Does Religion Poison?
I've heard it said on the web, that religion is "BS" and "poisons everything. I'm not going to defend world religions. But the claim that Christianity is "BS" and poisons everything, is both very ignorant, an irresponsible statement, and a lie. Below is a small sampling of the good that Christianity in particular, has done for the world. A more thorough treatment can be found in the book "What if Jesus Had Never Been Born," by Kennedy.
Thousands of miralce working saints who overcame fallen human sinful nature to a large degree.
Christians gave us Oxford University, Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton.
The first 123 colleges in America were founded by Christians.
All the founders of the major branches of science, were Christians.
98% of modern technological inventions, are from Christians.
The principles found in the Constitution, are based on Christian and biblical principles.
Had Jesus never been born, America would never have been created.
Christianity put an end to cannibalism around the world in the 19th century.
Wherever Christianity has been, literacy and education have progressed.
Christians put value on human life.
The Salvation Army was founded by Christians, and is now in 100 nations.
Christianity abolished slavery.
The Red Cross was founded by Christians, and has saved millions of lives.
Habitat for Humanity, founded by Christians.
The concept of Hospitals, a Christian invention.
In 1985, 79% of the Hospitals, Universities, colleges and orphanages in America, were founded by Christians. I suspect the number is even higher today.
Disaster Relief, from Christians
Soup Kitchens, from Christians
Homless Shelters, from Christians
Food pantries for the poor, from Christians.
Daniel Lapin, a Jewish scholar, agrees with these facts. See the book mentioned above.
Some atheists like to mention Christian wars. But this is a fallacy because wars are not a Christian or biblical concept or teaching. A person can walk down the street and smell body odor. Does this prove soap doesn't work and that soap factories are flawed? Of course not. The soap is there. We just have to use it. The same applies to Christianity.
It is the fallacy of false cause to argue that Christianity or Jesus is the CAUSE of these wars. B comes after A, but A does not cause B. A rooster might crow before the Sun rises, but the Rooster does not cause the Sun to rise.
All religious wars in human history combined, amount to about six or seven million deaths.
130 million people killed by atheist totalitarian regimes.
"If Jesus had never been born, it would be always Winter but never Christmas" -- C.S. Lewis
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Sorry, there was supposed to be spaces between my points. And I can't find an editing device.
You think we solely pick on Christianity? Certainly it is what we run into most, but we treat all superstitions the same, be it yours or anything. It could be claims of psychics, Loc Ness, UFOs ect ect ect.
Christianity at a minimum poisons science (as do al other myths believed to be fact) because it's followers buy unfounded naked assertions. It is a lie that invisible beings in the sky get girls pregnant. It takes a human sperm and a human egg to supply 2 sets of DNA to produce a zygote.
We also know that human flesh cannot survive rigor mortis.
That's just the willful ignorance that Christianity spreads about science. Globally it poisons, just like other religions, politics, in that it creates division between religions, and division within Christianity as well.
You want to demonize us because we challenge people to think about the claims they make. We are not out to force religion out of existence via force of government. We are trying to present humanity with healthy skepticism by presenting them with things they may not have thought of before, in the form of the flaws they fail to consider.
We do the exact same thing for all fantastic claims. For the same reason you reject the claim of Ouiji boards actually work, I reject the claim that a human being "poof" popped out of the dirt in a nanosecond.
If you were a passenger in a car and the driver were about to run a stop light, would you sit back and say nothing? Or would you at least try to show them the mistake they were about to make?
We are not negative like our theists counterparts try to make us out to be. We are positive that when people challenge claims and don't merely blindly buy them, they have a much better chance in life of making better decisions.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Islamic countries have hospitals and police and firemen. Japan has hospitals and police and firemen. I myself donate to pet charities and have donated my time and money and blood to the Red Cross in the past.
Charity is not an invention of Christianity nor do Christians have a monopoly on doing good. The fact remains that humans do not need the superstition of Superman vs Kriptonite to do either good or bad. One either does good or they do bad, there is no magic in life like theists would have one believe.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Incognito, your list gives an awful lot of credit to Christianity it doesn't deserve, for example:
Any religion is just a dogma that often gets in the way of social change and the ongoing discovery and understanding of the cosmos. Even for those things that can be attributed to Christian dogma, the dogma itself isn't' necessary for those things to come about. Humans can be good to other humans without some imaginary creature demanding it of them.
