Aviod the ID Noid

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Aviod the ID Noid

Dominoes Pizza is owned by the enemy, and every time you stuff a piece of their bland, processed cheese substitute on cardboard flavored crust into your mouth, you are donating to the Intelligent Design cause, and more!

Dominoes owner Thomas Monaghan apparently suffered a minor stroke after reading Lewis' Mere Christianity in 1989. Never fully recovering full mental function afterward, he divested himself of his best material possessions ( and hopefully engaged in rousing episodes of self flagellation! ). Had this been enough to satisfy his newfound religious zealotry, the world would be a better place. But reality being the buzz kill that it is, he chose the route of so many other American religious nuts and decided that his vision needed to be shoved forcefully down the throats of others. With metaphorical pureed Bible and toilet plunger in hand, he sat out to accomplish this goal.

This brainchild, his plunger if you will, was the Thomas More Legal Center. This law firm describes itself as " The Sword and Sheild for People of Faith ". Its mission statement is as follows;
Defending the Religious Freedom of Christians
Protecting the Sanctity of Human Life
Restoring Traditional Family Values and Patriotism 

and goes on to state that ' The Thomas More Law Center seeks to preserve America's Christian heritage through litigation and education.  It does not charge for its services. '. They also refer to themselves as the Christian version of the ACLU. The ranks of this firm are bolstered by the graduates of the Ava Maria School of Law, also created and owned by Monaghan, and built to indoctrinate and train his holy legal warriors.

If the name sounds familiar, it is because this was the firm that represented the defense during the Kitzmiller vs Dover PA Area School District trial. A Catholic version of the Discovery Institute, these scripture spouting, sanctimonious, silk suited, sectarian solicitors actually worked hand in hand with the Discovery Institute in order to shove a pizza shaped wedge of the Bible into the education system by renaming creationism as Intelligent Design. Undaunted by the bitch slapping they were given in that fight, they have since went on to defend the rights of Christian homophobes to discriminate against homosexuals, Christian pharmacists right to refuse to sell prescribed contraceptives, and Christian teachers right to play gospel themed Christmas music in public schools. They brag about these ' good ' battles on their website.

Among his other ' humanitarian ' endeavors, Monaghan gives financial support to Operation Rescue/Operation Save America. These fine Christians prowl the streets in their " Truth Truck ", tastefully decorated with enlarged pictures of aborted fetus Dominoes pizza toppings, gleefully harassing Planned Parenthood employees and clients, homosexuals, establishments that sell pornography, and Muslims. Having lost their tax exempt status due to improper use of contributions, illegal endorsements of political candidates, money laundering, and tax evasion, they spend their spare time burning the Koran ( it tastes better than the free pizza they get ) and shouting down the prayers of Hindu clergymen.

So the next time you feel like punching a gay, shooting an abortion doctor, violating the first amendment, spitting on a Penthouse distributer, or removing science from the education system, just call Dominoes. While you are munching on your hour late, cold, tasteless, greasy wedge of undiscernable substances, the money you spent on it will be doing all of the above!

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Desdenova wrote:So the next

Desdenova wrote:
So the next time you feel like punching a gay, shooting an abortion doctor, violating the first amendment, spitting on a Penthouse distributer, or removing science from the education system, just call Dominoes. While you are munching on your hour late, cold, tasteless, greasy wedge of undiscernable substances, the money you spent on it will be doing all of the above!
Gawdayum you're eloquent.

Thankfully I make my own pizzas. Though, one always has to wonder in what indirect way one my be financing some inane cause...

Surely there's a list somewhere.


"Anyone can repress a woman, but you need 'dictated' scriptures to feel you're really right in repressing her. In the same way, homophobes thrive everywhere. But you must feel you've got scripture on your side to come up with the tedious 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve' style arguments instead of just recognising that some people are different." - Douglas Murray

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"Chick Full of It" is also

"Chick Full of It" is also an arm of Christianity.

It scares me that private business is in bed with religion. It makes politics that much more coorupt.

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Isn't Papa Johns the same

Isn't Papa Johns the same way?  I know for damn sure chik-fil-a is. I would think most pasta/pizza shops would also be dominated by Christians.  Want to avoid Christians?  Buy nothing but Indian and Asian.

