Body temperature control experiments

This is a description of my recent experiments with body temperature control. (shortened)
Excuse me, I'm not a scientist though I'm interested in science. I tend to use a verbatim, imaginative descriptions of the phenomena. There are usually no professional meanings from physics or biology, a words resembling them are usually meant laically, imaginatively, or utterly wrongly.
And before you begin to read, I'm deadly serious with every word I wrote. I have no desire to waste my and your time with made up stories. All what I describe entered my brain through a sensitive network of my nerves. It entered my subjective brain, not yours, I can't guarantee that you can have such a subjective experience. I had it, you may or may not, and there is only one way how to find it out. By practice, not belief. Furthermore, I only rarely drink alcohol, (not much in recent years) and I don't take any drugs nor psychopharmacology medicines. I'm also not diagnosed that I should. So we've got that clear, let's continue.
It is one of my hobbies to explore the power of the self and the so-called paranormal abilities. It is very diffcult to explain them scientifically, but I believe that thanks to a serious work and cooperation of scientists and practitioners it will be happening in next decades. Some signs even suggests, that this is already happening.
Today, I will present to you my own investigation of the ancient Tibetyan technique called Tummo. However, I did not follow any of the Tibetyan methodology, it's mostly an improvisation of my own.
If you are interested, sit comfortably and prepare for a complex and long reading, which will be hopefully also interesting.
I work in a big factory hall with big doors which are being opened every once a while, into a snowy, windy and rainy day. The work is usually not very active. People on most of the workplaces doesn't usually get warmed by moving. It doesn't involve a lot of movement, but rather a standing, slow walking, bending, opening and closing stuff. The main priority is to be systematic, watchful and to save strength to do the same, slow and seemingly easy movements for 8 hours.
Thus it's often rather cold in there, and we, poor exploited workers usually wear a jackets or sweatshirts with long sleeves, scarves, and so on, but everyone feels cold, anyway.
Well, not quite so with me. I experiment with controlling my metabolism and body temperature - by the power of my mind. I only wear a t-shirt and a light jacket with removed sleeves. Most of my arms remains bare. (except of hands, on which we must wear a white cloth gloves, but these gets often wet)
How do I feel? Warm, dear people, overwhelmingly, pleasantly warm, even hot.
My co-workers keep asking me if I'm not freezing, or that I should wear something more. But I actually need to keep my arms bare to cool down somehow. If I feel my temperature dropping, I only keep the zipper up to raise the collar of jacket, and that's all isolation I need. (besides that, I've got a dense hair which also helps a bit)
So the actual process is like that... I imagine an energy field, I visualize it wrapping the body parts I need. (body and torso usually) I visualize a fire, embers, heat waves, a white-hot inside of a furnace, and so on, and at the same time, I focus on the areas of body which should be heated.
An important part of the visualization is breathing. (through nose) It's regular, steady, not very deep, and it's visualized as to directly blow up the fire. (this may actually be borrowed from the Prana exercises) In the first moment it does nothing, but a few moments later the mind focusing goes on and I feel a real warmth spreading through my heat-yearning tissues and staying there. The inner heat awakens and I feel some kind of energy streaming. A further mental effort makes the heat stronger, more persistent and better placed. When the inner fire is well founded, only a small amount of thought effort is needed to support it, if the cold draught ocassionally blows more. A small mental order - and an intense heat waves comes immediately, warming me again on a pleasant temperature. It's a wonderful thing!
Does it have any drawbacks? Yes, it has. My control over the heat production is not perfect. It requires some time, effort and mental focus to start, which I usually do in the first half an hour of work. The preservation of it also requires a mental focus. It's like an inner fire, which must be carefully sustained. Next, it doesn't automatically heat up all the body, only a chosen regions, like forearms or torso. I must use the mental focus to extend the energy field on my hands, for example, and then start 'pumping' the heat energy there mentally. The heat doesn't spread regularly, like I can warm my foot, but the whole leg before it can stay cold. Fortunately, it doesn't require a continual focusing later, just an ocassional check.
It probably requires to eat something in the morning, though I suspect it's only a feeling of hunger which hinders the necessary mental concentration. Furthermore, the whole mental heating is not a protection from a direct freezing wind and it requires some insulation against the cold.. (at least not with my present skills) And finally, it's diffcult for me to turn it off. This day was freezing and I had to heat up a lot, more than usually. My forearms still feels like burning, while I with the rest of body actually shivers slightly, because the house heating is not on.
