Should Sane people be alowed to own guns ?
Posted on: January 30, 2009 - 10:05pm
Should Sane people be alowed to own guns ?
Well ?
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Should Sane people be alowed to own guns ?
Posted on: January 30, 2009 - 10:05pm
Should Sane people be alowed to own guns ?
Well ?
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Do you mean that anyone that wants to own a gun needs to go through some testing? I think everyone has a bit of insanity in them...
Define Sane !
Slowly building a blog at ~
fond of you
I don't really mind that the Military and the Police has a monopoly on violence in my country (Denmark), because I trust the government to not abuse that monopoly, and I have the power, through voting, to make sure people that WOULD abuse it, don't get into power.
If my government was more fascist leaning than it is now, I might feel differently.
meanwhile, while gun ownership is relatively rare here, compared to the States, it is by no means impossible to own a gun in this country, if you want to. Permits are given to people who use their guns for hunting, or sport, but the rules for optaining a permit, and the rules for were you can carry a gun, and how you are obliged to store it in your own home (you are mandated to keep handguns in a safe in your home at all times) are alot more restrictive than in the states.
The result of this is that we have very very few shootings, per capita here, compared to most other countries.
And the argument that criminals will still have guns, obtained illigally, so law-abiding citizens need guns to protect themselves is bullshit, to be honest.
I live in the toughest neighbourhood in my country, and there are criminals here that have illigal guns. There were a series of shootings over the winter, some of which happened very close to my home, and who were shot? Other criminals. Not ONE innocent bystander was involved in any shootings.
I imagine if every "law-abading" citizen had their own guns, and had whipped them out to "protect themselves" during these winter shootings, the death-toll would have been alot more than it was: it was 0, by the way.
Added edit: You don't protect yoruself against criminals with guns, by having your own gun, you protect yourself with a bulletproof west. Fighting fire with fire just makes a bigger fire... Duh...
The easiest way for me to become the victim of a criminal with an illigal gun, is if I have my own gun. I mean, what more insentive does a criminal need to shoot at me than if I'm shooting at him?
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
I would lke very much if you were to go shooting with me.
What an absurd question! Of course sane people should be allowed to own guns. How else do you expect us to fight off the zombie hordes?
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
Oh, great, use my backup weapon for the main assault. And just how do you expect me to destroy the giant flesh eating chicken eggs with a zombie dulled Slapchop?
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Damned bleeding heart liberals! He'll probably tell me to use my seal club on the eggs. My seal club! No respect for tradition, those liberals.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
I can step ourside my front door, naked. and empty a 30 round clip, and no one will mind a bit.
I've never once done that. Back home I would have gotten snake bit without my boots on. Here I would lose some of my favorite appendages to frostbite. My bro's and I used to blow through a couple spam cans of 7.62 in an afternoon of plinking though. I rusted out more than one sks barrel with cheap Chinese ammo just for the sheer joy of shooting.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
Q: "Should sane people be allowed to own guns ?"
A: NO, absolutely not !!! Firearms ownership should be strictly regulated so that only insane people can possess them.
Next question ?
I love breasts, but how does that add to our conversation? They are not sex objects. When me and my wife of over 30 are working on our land, I take my shirt off. Why should't she?
...good for's an avatar and wasn't meant to.....yes they are ...don't know, don't care
c'ya !
I love breasts
Condoms and guns.
Better to have and not need than to need and not have.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Guns have one purpose: to kill or maim other human beings. That's their sole function. If ever I was in a situation where I actually needed to do that, I'm pretty sure I could do it with a kicthen knife, a chair, or my bare hands. I mean, it would have to be one extremely desperate situation for me to ever consider maiming or killing another person, and desperate times not only calls for, but begets desperate measures. Adrenaline would ensure I could attempt to do what needed to be done, gun or no gun.
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
You seem to be the only person who is taking this thread seriously, so I will direct this at you.
Really, I am not sure which country you live in but I would think that you seem to have different challenges that we do in the states. Honestly, I bought one of mine from a friend who married a Swedish woman and could not bring it with him. I got a nice Glock for cheap. He gets a hot wife who lets him watch her do lesbianism and join in at the end. I think he got the better deal.
