Would you be offended or flattered if someone masturbated while thinking of you?

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Would you be offended or flattered if someone masturbated while thinking of you?

It's time for me to break the ice and start a not so serious thread. I personally would be extremely flattered. But if you are thinking of me please make it special ie. after a nice pasta dinner with wine and then to set the mood right, a few scented candles.

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Carpe-Omnis, I am one of

Carpe-Omnis, I am one of your friends.  I've often been found flirting with straight guys... or so they said they were.  Embarrassing for everyone who was coherent, I'm sure.  I've never felt threatened doing so.  That'd be terrible.  After all, isn't flattering to be hugged and touched and kissed?  Isn't it?  Well, I always thought so.  But, then, when you're really drunk, pretty much everything is good.  Just ask Kevin.  Anyhow, if someone complained, I never heard! Eye-wink

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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I thought about ignoring

Blah blah...


To all of you wanting me to apologize; I will NOT.


Blah blah...

 I am an asshole. 


Blah blah...

I'm one of the new guys and most of what I say will be swept under the mat so, I'm expecting that.  However, I will not stay silent because I enjoy speaking my mind, even if what I have to say doesn't always please people.   


Blah blah...

So, I'm done with this thread on that note.


MOD EDIT: Here's the deal, Sage:

I asked you for a simple apology for breaking the rules and insulting a member & friend. You didn't provide it. You're a kook and not an established member, and frankly, I don't give a shit what a badass rebel you think you are.

You're not 'done with this thread'. You're done, period, until you come back and apologize for your behavior. I will personally be reducing your future posts to so much incoherent drivel until you do so. Capiche?

 - KB

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Sage_Override wrote:Since

Sage_Override wrote:
Since the internet is anonymous, leave personal baggage at the door because we're not mind readers when it comes to real life issues.

You don't need to read minds to know that disparaging comments, even if jesting, will probably offend.

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 Quote:I thought about


I thought about ignoring this thread once I realized that the obvious nature of forums is anonymity and that most of you were taking this situation a little too personally, but I'm going to respond anyway.


To all of you wanting me to apologize; I will NOT.

Then I hope you won't take it personally if we don't like you as a result.  I, for one, am friends with Greek Goddess, and I don't like people who pointlessly insult her for their own jollies.

 Likewise, I'm sure she didn't care for my post as most of the people backing her up seem to agree that it was offensive even though I stated that I was fucking around.

Typically, well adjusted grown ups don't get their jollies by throwing random people's feelings under the bus.  I find that kind of thing to be juvenile and mean spirited.  I don't go out of my way to bother with juvenile mean spirited people.

Since the internet is anonymous, leave personal baggage at the door because we're not mind readers when it comes to real life issues.

You know what I do?  I pretend like I'm talking face to face and try not to say things over the internet that I wouldn't say in person.  Do you really insult random girls you don't know in person?  If so, I can say with certainty that I think you're an ass and not worthy of any of my precious time or energy.

Trying to avoid offending people on the internet is like discussing racial equality with the KKK; you're bound to step on some toes.  

Clearly, some of us enjoy stepping on toes and some don't.

So, as previously stated, I will not apologize for not knowing her and for having what I thought was an amusing post land in such an awkward way that it would span into this ridiculous torrent of me versus her/them.

Your sense of humor is not funny to me.

On a sidenote, Jill, to keep it brief, blow me.

To make sure we're on the same page, abusive language towards our members is a bannable offense.  Put a sock on it or you can find somewhere else to hang out.  We respect each other here.

 I am an asshole.  Most of you will not like me, but I am fair and I give everyone a chance.  Piss me off and I'll retaliate in a way that most of you will probably disagree with.  I am open to everything and everyone.  I like a lot of people on these forums so far (even if most of you don't like me).  A lot of you post boring science stuff most of the time, but it's still all very intriguing because it's nice to know that I'm among such educated individuals.  Since things are so serious around here a majority of the time, I just try to lighten the mood with a different brand of humor because I think I can be pretty funny.


I'm one of the new guys and most of what I say will be swept under the mat so, I'm expecting that.  However, I will not stay silent because I enjoy speaking my mind, even if what I have to say doesn't always please people.   


So, I'm done with this thread on that note.  I don't carry grudges; what's said needed to be said.  I'm hoping we can leave it at that for the most part.

It's everything I can do to keep from banning you right now.  I suspect you're going to get banned very soon anyway, but I want to give you fair warning that if you're going to participate here, you're going to have to play by our rules.  Can you do that, or do you just want to save me the trouble of banning you and find somewhere else to get your sadistic jollies?

Seriously.  I think it would be better for you to just go play somewhere else.  We don't like you and we'd rather you not be here.





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Come on people, can't we

Come on people, can't we just get back to feeling awkward about people jerking off on us or something? THE TOPIC AT HAND?