One day at work a month or two ago I was outside and I had to stand and wait in the frost and wind. As always, in such a boring whiles, I entertain myself with mental exercises. 'What these exercises are good for, if I'm freezing?' I thought. So I started to focus on an imagination of fire, and with a partial success. (mainly thanks to a heavy jacket) In next days and weeks of an awful, cold weather I kept practicing and training myself, so I got much better in it. It's still far from perfection, but very useful. I didn't get sick or cold at all, though the warmly clothed people around aren't so lucky.
Is it a thing unheard of? Actually, not. As I mentioned, this may be my personal version of the tibetyan Tummo technique. However, Tummo is done by sitting in deep meditation, but I need to keep myself warm, while working.
There are some hypotheses on how it might work.
Firstly, I have a theory on this which drives Nordmann crazy.
Secondly, it may be a classical physiologic process. A layers of skin or muscles can relax themselves, to allow the blood flow into a surfacial capilars and to heat the body better. At the same time, a metabolic burning of fats and sugars may occur to produce the heat.
It is however unclear, how this can be so precisely and quickly controlled solely by mental imagination. I observed no increased hunger or exhaustion when heating myself like that. Also, no typical pointy pain in liver, when it lacks a sugar, as it feels after a running. Also, the plentiful heat couldn't be generated by movement, as I wrote, the work we do is usually rather slow. No shivering, no big strain on muscles at one moment, which could generate such a heat. No heavy breathing.
If this hypothesis is true, I hope that it metabolizes my fat, and not my muscles, that my liver and other metabollic organs will not get damaged somehow. Furthermore, the psychosomatic mechanism allowing that to happen is unknown to me. Some expert is welcomed to clarify that.
So what do you guys think? I tried to be as comprehensible and serious, as possible. I even had cut a lot of crap which you don't need to read. Is there any peer among you who could do a peer-review? Who could devote a few days or weeks to replicate the results? Any questions or comments? Is a typical rationalist able to work meaningfully in frontiers of human experience with his/her own physical and mental tools, (like I try) or are they dependent on a scientific authorities with often unaffordable mechanical detectors?
Maybe this will ruin my reputation even more, but fortune favors the brave. Before you try to criticize this all, imagine how would you handle such a situation by yourself. Would you rather rattle your teeth in the cold, because the science says that you have to? I just hope that the response will be more rational than from a Christian, who would be scared by the Hell and witchcraft resembling mental invocation of the fiery heat
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
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It sounds like self-hypnosis to me, but I have to ask: how do you know you didn't just have a fever at the time? Good experiments are all about controlling for variables.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
If I'd work all that time only hypnotized, then I'd catch a cold at least, or an influenza, more probably. I had experienced this kind of warmth before. You may be familiar with reflexology. I don't say that it works, but in reflexology charts there are a special spots on feet near the toes. These places are supposed to be associated with eyes and ears. And from an early childhood, I had experienced a feeling of a heat or burning, there. My feet felt so hot, that I couldn't sleep. Nothing helped permanently, cold water, ice, nothing. This was some kind of phantom heat, because on a normal touch the skin wasn't hot.
I had abridged the descriptions greatly, but basically, all the 'hypnotization' I do is closely associated to my anomalous perception, which behaves very similarly to how the etheric body, chakras and nadis are supposed to behave, according to the old writings. I have an alternative mode of tactile perception, which I use during such a mental exercises, and which is very unlike this physical world. It's very fascinating and definitely worth of further study. It looks like a research I could dedicate my life to.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
No magic or 'energy fields' involved. Google: biofeedback, self-hypnosis, cardiovascular metabolism, "brown fat cells", and visualization.
You are using the visualization of 'energy' to enter a light trance state and trigger a biofeedback loop which increases blood flow. You are also working at light physical activity, which is text-book cardiovascular exercise, which efficiently burns fat and produces lots of heat. And you may additionally have more brown fat cells than the average person, making you burn fat hotter than normal.
Always look for the natural explanation first, before you jump to the supernatural conclusion.
Now, if you could cause someone *else* to heat up just by visualizing energy on them in a double-blind study, *then* you'd have something to win James Randi's million dollars with.
The brain is very powerful. It of course is heavily involved in regulating metabolism, blood flow, and all sorts of other bodily functions. While normally people do not have much control over these things, they can develop skill at it by practicing biofeedback techniques.