But I digress...
My friend is happy that he lives in a country where a person who murders someone goes to jail for a few years and when he gets out, he gets back to life and does not remain a criminal. If only things were that easy over here...
Our prison system is a factory that makes minor criminals into worse criminals. The whole idea is off the rails but even so, this is what we have to deal with. Get busted for an ounce (30 grams) of pot and you too can learn to knock over a liquor store.
With that in mind, we allow people to have guns (for the most part) and the places where gun ownership are the greatest are the places where you are the least likely to be shot by a criminal. The places where it is hardest to own a gun tend to be the most violent places that one can live.
If you live in one of our major cities, such as New York/DC/LA/Chciago, it is a tall order to get a gun and a permit to carry it with you. Do the police in those cities carry guns? You bet they do. They have to because of the criminals who have guns.
Well, that came in while I was writing my last post. Such is the nature of the intarweb.
In any case, it is simply not true that guns have only one purpose. I happen to enjoy target shooting and I am quite good at it. Now I have not ever had to shoot someone else but if I did, you can be assured that they are going to die.
The gun grabbers that we have over here like to use a fall-back of not keeping guns loaded and/or using trigger locks. However, not bullets and a locked trigger kind of makes it hard to kill the random bozo that might one day decide to take a chance on me.
OK, let's play catch. You can pick a knife, kitchen chair or whatever. I will be using my .357 revolver. I get to go first. Are you still so sure of yourself?
Normally I would chime in here with my usual pro-gun flawless logic, but I see that nickolaj has already sour grape'd this thread to death. There is no converting them at that point.
"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." - Bertrand Russell
Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."
This question is normally down to what culture you are brought up in.
Do you trust your government/police more than you trust your neighbour?
I think you will find in most European countries while we don't particuarly trust our governments we trust the general oink member of the public even less.
The odds on a random member of the public shooting me for no real reason is far higher than the state would
Seriously guys...
Sour grapes?
I love guns. I have two softair guns: a P229 Sig-Sauer, and a G36C assault Carbine, because guns are cool and fun to play with.
However, playing wargames with your friends is tricky if you actually kill them, so therefore, BB guns serve the purpose of target practice and wargames for me.
I considered joining a gun-club a while back, to shoot a real gun, for target practice, because I thought it might be fun, which is why I looked into the rules of owning a real gun here in Denmark, and could explain those rules in the above post.
I am not mad at any of you guys here who own a gun, or several, and I don't think you are crazy gung-ho homicidal rednecks. Its just a hobby, I get it. And like I said, it's a hobby I have myself considered.
What I'm saying is, if guns are a hobby for you, then what's the problem with stricter gun laws for you? Like I said, in my country, where we have some of the strictest gun-laws in the world, you can still own a gun and go to a gun-club as a hobby.
However, the idea that it's a good tool for self defense is just wrong. If you have inhindered access to guns, then so has the criminal that wants to kill you.
In the above question Gene, if I have a chair, and you have a .357, then sure, you'll probably kill me, but I'm not gonna pick a fight with you, and you are not gonna pick a fight with me, so the question should really be, if you have a .357 then what good is that gonna do you if your assailant has a grenadelauncher?
The idea of guns as a means of selfdefense only leads to an arms-race. If you want self defence, then a phone is your best weapon: to call the police. They have guns you see.
Or a bullet proof west.
Or, best of all, don't pick a fight with a criminal.
Like I said, there where a series of shootings here in Copenhagen a while back, between gangs.
One of those episodes was a drive-by at a Internet Café I used to frequent a while back.
I thought about what might have happened to me, had I been at that café that evening. One things for sure, if I had had a gun of my own for "self-defense" in that situation, it wouldn't have decreased my chances of getting shot. It would obviously have increased them, since shooting at the drive-by gang-members would have made me a prime target for them, instead of just being a random bystander.
Ducking would have been the best way to defend myself in that situation, not a gun.
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
Let's get it on. Following is better discussed over a Fosters and a Bud. Sarcasm warning.