Who's with me?




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Sage_Override wrote:I am an

Sage_Override wrote:

I am an asshole.  Most of you will not like me, but I am fair and I give everyone a chance.  Piss me off and I'll retaliate in a way that most of you will probably disagree with.

K, but can we change your username to "Cranky Pants"? Because you're kind of a cranky pants, in that your pants are cranky. In brief:

Goddess: "Sure, some people probably jerk off thinking of me. I'm attractive."

Cranky Pants: "Don't flatter yourself, honey."

I mean, yikes, dude. I'm guessing your problem isn't with Goddess, specifically. I don't give a shit if you're an asshole. Hell, I'm an asshole. But you have to admit that was cranky. Especially since all she really said was that she's attractive.

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gettin' all serious n' stuff

Thomathy wrote:

Carpe-Omnis, I am one of your friends.  I've often been found flirting with straight guys... or so they said they were.  Embarrassing for everyone who was coherent, I'm sure.  I've never felt threatened doing so.  That'd be terrible.  After all, isn't flattering to be hugged and touched and kissed?  Isn't it?  Well, I always thought so.  But, then, when you're really drunk, pretty much everything is good.  Just ask Kevin.  Anyhow, if someone complained, I never heard! Eye-wink


Hahaha. Yeah. Well. I dunno. Other gay guys can do what they want, I'm not judging them.

Buuut you mentioned the whole "straight, or so they say" issue. That's another issue that was present at said party. There were... one, maybe two men who I'd say fell into the "straight, or so they say" category. They were the types of guys that gay men seduce in private and succeed in doing so (i.e, the so-called straight dudes that are "No, I'm straight" in public but "Sure, suck my dick" in private). And I noticed that with these types of guys, they were much more friendly with the gay guys.


This bothered me, as well- because I'm sitting there on the couch, just trying to socialize with everyone like you would normally do at a party. But because I'm not making blatant attempts to whore myself out to the straight dudes, they pay no mind to me. In essence, the divide between straight and gay males had nothing to do with sex- because they obviously wanted some @$$ on the "down low" (as they say these days... don't they?). I was the "gay guy" that night because of simply being a gay male. Yet the homosexual harlots (haha, idk.) were just part of the crowd.

Only accepted into said crowd of men because of the "straight" males secret desire to have sex with another male.

I think that's pretty fucking ridiculous. ...Also, for the record, I sound very anti-gay (self-hating?) in these posts. I just want to clarify that I'm not. It's just I don't identify with gay culture, and I like to be respected as a human being, male or female, gay or straight- to no group of people do I want to be just "the gay guy" nor "the gay guy that will suck your dick for free in private."

It's a difficult subject for me to speak my opinion on, though- because I have no right to judge what other people do. And I don't. I just get upset with the backlash of it all; negative stereotypes and stigmas caused by other's actions as I am assimilated into a culture which I never willingly made the choice to be a part of.


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Sage_Override wrote: To all

Sage_Override wrote:

To all of you wanting me to apologize; I will NOT.

I figured as much.


Sage_Override wrote:

She seems to think that I will take her little postings with a smile simply because there are no bad words. 

Oh, and I'm supposed to take a personal attack with a smile just because you added a half-hearted "jk" as an afterthought?



Sage_Override wrote:

Look, honey, I got the jist of what you were saying in your response to my sarcastic humor/insult/word bullets/whatever.  She basically said "fuck off" in her own pseudo-intellectual way and I didn't care for it.

My first post was in response to the question posed in the OP. Nowhere in there did I ask for opinions on my appearance or any other aspect of my person. Your remarks were unsolicited and off-topic.

You didn't care for my telling you to fuck off? Pray tell, what kind of response were you expecting? If someone walked up to you on the street and called you ugly to your face, would you say "haha, gee thanks, I know..." ? Didn't think so. I think my reaction was justified, and the "fuck off" you received was deserved; stop making yourself the victim here.


Sage_Override wrote:

Likewise, I'm sure she didn't care for my post as most of the people backing her up seem to agree that it was offensive even though I stated that I was fucking around. 

As many of us have reiterated, it was not made clear that this was a joke. Nothing in your original comment indicated it was meant to be taken lightheartedly, and it took Jill calling you out to prompt an explanation as to the nature of the comment. You said you were "busting my balls," which is somewhat ambiguous in meaning, as it can mean "kidding around" or "seriously teasing/bullying." In this case, your choice of wording was poor, and I'm sorry for failing to recognize what you meant. If I were to make such harsh comments in jest, it would be important to me that there was no question that I was joking... but that's just me. Next time, please be forthright and clear in conveying that your "humor" is not to be taken literally.