One of the other things your brain can do is rationalize the irrational. Be a critical thinker. Realize that the easiest person to fool is yourself. Don't fool yourself.
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Could you have maybe gone with a thermometer in that case? I'm not trying to be glib, but precise measurement is necessary to make any kind of scientific claim. Until you work that out, your experimental design isn't worthy of the name.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Maybe I'm a bit more of a critical thinker than you realize. The problem is, that in my life I saw some anomalous things, which shouldn't be possible, as for a contemporary biology and physics. If I remember the events correctly (and in such cases I try to have someone else together with me there to confirm the story) then there was really something unusual going on. There are usually two ways how to explain the event. It's possible using an esoteric theory, but this explanation is very limited and superficial. It's essentially a trailblazing or grass-roots work, (if I wrote it correctly) usually done in privacy or secret. (this is maybe why I don't trust a TV psychics and why James Randi kept his million. The better people, the less selfish they are.) The second way is a scientific way, which works very differently. The scientific understanding gives much greater possibilities, for example, a new technology. But this process takes a lot of time, work, and sometimes luck. I think there are common grounds with esoterics and science (for example, some works of David Bohm, though wikipedia calls it philosophy) but it's far from a mainstream. I believe that an ongoing global change of worldview will also affect the topics of scientific projects, and thus we will see a revolution in these areas, which were rather neglected before.
Btw, is there anyone else on this forum who also experiments with biofeedback, trance states and extended perception? I mean mainly those who doesn't use drugs for it. Remember, the brain is already a drug factory by itself.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Wow, Luminon your experience is amazing! I experience something similar when I look at attractive women! Attractive woman must contain energy fields! This is an big break threw, the world will never be the same!
hey now, don't you have a sin about that somewhere?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
So it's catharsis/charisma?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
That's what I thought, but now I know better. It isn't my fault at all! It's all those women's fault and their darn evil energy fields. They are the ones who are making me sin! Actually now that I think about it there are other sins which are surely not really my fault. Like gluttony. Surely in isn't my fault that I like to eat. It must all be the fault of Ronald Mcdonald and his evil satanic minions! Now that I know the truth I must start a companion against the evil empire of the golden arches! Who is with me?
No, you see these two things are completely different. You see the Holy Spirit is the power of God, while these energy fields you are talking about are obviously the power of Satan! Why else would they be used to try and make me sin?
Catharsis as in the release that one feels after praying and having a good cry at the altar that Christians mistake for God's peace.
Charisma as in the emotional high that accompanies religious fervor in a group of believers that is often attributed to a blessing or the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Does that help?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
What I meant by a supposed blessing from HS, was derived from what I know about a Christian faith healing, demon casting out, or just putting a hands on them charged by the HS energy. I know about at least one youth minister here in a near city who is like that, so I suppose that there's more to that Holy Spirit stuff than the emotional high only.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
There's that word again. Subjective proof is no proof at all.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
By you, I mean your physicality, emotionality and mentality, these are tools to be worked with. They're a natural tools for this work, but they can be extremely varying in quality among a population, they need to be refined and trained, so you are able to use them for a more correct perception of the world. Without training and improving oneself, it is like every scientist would use a measuring devices he built in his barn manually from different parts bought in different shops. It's rather a coincidence if the readings matches each other. But a practice and improvement brings the an ocassions of objectively true readings, eventually even standards. I'm sorry for the vagueness, but what I really mean is either unknown, or scorned by mainstream science. A verbatim mention of these things with their historical connotations and misinterpretations would make a half of the forum burst in laughter and the second half in anger. No, this is something what is in this moment accessible mainly by personal experience. (though objective, in broader context) For example, a special meditation methods or a change of brainwaves induced by special sound frequencies, and mainly, by training. The trained senses shall let through more of the world's beauty, which is otherwise filtered away by brain. One day, this should be made accessible to a common senses by technics, but until then, it's a mere personal experience.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Luminon, I just found this site, read and registered. Well, just because I know what you mean. With my mind, I can control my pain. It has a looong time that i don't know what headache means anymore! and this is not only with headaches. Concentrating I can do so much more and I believe we can do great things with our minds. Cause I live it.
Sry for my English.. I've learned it by myself and it's not so good... not yet! ^^ I joined an english class recently just to learn it faster.
