How would you respond to this bullshit from a Christian? LMMFAO
"There have been so many findings in Israel, and the Middle East that coincide with the Bible, Cory. SO many. My dad is a Professor, a Ph. D in English, & he has read 100x more than I ever have about religion, and he has read the Bible, taken classes, he has read old writings, there is evidence of Jesus.
The bible has geometric patterns in its text that no scientist can explain. My dad said hebrew text makes up numbers, or some crazy shit like that, I don't know exactly, he'd have to explain it again, but each book in the bible has patterns when the text is converted to numbers. Patterns...the writers didn't do it on purpose."
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I'd say "Show me."
Isn't numerology a Wiccan practice, thus deemed satanic by bible reading Christians?
He is referring to Gematria and possibly conflating it with other speculation about Sacred Geometry. Gematria is a Hebrew Mystical practice which involves assigning numbers to alphabetical characters. There are various methods of using gematria to encode stuff - for a simple example I could use the numeric code of my name in a seemingly unrelated text as a hidden reference to me, or for a more complex example a distinct word could be formed from mathematical combinations of two names and used to encode both parties in seemingly unrelated text.
It's possible to use gematria to encode texts, however, it also tends to be quite ambiguous and unreliable, this is why science doesn't give the practice or the people claiming to have decoded the bible using it, much attention for their efforts.
Theist badge qualifier : Gnostic/Philosophical Panentheist
Some people state that if you take every {pick a number} th letter in the bible it will spell out words. They have predicted most everything, including the attacks of 911.
I find it interesting that these preditions are only made {reveiled} after the event.
This is jsut like how they try to point out how 9/11 matches the whole "Burning pillars/towers" mentioned in the bible's interpretation of the end of the world. Its all a matter of context, and in the end, doesn't amount to much of an argument. Although, I will admit, he did have to suspend much common sense and legitamate thought process to come up with this. Kudos. Now go find a real argument.
I don't have the time to cater to your religious beliefs. Its much less time consuming to simply mock them, and, on occasion, give a reasonable explanation as to why I do so. But that's if I'm in a good mood.
Well, I think that for once we agree on that much at least. Isaac Asimov has written on the matter in several works and as I recall, the Hebrews used their alphabet as a numerical system where each letter had a specific value assigned to it. Then you could make an association between names and numbers.
If memory serves, quite a few ancient texts that deal with general commerce avoid using the tenth letter followed by the fifth letter of the Hebrew alphabet because that would spell out a short form name of god and that was considered to be taking the lord's name in vain.
Also, I recall that in one article, Asimov mentioned that if you write the name Nero Caesar in Hebrews, that the numerical values sum to 666. Although it is by no means certain that that is what John was hinting at.
Yah, that idea has been kicking around for about 15 years now. Pretty much ever since computers became powerful enough to do that work. The major criticism to that idea being that the same software has been applied to other huge texts such as “Moby Dick” and “War and Peace” and you find all kinds of absurd things that way as well.
Where is she getting this "evidence from Jesus" from lmao?
Indeed. The only reason the bible can be used to pick out so-called hidden messages is because of the sheer mass of words, letters, and numbers to work with. Once a text has grown to a sufficient breadth, anything can be found within. All that's needed is someone devoted enough to finding it. Religion practically guarantees people who will be devoted in such a way.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.