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 The Chic-Fil-A guy lives

 The Chic-Fil-A guy lives about an hour and a half from me.  I know some people who know him, and yes, he is everything they say, though he does throw some spectacular parties, from what I hear.  Fucking hypocrite.  (Yes... that kind of party.)

So, adding Dominoes to my list.  Home Depot is also a sponsor of Christian shit.  If someone could verify Papa Johns, that would help because I've been known to eat a pizza at 1AM when I'm drunk and there's no food in the house and it would be unsafe for me to go to the grocery.


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Desdenova wrote:Dominoes

Desdenova wrote:

Dominoes Pizza is owned by the enemy, and every time you stuff a piece of their bland, processed cheese substitute on cardboard flavored crust into your mouth, you are donating to the Intelligent Design cause, and more!

Dominoes owner Thomas Monaghan 

Correction, Monaghan doesn't own Dominoes Pizza, he was the founder of it, but sold it in 1998. And it is now a publicly owned company, Monaghan does have 27% non-controlling stake in the company, but that's it. But if you want to claim that you shouldn't support any business that has theist share holders, most of you would probably going starving. 

"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)

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 Quote:But if you want to


But if you want to claim that you shouldn't support any business that has theist share holders, most of you would probably going starving.

Comprehend much?

Clearly, the subject of this thread is avoiding businesses that actively support the teaching and dissemination of intelligent design or other politically motivated theist agendas.  I'm pretty sure the corporate contributions of Dominoes ought to be public record.  This should be easy enough to settle.



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Hambydammit wrote:

Comprehend much?

Clearly, the subject of this thread is avoiding businesses that actively support the teaching and dissemination of intelligent design or other politically motivated theist agendas.  I'm pretty sure the corporate contributions of Dominoes ought to be public record.  This should be easy enough to settle..

Uhm, what part of Domino's is a publicly traded company don't you understand? And just because you're a shareholder who actively supports Christian organizations, doesn't mean that the company you hold shares in actively supports Christian organizations (let's not forget that Tommy doesn't even have a controlling stake in the company).

Pat Robertson can go ahead and buy shares without much if any restriction of Lagardère Group, which owns the publishing company that prints Christopher Hitchen's God is Not Great, would you then say you should boycott purchasing the book?

Judging that most wealthy investors have diversified portfolios, wealthy individuals who do contribute to DI, and such, are bound to have shares of a wide and far reaching amount of companies, and if you were going to boycott publicly traded companies which have shareholders who support agendas you're opposed too (let's not forget many companies have thousands of shareholders) you're going to paint yourself into a corner. You probably won't be able to put gas in your car, or even buy a decent box of cereal, or even medicine. 

In fact if that's exactly what individuals here are advocating, that atheist here should boycott companies who have shareholders that support agendas that they are opposed to, I might just buy some shares of companies which make products you guys love, and than donate a little to Focus on the Family, just to piss you off. 

I mean it's silly. It's sort of like saying since James Dobson owns a Taurus, you shouldn't buy Ford cars

Regardless the correction still stands, Tommy is not the owner of Domino's pizza, he owns some shares of it, but they are not even controlling shares. Domino's pizza does not actively support intelligent design, or any other politically motivated theist agendas, some of their shareholders just might (Dominos pizza doesn't have much if any control of how their shareholders decide to spend their money), but you're bound to find such a situation with nearly any major publicly traded company. 




"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)

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Monaghan still owns a 27%

Monaghan still owns a 27% share of the company, which means that at least a quarter out of every dollar I spend there could be going to undermine education, defend fanatics in court, or harass innocent people. My point isn't that the money is going toward Christian organizations, but that it is going toward fanatical, repressive Christian organizations. If Christian groups want to build a hospital, we have some common ground despite our differences. If they want to return to the dark ages by destroying the educational system, we have no common ground whatsoever. Since I never know which Dominoes is franchised and which is still owned by the corporation, I prefer to take no chances and simply not buy from any of them. And the irony of Dominoes pizza being sold in school cafeterias! How many campus purchases does it take to burn a biology textbook? Makes me glad to have moved away from civilization, though there are times I would club a baby seal for a Big Beef Burrito Supreme and a Nachos Bell Grande.

It also looks like some of the nonsense is spreading across the pond with the Thomas More Legal Centre. I can't find much info on them, but their website makes them sound like a clone of the American firm with virtually the same name, a Catholic law firm dedicated to defending Christian values and liberties.