At the begining, when I was about 16 years old and i discovered that i could control my headaches, I used to spend minutes meditating and doing long processes mentally... Now I don't have to spend more than some secs to control the pain. Focusing is getting automatic.
while i was reading your text, I tried to do what you do. and I could feel it working a little bit. maybe coz wheather here is not so cold... the minimum nature can do is 20ºC here. but at work, my room is as cold as possible, cause i like it. 17ºC right in my direction. i'll try it out there...
and you know why I found this topic? cause I was seaching for something related to "body temperature control". It was already in my head! I already can do the contrary.. when it's very hot here, I focus and it seems like I absorb cold from somewhere... or just make it somehow. it really works. my hands get cold and what i touch starts getting cold too (sometimes).
I don't know if we can know how these things work.. I just know that we can do them. Please, contact me. I've been looking for someone to share my experiences... someone who doesn't laugh and think i'm insane.
sharing experiences we can accelerate our improvements. write back. i'll check this post constantly.
It is quite possible with biofeedback to control physical responses. I was into meditation in the early 70's as a form of relaxation. In a physiological psych course the instructor asked for volunteers to see if anyone could use biofeedback to alter some aspects of their physiology. She used an eeg machine to measure body temp, gsr, respiration (the easiest thing anyone can do) and heart rate. I volunteered and was able slow my heart rate (no great trick there) and reduced my temp down about 2-3 degrees if I remember correctly as well as alter the level of my gsr.
Get to a machine to measure your physical responses to see if you are actually changing body temp or if you are simply convincing yourself that you are.
"Erecting the 'wall of separation between church and state,' therefore, is absolutely essential in a free society." Thomas Jefferson
This is bad...
The guy is always concise, direct, and effectively states his point. Worst is that I've never disagreed with any of his remarks, ... yet. Scary!
I can slow my heart too. This is easy. Sometimes I stop and wonder.. What else we can do with our thoughts. Well, I won't stop trying new experiences. I like testing myself.
I didn't know this term.. "biofeedback" before yesterday... Guys, is there anything else that you've heard we can do? I'd like to try new things. I already got a nice control over the pain on my head and some kind of pains in my body (specially when my body is hurt). For example, When I hurt my hand, I focus and can reduce the feeling of pain significantly and sometimes I make them dessapear. And it seems like I have to keep focusing to keep it working (at least for now that I don't know how to control it very good).
The first step is to believe that you can do this and then, all you have to do is concentrate to do whatever...
You have to concentrate to stop your pains?
Mine usually go away faster when I stop paying attention to them.
Controlling outside temperature with the mind I have a harder time buying into.
It looks too much like "I was concentrating really hard on wanting it colder (as I was turning up the air conditioning). It got colder so the concentration must have worked."
It reminds me of the Christians who tell healing stories like "I went to the doctor and he told me I have cancer. I went to the hospital and had the tumor removed and had chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Now I don't have cancer. Praise Jesus for healing me."
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
None of that should be surprising to anyone who knows that your brain is part of your nervous system. All you have to do to reduce your body temperature is reduce the rate and volume of your breathing. Increase the rate or volume of your breathing slightly, and you can increase your body temperature. Also, not eating or consuming alcohol will reduce your core temperature. These are not super-powers.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
This is not only forgeting about it. I can feel the pain going away. I really stops paining.. Otherwise, I would still feel the pain when I remembered about it secs/mins later.
There's no pain. It's just a consequence in our brain. We can control it.
Btw, I my work is flooded with toiling and problems, (and serious accidents) so I can probably never get to any serious measuring of it while I'm there. I have only time and energy to try things on myself.
I will send you an e-mail.
But to answer you what you can do with your mind, is... theoretically anything. According to the theory, life and consciousness are not only forms of energy, but the energy itself is living and conscious. And as you maybe know, also matter is made of energy. The more a life form develops, the more it has a control over it's environment.
There is a man in India, called Sathya Sai Baba. He does materialize things out of nowhere. He has a great crowds of devotees and pilgrims coming to him. A pilgrim comes, kneels, Sai Baba rolls up his sleeve, shows his palm that it's empty, turns it down, and when he turns it up, there suddenly is a trinket, a cheap ring or bracelet on it. Or he does spill a holy ash out of his hand, but so much of it to so many devotees, that he would have to carry a big sack of it on his back, but he doesn't. There are also other Babas in India, one for example does materialize small lingams out of his mouth. Their mission is to show that these things are possible. A friend of my co-worker has a ring materialized by Sai Baba himself. People from all the world, even scientists, goes there to see it on their own eyes and to get such a ring.