And more importantly, the unquestioned dogmas of religion have a very dangerous side effect: Good people do good things, bad people do bad things. But, thanks to unquestioned dogma, religion can make good people do bad things.
Ask anyone who participated in the purges of Rome. Or who helped find heretics during the inquisition. Or anyone who helped disfigure someone during an exorcism. No one does evil in their own eyes. They were all saving souls. Every person killed, maimed, or tortured suffered for their own good. That is how religion poisons everything.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
So it is a numbers game?
You dont see the underlying theme, regardess of weither you could prove these "atheistic" regimes were actually atheistic.
The thing BOTH have in common is blind worship. One is blind worship of a god, the other is blind worship of the state.
However, Stalin was a graduate of theology, and Hitler's SS belt buckles had the phrase "God is with us". Oriental regimes are NOT VOID of their own superstitions. You can find dipictions in their artwork of heaven and hell and gods BOTH in China and in the residual artwork of Japan's former facism depicting their god(s) favoring their emperialism.
Who cares what the math is. Authortarinism that squashes dissent can take the form of a god or a state. So theocracies only killed 6 million? So I guess Hitler by himself didn't do much damage either?
I can promise you right now if it were not for the age of Enlightenment in the west and the demand for common law over common dogma, our western society would be just as tribalistic as any middle eastern theocracy and just as bloody.
The problem in both instances is the insistance of authoritarian rule without advise and consent and the ability to dissent.
How about a dose of reality. Worship of magic is as ridiculous as worship of authority as it is worship of a celebrity. How about that?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
These are always fun.
This is a fallacious accreditation. In order for this to be a positive attribute you must assume that the Biblical decrees are in accordance with the highest moral standards (in otherwords, you're using circular reasoning).
Nope. Oxford University was founded in the township of Oxford in the 12th century by a variety of scholars whom had been expelled from the University of Paris. The township itself was already established as a center for education and represented a very broad spectrum of cultural backgrounds and religions.
Nope. Cambridge was formed as a result of scholars from Oxford University having a disagreement with some of the townsfolk of Oxford, around 1209.
Now, the Ivy League schools in America you perhaps have an argument for - but even so, are you arguing that it was through treating blind faith as a virtue and dogma as unquestionable that education arose? If not, then it's hardly the exclusive province of religion to establish universities.
What's your point? Again, you seem to be alluding that education would not have arisen without your religion - a demonstrably false claim (Look at the largely secular Asian countries. Y'know - the ones that consistently rank top of the charts these days for producing educated & literate youth, while America sits... what? 3rd from the bottom? Ouch).
'The major branches of science?' Care to list them all so that your claim has even the remotest chance of being verifiable?![Sticking out tongue Sticking out tongue](/modules/smileys/examples/110.gif)
Einstein ('founder' of modern physics) was not a Christian. Freud ('founder' of Psychotherapy) was not a Christian. Galileo ('founder' of astronomy and many core methodical principles) was not a Christian. Etc, etc, etc.
How could you even begin to qualify this statement? It's total garbage (likely copy/pasted from a source like AnswersInGenesis)
No, they weren't. In fact, it is implicitly spelled-out in the Constitution of the United States (which you've clearly never bothered to read for yourself) that it was not founded based on the values of any one particular religion. As Jill stated, it's primary influence was perhaps Greek in origin (though I myself tend to prefer Carl Sagan's hypothesis that the founding fathers were largely inspired more directly by enlightenment-era Holland).
Well, since Jesus never was born, this statement is clearly false.![Sticking out tongue Sticking out tongue](/modules/smileys/examples/110.gif)
Again, how could you possible qualify a statement like this?
No, it did not. Cannibalism is still around, and exterminating cultures who had cannibalistic rituals was hardly a lesser evil.
Wherever influenza has spread, the same is true.
Oh, gee whiz - influenza must be one of the key ingredients to modern civilization! We should cherish it and allow it to flourish!![Sticking out tongue Sticking out tongue](/modules/smileys/examples/110.gif)
So do most people. What's your point?
Many charities have been formed by many other people of different denominations. WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
What a joke. Christianity was the source of slavery.
