Guilty or Innocent ?

For those that have been keeping half a lazy eye on the case of Caylee Anthony's murder - what do you think, based on the evidence revealed thus far? Guilty or innocent?
I'm currently favoring the 'guilty' verdict, based on the inability of Casey to account for her daughter's whereabouts and constant string of lies over the matter (and, well, the fact that she didn't ever call the police to report her daughter as missing. That seems like something of a hint. )
"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
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Were I a juror I'd have to say innocent. Though I think she's guilty, at the moment there isn't enough evidence to make that guilty call "beyond a reasonable doubt".
But given her behavior so far, I think that evidence is forthcoming. Once actual jurors hear the case, I think a certain wing-nut mother is due for a long stay at the state's expense.
"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray
I had not been following this story before now. On the CCN news page, the second of the three photographs looks remarkably similar to me as a child. I'm surprised no one in my family has mentioned this to me... the resemblance is incredible.
I think if she wasn't a cute white girl she wouldn't be on the news and people wouldn't give two shits about her. There is something fundamentally wrong with the way the media and society in general function. And yeah, I think the mom killed her.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I am going to have to agree with Jill. If I were a juror I do not see how the DA can make a case "beyond a resonable doubt". However call it my gut instinict but, I think she is guilty. Her behavor is very suspect. Also lets not be to quick...the grandparents seem like good suspects also (IMHO).
It all comes down to jury seasoning when it comes to big cases these days. Thanks to that nasty blonde woman on what used to be Court TV and Bill O'Reilly and the rest, there's probably not twelve people in Florida who don't already have this woman pegged as guilty. Ironically, if someone had a slaughtered an adorable black child of similar age, this one would quite likely not be getting the media scrutiny it's getting and the possibility of a fair(er) trial would exist.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Yep. That's the way the world works.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
Well, since I do not have the information that could possibly be presented to a jury, I don't see how it is reasonable to pass judgment on the woman. Now that much having been said, what information I can dig up is not looking so good for the mother.
Then too, what is up with the grandparents? The kid lived in their house but they did not see her for a few weeks. During that time, they figured that their daughter had dropped the child off with a sitter whom they have never met. Come on, there are three adults in the house and not one of them can stay with the little girl while the other two are off doing whatever? The only way that that can make sense is if it was for at most a day. Several weeks just does not cut the mustard.
If that is not enough, they can't agree with each other when the kid was last seen. The grandmother gave the police a date and the grandfather accepted that date because his wife said it. Perhaps but then a video tape surfaced that places the kid as visiting the great grandfather six days later.
I am thinking that all three of them should be checked by a psychiatrist for basic competency. Perhaps we are looking at a family of retarded people or something. I don't really know aobut that but it would explain why the prosecutor's office is not seeking a death penalty.
I am not going to comment on this case other than to say it sickens me the ammount of armchair quarterbacking that goes on in the media even before someone is put on trial.
I think this dirty look media, like Nacy Grace, may pass Constitutional muster, but to me, is completely irresponsable for the health of "presumption of innocense" long term.
This kind of "got ya" media guilt by implication, can set up a society of jury pools, long term, that get on juries, not to look at the facts, but to get even "get justice".
Even with supposed "DNA" evidence what people don't realize is that the lab, if state owned and not independently blind "case by anonomous number", can even be corrupted by overzealous prosicutors(AND IT HAS HAPPENED) where they urdge the lab or blackmail the lab to fudge numbers to lean toward guilt, so the DA can "look tough" on crime.
SO if this type of disshonesty can happen in our court system it is incumbant to always foster in the media, skepticism, not of the accused, but skepticism of law inforcement and the courts. John Walsh is a nice poster child for emotional appeal. And while his son's death was certainly horrible, we cannot trash our system by having our media constantly portraying guilt by implication. It is unhealthy for the system long term.
I refuse to comment on this particular case and leave it to the investigators and the court an the jury(who should be under scrutiny for the system's sake) which, if media today had any integrety would do the same.
My fear is that the innocent and especially the poor and innocent will have more and more of a hard time long term due to the media's sensationalistic soap opra tactics.
I will reserve my comments post trial.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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