Woman gives birth to 8 children...with 6 more at home

Have you guys heard about the lady in California that was pregnant with 7 kids and while delivering they found an 8th baby? Well I thought that was pretty amazing and my first question was : wow, was that helped along by fertility drugs?
Pieces of the whole story have been leaking out slowly but surely and this newest bit of information has me wondering WTF: She had 6 other children at home all under the age of 7...
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I read about it earlier this week. What can I say? She's stupid.
My mother who had a medical degree (mother of seven) had a great idea on birth control. She said the best birth control device was the common aspirin.
The female held the tablet between her knees, and as long as she held the tablet between her knees she could not get pregnent.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
I LOVE it! They should teach this in school!
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Those in skype know my feelings on all this. First heard about it yesterday morning, then last night when getting dinner I heard on the radio in the restaraunt that she already had 6 kids. Upon hearing this I almost tripped over my own feet and knocked a bunch of people over. I'm glad I've been sitting down while reading the other details in that article. Everyone read it, it's the scariest damned thing I've ever read. This thread so far doesn't even scratch the surface of how shockingly bad things are.
Oh, and make sure you're sitting down first.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
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What kind of mindfuck could possess someone to have 14 children? Fourteen children. I mean, it's not as if the world is dangerously overpopulated and our resources are rapidly dwindling and our consumption levels are still rising. Oh wait...it is. Given our current situation its impossible to argue that anyone could even have the right to do such a thing. It's abhorrent. You don't need to have 14 children and it's utterly irresponsible to do so. In defense of such behaviour people will typically turn to such inane garbage as "every child is a blessing" and invoke a string of religious nonsense, which of course is part of a conglomerate of idiot-memes that surround the unreal and astonishingly vapid intersection of reproduction and religion/"spirituality".
[/rant off]
As you can see, my views on this matter are closely in line with those of Hamby. This is appalling. And not just on part of the mother, on part of the doctor as well. Someone who already has six children is not a normal candidate for fertility treatment, certainly not 8 implantations (which is a highly irresponsible practice anyway). That's malpractice.
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
Books about atheism
I've been saying it for years. We need to get a handle on it before it gets a handle on us. And contrary to popular belief, every child is not a blessing. Some people are "just another mediocre, in the way, not gonna invent a damn thing person"
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I would agree. If the family really wanted more kids, what's so bad about adopting? If they have the financial resources to pay for this many kids and for fertility treatments they have the money to go through the adoption system and get a brand new baby if they don't want to take a used kid.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
I want to see how she plans to keep 16 people in a 3 bedroom apartment. One room for her, one room for her mum, and the other with bookshelves maybe?
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: http://nocleanfeed.com/ | NZ: http://nzblackout.org/
Read here for the latest update
Here is a snipit:
"The woman's mother told the Los Angeles Times that doctors gave the woman the option of selectively reducing the number of embryos, and she refused.
As to a "correct" decision at this stage, experts are split.
George said that, based on the information available, his personal ethical decision would probably support the woman's choice to carry all the babies to term. But he said that selective reduction is not the same as traditional abortion because the goal is the healthiest possible birth rather than the termination of a pregnancy.
"The babies didn't put themselves there; it's not their fault," George said. "There does seem to be a serious ethical question about killing one or more of them, even for the sake of maternal health."
Rosenthal, on the other hand, questions the woman's capacity to make a good decision under the circumstances. Some neonatologists believe that when pregnant women are told about dangers of prematurity or have great expectations about giving birth, their judgment can be impaired, she said."
It all comes down to the womans decision NOT to selectively reduce the number of embryos. The concept of one child is lost on me...having 6 children within 7 years seems insane. Knowingly allowing 8 more kids into the world in a 3 bedroom apartment with what will be 14 kids and no father available consistently and only the mother and the grandmother....I don't even know what to think.
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A girl I went to school with had 9 kids in 8 years... or was it 8 kids in 9 years. I can't rememeber but she claims she is insanely happy. I just don't get it and I do think it's irresponsible.
perhaps she thought she'd get a sweet tv contract like practically every other large multiple birth in this country.
Wow, I guess you or your mom haven't heard of the doggie style position.
And there's more...
1) These eight are formerly frozen embryos her from previous in vitro fertilizations
2) She's not been able to get pregnant (since the very first one) without medical assistance
3) At least one of the kids at home is autistic, and given autism's genetic component, it's quite likely that there will be another among the eight.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
And even more:
Mothers name: Nadya Suleman
Nadya has never been able to get pregnant "normally" and all of her kids were through invetro .