Sage_Override wrote:

Since the internet is anonymous, leave personal baggage at the door because we're not mind readers when it comes to real life issues.  

I don't think one has to have been anorexic and bulimic to be offended by what you said. (Most anyone probably would be.) I was merely pointing out that because "the internet is anonymous" you can never be sure exactly who you're talking to; that means "proceed with caution," not "mow over everyone's feelings willy-nilly."


Sage_Override wrote:

Very seldom do we know anyone in real life on forums and I'm sure ninety-nine percent of the people on here don't have a clue as to who greek goddess really is. 

Although I have yet to meet any of the members here in person, I am facebook friends with a number of them, and chat with many through media such as AIM, Skype, and Stickam. A number of people from this site know my real name, and I theirs. While you're right in saying that 99% of people on this site probably don't know or give a shit about who I am, I have made a number of friends through my activity here.

Whether someone knows me personally or not should not determine whether they treat me with respect or not. This isn't 4chan; this is a community in which people have usernames and are therefore accountable to some degree for what they post. Thus, your anonymity is somewhat compromised. Just because this is the internet doesn't mean that the golden rule goes out the window.


Sage_Override wrote:

So, with all that being said, I will explain to you all how I "roll."


Piss me off and I'll retaliate in a way that most of you will probably disagree with. 

I never did anything to piss you off in the first place, unless you somehow found it offensive that I masturbate or something. Are only people that meet your standards of attractiveness allowed to masturbate? Is the whole world supposed to masturbate only to people that you deem sexy?

Sorry if my subsequent comments pissed you off, but you threw the first stone. I don't think anyone here is sympathetic.


Look Sage; I don't want to hold a grudge against you. If you do choose to continue posting at this forum, I will do my utmost to judge your posts based on their content, and not their writer. (Though frankly, from what I've seen, the content of your posts leaves much to be desired.) I'm willing to admit my mistake in misinterpreting your comments, but I urge you to be more careful with such delicate subjects in the future.

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pablotar wrote:THE TOPIC AT

pablotar wrote:


What, nobody liked "topic at hand"? I thought it was at least a quality groaner. C'mon. Nobody?

Ugh. See where insults get forum topics? Into Nofunland.

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I thought it was funny,

I thought it was funny, hence my MasturbatIcon:  

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Sooooo, is it okay to think

Sooooo, is it okay to think about the object of these incorrect insults, while having sex, and simultaneously think about the person throwing the insults watching and crying that they will never have either the figment or the actual sex partner?


I need a 'moral' compass here.


None of it really matters. GreekGoddess already knows how uber-hot she is.

I can't prove it, but I think hot chicks like to masturbate to the thought of men or women masturbating to them.

Your thoughts, girls?

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HisWillness wrote:pablotar

HisWillness wrote:

pablotar wrote:


What, nobody liked "topic at hand"? I thought it was at least a quality groaner. C'mon. Nobody?



I thought of it as more of a moaner.




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greek goddess wrote:I'm

greek goddess wrote:

I'm willing to admit my mistake in misinterpreting your comments, but I urge you to be more careful with such delicate subjects in the future.

And to help with that ... here's a handy guide (cue 50s instructional video music):

When discussing topics of personal attractiveness or manner of dress with other people, be kind no matter what. It's the thing to do that's the opposite of stupid. For example, when someone says, "How do I look?" you say "Great!" even if they look terrible, like modern architecture.

Let's try it!

"Hey, Will, what's up? Do you like my new dress?"

"No, it makes you look fat. Also, your hair looks lame in braids."

Buuuzzzzz. Sorry, wrong answer. Let's try again.

"Hey, Will, what do you think of my new hairstyle?"

"It's great! Have you ever tried your hair down? That would look good, too."

Bing bing bing! Correct!

Notice how Will was able to make a constructive suggestion instead of just being a Debbie Downer.

Thanks for playing. Next time, we'll show you how to charm any woman on earth.

"Go on, guess how old I am!"


Don't hesitate, boys, just say "21", regardless. Younger women will think you think they're mature, and older women will appreciate that you're a silver-tongued devil. Women who are actually 21 will immediately want to sleep with you because of your magical powers.

Tune in next time!

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Will, you're the greatest.  

Will, you're the greatest.


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darth_josh wrote:I can't

darth_josh wrote:

I can't prove it, but I think hot chicks like to masturbate to the thought of men or women masturbating to them.

Your thoughts, girls?

I'm not a girl, however, I do think I know what women think about.

They are stimulated by the romance, the story line, the feelings, the situation, the atmosphere, etc

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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aiia wrote:darth_josh

aiia wrote:

darth_josh wrote:

I can't prove it, but I think hot chicks like to masturbate to the thought of men or women masturbating to them.

Your thoughts, girls?

I'm not a girl, however, I do think I know what women think about.

