My solution

It's not practical at all, but it would solve most labour problems.. No private meetings ever. No superiors can discuss any topic without the discussion being made public to the entire workforce. No one up the top can "conspire" (I'm loathe to use such a loaded word but it's perfect) against the bottom. Impossible to implement, but what do you think?
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The Supreme Court has recognized a right to privacy since the 1920's. I suspect that such a law would be shot down as trampling upon said right.
But if such a law was able to be made, I would want it to be a little different. I would want it to include workers as well as management. Any work related conversation made by workers would need to be recorded and made available for management to review. That way we aren't hobbling management while allowing workers to conspire amongst themselves. And if there is a union, we would need to hold the union meetings to the same standards that we hold managerial meetings. This would be fair since workers would know everything that management says and management would know everything that every worker says. I suspose that no one would be able to conspire in such a 1984 workplace.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
What industry are we talking about here? What type of conversations are to be shared? What is the definition of "work related"?
Slowly building a blog at ~
Every industry
Anything related to work
Like I said, this isn't practical, I'm not suggesting this would be a workable scheme.
I guess what I am essentially trying to say is that the problem amongst any form or labour, is that the top can conspire against the bottom, and like the other guy mentioned, the bottom can conspire against the top..
It sounds to me like you're asking for a double-edged sword. I mean, if everyone was equal in the work force, especially in unions, then there would be constant turmoil since the people below the people in charge would be under constant attack for every little thing. I hate authority and answering to it is the worst, but there's a reason some things are the way that they are. There has to be a degree of control on some end.
OK, you have never had to manage other people. So you would not know the first rule of management.
Praise in public but reprimand in private.
Under you system, every time that you fuck up, I would have to give you a formal dress down in front of your co-workers. Do you really want that?
Just a few things to be ironed out.
If you can't see how it would be beneficial then I guess , maybe your hair is too long and you can't "see" through it.
Or perhaps maybe not and my idea is a failure of periodic proportions
Thanks for the enlightenment