Nadya's mother has told her: "Im going to be gone" referring to when the daughter returns home with the kids.
One of Nadyas other 6 children has AUTISM...there is a chance that one of the 8 will be autistic as well.
boy o boy
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SORRY damndirty ape...i got post happy and didn't read your post!
So... Ya, what you said
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Apparently she only liked it missionary style.
"Faith, Faith is an island in the setting sun,
but proof, proof is the bottom line for everyone."
Proof, Paul Simon
Nothing this hard should taste so beefy.
Hey, I am as liberal as the next guy, but when you get into this type of debate, it's hard to say this is "too many". Yes, historically people haven't had this many and it seems "irresponsible". But, it's like having grass in the desert. We water the shit out of it because we want it. We don't need it, we want it. How many of you can say the same thing about something you have? Granted, it's not a human being, but it's a waste of resources nonetheless. We're here to live our lives. I think it's totally stupid to have this many children, but I am pressed to say where the line is crossed. I think it's stupid to have grass in the desert. Do you want someone telling you that you can't have more than 2 children? how about that you can't have sex with a person of your own gender or that 5 cats are too many. Yeah, it's too many, but I'd simply tip my hat and tell the bitch "good luck" and to have a happy life. I'd then, continue to water my yard while I have to continue to clean the litter box every freaking day, sometimes twice! Oh, I'd give my BF a big hug and kiss when he came home from work too.
god -- I tried you on for size.... you were a little long in the crotch, loose in the waist, short in the length and you made my butt look extra flat. I had to take you back for an exchange.
This isn't really a liberal/libertarian issue as much as it is a techocrat issue, and I think a bunch of us here (I'm probably one of the worst) have a difficult time resolving the deep split between our technocrat ambitions and our libertarian instincts (and those modifers can be swapped if you like). Being split-minded obviously ruins your decision-making abilities, so this is a problem.
We can look at the Suleman situation and envision a lifetime of turmoil and heartbreak for fourteen people (and everybody unfortunate enough to meet them), all because their momma has a busted relay in her head that screams "BABY!" as loud as it can, apparently for most of the day, everyday. My grandmother was a little better suited for the real world, but she was a similar kind of person; she liked babies alot but not children quite so much. It's a distinction between a forward thinking person and an instant gratification person, I guess. Infringing on a person's ability to reproduce is obviously distasteful, but we really do know that her head's broken and that she doesn't mind poverty for herself and her children. We also know that they have half of her genetic complement and may share her stupidly irresponsible tendencies once they have the potential to reproduce. It's a train wreck and I want to put the breaks on in as constitutional a way as possible. I'm thinking something like a rollback of the per child tax credit, maybe to a suspension of tax write-offs per kid after the third baby, maybe.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
I believe that in China, couples that have more than one child (breaking the law) are taxed for each additional child. I personally think there should be no tax incentives for having kids, and instead we should institute a limit. (It doesn't have to be one child, as our population problems aren't that drastic, but perhaps something more reasonable like 3 or 4.) After that, couples are welcome to have more children, but they'll be taxed for it.
I like the idea of taxing per child over a certain number (which I think should be 2). In addition, though, I think sterilization services should be offered for free at every medical facility in the country (along with free reversals in the case of a child dying). So you have the choice of either paying taxes, or making sure you don't have any more kids.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
I don't know about sterilization however I do think government programs should pay for birth control when the receipent desires yet can not afford it. I would gladly pay more taxes for this.
I am pro world government.
I am pro highly restrictive laws that some perceive as encroaching upon personal freedoms.
I am kind of pro big brother. An empowered but accountable world government.
I don't believe that people have a right to destroy the environment due to their perception of their rights.
I don't believe that people should be permitted to practice oppression under the protection of tradition or culture.
I will not allow sensitivity to tradition and culture to prevent me from determining that vengeful leg spearing or the stoning of adulterous women is universally wrong.
I believe that people do not have an innate right to reproduce. You may have the physical means to do so but it is your responsibility, not right, to make your reproduction have a positive effect for humanity.
Should you wish to reproduce, you should have to petition greater humanity represented by a world government with definite laws.
Parents should need to apply for and maintain a license.
The defaulting problem is a difficult one.
In isolation, financial penalty on defaulters with large families is obviously flawed.
May I be so bold. Defaulting should potentially lead to children being taken (yes I said it) to be wards of the state.