They are stimulated by the romance, the story line, the feelings, the situation, the atmosphere, etc


I think that's true. When guys are having sexual fantasies, I would suspect for the most part that the fantasy in centered around the mere sex act and all the delicious things the guy wants to do to her. (Or to him, if you swing that way Eye-wink ).

I suspect for girls that the fantasy centers a little more around context. There's still sex in the fantasy, of course, but I suspect girls inject more "story" elements into the fantasy, making it a merry christmas fuck, or a birthday fuck, or the well-documented rape fantasy that all girls apparently enjoy from time to time, whereas for guys, all that matters is that fucking is going on.



A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.

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OK.You two aren't


You two aren't helping.

I'm getting ready to go home and wake the spouse up and I need to know if it's okay to think about a certain hot chick on these forums while imagining that a certain asshole is watching in envy.

What's the call here? Am I good? Is it too much?

The spouse admitted that she thinks about past encounters until something in the present replaces it.

That's boring. Fantasies are supposed to be out of reach right? Too real and things get out of hand.

reach. out of hand.

get it?

Will was funnier.

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Cpt_pineapple wrote:What,

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Will wrote:
What, nobody liked "topic at hand"? I thought it was at least a quality groaner. C'mon. Nobody?


 I thought of it as more of a moaner.


I have to say: I saw that ... coming.

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I would be really flattered. It would actually make me go masturbate to them masturbating.

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Am I the only one who thinks

Am I the only one who thinks forced\pressured appologies are bullshit?  Suppose Sage does apologize; is it because he feels sincere remorse, or is it just to calm the mob or get back in good standing with the mods?  What good is it not to know?  That's just patronizing.  If I inadvertantly hurt someone, I usually feel remorse and express it, but I if I'm not sorry, I won't say that I am. 

Seriously, remember when some punk kid punched you on the playground and a teacher saw it and made you endure a forced apology?  How much did that mean to?  "Sorry, it won't happen again untill the teacher turns her back.."

"I've yet to witness circumstance successfully manipulated through the babbling of ritualistic nonsense to an imaginary deity." -- me (josh)

If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?

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hazindu wrote:Seriously,

hazindu wrote:

Seriously, remember when some punk kid punched you on the playground and a teacher saw it and made you endure a forced apology?  How much did that mean to?  "Sorry, it won't happen again untill the teacher turns her back.."

This reminds me of the dual ass-whuppin' I got from my grandmother for calling one of my sisters a bitch when I was 9. After the spanking she told me to tell my sister that I was sorry. Glaring at my sis through the tear soaked grime that kids can accumulate, I said " I'm sorry that you're a bitch. " . It was as well recieved as the Enola Gay over Hiroshima. The Bitch of Buchenwald that was granny nearly blew an artery before getting herself under control well enough to flog me again.

In hindsight, it was worth it just to see the look on the old battleaxe's face.

It takes a village to raise an idiot.

Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.

Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.

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Desdenova wrote:hazindu

Desdenova wrote:

hazindu wrote:

Seriously, remember when some punk kid punched you on the playground and a teacher saw it and made you endure a forced apology?  How much did that mean to?  "Sorry, it won't happen again untill the teacher turns her back.."

This reminds me of the dual ass-whuppin' I got from my grandmother for calling one of my sisters a bitch when I was 9. After the spanking she told me to tell my sister that I was sorry. Glaring at my sis through the tear soaked grime that kids can accumulate, I said " I'm sorry that you're a bitch. " . It was as well recieved as the Enola Gay over Hiroshima. The Bitch of Buchenwald that was granny nearly blew an artery before getting herself under control well enough to flog me again.

In hindsight, it was worth it just to see the look on the old battleaxe's face.

LOL, I guess everyone with a sibling has to do that at least once.



"I've yet to witness circumstance successfully manipulated through the babbling of ritualistic nonsense to an imaginary deity." -- me (josh)

If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?

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Carpe_Prude... Lighten Up!

Carpe_Omnis wrote:
Hahaha. Yeah. Well. I dunno. Other gay guys can do what they want, I'm not judging them.
Oh, we'll see. Sticking out tongue

Buuut you mentioned the whole "straight, or so they say" issue. That's another issue that was present at said party. There were... one, maybe two men who I'd say fell into the "straight, or so they say" category. They were the types of guys that gay men seduce in private and succeed in doing so (i.e, the so-called straight dudes that are "No, I'm straight" in public but "Sure, suck my dick" in private). And I noticed that with these types of guys, they were much more friendly with the gay guys.

Hmm... that wasn't quite what I was getting at.  I think I meant that everyone likes to feel like they're attractive and when it's all in good fun, what harm can flirting do?  Just ask Will.