Look, dude, half of these claims are untrue (or, at the very least, unfalsifiable due to their vague nature), while the other half are devoid of any perspective. Do you actually have a point to make when you say, for example, that hospitals are somehow a 'Christian invention'? Are you saying that modern medicine is the direct result of Biblical teaching? Are you saying that religion & dogma are he vehicles through which health care was established? Or do you not have much of a point, and are just content to parrot what your leaders have shown you?
Funny. We were just having a discussipn in another thread about how the above tendency to submit to authority can lead you away from altruism at great speed.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
What do you mean if jesus had never been born?
So you use specifically christian terms (miracles, saints, "sinful nature" ) -- terms which non-christians do not accept -- to justify christian. Your argument is a large degree.
You foisted this nonsense in your previous thread, whereupon I enjoined you to identify each "major branch of science", as well as its founder. You failed to respond; in fact, you failed to handle even one of the several posts you received in response to your copypasted material. Is your present m.o. to start inane thread topics and put forth not a modicum of effort to defend them?
Absolute nonsense. Please, please, please backup this claim.
Absolute nonsense, In fact, I'm tempted to cite Poe's law. Please, pleaes please explain how jesus' (historically questionable) birth precipitated the founding of America.
Putting colonial servitude in its stead.
Absolute nonsense. christianity killed learning in Europe. It took contact with islamic civilization and refamiliarization with Hellenic thought to pull Europe out of its 1,000 year coma of church-induced stupidity.
The intelligent design movement demonstrates that christians are more than eager to send us back into that coma.
Our biological urge to survive puts value on human life. christianity, by saying there is a better life than this one, devalues life.
Once again, you and Lewis take great liberties in assuming the birth of jesus. Certainly without christianity, there would be no christmas, but I fail to see the problem with that. Celebration of the winter solstice would be enjoyable enough without the myth of a marked-for-death infant as its central focus.
There are no theists on operating tables.
So are you saying that since the idea of war predates Christianity that means its not the Christian's fault that they caused and fought wars? Then I'm sure the judge will agree after I shoot and kill you that its OK because: A) Guns existed before I was born. I'm just using them and B) the concept of homicide was around before I was born. I'm just using the concept.
Yes, but roosters don't have the power to cause the sun to rise, Christians on the other hand do have the power to cause and fight wars and have done so in the past. I'm sure if roosters could cause the sun to rise they would do it as they please. Besides that you are misunderstanding our claims that Christians have caused war. We are not talking about the general idea of war. War existed long before Christianity and will likely exist long after it. Chimps have been seen having wars so likely the concept is as old as our common ancestor. What we are saying when we talk about Christians causing wars is the individual wars that they have caused.
Where did you get these numbers from and what method was used to deduce it? I'm sure you have seen graphs like this one before:
Don't you see a problem with this?
Also try looking at it this way. These "atheistic regimes" you're talking about did there killing in the 20th century. Christians did their killing longer ago from the 3rd or 4th century up till the end of the enlightenment. During this time the world's population was much smaller so where as the "atheists" may have killed a greater number they killed a smaller percentage of the world's population.
Oh no not Christmas. Many cultures celebrate the winter solstice so why can't we just celebrate during this time anyway? Even if we didn't we'd have other holidays to look forward to like Victoria Day or Valentines Day.
Religion is utterly evil just like fascism and communism.
You are presenting exactly the same type of BS apologetics that unrepentant communists and fascists present.
They tell us how gloriously their heroes served humanity. They tell us how many hospitals Hitler or Stalin built or how many great scientists served the Third Reich or the USSR. They say that Stalin instituted universal education in the USSR or that Hitler ended poverty in Germany or that Castro instituted universal health care in Cuba.
Its all utter BS because religion and fascism and communism are utterly evil lies that sow ignorance and destroy people.
Christianity spreads the lie that you should believe things without evidence, and that you should not question your beliefs. These evil beliefs are the roots of Communism and fascism.
Communism and fascism are products of Christianity. Mussolini and Hitler were both devout Catholics. Stalin was a seminary student and a devout Russian Orthodox when he adopted his Communist ideology.
when you say "faith" I think "evil lies"
when you say "god" I think "santa clause"
It's really up to the individual how much they let it poison them. Many middle of the road religious people rationalize things in a way to mask the faults of their religion. Like when Christians emphasize the verses about "loving your neighbor" rather than killing them like the god of the old testament did. They will make excuses for the old testament by saying that was something that needed to be done under the circumstances. Personally, I think the most damaging thing religion does is that it teaches you to accept extraordinary claims without any evidence. Teaching people this does not help them develop critical thinking skills.