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Desdenova wrote:Monaghan

Desdenova wrote:

Monaghan still owns a 27% share of the company, which means that at least a quarter out of every dollar I spend there could be going to undermine education, defend fanatics in court, or harass innocent people. My point isn't that the money is going toward Christian organizations, but that it is going toward fanatical, repressive Christian organizations. If Christian groups want to build a hospital, we have some common ground despite our differences.

As I said previously, publicly traded companies don't have any real control of who buys their shares, any more so than they have control over those who buy their pizza. Tom Monaghan doesn't own any of the Domino's franchises, all he owns is some non-controlling shares of the company. Any nut job, James Dobson, Pat Robertson can buy shares of a publicly traded company, and be in a position no different than Tom Monaghan, but penalizing Domino's for the endeavors of their shareholders, would be like penalizing them for endeavors of those who buy their pizza. 



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Sapient wrote:Isn't Papa

Sapient wrote:

Isn't Papa Johns the same way?  I know for damn sure chik-fil-a is. I would think most pasta/pizza shops would also be dominated by Christians.  Want to avoid Christians?  Buy nothing but Indian and Asian.

 Even if it's true, you would have to prove that they own the pasta/pizza shops because they're Christian.





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  With Christians numbering

  With Christians numbering in the tens of millions ( in the US ) not patronizing Christian owned businesses would be like living in Saudi Arabia and not patronizing Muslim owned businesses.  The odds are stacked against you.

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ProzacDeathWish wrote:

  With Christians numbering in the tens of millions ( in the US ) not patronizing Christian owned businesses would be like living in Saudi Arabia and not patronizing Muslim owned businesses.  The odds are stacked against you.


     I am so repulsed by businesses that post religious phrases on their marques.  As I drive through town, these signs are so annoying.  I just don't do business with any of them.  I have my "church sign generator" picture in my car window.

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Boon Docks wrote:  I am so

Boon Docks wrote:

  I am so repulsed by businesses that post religious phrases on their marques.  As I drive through town, these signs are so annoying.  I just don't do business with any of them.  I have my "church sign generator" picture in my car window.

    Yeah, I hate seeing the signs that are emblazoned with the Christian "fish" symbol.

Kevin R Brown
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Quote:Uhm, what part of

Uhm, what part of Domino's is a publicly traded company don't you understand? And just because you're a shareholder who actively supports Christian organizations, doesn't mean that the company you hold shares in actively supports Christian organizations (let's not forget that Tommy doesn't even have a controlling stake in the company).

This is one of those rare times that I'll actually agree with the theist:

Public trading means that virtually any business on the stock market makes potential contributions to causes we don't like (one of the things I do like about Michael Moore is that he often points-out this fact and sort-of pokes fun at himself and the reader for purchasing his books from publishers whom are, in several ways, 'in bed wth' the republican party).


There's a big different, IMHO, from the goal of Dominoes as a company and the goals of individual stockholders (just as there's a difference between what Judge Jones's personal beliefs/ambitions might be and what his job was as a judge). I won't recommend buying Dominoes anyway, because, well... ick!, but I can't see why one would boycott it based on the founder (whom no longer holds a controlling portion of the stock) being a fundamentalist.

Judging that most wealthy investors have diversified portfolios, wealthy individuals who do contribute to DI, and such, are bound to have shares of a wide and far reaching amount of companies, and if you were going to boycott publicly traded companies which have shareholders who support agendas you're opposed too (let's not forget many companies have thousands of shareholders) you're going to paint yourself into a corner. You probably won't be able to put gas in your car, or even buy a decent box of cereal, or even medicine.

This is absurd, though (well, in Canada, anyway). Don't want to risk giving your money to a fundamentalist? Don't buy from publicly traded companies. It's that simple. Buy from local privately owned businesses instead.

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Desdenova wrote:Monaghan

Desdenova wrote:

Monaghan still owns a 27% share of the company, which means that at least a quarter out of every dollar I spend there could be going to undermine education, defend fanatics in court, or harass innocent people.

The idea that he would get 27% of anything you spend there is incorrect.  The companies Sales will affect their Net Income which in turn will affect there Retained Earnings, but none of theses thing directly affect the stocks market price.  If a company is doing well it will usually lead to an increase in there stocks market price, but this price is affected by many other factors including the economy, and the buying habits of investors.  That said if you somehow managed to drive the company out of business Monaghan would most likely lose a huge amount of money(assuming he still owned stock in the company at the time), but in the process many innocent people would be hurt including other investors, and all of the company’s employees.  This really wouldn’t be fair because these people have no control over who has ownership of the companies stock (that’s what being a publicly held company means, it’s held by whoever is willing to fork out the cash to buy some of it).     