Yanks are dumb. Yes I know the term Yank kind of applies to the North East during the civil war but I am going to blindly use it for all of you gun brandishing Chucks, Hucks, Hanks, and Randies.
Purpose of gun = killing. Don't be silly and mention your cover applications like sport, and penis compensation.
Farmers can use tranq weapons.
No excuses. Suck it up.
Law enforcement (let us not discuss the military yet) can hold them in reserve, but guess what morons, UK bobbies don't need em, why? Oh they don't let every banjo player and wanker exec pack heat. If you disagree I can visit you and punctuate the point with my state provided .50 cal. Sorry that was very Matshizzle of me.
Oh yeah, and you yanks are not even good with guns. Check out some history and current sport shooting results. Scoreboard. You are loosing. Failing in war also yanks. Dragging us with you yanks. Dam yanks. Got lots of them, but no good with them.
Another example:Policy at Home Hurting Abroad. If almost any other country was laying down the law in Iraq, we would not be sympathetic to their "right" to pack heat. Civilians and randoms wander the streets with weapons openly displayed and ready to contribute to any impromptu fire fight. That policy is working well. Fools. Here is a brainstorm for you uncle sam, when occupying a strife torn country, don't permit the population to have guns. Arrest, confiscate. Oh? You can not do that because you allow it back home? It's EVERYONE'S god dam right to carry weapons isn't it? No. No it is not. You just think it is.
This isn't even a debate in sensible countries. Yes you are a silly country. Yeah, scathing.
Disclaimer - I generally like the US. Historically a brilliant world leader on human rights in many fields. Respect. And a nation that saved my nation's arse. My grandfather was an unknown US sailor who celebrated victory in the pacific with my naughty nana. I have many friends from the US and proudly serve next to them, but fuck, give us a break on your opinions on guns. You are wrong. I love to generalise.
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
Well, I can't second guess your choice not to join a club. However, if that is still a possibility, I would really suggest that you do so. Shooting is a skill, like anything else. When you first start, you will be able to point the gun in the right direction but that is about as far as you will go. As you progress, you will improve the skill. Within a couple of weeks, you should get your first two inch (call it 5mm) group. That is a real gas.
Well, that is the thing where we run into problems. Most of the people who want to take our guns don't want there to be any legitimate reason to own a gun...ever. They advocate the myth of a “gun free society” where everyone is nice to each other because nobody is afraid of anyone else.
The problem with that is that the idea is brain dead from the very start. Those parts of the USA that have the strictest gun laws are also the most dangerous and the parts that have the fewest restrictions are the safest.
Actually, I have many hobbies. I play bass guitar and keyboard. Do I recall that you are also a musician? I got a gift certificate for my LMS for x-mas which paid for half a set of Elxir Nanoweb strings for one of my five strings. They are quite expensive but heck, it comes from a gift.
I changed to a lighter gauge at the same time, so I need to redo my intonation but even so, I can tell that they are sweet strings. The nanotube is so frakin' smooth that I will be able to play even more like Jaco Pastorius than before.
But I digress...
No. Just no.
That is not how we do things. People have guns and criminals are people. Therefore criminals have guns.
The “gun grabbers” will never say it openly but they believe that a dead crime victim is morally superior to a dead criminal. This is justified on the ground that guns are bad and the fact that bad people have guns must be ignored.
Y'know, you almost get it there. If I have a big gun, then you are not going to attack me with a chair. Also, if I have a gunand you have a chair,then I am not going to shoot you.
Even so, having guns does not breed an arms race. If it did, then everyone who likes guns would be carrying an RPG. That and criminals would also carry RPG's. However, that simply is not the case.
Sure, we have guns and we are not afraid to use them.
Now I do not know how much of our news makes it to your country but the fact is that we have gun crime. And that breeds gun response. If I was minding my own business and I saw a guy step out of a white van with a rifle and take aim at an innocent (google the DC sniper for that specific), then I would have been a hero if I had wasted the guy.
That was the end of your post but it is the focus of my post.
Yes. Did you actually have a point?