No, it'd be Yule instead which is WAY better.
False. The Red Cross has nothing to do with christianity. But considering the amount of other crap you posted, I am not surprised you didn't know that.
Does religion poison? Maybe. Here are a few examples of fine religious upbringing. Not just Christianity is represented in this list.
Jeffery Dahmer: Fundamentalist Christian, sodomite, cannibal, torturer. Father is a creationist listed on answersingenesis as a scientist that accepts the Biblical creation story. Killed 17 people.
Gary Leon Ridgeway: Pentecostal. Killed between 48-71 women.
Ted Bundy: Became a Mormon in 1974. 35-100+ victims.
John Wayne Gacy: Catholic, party clown, enjoyed reciting scripture to his victims. Killed 33 young boys.
Elmer Wayne Henley: Self described in an interview as Christian, stating " Christ taught, simply, to have no other God than the Father; accept the Son as the savior; and to do no thing that will harm oneself or others. I believe that one cannot sin if one lives by those three precepts. ". Kidnapped, tortured, and murdered 27 boys.
H.H. Holmes: Christian, claimed to have been possessed by Satan as part of his defense. Confessed to 27 murders. Total death toll possibly as many as 200.
Juan Corona: Roman Catholic, member of the Cursilistas, an evangelical group known for crash courses in Christianity. Killed 25 men.
Frank G. Spisak jr. Theist, mentor of A_Nony_Mouse, said at his trial "Even though this court may pronounce me guilty a thousand times, the higher court of our great Aryan warrior God pronounces me innocent. Hail Hitler!". Killed 3, wounded several others.
Robert Lee Yates: Seventh Day Adventist, filled his statement to the jury with scripture and religious musings.
Coral Eugene Watts: Theist, quoted as saying about one victim "She had evil eyes...I could see her eyes and they were evil...I had to release the spirit.", and "I took her shoes and the blueprints and the her purse. I burned them. I figured that would kill the spirit.". Killed between 18-100 women.
Herbert Mullin: Theist, always wanted to go to India to study religion. Killed 13 people.
Richard Rameriz: Satanist, raised Catholic. Killed 14 people.
Leonard Lake: Theist. Quote "God meant woman for cooking, cleaning house and sex. And when they are not in use, they should be locked up.". Along with partner Charles Ng, killed between 11-25 women.
Dennis Rader: Lutheran. Quote “A dark side is there, but now I think light is beginning to shine. Hopefully someday God will accept me.” Raped, tortured, and killed 10 women.
Joseph Paul Franklin: Evangelical Christian, American Nazi Party member, KKK member, good friend of A_Nony_Mouse. Killed at least 20 people, mostly interracial couples, and bombed a synagogue.
Albert Fish: Theist, pedophile, cannibal, urine drinker. Once wrapped himself in carpet, explaining that he was following the instructions of John the Apostle. Convicted of killing 3 children, linked to the deaths of 3 more.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
In this breath all have posted here in retort of the theist poster, we must not give the impression that we are a lynch mob, although out of many of the posters here, my fangs do seem to come out quite a bit compared to others.
I think we can be bluntly honest with our theist detractors while at the same time giving them comfort that we have no disire to use government force to take away from them in which they find comfort. We must remind them this is merely a battle of challenge in merely proving what you claim and not a demand of forcable silence.
Many here, including me, are tough on our theist friends, not because we wish them ill will in reality, but because we think they have not considered what we know and that knowledge could help them escape the shackles of myth. We cant force anyone not to believe, but we will not back down from the challenge of challenging those to think about what they claim. We simply argue you don't need what you think you need.
So when people blast us for suggesting that Jesus did not preform magic tricks, all one has to do to see how far westernized society has come is look to one quote from the man who wrote the very right that gives both the theist the right to say what they have to say, and the right for us to challenge what they have to say.
"Question with boldness even the existence of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson.
If there is any hinderance to inquiry the worst of all is taboo. The question not asked is the worst.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at