No Crackers for Obama Voters - Intolerant Pastor Looks Like a Dousche

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No Crackers for Obama Voters - Intolerant Pastor Looks Like a Dousche


The pastor of St. Mary Catholic Church in Greenville, SC, is urging parishioners who voted for Barack Obama not to present themselves for Communion unless they go to confession first because they have cooperated with "intrinsic evil'' by voting for a candidate who supports abortion rights over a candidate who does not. The Rev. Jay Scott Newman told the Greenville News that he doesn't intend to deny anyone Communion, but made it clear that his view is that Obama voters should not present themselves without seeking penance first "lest they eat and drink their own condemnation.''

Newman is the only priest in the U.S. known to have taken this position -- the Catholic bishops met this week in Baltimore and this idea was not even discussed, at least in public session. Newman has posted on his parish web site the following letter explaining his rationale:

Dear Friends in Christ,

We the People have spoken, and the 44th President of the United States will be Barack Hussein Obama. This election ends a political process that started two years ago and which has revealed deep and bitter divisions within the United States and also within the Catholic Church in the United States. This division is sometimes called a “Culture War,” by which is meant a heated clash between two radically different and incompatible conceptions of how we should order our common life together, the public life that constitutes civil society. And the chief battleground in this culture war for the past 30 years has been abortion, which one side regards as a murderous abomination that cries out to Heaven for vengeance and the other side regards as a fundamental human right that must be protected in laws enforced by the authority of the state. Between these two visions of the use of lethal violence against the unborn there can be no negotiation or conciliation, and now our nation has chosen for its chief executive the most radical pro-abortion politician ever to serve in the United States Senate or to run for president. We must also take note of the fact that this election was effectively decided by the votes of self-described (but not practicing) Catholics, the majority of whom cast their ballots for President-elect Obama.

In response to this, I am obliged by my duty as your shepherd to make two observations:

1. Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ’s Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation.

2. Barack Obama, although we must always and everywhere disagree with him over abortion, has been duly elected the next President of the United States, and after he takes the Oath of Office next January 20th, he will hold legitimate authority in this nation. For this reason, we are obliged by Scriptural precept to pray for him and to cooperate with him whenever conscience does not bind us otherwise. Let us hope and pray that the responsibilities of the presidency and the grace of God will awaken in the conscience of this extraordinarily gifted man an awareness that the unholy slaughter of children in this nation is the greatest threat to the peace and security of the United States and constitutes a clear and present danger to the common good. In the time of President Obama’s service to our country, let us pray for him in the words of a prayer found in the Roman Missal:

God our Father, all earthly powers must serve you. Help our President-elect, Barack Obama, to fulfill his responsibilities worthily and well. By honoring and striving to please you at all times, may he secure peace and freedom for the people entrusted to him. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.


Father Newman



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That church should

That church should DEFINITELY lose tax exempt status for that. Maybe once he's president...

What would be great would be if it would cost tax exempt status for the Catholic church as a whole.

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The end of tax exemptions

The end of tax exemptions for any church is essential progress.

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I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:The

I AM GOD AS YOU wrote:

The end of tax exemptions for any church is essential progress.

Actually, the tax exemptions as they were intended to be were a good thing.  Churches depend on donations from the congregation, which can be hefty, so they don't want their income taxed.  The tax exemption is theirs so long as they stay out of government affairs.  It would be good incentive if the current government enforced the tax codes.  Do away with the exemption and there is nothing to stop churches from taking over the government through the electoral process.  That scares me more than the exemption irritates me.

Personally, I would like to see religion legislated out of existence.  Of course, if we did do that, we wouldn't be any different than they are.  I'd prefer the tax exemption with enforcement and severe punishment than a bunch of Bushes running things.

"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson

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Quote:In response to this, I

In response to this, I am obliged by my duty as your shepherd to make two observations:
No, your duty as their shepherd is to sheer them regularly and eventually butcher them so that Scottish games festivals can have haggis and overpriced sheep tacos.

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If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?

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 Dear old Greenville, SC.