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 Um... you're all missing

 Um... you're all missing something here.  Whether it's a publicly traded company or not, Dominoes does make corporate contributions.  If there was a "Dominoes Bowl" in college football, you could look at the Dominoes Franchise Company, Inc, and find a ledger item marked "NCAA - 1 Million Dollars" or whatever you pay for the right to name a bowl.  Similarly, if Dominoes makes any contributions to the ID movement as a corporation there will be records of the donations.  It doesn't matter who owns an individual store.  What I was talking about was the corporation itself.  Again, regardless of public or private ownership, there is a CEO, and there are board members, and they decide to give money to different things.


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Hambydammit wrote: Um...

Hambydammit wrote:

 Um... you're all missing something here.  Whether it's a publicly traded company or not, Dominoes does make corporate contributions.  If there was a "Dominoes Bowl" in college football, you could look at the Dominoes Franchise Company, Inc, and find a ledger item marked "NCAA - 1 Million Dollars" or whatever you pay for the right to name a bowl.  Similarly, if Dominoes makes any contributions to the ID movement as a corporation there will be records of the donations.  It doesn't matter who owns an individual store.  What I was talking about was the corporation itself.  Again, regardless of public or private ownership, there is a CEO, and there are board members, and they decide to give money to different things.


Uhm sure, if the dominos corporation wanted contribute money to different organizations they can do that, but the Dominos corporation has not donated any money to the ID movement, so the notion of boycotting them is silly. 

"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)

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 Quote:but the Dominos


but the Dominos corporation has not donated any money to the ID movement, so the notion of boycotting them is silly.

Dude, that's the question we're asking.  Have you seen their corporate donation list, or are you just making this up?



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 This doesn't really help


This doesn't really help much, but it was all I could find.


Dominoes has contributed $3.8 million to St. Jude in the first four years of their partnership.


It Partners Foundation has disbursed $6.0 million to help employees in financial need.


Also Over the last three years, the Domino’s Pizza system has contributed approximately $5.0 million to external charitable organizations in monetary and in-kind giving.


I can't find were the last five million went to so I have no idea if it goes to Christian organizations.  I got this all from there 2007 finical report.  



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 Yep.  It'd be in that 5

 Yep.  It'd be in that 5 million if it's there.  I wonder if it would be as simple as asking for a list.  Don't shareholders have a right to that information?  HisWillness would know...


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ProzacDeathWish wrote:   

ProzacDeathWish wrote:

    Yeah, I hate seeing the signs that are emblazoned with the Christian "fish" symbol.

I once saw a business named "Integrity Motors", and the first T in "integrity" was a full-on crucifix. It was quite sad-funny.



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Hambydammit wrote:but the

Hambydammit wrote:

Dude, that's the question we're asking.  Have you seen their corporate donation list, or are you just making this up?

"Dude", read the first post that I wrote, and you replied too, and asked if I comprehend much. Here I'll even quote it for you: 

Correction, Monaghan doesn't own Dominoes Pizza, he was the founder of it, but sold it in 1998. And it is now a publicly owned company, Monaghan does have 27% non-controlling stake in the company, but that's it. But if you want to claim that you shouldn't support any business that has theist share holders, most of you would probably going starving.

The OP incorrectly assumed the Monaghan is the owner of Dominoes pizza, which he isn't, the OP claimed that Monaghan (who is a shareholder) support  of the Discovery Institute and etc is same as Domino's support DI. 

And I corrected him, saying that Domino's is not accountable for the actions of it's shareholders.

The OP advocated boycotting Domino's based on the actions of Monaghan, and I just went and corrected him on his erroneous assumptions. 

But of course you felt the need to reply and ask if I comprehend much, when it seems I wasn't the one having trouble comprehending.

But whatever, moving on. 





"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)

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 Um... were you not

 Um... were you not responding to my post, where I very clearly explained that regardless of ownership, their corporate donations should be public record?

Did you not get that we have learned as we've read each others posts, and that what we're interested in knowing is whether or not the Dominoes corporation donates money to any ID organizations, regardless of how that money is given?