I wasn't speaking exclusively (or necessarily at all) of closeted-straight-acting-'bisexual'-guys (there must be a single word for that!) and the gays who seduce them.

This bothered me, as well- because I'm sitting there on the couch, just trying to socialize with everyone like you would normally do at a party. But because I'm not making blatant attempts to whore myself out to the straight dudes, they pay no mind to me.

Well, you're not attention seeking.  For the record, I never said anything about whoring myself out -so don't draw parallels, it'd get me in trouble.

In essence, the divide between straight and gay males had nothing to do with sex- because they obviously wanted some @$$ on the "down low" (as they say these days... don't they?). I was the "gay guy" that night because of simply being a gay male. Yet the homosexual harlots (haha, idk.) were just part of the crowd.

Well, there wasn't a divide exactly because of sex.  If there's one thing gay and straight males can have in common, it's sex and even an obsession with and for it.  That's not a bad thing, actually.  I suppose everyone was having fun... except you.  I would have had fun.  Of course, I wouldn't be trying to sleep with anyone either (whore myself out).

Only accepted into said crowd of men because of the "straight" males secret desire to have sex with another male.

In that particular group.  But I expect they'd be accepted anyhow.  And something tells me the desire wasn't so secret at all.

I think that's pretty fucking ridiculous.

You think it's ridiculous for people to be sexual and to have fun being sexual?  Well, that's ridiculous.  Come on!  Or perhaps the part you're peeved about is where the gay guys are attention grabing by being so blatantly sexual in an attempt to figure out which of the straight guys weren't so straight?  Well, if they're that horny direct your 'friends' to dudesnude or manhunt so that when you have another social engagement it can be more social and less sexual.

...Also, for the record, I sound very anti-gay (self-hating?) in these posts.

Nah, you just sound like a prude who's upset with the, perhaps, needless, overt sexuality of a particular subset of gay men.  I'll take it for granted that the other fags at the party were twinky (or thought they were), flamey and no older than their early 20's?  We shouldn't be surprised by their behaviour and we shouldn't extend that image as the norm for the rest of the culture.

It's just I don't identify with gay culture, and I like to be respected as a human being, male or female, gay or straight- to no group of people do I want to be just "the gay guy" nor "the gay guy that will suck your dick for free in private."

Well, I don't want to be the gay guy who'll do it for free either!  Payment, please!  Seriously, however, (not that I don't want the money) I don't identify with that particular aspect of gay culture either.  Don't mistake that aspect for the entirety of it.

It's a difficult subject for me to speak my opinion on, though- because I have no right to judge what other people do.

Don't be silly.  Disagreeing with how people behave is fine.  It's even judgemental.  Think long and hard about what exactly you're judging, though.  Personal indignation or pudeness is never a good place to start judging from.  It may not be right by you, that behaviour, but so what?

And I don't. I just get upset with the backlash of it all; negative stereotypes and stigmas caused by other's actions as I am assimilated into a culture which I never willingly made the choice to be a part of.

Wow.  You just explained how it is to be a human participating in any culture.  Now that you've joined us, sit back and relax.  Let the whores be whores and find somewhere(s) you do fit in.

Now, are you attractive enough for me to jerk off to?

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Hmm... that

Thomathy wrote:
Hmm... that wasn't quite what I was getting at.  I think I meant that everyone likes to feel like they're attractive and when it's all in good fun, what harm can flirting do?  Just ask Will.

Cheers, dude. You pegged me long ago. Of course, I'm not really all that mysterious.

Thomathy wrote:
Now, are you attractive enough for me to jerk off to?

Everyone, let's thank Thomathy for leading us back to the path of righteousness. (applause)

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Thanks, Will.  And just so

Thanks, Will.  And just so you know, you are attractive enough.

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 Oh you. I bet you say that

 Oh you. I bet you say that to all that guys. Still, my ego is boosted sufficiently that I can stop posting on the internet now, and actually get some work done. Thanks!

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Amazing!  My work here is

Amazing!  My work here is clearly done!

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I've always wondered what

I've always wondered what say a gay person would do if a heterosexual of the opposite sex hit on them or jerked it to them?




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Well, if you're getting off

Well, if you're getting off to me, Ctp.  That's fine.  It merely reaffirms my superior hottness.  After all, all girls think gay guys are attractive right?  There's certainly some of us who are particularly attractive.  (Count me as one such hotty).

Now, if I were hit on... well, I'd take it in stride.  My ego always bows to expansion.  Heck, I might even kiss the girl or squeez her tits if she was attractive enough.  -Don't worry, Ctp. I wouldn't get upset with you. Eye-wink

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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Thomathy wrote:Well, if

Thomathy wrote:

Well, if you're getting off to me, Ctp.  That's fine.  It merely reaffirms my superior hottness.  After all, all girls think gay guys are attractive right?  There's certainly some of us who are particularly attractive.  (Count me as one such hotty).