We don't use sport as a cover for the idea. We use sport as a way to get good at shooting.
So that they can order your criminals to “STOP! Or I will say stop again”?
I could do a point-for-point thing like I did in my last post but that would not really help. You have your way and it works for you. We have our way and it works for us.
I like your moxy Gene. I don't know what moxy is. Well done for not decending into insult like my terrible comments. You have outclassed me by being civil. Dam you.
Purpose of Gun = Killing, is just a nice premise I like to kick off on as some "gun clutchers" don't agree. Glad we do.
I would also like to say that I don't agree with some of the "gun grabbers", especially their comments about having a gun does not protect you, because it does. In the form of the best defence being a good offense. Wests help too. But I think on this isolated point we agree.
You kind of move on from that to say "People have guns and criminals are people. Therefore criminals have guns." A true statement. What us grabbers put forward though is that not all people should have guns, so the grabber take would be, "People do not have guns and criminals are people. Therefore criminals don't have guns." Nicer place to live? Even if it is not ideal and it reads "Not all people have guns and criminals are people. Therefore only some criminals have guns" instead of most of them. or "Guns are highly illegal and very difficult to get for people. Criminals are people, therefore most criminals don't have guns. or less criminals have guns" This is the successful UK model. It is sucessful, there really is no argument here. Strict gun laws = less gun crime. UK bobbies don't use guns because they don't have to, not because they can not. The odd one packs heat and they have excellent top end CT lads. Once again, scoreboard.
Your strange example of interstate differences in the US does not hold weight in the global examples. Don't make me say Canada. What is that nice little town across from Detroit? Compare that.
How reasonable are you about your right to self defence? Rocket launcher? Fatal man traps? Punji sticks (just wanted to say punji), nerve agents? NBC? Self defence argument lacking. Of course you have a right to defend yourself, just not with ICBMs, or by gun ownership in my opinion.
5mm group? Impressive. What weapon at what range and how many round group? Assault rifle, 25m, 3 rounds and it is not an achievement. Seriously what are the conditions of that grouping? Do you accept my inflamatory "yanks are not even very good with guns compared to the rest of the world" comment?
Sure you have guns, just not sure if you know how to use them. At least other than on each other and to fund your drug habbit by capping drug store employees. Why isn't that a problem where I live?
You said "Now I do not know how much of our news makes it to your country". How much "objective" news do you get in your country? The home of fox? Sorry, that was low, and prob not fair or true. You kind of do have a relatively free media. John Stewart and Bill Maher may disagree. Nice ethnocentic US approach though. I think you were just baiting.
How many of you nut bags would have RPGs if it was legal? A lot I would suggest. Wouldn't that be safe for the kids. Gun ownership does create an arms race between cops, crims, and civilians. Come on you know that. Teflon round anyone? It is the law that stops it hitting RPG level as a common weapon. Good laws can beat this.
I am hoping you are as thick skinned as me. Fire away. I can take it. In fact a few witty insults make me chuckle. I also acknowledge that you may be putting things forward, as I am, in a relaxed half non-PC manor and if either of us was in formal debate we may watch our words a bit more closely. You are a big moderate when it comes down to it. You are cool, it is Cletus I'm worried about.
Guns don't kill people. People with guns kill people.
You can stand next to me on a two way range any day Gene. Give me some tongue.
Rock on.
God gave heckler and kosh to you. Gave heckler and kosh to you. Put it the soul of everyone.
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
I am proud to report a 0% crime rate for the whole 20 acres of my property, and I have more guns than most small countries. Anyone who knows who I am won't break into my house. Anyone who does not know me will definately know they shouldn't have broken in within a few moments. I do own guns strictly for hunting, I also have several for defense. I have many that are war relics that I collect, and a few target rifles. I guarantee you I can shoot all of my weapons with accuracy. I hope I never have to use one against another person, but I will tell you I would use leathal force before I simply "ducked" or flung a recliner at them. Look up Kennesaw, GA if you need proof that heavier gun control isn't needed. Gene is my new favorite person on this forum.
"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." - Bertrand Russell
Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."