Harsh? Yes. Needs to be highly accountable, yes. Alternative? Extinction. We need to stop being pussies and control our destiny instead of bumbling ahead with only cretins breeding to the detriment of others.
I of course agree with many of the excellent softer policies mentioned by others already such as education, incentive, and provision of health services, but when it comes down to it, we need solid laws with consequence.
You be the judge.
Too Nationalist (Global) Fascist Socialist?
Don't tell me how and when to raise my child? - oh yes we will. Who is brave enough to agree?
Any anarchists want to have a crack? Dam anarchists, Judge Dredd and my child seizure squad will get you.
Who wants a good humoured fight?
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
Knowing that her other children at home are 7 and under. How can she possibly know what the hormone levels will be in just a few years. She is working towards her masters degree, but I didn't read what she was majoring in. Obviously not common sense, no husband to help her.
How wonderful, people are not allowed to be oppressive because of their culture, but you are allowed to be oppresive for your beliefs. In other words, people are not allowed to be oppresive unless they are being oppresive in the way you want them to be. I swear I've heard this before...
Slight problem with that, the more empowered the government the less accountable it will become, by definition.
So we need to stop being pussies and control our destiny by having someone else tell us what to or not to do?
Seems less like us controlling out destinies and just having someone else do it instead.
To quote Bill Maher; "America has finally gotten over its racist past and elected a Black Guy to clean up our mess."
Change some words and it becomes very fitting.
Really. Humanity will become extinct if we don't elect your beloved big brother to power? Again, I swear I have heard this before.
Do you have any facts to back up your claims to the necessity of these measures?
On that note, the situation described in the original post is beyond retarded. I would agree to a law stating that a person already raising a child cannot have invitrofertilization. However there is a much simpler and non-totalitarian method of solving this problem, and without a tax. Just remove the tax breaks for children beyond 1. This will level out the family size quickly enough.
Of course part of the way this will level off the population is through starvation and poverty. Is anyone willing to accept that?
Finally, for those who might think it, The Views expressed in this post may not necessarily be representative of the beliefs of the writer(s) of this post.
When you say it like that you make it sound so Sinister...
Dear Sinphanius,
Do I smell anarchist?
Regarding your (and my) oppression comments.
What is your opinion on this?
Village X kills deformed babies at birth. This practice is both cultural and it is embraced as a personal belief level by most villagers. They are happy doing it.
What comment do you have here?
I can possibly provide you with more ammo by saying that I would recommend intervention in this circumstance.
I am aware that by intervening I am imposing my beliefs on them. Understanding that I still want to bring the murdering witchdoctor to justice, and put in place measures to prevent it happening again. Yes, my justice. My anti-rape not pro-rape justice. My anti-murder justice. My equal education opportunity for both sexs justice. Who am I? The Punisher?
Would you tolerate rape and murder within another culture if the majority of that culture were cool with it?
Culture, belief, whatever reason, I would oppose it. I know many people see this as going out on limb but I dare to care. Am I missing your point?
You have a theory that empowerment is contrary to accountable. You may have trends in history to support you but that does not make it fact. It means it has not been done very well up to now. Although you could say some countries have done it quite well. Can your mind not conceive a government empowered enough to efficiently govern but still accountable to its people via a variety of mechanisms such as free media, independant regulatory bodies, etc? Not that hard, let us achieve it. Nay sayer? Do you think all government must fail because empowerment is contrary to accountability? I don't even think they are contrary. I think some governments just make it appear that way, it is not the case that it is just that way due to "definition".
I love Bill, dam you for quoting him against me, even though I am not sure of the point you were making.
Sounds to me like you don't like the idea of any government, at least not one with the powers required to control our impact on the environment for example. And yes that may require you not having your cultural or personal belief "Freedom" to pour fertilizer waste onto the Great Barrier Reef or may even tell you that you can not drive your car anymore because if we all keep driving our cars we may destroy our environment and therefore become extinct. And why? because you don't like your freedom being challenged? Yes extinct. I really do believe that not having an empowered and accountable world government will lead to our extinction. Don't you? Street gangs and mad max going to magically save the oceans and stablise our environment? If we keep over populating what will happen? Self regulating anarchy break down?
United we stand, divided we fall.
Your turn. I apologise for any perceived emmotive tone. I am in a good, light hearted mood and mean no offense.