My sources talks about a revolution in traffic - just thinking ourselves where do we want to be. The time, space, and matter (and more) are illusions. They are not what they seem to be, and when we see through these illusions, we can make use of their real properties, which are much more benevolent.
Of course, it is not so simple, otherwise everyone would be doing it. We only freshly entering the age when such a things will be researched seriously.
Through the experience of years and people I came to an opinion, that the consciousness itself is a super-power, still evolving and pushing it's limits. What we are here, is less or more a development of millions of years of evolution. But the beautiful thing about this is, that the development of consciousness speeds up exponentially. There is more than million of people today, who compared to a normal man are like a normal man compared to a caveman, in terms of consciousness.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
How can something that is a normal ability be a super-power? It's a normal ability. Healthy human beings have consciousness.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
Yeah, I walk around in a T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops all the time, regardless of the weather outside. I tend to ignore the temperature outside, I guess after years of working in walk-in freezers and cell sites (Telecom Rooms that are kept refrigerated), I sort became conditioned, it's sort of common behavior in that line of work.
Even after being away from that environment for nearly ten years now, I still tend to not even notice the cold. Not at least until people start asking "if I am cold" or "Why I am not wearing a jacket"? This happened not too long ago. I got up early and ran to the local market to get milk for the kids breakfast, I was wearing my default (T-shirt, shorts, and flip-flops) and the guy behind the counter was shivering in a jacket and asked me if I was crazy or something. I looked around and noticed everyone was wearing jackets and such.. I just sort of laughed it off.
You should look into the training the Navy Seals go through, they condition them to deal with temperatures near hypothermia.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs
I have always adjusted to very cold temperatures easily, after being in them for about 10 to 15 minutes. My body's circulation increases and my hands and feet both stay quite warm.
When I go inside though, I feel like I'm on fire for about 5-10 minutes until I adjust to it. Also, I will lose more energy being out in that kind of environment than someone who isn't like this. It is not something that happens at will, it just is the way I've always been. I used to have fevers frequently when I was younger as well, when I had no other signs of illness. This is not a medical journal of course, simply my life experience.
I have little doubt someone could train to induce fever in themselves.
A friend sent me the stuff about this practice because of how I am. I don't really have much of an opinion on it, it's not a big interest for me. I have other concerns, but I saw this post and thought I would chip in.
There are monks that train to nearly stop their heart. These people (that control body temperature/circulation..or whatever it is) supposedly can sit butt-naked in ice and snow. I don't think I'd ever push my luck that far personally. If they stay warm, good for them. I can go out in snow wearing sandals and a short sleeved shirt, and touch my hands or feet and find them warm. Usually I end up with veeeeeery cold hands placed on me from friends. Which is like raping my heat away. I hate them sometimes :<
I don't think this is "mystical" in any way. The human body has the capability to regulate itself. I'm sure anyone could influence their own bodies to some degree willfully.
People and animals have willed themselves to death even.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
This very well may be part of that. I do not know if my rate of breathing increases, as I have not actually spent time studying it, rather just noticed it and lived with it. I just assume that I acclimate better to the cold than most people, since I don't get cold when they do.
Ultimately, having done no studies on it...all I can attest to is personal experience. Which means jack to anyone but me, unless you take my word on it.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Sry for taking so long to write back. I'm finishing my final paper (monography here in Brazil) for my graduation.. That's the reason I'm not giving attention to you all... Guys, I'm almost getting crazy! ^^
Luminon, I tried a lot of times but I couldn't get warm when I wanted.. Still didn't get it. But I noticed that even if the environment temperature is hot or cold, I can cool down my body. Specially my hands (mabe cause I focus on them). When I touch somebody, they ask me if I'm dead. But.. When the environment is really cold and I make my body get cold too, I get a strange feeling... I usually feel normal but sometimes it feels like I'm freezing inside out.
What do you think of for you to get warm? Maybe it can help me...
Maybe it's normal.. I think it doesn't matter. Anyway, most of the human beings don't do it because they think it's impossible. So, what I'm saying is that we can do so much more. Anyone can do these things. We're not special. Open up ur mind!
I'd like to help you, I love helping. So, the technique is not as much about wanting (wishing, desiring, etc) as about imagination, visualization and attention, thus doing, instead of wanting. But we first must know something, to know what to visualize. According to my theory, we will work with prana, the vital energy, also known as Chi or Qi, in other traditions.