Dear Awelton85,
Happy about your little 0% crime fortress there. Please describe your rules of engagement? Surely you wouldn't accidently shoot someone you mistake for an intruder? No you have well established measures. Please let me know what those measures are.
Anyone who knows who you are may not have a crack but that really is a small sub set.
"Anyone who does not know me will definately know they shouldn't have broken in within a few moments"
A few moments. What were your orders for opening fire again tough guy?
Anyone who knows how many guns you have may try to take them from you by force. Your gun collection may be the reason for a break in. Oh the irony.
Anyone who knows you, will know how to get you when you are vulnerable. Ever thought of that tough guy?
Anyone who knows you will know the only way to take you down is to shoot you first.
Flaws all though it.
I like Gene too.
Who would want to finish what they have said with the same thing everytime?
This question is ridicules! No sane person should be able to own guns! Only insane people should be allowed to own guns. What fun are sane people with gun? Very little that's how much. Now how fun are insane people who own guns? A lot more! Just think how much more exciting life will be when only the mentally ill are packing heat!
Since I dropped the other little 'truism' earlier, I thought I would leave another.
Have you ever brought a knife to a gun fight?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
See, I put on my best asshole hat and I still find that people like me. Ah well.
First off, Moxie is a brand of soda. It tastes like motor oil but once you get past that, it is really good stuff. I can't explain that one. You just have to try it to know.
Then too, the question “Should all people have guns?” has a really clear answer. No, they should not. The top of the list of people who should not have guns would be taken by people who do bad things with guns.
This brings me to the point about what news gets out to the rest of the world. The Beltway Sniper was a guy who was killing people for no clear purpose. Had someone been lucky enough to see him getting ready to kill people, few tears would have been shed over the matter.
Except for the gun grabbers. People like Sarah Brady come to mind. I don't doubt that she would have had a press conference where she denounced the lucky guy for “taking the law into his own hands”. The fact that innocent lives would have been spared would certainly miss her.
On the comparison between other countries and us, I deny any validity to that argument. Toronto does not face the problems that Detroit faces.
On the matter of tight groupings, that too is dependent on just what we are talking about. If I run the target down to the end of the range, then that is really impressive for any gun. However, most shootings are not that far away. Think across a small store and you will come to about five yards or so.
That takes time to learn but it is possible for regular guys to manage.
The fact that he is not supposed to be there would serve as an indication that I can kill him.
... people seem to be speaking for me, more and more on this site... whats up with that o_O?
What Would Kharn Do?
If you are in my house, I don't know you, and I feel my life or property are in danger I can legally use lethal force. That is the self defense act law in my state and I abide. All of my guns aside from my carry gun are locked up, so nobody will gain anything by trying to steal them. I am not saying I am immune to any and all attacks, but would you break into my house (knowing there are guns inside) or would you move on to the next house? I am not saying that I would blow a toddler through the front door just for being where he shouldn't, and I'm sure your response will be somewhere along the lines of calling into question a black or white judgement call depending on how trigger happy I am at the time, but as a human capable of complex rational thought I would only shoot if I felt my life was in danger. No situation is textbook and I trust my judgement. If you don't agree with that, don't break into my house.
"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." - Bertrand Russell
Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."
I'd go a step further.
If I don't get you, my son or my oldest daughter will. The boy is a one-shot type of person. The girl will empty the clip for shits and giggles. She drifts down so there is still some practice needed.
I've taught them not only HOW to shoot, but WHEN to shoot including WHY.
As they grow older, it will be imperative upon me to also include lessons in leading a target, treating what you're shooting at as nothing but a target, and clearing rooms. Summer time sees more GSR in the countryside than an episode of CSI.
Safety was first. That included: never sweeping a non-target, clearing a gun, repair precautions, reloading a gun and clip. All of the things my forebears made me do without looking and even one-handed one time. lol.
My spouse has a little difficulty with the slide on the 9, so she'll shoot you twice with the .380 to make up for it.
This summer is the middle daughter's time for learning.
Now, for all of my gun-hating friends...