Now, if I were hit on... well, I'd take it in stride.  My ego always bows to expansion.  Heck, I might even kiss the girl or squeez her tits if she was attractive enough.  -Don't worry, Ctp. I wouldn't get upset with you. Eye-wink


Be careful about thinking of yourself as attractive instead of ugly or "meh". There is a self-appointed hotness policeman around here, and he doesn't take kindly to such displays of healthy self-esteem.



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Just in case you didn't

Just in case you didn't understand, that was a completely 'random' tangeant that I got to thinking about after I read the things you said, and after looking (not so fondly) back on said party.

I wasn't trying to imply you actually said any of those things, nor that you even brought them- it wasn't an arguement of any kind and I wasn't accusing you of fitting into any of those descriptions, etc. (though if you feel you do, more power to you).


Also, no. The gay men there were in their 30s, even 40s. But yes they were very flamboyant. 


 Only one of them was in his 20s, and it was late 20s.

Oh, and I'm not a prude. >=/

I like to have sex just as much as the next guy. >.>

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 Quote:Well, if you're


Well, if you're getting off to me, Ctp.  That's fine.  It merely reaffirms my superior hottness.  After all, all girls think gay guys are attractive right?  There's certainly some of us who are particularly attractive.  (Count me as one such hotty).

Now, if I were hit on... well, I'd take it in stride.  My ego always bows to expansion.  Heck, I might even kiss the girl or squeez her tits if she was attractive enough.  -Don't worry, Ctp. I wouldn't get upset with you. Eye-wink

Forgive me for interjecting science into what ought to be a frivolous thread, but you've set me a-wonderin'.  Gay males are thought of as being much more image conscious than straight males.  It certainly raises a question, but I have to point you to an article before I can ask the question.  Read through THIS and make sure we're on the same page about selectors, then come back to the question.

(Hums Jeopardy Tune)

So... if the "normal" way things work is that females go to extra trouble to doll themselves up so that males will compete to be selected, and then males go to extra trouble to show off their toys so that females know they are worthy mates, how does it work in the gay population?  Are there selectors and selectees, or does everyone just go about acting as a quasi-selector and quasi-selectee at the same time, throwing their bling around while simultaneously looking sharper than the average straight male?

I ask only half in jest.





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HisWillness wrote:And to

HisWillness wrote:

And to help with that ... here's a handy guide (cue 50s instructional video music):



Tune in next time!

I love you. That's the hardest I've laughed all week.

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greek goddess wrote:I love

greek goddess wrote:

I love you. That's the hardest I've laughed all week.


Any more compliments and I'm liable to become even more of a jerk. But you're welcome. And I love you, too.

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Some times i wonder whether

Some times i wonder whether i come here for the logged intelligence... or just to prove to myself that there are really people, more insane than i am o_O




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Thomathy wrote:Well, if

Thomathy wrote:

Well, if you're getting off to me, Ctp.  That's fine.  It merely reaffirms my superior hottness.  After all, all girls think gay guys are attractive right?  There's certainly some of us who are particularly attractive.  (Count me as one such hotty).

Now, if I were hit on... well, I'd take it in stride.  My ego always bows to expansion.  Heck, I might even kiss the girl or squeez her tits if she was attractive enough.  -Don't worry, Ctp. I wouldn't get upset with you. Eye-wink


Nah, I don't "get off", but I've seen your self potrait when it was your avatar, and I like the intelligent looking type.

Especially the Linguist/philosopher type (You are a linguist right?..)


I presented that question for symmetry with Jill's question.








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Cpt_pineapple wrote:Nah, I

Cpt_pineapple wrote:

Nah, I don't "get off", but ...

Okay, before anyone falls for that, don't.


Also, Captain, your new avatar is awesome. Do you have a larger copy? The manic smile + budgie/parrot + can of something + blue dress ... it's ... it's ... so beautiful.*tear*

Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
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Carpe_Omnis wrote:Just in

Carpe_Omnis wrote:

Just in case you didn't understand, that was a completely 'random' tangeant that I got to thinking about after I read the things you said, and after looking (not so fondly) back on said party.

I wasn't trying to imply you actually said any of those things, nor that you even brought them- it wasn't an arguement of any kind and I wasn't accusing you of fitting into any of those descriptions, etc. (though if you feel you do, more power to you).


Also, no. The gay men there were in their 30s, even 40s. But yes they were very flamboyant. 


 Only one of them was in his 20s, and it was late 20s.