I repeat my question.  Have you any firsthand knowledge of Dominoes corporate contributions, or were you just lying when you said you know the corporation doesn't support any ID groups?

I don't know whether Dominoes does or not.  I think you don't know either, but if you have documentation, I'd love to know where to find it so I could learn.


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Quote:I repeat my question.

I repeat my question.  Have you any firsthand knowledge of Dominoes corporate contributions, or were you just lying when you said you know the corporation doesn't support any ID groups?

Do I have first hand knowledge of Dominoes corporate contributions? 


or were you just lying when you said you know the corporation doesn't support any ID groups?

No, I wasn't lying.

Judging that no watch dog groups are claiming that Domino's Corp supports ID groups; judging by the number of articles we can find about Monoghan as the founder of Domino's, contributing to ID, with none of them claiming the Domino's Corporation also contributes to ID; judging by the "controversy" section of wikipedia only claiming Monaghans support, while making it a point to write that he is not involved with running the corporation; judging by the unlikelihood that a few kids from the RRS forum, who barely know how to read an income statement, are going to discover something that nobody else has noticed, or desired to mention about the donations of a major corporation; I can safely say: no, Domino's doesn't contribute to any ID organizations.

Just as safely as I can say Richard Dawkins, doesn't contribute to Focus on the Family, without having to even look at his income statement. Or as safely as I can say 9/11 wasn't an inside job, even though I don't know all the nuances of civil engineering. 

Can I be wrong? I highly doubt it. Do I give two shits if I am? uhm not really. Do I have any interest in digging through Domino's financial statements, to support my claim further? Nope, not at all.

If you desire to spend that much time exploring, what would appear obvious to most people, you're more than welcome to. But I could care less either way. I have no desire to put more time researching this, than I already have. 

Hambydammit wrote:

what we're interested in knowing is whether or not the Dominoes corporation donates money to any ID organizations.

We? look around you Ham. Guess what???

It's just you!

When posters on this forum found out that Monaghan isn't the owner of Dominos, they gave up on the idea of boycotting them.

Everybody else dropped it and went home. You're the only one left there buddy.



"I'm really an idiot! I have my own head way the fuck up my ass! Watch me dig myself into a hole over and over again!" ~Rook Hawkins (just citing sources)

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Quote:Um... you're all

Um... you're all missing something here.  Whether it's a publicly traded company or not, Dominoes does make corporate contributions.  If there was a "Dominoes Bowl" in college football, you could look at the Dominoes Franchise Company, Inc, and find a ledger item marked "NCAA - 1 Million Dollars" or whatever you pay for the right to name a bowl.  Similarly, if Dominoes makes any contributions to the ID movement as a corporation there will be records of the donations.  It doesn't matter who owns an individual store.  What I was talking about was the corporation itself.  Again, regardless of public or private ownership, there is a CEO, and there are board members, and they decide to give money to different things.

Oh. Yeah, I was missing that.


We? look around you Ham. Guess what???

It's just you!

When posters on this forum found out that Monaghan isn't the owner of Dominos, they gave up on the idea of boycotting them.

Everybody else dropped it and went home. You're the only one left there buddy.

I'm still here, and if Dominoes does make contributions to ID orgs, I'd be interested in knowing.

So I guess you're wrong yet again.

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I’m sorry I assumed Dominoes doesn’t give to ID when I found out that Dominoes wasn’t owned by Monaghan.  I’m sorry that I posted useless information to try to make up for assuming Dominoes doesn’t give to ID.  I am still interested in whether or not Dominoes gives to ID.  I went to their web page and asked them for a list of who they donate to.   If I ever get a reply I will post it here. 

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An interesting tidbit of

An interesting tidbit of info here. When Monaghan sold Dominoes, it was to Bain Capital. Bain Capital's founder and CEO at the time was Mitt Romney.  Romney, formerly pro-choice now turned pro-life, campaigned for Republican Presidential candidate in the last election, and was quoted in 2002 as saying "Call me old fashioned, but I don't support gay marriage nor do I support civil union."

True to form, he has even flip-flopped a little on that position as well, but I digress.

During the presidential nomination campaign, Monaghan threw his financial weight behind Romney. with money pouring in from Monaghan's Ava Maria University.