If someone wants a gun badly enough, they're going to find one. They're going to get one even if they have to kill to get it. I've seen 'pistols' made with scraps of metal, a nail, and a rubber band.
What I've never seen is a society that espouses responsible use of firearms from their populace. The moment that 'hunting for food' meant looking up the number for the pizza delivery service is the moment when we stopped holding ourselves accountable for the very fact that guns exist and we should be educated concerning their usage.
(Yes. It's a run-on sentence. Oh well.)
The very idea of 'gun control' has been bastardized with the wishful thinking that guns just simply don't exist.
Out of the mouths of ignorance comes the battle cry of contemporary gun control advocates... "IF guns were illegal..." or "IF there were no guns..." or "IF only the 'sane' people had guns...". This is highly irrational and wholly illogical in premise and practice. Some guns are illegal, but you can still get one. There are guns of every caliber and size. Crazy people can pull a trigger too.
The 'IF' thinking is supposed to be a fun exercise, but never a basis for what the reality of the situation IS.
The reality is that guns exist and if we don't know HOW, WHEN, and WHY then we are at a disadvantage to those that may only know HOW.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
This is what the whole issue really boils down to doesn't it? I was taught to shoot when young too. I don't think I've shot a gun since I was 12, but I can still rattle off a good list of "Don't you ever . . ." and "Make sure you . . ." related to gun safety. The problem is what to do about those who have either not had this training or just simply ignore it. Those people do cause real problems. The anti-gun side ignoring responsible gun owners doesn't help dialog and neither does the pro-gun side that ignores people who don't want to be responsible with firearms. And there don't seem to be many middle ground voices, or maybe I just don't hear them.
For those of you who do use your guns responsibly, what can the broader community do to not infringe upon your rights but still address the problems caused by those who irresponsibly use guns to cause real problems within the community? What would still preserve your rights that you do continue to deserve while still addressing the problems created by the use of firearms? What about some sort of mandatory training and passing of low-cost gun safety classes that our grandfathers and grandmothers would agree with before being allowed to own firearms and aggressive prosecution of people caught with guns who have not passed for a start? It could be a service provided by gun clubs and shooting ranges for a fee and if the instructor thinks you're crazy or cavalier in your attitude you simply don't pass. (Just like Dad not letting my sister shoot for many years until her attitude changed. ) I'm sure it would be somewhat complicated to set up, but imagine it could be done. Also, scrutiny over what kinds of firearms people are allowed to own does seem reasonable. I wouldn't want even Dad owning some of the weapons that are legal, and I do trust him.
BTW - Anybody else read Deer Hunting with Jesus? I thought Bageant did a good job starting to address this issue in his book.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
I had to take an 8 hour course, pass an FBI background check AND pay around $250 just to get my concealed carry permit. I completely agree with the requirements for this program. Despite the many disclaimers on every page of the paperwork stating that this was not a beginners course and you should be able to shoot and handle your firearm properly, there was still about a 90% dumbass, gun waving, look down the barrel when it misfires rate. There were even a couple of people who put the rounds in the magazine backwards!
Because of this, I would not disagree at all with a mandatory gun safety class before being able to purchase a firearm. There are an aweful lot of people that were not shown when they were younger how to safely handle a firearm, and that is scary.
(on a side note, none of the people mentioned above passed the ccw class. If they did something stupid they were failed on the spot and required to take a gun safety class before they could retest)
"So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence." - Bertrand Russell
Stewie: Yay and God said to Abraham, "you will kill your son, Issak", and Abraham said, I can't hear you, you'll have to speak into the microphone." "Oh I'm sorry, Is this better? Check, check, check... Jerry, pull the high end out, I'm still getting some hiss back here."
I would concur.
However, we're still dealing with only the idea that guns are only sold at retailers. That is not the case.
Billy Bob still wants to sell Jimmy Joe his squirrel gun...
As controversial as this may sound, I would be an advocate for a 'No Child Left Unarmed' program for education.