Oh, and I'm not a prude. >=/

I like to have sex just as much as the next guy. >.>

Well taken.  Admittedly, it's difficult to imagine guys that age acting like that.  I didn't take any offence and I don't fit those descriptions, so don't worry.  We can pound fists now, as an act of comraderie and mutual understanding.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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[Ctp_pineapple](You are a

Ctp_pineapple wrote:
(You are a linguist right?..)
Yes.  And you know, I'm really, really glad that you're back.  Really glad!  Really, really.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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HisWillness wrote:Also,

HisWillness wrote:

Also, Captain, your new avatar is awesome. Do you have a larger copy? The manic smile + budgie/parrot + can of something + blue dress ... it's ... it's ... so beautiful.*tear*


Yeah, I think it's Katy Perry, I saw it on GameFAQs in somebody's sig, so I saved it.





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Hambydammit wrote:

Well, if you're getting off to me, Ctp.  That's fine.  It merely reaffirms my superior hottness.  After all, all girls think gay guys are attractive right?  There's certainly some of us who are particularly attractive.  (Count me as one such hotty).

Now, if I were hit on... well, I'd take it in stride.  My ego always bows to expansion.  Heck, I might even kiss the girl or squeez her tits if she was attractive enough.  -Don't worry, Ctp. I wouldn't get upset with you. Eye-wink

Forgive me for interjecting science into what ought to be a frivolous thread, but you've set me a-wonderin'.  Gay males are thought of as being much more image conscious than straight males.  It certainly raises a question, but I have to point you to an article before I can ask the question.  Read through THIS and make sure we're on the same page about selectors, then come back to the question.

(Hums Jeopardy Tune)

So... if the "normal" way things work is that females go to extra trouble to doll themselves up so that males will compete to be selected, and then males go to extra trouble to show off their toys so that females know they are worthy mates, how does it work in the gay population?  Are there selectors and selectees, or does everyone just go about acting as a quasi-selector and quasi-selectee at the same time, throwing their bling around while simultaneously looking sharper than the average straight male?

I ask only half in jest.

I'm glad you're only asking half in jest because this is a tough question to answer.

First, we'll want to stear around stereotypes.  Not every gay male looks sharper than the average straight male.  I know you were just using it as an example though.  Also, please remember to take what I say at its value.  There aren't any studies I know of about this and largely I'm speaking from personal observation.

I think that there are or can be distinct selectors and selectees, but I also think that there are quasi-selectors/selectees and I think that that is the main role played.  I'll explain.

Without getting into details (which I'm sure would be worth expanding on in a different thread), there is the scenario of the young man (>23 at most) and the much older man (<32 at least) (or at least ~10 years age difference).  The young man is the selector.  He, essentially, is something that the older man wants and the older man must appeal enough to the young man, usually with money and security, that he picks him and not another.

In any other group of homosexual males I cannot think of a way in which there are distinct selectors and selectees.  Sex, merely for pleasure, being such a large part of the selection and it being very easy to get, means that (within the group two men are selecting from) of those looking for long term relationships the best picks will look like the best picks and will often pick each other.  That is, everyone who looks 'sharper' and has more 'bling' will simultaneously select and be selected by everyone else who looks 'sharper' and has more 'bling'.

As it is, that's the only way in which I think selection can happen with gay males... and it's certainly much more complicated that I've put it.

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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ragdish wrote:It's time for

ragdish wrote:

It's time for me to break the ice and start a not so serious thread. I personally would be extremely flattered. But if you are thinking of me please make it special ie. after a nice pasta dinner with wine and then to set the mood right, a few scented candles.

Rofl. Awesome topic. Personally I wouldn't care one way or the other. Though if I knew it had happened for certain I might be influenced to bring the real thing...

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My Heart is in the East (not verified)
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Get some self respect folks!


Why I love my land?  (my new one not my birth one) As I walk in the pink dusk
of the city the colour of a rose
I have but only one question to pose
what is it that draws me to this land?
Is it the syrupy sweetness of jalabi
the hot roti straight of the tawa
the dozens of sweet, wide eyed kids
gazing at the moon?
Is the rivers of Kerala mirroring the moonlight
or maybe the satin silky saris of every shade and hue
could it be the surrounding mountains that when absent give me the blues?
It is neither of this.
It's something deeper
something that I don't find at home
It's the sense of dignity I see in the eyes of the elders
the sense of belonging amongst the kids
the honor and self-respect of the mothers by the river, their heads held high
The depth of human contact, the message from a look alone, the symbolism of colour and that nothing is as it seems.
Here, everything has a deeper meaning
Nothing is merely something.
 This little poem may make the reasons why I left White, USA, Western call it what you want culture for a one I find more suitable. I mean finding someone pleasuring themselves over you (read mentally raping you, imagining sex with you without your permission) flattering is nothing but a sign of shamless and undignified character. Are mops so expensive in the USA you have to use your honor to wipe the floors? Pineapple is the only one with self-respect here wanting to be taken and remembered as a person not a sex bag. Pineapple if you don't mind me telling your ethnic background I would be very gratful. I am of Sicilian descent myself and am starting to get the idea that Mediterraneans and Asians have a naturally higher sense of shame and dignity than what I call "bleach" (i.e. German, British, Swedish) descended folks. Please people get a gram just a gram of dignity and get rid of strip clubs, cheerleaders, Hooters and whatnot and you may prevent other women like me from leaving their decadent, corrupt culture. My other half is Punjabi Jat and says he wouldn't mind slapping anyone in the face who'd admit something so low as self-pleasure over him and if he heard anyone admit they did it over me or over one of his seven sisters he'd have trouble keeping his jatagan (ceremonial sword) in his belt! Might sound harsh but I totally get him!  


