Muscle Hypertrophy Question

Alright. I am pretty strong in my studies of Human Anatomy and Physiology, so if the person answering also is well versed, I would like a pretty comprehensive answer. A simple one would work too, but usually with simple answers you leave out important details.
I got these "Perfect Push-ups"... Is this a bunch of shit or is it the real deal.
I'm concerned with the Pectoralis Major M.
Would the rotation of the forearm at the elbow and hyperextension of of the Shoulder Joint really increase Pectoralis Major Hypertrophy (Gym Term = Pecs)? I could see how it could recruit more fibers from synergist muscles, but does that really help my goal?
Any additional information on these "Perfect Push-up" would be appreciated.
(I decided I could put this in the science forum because it has to do with anatomy and physiology.)
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Hypertrophy is difficult without progressive weight increase. I'd recommend bench presses over pushups, but you do have some options. You could add a weighted vest (pricey) or get some barbell plates for your back, or you could progressively lift your feet up over the course of your sets. The last one's going to stop working eventually if you don't keep gaining weight. I don't think the perfect pushup is bad, but hypertrophy's going to be slow, and if you're anything like me, you like to see results quickly. Are you eating a proper diet for hypertrophy? I've trained with vegetarians in the past and they tend to plateau for months and months until they figure out how many pounds of beans they have to eat everyday (it's a bunch, by the way).
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Yepp! I eat good!
Yeah, I have to agree; it would be more effective to use weight training. Calisthenics only work well up to the point where the aerobic system takes over, as the fermental acid produced in the process is better at damaging the muscle.
Still, everyone is different. While I don't weight-train very often, I stick by the HIT method. The rest of my exercise is focused on plyometrics. I also have a really fast metabolism, and seem to lose weight as fast as I put it on.