What's the fucking point?

My wife and I are watching this movie called The strangers and I have to ask: What's the point of watching people being tortured by seemingly invincible bad guys who seem to be everywhere at once?
I don't get it. Two hours of my life wasted.
Is this just a shitty movie? It seems like the whole genre is based on the same thing...
Can anybody a who's a fan explain this to me?
Eden had a 25% murder rate and incest was rampant.
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It always helps to remember that it's just a movie.
That's what helped me through my anguish of watching the horror movie WALL-E.
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or weekend at bernie's 2
Eden had a 25% murder rate and incest was rampant.
I was told by a fan of these movies that I should not watch it...as I live in the woods by myself. She did NOT like this movie, and stated the same 'no win' senario as a main reason...and she LOVES scary movies.
Personally, I don't care for or understand why others like scary movies at all. I don't like the imagery or the whats-lurking-in-the-shadows thoughts that come from watching them. I like to live in my la-la land of trees, friends, and dogs. It's way better there.
My probably bullshit theory is that everyone is "addicted" to their own "pet chemicals" in their brain. For example, I really don't understand people who can sit around, literally, for hours just complaining about shit. And when you try to throw in a complaint of your own just for kicks, they are always ready to one-up you with how something about their life is even shittier. The genuinely seem to enjoy that. Why? Some kind of weird addiction to whatever combination of chemicals leads to self-depracation. But I think the same is probably true for why people favor certain movie styles. Even among horror film fanatics you will find sects, such as people who will only watch hack-n-slash and gore, such as Night of the Living Dead, Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, etc. Then you have the people who are just looking for a film where the threat of such things is everpresent, but seldom comes to fruition. (I would lump something like Jurassic Park into that category.)
Personally, I can relate to the latter. It makes sense to me. The former has always been a mystery. Maybe it's some kind of forbidden fruit kind of thing, where manslaughter is so terribly forbidden that watching it is kind of mesmerizing or something. I really don't know. But I'm sure there's some explanation, if weird.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
"What's the fucking point?"
I thought the same thing when I saw the time put in to writing this thread.
Obviously they like to be dominated.
my wife and i are horror/scary movie nuts, and we thought "the strangers" was a pile of crap. the first ten minutes or so seem promising, but it's like the director/writer didn't actually have any ideas for what to do after that. it just seemed like torture-voyeurism with no motive or resolution. boring, boring, boring...
www.derekneibarger.com http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=djneibarger "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
What tickled me about the movie was that it was supposedly inspired by true events.
Here are the events.
1. Once upon a time, the director was awakened by a late night knock on the door. A young woman, possibly intoxicated, asked if another girl who did not live there was home.
2. The director later discovered that several homes in which the residents were not present at the time had been broken into and burglarized in his neighborhood. The two events overlap in that they happened within a couple of weeks of each other.
3. The director suspected that the late night door knocking might have been related to the burglaries, with the young lady testing the houses to see if the owners were home.
The end!
All in all, I found it a boringly predictable, uninspiring, and mostly non-graphic psychological horror, not even on a par with Hostel. Then again, I am a devotee of Asian horror, and find most of the American genre to be rehashed garbage incapable of holding my attention. Even the Saw movies draw from the Canadian Cube movies, which by the way were far more thought provoking and ingenious. The lack of imagination and too much reliance on special effects in our cinema makes Desdenova a bored boy.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Being a huge fan of anything within the horror genre I have to say that the movie was just - okay.
My husband and I discussed it afterwards and we were really expecting more. I would have loved to see some crazy 'Devils Rejects' type explanation somewhere in the movie, geesus ANY background on the killers would have made it a bit more interesting. We couldn't figure out if we were watching a 'murder' movie or some hybrid of Friday the 13th. I won't say I wasted a few hours but I also won't watch the movie again.
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You need to be beat with a soaked shamwow.
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I agree that it was unnecessary to make this film but there were some good moments like when the killers are in the house watching her but she doesnt see them...its kind of like that movie "funny games"...its really annoying how the the killers toy with the victims who just dont get it until its too late...but after its over you see they never really had a chance...kind of like texas chainsaw movies...so its more about the hunt than like a friday the 13th where theyre just getting picked off with a little bit of hunt at the end for the last person...
for the strangers it was the goal to not show anything about the killers to heighten the terror by not really showing anything...it didnt really work as well as they hoped...
What's the point of that?
Eden had a 25% murder rate and incest was rampant.
Shamwow holds 50 times it's weight in water! And I've seen the commercial entirely too many times.
HOLY SHIT! It's a flying shark! We're pretty much fucked...
I don't care for horror movies. They're all boring and predictable. Especially the Japanese ones. Oh wow, a vengeful ghost? I never would've guessed.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I think you and the Captain might be on the same wavelength, here.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Of all the gory movies I have watched, none even comes close to inducing the white-knuckle terror that the horror movie Idiocracy does.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
The first few minutes of the movie were all that were worth watching. Thats our future if the fundies have their way. ID-ocracy.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
the point of it is a storyline. This is why movies, more specificly horror movies, are complete garbage, worth only a cheap non existent thrill. Seems many filmmakers lost their way with cheap thrills, making loud sounds in theaters and putting makeup ridden models the main characters
I couldn't stand the "Blah Crap Project" ohhhhhhhh people walking around the woods in the dark.
What is really bad about some movies, not just horror, but when it seems like the director has to leave all the footage in for "artistic" reasons and the movie ends up being 1/2 hour to an hour too long.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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