So I've got a free ride to college.

Washington University in St. Louis to be specific. US News and World Report ranks it 12th in the country. Absolutely beautiful campus, too.
I plan on majoring in Biochemistry and/or Physics.
I don't know why I'm announcing this. I guess because this place is all about the pursuit of knowledge. Whatever. I gotta tell somebody, right?
My Brand New Blog - Jesu Ad Nauseum.
God of the Gaps: As knowledge approaches infinity, God approaches zero. It's introductory calculus.
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Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Congratulations! Good job on all you've done to earn this.
I know why you're announcing this here: 'Cause it's cool! Congratulations!
Congratulations! A couple of tips: Buy a Cardinals shirt. It will serve you well. Also, when the two drunk girls suggest that the three of you go back to your dorm room, and you think to yourself, "But I have a test tomorrow, and this is college... it'll surely happen again," No, it won't surely happen again. Call in sick. Finally, when you get that one asshole professor with an agenda, suck it up. The degree is more important than winning this one fight.
Kick ass and take names!
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Congratulations and I hope you spend the next few years exploring this amazing physical universe and enjoy it to the max. What a wonderful time it must be for you.
You had me at "WTF?"
That's a serious accomplishment. A little bragging is certainly in order.
Meanwhile: enjoy the college life. It's fan-fuckin'-tastic.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Agreed. And stock up on condoms. Now. You will never forgive yourself for not having one (or two) handy when the opportunity...arises.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
If you are going to get 2 women in your dorm just for you, don't forget the camera, you never know if it might be worth something in to future, I mean you have to think about the future and one of those lovely ladies might turn out to be a famous actress, politician, model, etc, etc, etc. It's always good to invest in your future
But all joking aside, enjoy this experience, because it's is actually a pretty great experience, but in the end, once it's's back to reality and the working world. Enjoy it while you can....I know I did and I never regreted a moment of it.
Oh and happy new year to everyone on this forum, atheists and theist alike.
Congrats! Have a good time!
If you're majoring in biochem., any thoughts about med. school? It'd be great to have another doc among atheists.
Excellent news! Congrats!