Romney is no longer CEO of Bain Capital, but it is obvious that he and Monaghan have close ties and objectives. This does give me reason to wonder still where Dominoes dumps its money. I'm inclined to bet that somewhere in the tangled web of ownership, there are ties to a Fetusmobile, ID, and other wholesome Christian ventures. I just wish I could find the grants & charities arms of Dominoes and Bain Capital.

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...Does anyone order from

...Does anyone order from Dominoes anyway, out of curiousity?

That shit is just gross to me -- gave it a try from two different locations and all 4 pizzas total were absolutely disgusting. Stale sauce, crust made out of who-the-fuck-knows (certainly not any form of bread) and toppings & cheese that were about as fresh as the meatloaf your mom made for you when you moved out on your own and you didn't touch until you were desperate a few weeks later.

They even skimp on the cheese, which is pretty much the most unforgivable crime a pizza franchise can perpetrate.

"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."

- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940

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I try really hard not to

I try really hard not to order pizza anywhere because they're all shit on a shingle, but when I have to do it, I order from Papa John.  They have a store right down the street from me, and I can order over the internet, bypassing all human contact until the pizza is delivered.

IMHO, from best to worst are Papa John, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, although Pizza Hut and Domiones are both really bad.  I think it's just a matter of how much the employees at a given store give a shit.

Also IMHO, someone earlier was on the right track talking about charity arms.  I can pretty much guarantee that the Dominoes corporation doesn't give directly to "WE SAVE BABIES, Inc."  That would be politically... stupid.  If they follow form, they'll have intermediate philanthropic organizations that are owned and operated by like minded people.  So, Dominoes donates to X, and then X doles out money to various organizations, including right to life or ID stuff.  That is... if they are doing it at all, that's how they would do it.

So the question is, has anyone actually done the legwork to track down the connections, or is the Dominoes thing just a rumor because of its ownership?


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin

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Why pick the lesser

Why pick the lesser of...well, three or four evils?  Buy a fucking DiGiorno.

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theidiot wrote:Everybody

theidiot wrote:

Everybody else dropped it and went home. You're the only one left there buddy.

No he's not.  Reading and learning does not require posting.  I appreciate the information I've been given here.

"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.

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 Dominos LLC is a

 Dominos LLC is a publically owned business, no longer private.  Dominos Franchises are privately owned.  I deliver pizzas for a dominos franchise on the weekends,(business name is actually different and private) It's just my weekend job, and the CEO of the business is a private franchise owner much like any other.  He lives  in my city, operates one store, and has goals to buy others.  There are other franchisees who own multiple "chains" but there is no one propietary owner of all Dominos pizza stores. Not one Dominos food store is owned by Dominos, LLC(and hasn't been for over a decade). In fact, Dominos, LLC is not owned by one "person" but by shareholders. Also Dominos, LLC only gets a whopping 3% of Gross Annual Sales of each Franchisee(to quote the owner of the store I work at)!  That 3% goes to overhead(with a fraction going to shareholders, big deal), advertising costs, etc!  


I'm sure the church down the road sees more money on one sunday than a religious shareholder donates in a year.  lol I bet theres more religious shareholders at ebay or somethin, maybe even amazon. Just speculatin tho

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 That's actually about

 That's actually about average -- the 3% -- for franchise companies.  It may not seem like much, but consider that with fifty franchises each with ten thousand a week in gross sales, you're looking at 300x50 = 15000 per week = 60k per month = 720k per year.

The thing we've been getting at is that no particular owner needs to contribute money to any particular cause for this rumor to be true.  Dominos, LLC is publicly owned, but that doesn't mean there isn't a president, vice president, and most importantly for this discussion, director of philanthropy or whatever title they decide to give him.  Corporate contributions are really important, especially for LLCs, as they relieve the tax burden significantly and can be used as tools to increase overall sales without increasing the rate of taxation, thus producing more actual profit than if money had NOT been given away.

So, regardless of what your owner might or might not believe in supporting, Dominos, LLC does give money to various causes.  Among those causes is a nebulous 5 million or so to "various" groups.  The question is whether any of those groups include organizations that promote intelligent design, anti-abortion legislation, or any other particularly Christian causes.  The most likely scenario is that Domiinos would not give directly to such groups, but would use a "middle man" philanthropic organization to avoid appearing to support such causes.



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Well, their pizza is

Well, their pizza is terrible so either way don't buy it. This is just another reason. Anyway the small independant places are best.

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 Some food for thought  

 Some food for thought Sticking out tongue