Additionally: Sorry, just read you last bit. You are pro imposing birth regulation laws but isn't that imposing your beliefs on others?
and financially hurting families with lots of children is not a good policy unless you like keeping a poor underclass. May be good to deter but in practice you are making lots of poor families poorer.
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
I mostly agree with this sentiment. It depends on the government.
It depends on which freedoms, but yea for the most part I agree with this one as well. For instance I'm glad that my government restricts people’s freedom to drive drunk. I'm glad that my government restricts people from carrying around guns and randomly shooting them into the sky. There are many freedoms that I'm glad my government doesn't give people.
Long as it's adequately accountable to the people it serves.
I agree with this one without stipulations. I would like to think that the human race is going to be around for as long as it possibly can.
I don't think that people should be subject to rules that are based on nothing but tradition or culture.
I agree that the things you have described are universally wrong. I can't prove that these things are wrong. I don't think that right or wrong have and existence outside of the people to whom they apply. Even if I can’t prove that my sense of morality is somehow better then the morality of the people who are stoning women to death I would not object to a government that stopped people from stoning woman to death. In other words I don’t abject to government imposing its views on people in many circumstances.
I agree.
An interesting Idea. I would have to know more of the details before I give an opition.
The state will have to learn to be a much better ward then it currently is for me to agree with this.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
Sorry for the quasi hijacking Renee.
Ratdog, I agree with you agreeing with me. Your qualifications are wise and I agree with them. Agreed.
Spike, I agree with you in the parts that you agree with me. I do not agree with you where you do not agree with me. Sigh. That wasn't as funny as I wanted it to be. Anyway. You temper my comments nicely and I agree with your words apart from extinction. I'm not a doom-saying apocalyptic conspiracy theorist (when sober), but how do you see humanity surviving itself without effective global regulation?
How can you regulate our population without a regulatory body? A world government is necessary to our survival. Jump on Google Earth and take a gander at Japan, or any mass urbanisation and it may impact the scale of "earth covered by dense human habitat". Yuck. Can I dare to say that extinction is imminent. Imminent in terms relative to human history. You know, like the 7 days wasn't actually 7 days (bad atheist joke by me there).
Spike, are you an atheist? I am.
Thanks for your comments. I know mine were a little dramatic in tone.
Destroy all nations.
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
There's an easy way to fix this problem! Just like how you get kids to stop smoking by making them smoke a whole pack of cigarettes at once the best way to get this woman to stop having children is to make her keep having more and more children until she realizes that it is a bad Idea! I think another ten kids or so should do the trick! Just make sure that they all believe in God because that's all that really matters.
This would create far more problems than it would solve...
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
True believer; with such sentiments I do believe you are turning into a rational atheist. "Can I hear an amen from the choir?"
(CHoir):== Ameeen brooooothaaaar Atheists!
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Why? I don't think it will. Works with cars. It can be done. What problems would it make that could not be solved that are more important than over population?
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
What do you do with the children whose parents either do not have or have lost a license? Just look at the horrid foster care system we currently have in place. Do you really propose expanding this?
Who selects the criteria for obtaining and maintaining a license? Do you really trust officials in this country to have such power into your life? I don't think this country is rational enough to take your theoretical solution to overpopulation and implement it in reality without causing huge problems.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
At any rate, I don't think we are in imminent danger of extinction. We will only be in danger of extinction if we continue our current path with out change. I doubt we would (or even could) continue to over populate if we were in the grips of global famine. Starvation would thin the ranks back down to a manageable level. That is what I mean when I say "Get a handle on it before it gets a handle on us." As far as regulation goes, I don't see any reason you could regulate the birth rate with a world government any more than you could with the governments that exist already. The problem is not that the government hasn't stepped up, it's that most people don't see a problem having 3 or 4 kids. Government regulation may solve the problem at some level, but it won't get to the root of the issue. I think education is key here.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
Well i am the eldest of 9 children and my mothe ris very happy i dont think it irrisponsible if she want sthose children she should be aloud to have her own say no1 can stop her if she wants it .
The children in my family are me 14, then my brother 13, then my other brother 9, then my other brother, 8, then my other brother 6, then my younger sister 4, then my other sister 2, then the twin boys who are to be born in october.
I am loving having a large family i dont know what i would do without any of them .
When i go and stay at a friends house or something it is so boring coz there is like nothing to do and it is so quiet and boring and i realise how shit it would be if they werent here and if i was an only child .
I dont think i would cope with not having a large family there would be nothing at all to do or anything like that..