Many schools in the midwest have extra-curricular programs involving gun clubs such as in the 'olden days' we had the ROTC.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Back in Texas, I have bought firearms at gun shows, pawn shops, flea markets, garage sales, an RV in a WalMart parking lot, from friends, aquaintances, newspaper classified ads, and once from a hitchhiker. Come to think of it, I've never bought one from an actual gun store. Only at the pawn shops have I had to present identification and pass a background check. The others didn't even ask to see my drivers license.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
If I'm not mistaken, aren't there still many places in Alaska where you are required to carry a weapon?
You were in Alaska right?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I'm up in the Alaskan Arctic circle. If there is a place here that I am required to carry a weapon, I haven't heard about it yet. You have to be an idiot to not carry something big out on the tundra, though. A deer rifle isn't going to do anything but piss off a polar bear, and you probably aren't going to put down a charging musk ox or moose with it either. Most people around here pack a .357 or .44 mag when they go mushing.
Like Vermont, you don't have to have a permit here to carry a concealed firearm. A few of the stores have signs prohibiting entering with a weapon, but they don't have metal detectors at the entrances. A lot of hunters come walking into the village with their rifles slung and the police ignore it. Not sure how they would take to someone just roaming around town with one.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Trick queston for you are you happy on top of the food chain? I have knowledge of at least three really dangorus animal encounters here in nd and two in canada. Guns are not just for killing people. Cougers here in the great state of nd are making a comeback and no i am not talking about hot 40 year old women. i know of an incadent where a phesant hunter who carries a .380 and was rewarded by being able to go home that night i know a farmer who has found 10 dead cattle due to wildcats here. I also know that a pack of coyotes can kill a person as well. Guns aren't the problem here in the us it's assholes who think that humans are on top of the food chain. We are not the stongest animal in north america that title belongs to the 4000 lbs grizzley bear that cannot be killed with low powerd guns has 3 1/2" claws and can shred you FAST. something i don't understand here is how you think these things do not affect you. YOU ARE PART OF NATURE. atheism is the idea that no god exists therefore nature which does exist is reality. I use guns in self defence against nature corrupt goverments and crinimals. Although you do not i would like to see what you would do in a room with a pissed and hungry grizzly as well as a 45-70 marlin cb like the one i own i'll bet you'l put away your dislike for guns awfully fast at least untill you are "safe".
last incedent that was in canada was about a bunch of really dumb DUMB tourists whom got out of theire vehicle walked up to and took pictures with flashbulbs about 10 yards away from a femail and her cubs my father had a few things to say to these people like wtf are u nuts get those 10 year old kids away from those grizzlys those are grizzly bears and they WILL KILL YOU IF YOU BOTHER THEM they got into an rv whith of course new york plates. READ ABOUT LEWIS AND CLARK please for the love of all things holy DON"T FUCK WITH NATURE UNLESS YOU COME PREPAIRED.
I was 10 at this time and knew exactly how uninformed these people were. This is where seperating ourselves from nature is going. think that north america is tamed well take the guns and the right to defend ourselves away from us within 3 years there will be bears in new york don't belive me check out the wolf numbers here in nd and in mt
mohammed is mr poopy pants allah is a cootie queen and islam is a lint licker
The native Americans didn't have firearms until the Europeans brought the 'boom-sticks' over. They were doing pretty well for themselves and weren't endangered.
Bad argument.
Although, I'm not sure I would mind literal bears and bulls wandering around Wall St. That might be interesting. lol.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Many of the Native Americans were nomadic, and were not encroaching on the territory of large predators, or developing that territory for condos and strip malls. The Comanche tepis could be and often were broken down in less than an hour should they need to avoid trouble, follow a herd of buffalo, or go to war. The Inuit here in Alaska used to move an entire village at the first sighting of a polar bear. Now days they send a mob out to shoot it.
They also spent years mastering archaic ranged weapons for hunting and defense. While far less restricted than firearms, just try carrying a bow and quiver of arrows or spear and Atlatl around town and see how long it takes to get arrested for possession of a deadly weapon.
It takes a village to raise an idiot.
Save a tree, eat a vegetarian.
Sometimes " The Majority " only means that all the fools are on the same side.
Define "sane".
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.