaska mister President?"
Prez : "Wherever Palins whoring!"
I still think it would be better if she had gone into porn instead of politics.
News has become about ratings, and the fallout is that winning is more important that pragmatisim. Which is why Paris Hitlon's exploits is more important than health care. Which is why all you have to say to get ellected president is, "Jesus is my favorite philosopher".
Popularity in belief never made the earth flat, but humans are bent on believing the absurd simply because it is the flavor of the day.
All of us have bias and the only way to cut through it is objective method. Popularity didn't make Osirus real, it only made the myth survive for a long time.
In 1,000 years if humans haven't shot of the nukes, the deities humans claim today will not resemble the imagination of future generations, just as Morman's splintered from Christianity just as Scientology uses a cross as it's symbol.
It would not suprise me in the least if someone succesfully, but falsely sold "the force" as real. L. Ron Hubbord spawned the false claim that we came from UFOs via Jesus.
If there is any more evidence that it is ALL made up crap that people emotional fall for because the idea of a super hero swooping the damsle in distress of the tracks, I don't know what is.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
What would really be weird is if there was a nuclear war or other collapse of civilization and people found a century or so later fragments of things about the FSM and actually believed him to be real and started an actual Pastafarian religion.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Brian, I've seen you write it many times now, and I can't let it slide anymore... It's OsirIs...
Sorry for being a wise-ass. Can't help it...
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
Did we all forget about Bristol? I feel absolutely horrible for the girl..
Just mention the FCC and my blood boils. I hate the current FCC regarding "we the people's airwaves" ... The hugely important TV and Radio is fucking us. It's truly disturbing. Little real news and little diversity regarding all subjects. Heck, like where are those opposing the views of the many televangelists? Most of today's main stream news is cleverly dedicated to dumbing down and brainwashing the sheeple. That's obviously why our real intellectuals and free thinkers are not well known.
The FCC is directed by five The FCC is directed by five Commissioners appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate for 5-year terms. The President designates one of the Commissioners to serve as Chairman. Only three Commissioners may be members of the same political party. None of them can have a financial interest in any Commission-related business's ... ha ha.
Former FCC Chairman Powell sucked so bad he was pressured to resign.
Current FCC Kevin J. Martin Chairman really sucks too.
FCC Commissioner rebel Michael Copps, is much better, according to what he says, On the roll of the media: "The public airwaves are to be used for serving the public interest. Expanding our cultural horizon, covering community news, enabling the democratic dialog. Increasingly, we have moved away from that vision and they're being used for corporate profitability."
Watch Bill Moyers' conversation with Michael Copps. 19 min
Bill Moyers, video - about 10 mins
Article - Return of Fairness Doctrine Could Control Web Content
FCC Commissioner McDowell warns reinstated powers could play in net neutrality debate, lead to government requiring balance on Web sites.
A recent study by the Media Research Center’s Culture & Media Institute argues that the three main points in support of the Fairness Doctrine – scarcity of the media, corporate censorship of liberal viewpoints, and public interest – are myths.
Bill Moyers: “Big Media is Ravenous. It Never Gets Enough. Always Wants More. And it Will Stop at Nothing to Get It. These Conglomerates are an Empire, and they are Imperial.”
Lot's more here -
Atheism Books.
I heard this story from the same correspondant on CNN, though in the CNN version he was much less energetic about rattling off the anecdotes and definitely didn't list as many. He also expressed much more reservation in the CNN version, saying that the leaks were anonymous.
Which of course leads one to ask how they know the leaks, if anonymous, were from McCain staff..?
I also saw the short interview CNN later did with Palin where she basically said that everything being said about her is a bunch of lies---a dirty trick used by people who don't want to take responsibility, who just want to find a scapegoat and point fingers. She also remarked that "of course I know Africa is a continent and not a country" and that "of course I know which countries are part of NAFTA".
It was also speculated---though I can't remember if it was by Palin or one of the commentators---that maybe some ambitious republicans hoping to run in the next cycle were taking advantage of the loss to eliminate Palin in case she turned out to be competition.
I honestly believe she's lacking quite a bit of knowledge, and her speech skills are atrocious, but I'm a little skeptical as to whether she is quite THIS dense.
Regarding American journalism, I have to say it really is pretty sad. It used to be the case that our television news was safe from going under as a result of low ratings because news was considered to be a public service. It operated under a completely different set of rules than the rest of television. But then some retarded bills got passed, and the office of the evening news merged with the office of American Idol. I wish that metaphor were more of an exaggeration.
So now our news DOES put ratings over objectivity. They're no longer a service. They're a business. And until news goes back to being a service instead of a business, it should be viewed with a cautious eye. One exception is C-SPAN, which is still a public service, though the way it's funded doesn't remove all suspicions, it's much more reliable than the major networks. I'm also a fan of BBC news, which is pretty dry, but good. Favorite news source, though, definitely NPR.
As to why we report on Britney Spears's pregnant sister and the death of Anna Nicole Smith rather than topics actually concerning our national interests, I wish the explanation were as easy as "because Americans are generally stupid and so it gets ratings."
The real answer comes when we ask which is cheaper: reporting on a syndicated story about a celebrity's baby, or sending a correspondent to Thailand to report on a bit of serious international news?
Answer: Ka-ching! $$$$$$
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
"So now our news DOES put ratings over objectivity. They're no longer a service. They're a business." ~ Archeopteryx
Yep, the FCC fucking SUCKS. "Eat the Rich" .... errrrrrr, I am seeing red .... geezzz our kids are being raped and robbed ....
Atheism Books.
I dislike the FCC for completely different reasons. Primarily because their rules about indecency are completely subjective and therefore absolutely bullshit.
It would be just as challenging for people to do the opposite of what the FCC wants. Imagine an alternate FCC that forbids the media from inserting things into their show that are too loveable.
Well... how do you know who loves what? And how are we going to objectively gage loveability?
Answer: Depends on whatever the FCC feels like and how many letters/phone calls they receive.
If there is absolutely no way to objectively determine whether or not something is offensive, then how the fuck am I, the producer of a tv show, supposed to know if a certain line of dialogue or a certain situation is "too offensive"? I can't know. All I can do is use my own judgment and hope that the FCC doesn't disagree vehemently enough to sue me.
What a fucking joke.
See what the preacher's wives are doing to us?
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
Cool new avatar, you are indeed the christ too Arch....
The problem is the FCC is a rich appointed click of 5, by the rich, standing as an authority above the wishes of we the apathetic poor public, as we are not even asked to think , to vote, and are so then ignorant on our public FCC issues etc. We need to change that and ask the people to vote on everything this day.
The governments only roll is to only enforce our majority wishes. The public TV air waves, stolen, controlled by the rich, can and should be like the Internet of diversity this day ... BUT the huge power of TV media is ultimately controlled by the mega rich bent on more money profit and so control, and that is the enemy of we the ignorant people.
The FCC is obviously not caring about world cooperation and real communication ... it's about imperialistic controlling, and holding on to mega wealth control for a few mega rich fucks . All 5 FCC members are super wealthy, of course. The real war is class war.
AS you indicate , life is full of perceived obscenity for each to judge ... but all ideas and opinions need to be open and expressed , free speech , so that we the people can judge ... not some group of 5 rich FCC fucks ..... EAT the RICH !!!! Rich no more .... I am pissed , seeing red, as I think of the kids ....
Atheism Books.