This omnipresent energy, prana, is absorbed by our skin, etc, but also through breathing, together with air. But it is our attention, which controls this all. The attention is, what can whirl and drift the streams of vital energy according to our will, like water or air streams.
So, let's start breathing with attention. You don't have to breathe very deeply or quickly, only if you want. Focus on the visualization of pranic energy through your nose. With the exhalation, exhale the air away, but not the prana. Visualize, that you exhale and send the prana as a waves of heat into and around your body, imagine that it gets heated and burns. If you are succesful, you should feel at least places of mild heat appearing on the body. However, the heat can be made greater to envelop all the torso. There may be a feeling like a white-hot burning skin, but not necessarily followed by a real heat. This is a feeling on etheric body, probably a sign to be a bit more careful.
It might help to be focused on the point in the middle of your forehead. Actually, I don't exactly visualize... I consider all the "energy" (stuff, material, prana, Chi, etc...) around me, within the reach of my etheric body and attention, as an extension of me. I work with it (or try to work) directly, because it reacts on the imagination quickly. Thus, if you imagine a diffculty, delay or inertia, it will be there probably because you imagined them. The real diffculties and limitations are those which remains even if you didn't imagine them in advance. These are related to our personal development, state of body, chakras, antahkarana, etc, and they take a time and practice to be trained. Remember, it is still a material, physical body, just less dense, etheric. Taking a conscious control over it is a natural thing.
Also, if you look at the internet sources, there is often a lot of unnecessary advices there. They advice to take the energy from body, solax plexus, heart, etc. I'd only say, do whatever works for you, but if it makes you exhausted, (feeling like empty inside) stop and try something else. And after it works, try to make it simplier, even more direct. But the most important advice is - do first what your intuition tells you. No external advice or knowledge can be better than your own intuition.
It is about awakening the feeling in etheric body, so you can feel it and thus know what you're doing. Until then, your brain will probably tell you that it's nothing there. But to overcome that lifetime habit there are techniques like psi-ball.
Etheric body usually reaches about 4 centimeters above the skin, so you can feel etherically above and within the body, when you want. So it is with me. Besides the personal practice, like visualization, some forms of meditation does that automatically with a great benefit. It is a transmission of strong energies, which uses the etheric body in such a powerful way, that sooner, later or immediately, the etheric body begins to be felt. Similarly, some martial arts uses the Chi to hit the opponent much harder or paralyze him - what a practical ability for secluded monks in the wild lands of ancient China. So that's another way of getting known with your etheric body, though more physically exhausting.
There is much of fascinating theory behind that, and even more of unknown. For example, I have no idea how this cooling down of yours could theoretically work - the more I am curious. It certainly can not be an ordinary thing - the body cools down by increasing blood flow, and preserves heat by decreasing it, so it would be the opposite of what's happening with you.
Maybe the techniques on this link will be also useful, you know, getting your hands near each other, etc. Don't take the writings there too seriously, that guy is a student of Rosencrucianism and momentarily I can't yet stand for 100% of what he writes. (I just begun with study of Rosencrucianism) Mainly the terminology is messed up, he calls the spleen (or it's etheric counterpart) 'sacred heart', and so on. It takes some effort to translate some terms, before I know what's going on. The techniques down there are however simple and usable immediately.
You could answer some questions, please.
- Does it make you feel exhausted?
- Do you lose feeling in your fingers?
- Does it make you hear something? (something like tinnitus, or a sound of muted TV switched on)
- Does the cold persist by itself, or do you have to uphold it, for it to last?
- Does it work any time you want? How quickly?
If there wouldn't be so vital tasks in this epoch, this and more is what many people would be researching systematically. Unfortunately, we didn't even yet seriously begun saving the world from poverty, wars and ecologic breakdown, which will destroy us rather soon if we all don't change. But then, there will be a golden age. I plan to reincarnate then and enjoy the upcoming times
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I learnt to do something very similar after spending many weeks freezing and shivering in the school playground. I might add that this was many years ago. I am unsure if I still have this level of control over temperature, however it is quite difficult for me to get cold. Automatically my body will remain warm longer than anyone else I know. Usually I will stay warm to the touch for about 45 - 50 minutes when others will be cold in minutes. After this period though I become uncontrolablly cold and it then requires a sustained period in a warm environment before I return to normal. I plan to work on this as I am certain this can be developed to a higher level.
This is not magic it is simply a higher level of control over your brain than most people achieve.
I can also supress virtually any level of pain through thought.
It was interesting to read this, good luck.