 Dear old Greenville, SC.  My home for the first eighteen years of my life.

Honestly, I feel kinda bad for the Hon. Rev. Jay.  Conducting a Catholic Church in upstate South Carolina has got to be rough.  Sure, you might be pro-life, but that's all you've got in common with the other Christians in town.  Because, baby, almost nobody in upstate South Carolina thinks that Catholics are actually  Christians.  It's hardcore Southern Baptist country and Catholicism is something you hide. It's an instant sign that you ain't from 'round here.  They honestly prefer Jews to Catholics, there.

This putz is just trying his damnedest to fit in.

Given that we're talking about SC (at least tangentially) here, I'd like to say 


(we're going to get destroyed by Florida this weekend)

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is this guy a "compasionate conservative?"

just joined the site, this my first post, it's a great site.

this is a great example of why i am open to faith (technically i'm agnostic), but i despise organized religion. you take a new born baby and raise it listening to this guy, and of course that person will grow up with an unshakable belief that if they even question god as they were taught, they will be punished for eternity.

unfortunately, america has turned a blind-eye to religous leaders influcing politics for a long time. am i the only person who remembers the "moral majority" of the 80's? almost every one of the televangelists that propt-up reagan as a good christian was later busted with hookers or drugs.

these kinds of religous "leaders" really don't care about god, they care about their own power.

"when science contradicts my faith, i tend to believe the science"- his holiness, the 14th dhali lama

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The sad thing is

The sad thing about the letter is that you can tell the guy is really trying. He probably spent hours writing, and re-writing the thing. haha... oh well.

- Sarah

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Welcome NothingMusic.I could

Welcome NothingMusic.

I could respect the Catholic Church for their anti-abortion stance.
I see anti-abortion as a fair moral position that I don't fully agree with but can understand.
But then they go and make it a central issue.
The Republicans have a reputation for stepping on the poor, corporate greed and many other issues that should make Catholics oppose them.
Yet out of all the issues, the only one these Bishops are making a deal about is abortion.
It makes them come across as a complete joke.
I find it relieving that most of their congregations ignored them.

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Bulldog (post 3 - church

Bulldog (post 3 - church taxation) - That's a good point I haven't thought thru.     

My first reaction is how do we really enforce keeping religion out of politics, considering free speech and the fact that mega wealth tends to corrupt. Just looking at the unbalanced FCC tv, with it's many televangelists is telling. I tend to think church tax exemption does more harm, unfairly encourages more churches, and sends a public government message of unearned respect for hocus pocus religion, which I truly consider poison, and is a government approval of selling snake oil.

  G-o-d needs money ??? !!! Lying rich beggars ....



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Strafio wrote:I could

Strafio wrote:

I could respect the Catholic Church for their anti-abortion stance.

But they couple their anti-abortion stance with an anti-contraceptives stance. On or the other has to go. Less contraceptives will lead directly to more abortions. I see the Catholic church as producing more abortions due to their anti-condoms crusade. Not to mention helping HIV spread in Africa by telling people not to use condoms; but that is another matter.

"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
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Yeah most of my friends who

Yeah most of my friends who were for McCain and vehemently against Obama were religious for the most part. That's just disgusting for him to say though! Also if churches lost their tax exemption I think they'd quickly lose supporters because they'd need even more money to function heh heh.




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 Archeopteryx wrote:1.


Archeopteryx wrote:

1. Voting for a pro-abortion politician when a plausible pro-life alternative exists constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil, and those Catholics who do so place themselves outside of the full communion of Christ’s Church and under the judgment of divine law. Persons in this condition should not receive Holy Communion until and unless they are reconciled to God in the Sacrament of Penance, lest they eat and drink their own condemnation.


In the same way we must conclude that contributing money to any Catholic Church also constitutes cooperation with intrinsic evil as well. Money given to the Church is used to pay for legal fees and lawsuit payouts for the pervert priests that molest children. Association with the Catholic Church in any form also constitutes guilt by association. Father Newman and all Catholics are therefore  supporters of child molestation by this logic and all should be charged as accessories after the fact.

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