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My Heart is in the East

My Heart is in the East wrote:


Why I love my land?  (my new one not my birth one) As I walk in the pink dusk
of the city the colour of a rose
I have but only one question to pose
what is it that draws me to this land?
Is it the syrupy sweetness of jalabi
the hot roti straight of the tawa
the dozens of sweet, wide eyed kids
gazing at the moon?
Is the rivers of Kerala mirroring the moonlight
or maybe the satin silky saris of every shade and hue
could it be the surrounding mountains that when absent give me the blues?
It is neither of this.
It's something deeper
something that I don't find at home
It's the sense of dignity I see in the eyes of the elders
the sense of belonging amongst the kids
the honor and self-respect of the mothers by the river, their heads held high
The depth of human contact, the message from a look alone, the symbolism of colour and that nothing is as it seems.
Here, everything has a deeper meaning
Nothing is merely something.
 This little poem may make the reasons why I left White, USA, Western call it what you want culture for a one I find more suitable. I mean finding someone pleasuring themselves over you (read mentally raping you, imagining sex with you without your permission) flattering is nothing but a sign of shamless and undignified character. Are mops so expensive in the USA you have to use your honor to wipe the floors? Pineapple is the only one with self-respect here wanting to be taken and remembered as a person not a sex bag. Pineapple if you don't mind me telling your ethnic background I would be very gratful. I am of Sicilian descent myself and am starting to get the idea that Mediterraneans and Asians have a naturally higher sense of shame and dignity than what I call "bleach" (i.e. German, British, Swedish) descended folks. Please people get a gram just a gram of dignity and get rid of strip clubs, cheerleaders, Hooters and whatnot and you may prevent other women like me from leaving their decadent, corrupt culture. My other half is Punjabi Jat and says he wouldn't mind slapping anyone in the face who'd admit something so low as self-pleasure over him and if he heard anyone admit they did it over me or over one of his seven sisters he'd have trouble keeping his jatagan (ceremonial sword) in his belt! Might sound harsh but I totally get him!  


I actually came in my pants while fantasizing about you  and the seven sisters after reading your post. So I unsheath my sword to fight the epic battle with Panjabi Jat. I really hope winner will then do a Bhangra bollywood dance number with a host of scantily clad Indian maidens. Oh!! I think I have to go masturbate again!!!!!

But in all seriousness, would you be willing to debate me on your stance? I have wanted to engage an individual who regards sexual fantasy of the sort I described as being immoral, degrading or a form of objectification.

And BTW, I'm an Indian who was born in Kerala. If you honestly think that masturbating while thinking of someone is a white western construct, you've got to be the most naive person around. Honestly, do you think people in India or any Asian nation don't engage in this activity? I bet even Punjabi Jat creams his shorts while thinking of a bollywood actress.

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So, when I masturbate I

So, when I masturbate I think of myself.

Does that make me gay or just terribly conceited?


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Double Post

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Sterculius wrote:So, when I

Sterculius wrote:

So, when I masturbate I think of myself.

Does that make me gay or just terribly conceited?


or c all of the above?! lol na nothing wrong with thinking oneself sexy hehe

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Hambydammit wrote: tell you

Hambydammit wrote:

 tell you what... let's have a mutually agreed upon masturbation fest.  Let's all get together in a cyber-ring and perform the equivalent of internet bukakke (is that how you spell it?) where everybody is thinking of somebody in RRS.  Pineapple, we'll get you a good firewall.


This is all fine and good, but who is going to clean up afterwords? All those sticky 0s and 1s floating around syber space.

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Yeah probably all of the

Yeah probably all of the above is the proper answer...  Eye-wink


Anyway since someone else did a little necromancy on this thread I'd say I would be flattered.
I wouldn't be comfortable with someone nuzzling me by surprise that I didn't know man or woman just for the fact that it's an uninvited act of intimacy.
Now, that said, I would be equally weirded out by either a man or a woman and would want to know what they thought they were doing or why they thought that was appropriate...

"Lisa, if the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girls sports, such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing and such."
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