Tattoo dilema

Before I get into the idea let me please ask that no one comes in this thread downing tattoos or insulting the idea of getting one. The last tattoo thread had some of that, and it adds nothing to the discussion IMHO. Besides, that decision has been made, I'm just trying to decide which one to get.
OK, so I've wanted tattoo to do with Atheism forever now. I'd get one with an upside-down cross (with jebus) along with Santa, and the Easter bunny (also hanging upside-down) but I'm afraid that would get me lynched.
One that has always stuck in my head is "No Gods, No Masters" in old English across my back.
The dilemma is that I think it will be misinterpreted a lot, like maybe most of the time.
To me it speaks to not having a belief in any BS religion, and to the freedoms we have in America (how ever debatable they may be) and just an independence in general. I've never let anyone control me my whole life, and I never would.
I think it will be interpreted as being about anarchism. Even though a lot of Atheists have adopted the phrase, I think some people will think that it's meant in a McCarthyism sense of Atheism, and that it means both anarchism and atheism.
What do you think of when you see that phrase?
I have a lot of other ideas for tats, including a whole sleeve based on evolution (which I can't afford right now) It would be in Japanese style (think coy fish tat.) It would start near the wrist with a Coelacanth (fish with "legs" in water, and also climbing out. On the bank would be a couple transitional ape skulls, then foliage, and trees with various 'transitional' animals, and species that show or prove some aspect of evolution. Eg. salamander, upright walking ape, archeopteryx, etc. I'd love ideas for other animals, or ideas in general related to this, or any other tat idea related to Atheism, Humanism, anti-religious views etc..
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
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The first thing that came to mind for me was an atheist stance. But I suppose the only reason I thought of that was because I'm an atheist. I don't know how inactive atheists or theists would think of it.
Truth be told though, I've never been a fan of body art that contains words. When a symbolic reference has to be explained with words, or is blatantly words, it takes away from the symbolism in art. Take my avatar image as an example. It doesn't say atheism. It just symbolizes it. If the word "Atheist" were stamped across it, that would take away from its artistic representation.
If you wanted to print "No Gods, No Masters" on your skin, why do it in a different language? It's not a symbolic statement; it's a outright statement in and of itself. I'd try something more symbolic. That's art to me.
Just my opinion.
Here's a suggestion. Why not the FSM. It's a perfect symbol of irony. And a humorous one at that. The scarlet A? Raptor Jesus.
Gah, I suck at tat decisions anyways.
With the old English words you're going to look like a Salvadoran gangsta wannabe. Unless you want to shave your head and start flashing signs, I'd go with one of your other ideas. The evolution sleeve sounds awesome, and I'm not into sleeves.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
I doubt many, if any, here would say "You deserve to die if you get one".
There are pragmatic reasons one should weigh.
1. What if you get one, then decide you dont like the immage you cant remove?
2. What happens, even if you like the immage, but when you get older your skin wrinkles?
3. What if the tattoo parlor doesn't give a shit about health safty, and just wants to make a buck?
I am not against tattoos, by any means. I am for doing your research and contimplating the finality of it.
There is risk in life in everything you do. But you can live with the risk and mistakes much better when you weigh the opitions.
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I don't suppose "I'm just a victim of peer pressure." is suitable?
I'm gonna second the vote against the salvadoran gang tattoo. I don't have an inherent aversion to words in body art, but I think you ought to weigh it based on how obvious you want it to be. Granted, the open bottomed A is getting pretty popular now, and any other atheist will probably recognize it, but there are still large parts of the population who won't understand what it symbolizes. Do you want it to be more art or more message?
I've seen a couple of FSM tattoos, and I like them. It's an easy thing to adapt to your own style, and it lends itself to tattoos easily. It's probably more recognizable than the A, even.
I dunno. It's so much a matter of personal taste, I almost hate making recommendations, but unless you're a pretty bad dude, you probably want to avoid the appearance of gang activity.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I have a Dragon on each arm between the sholder and the elbow. I love them, so does my wife. Whatever you decide this will be true; Good tattoos are not are not cheap, cheap tattoos are not good
You can get a cover-up if you're really that intent on removing it. The only people I know that have done this are people who got shitty tribal tattoos.
Yeah, if you don't get touch ups, you're going to look horrible when you're 80. Think how gorgeous you would look at eighty years old without a tattoo!
They're strongly regulated in my state, but that's why you go to every shop in town and ask about their procedures/etc, and then go find people who have been there and get their stories.
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Well first, let me state that I have toyed with the idea of getting inked but I have never taken the plunge. That being said, the idea of an atheist tat does attract me.
So you can't afford a sleeve right now. Big fat hairy deal. You can do that a bit at a time if you want to. My goal for sleeving would be to do the Major Arcana of the tarot which consists of 11 images on each arm. An evolution sleeve could be done in a similar gradual manner. In fact, it would seem to me that an evolution sleeve would carry a certain poetic value if it was done gradually
First of all, if your tattoo is going to be in a place that is visible, I wouldn't get anything too "shocking" for a variety of reasons that you might regret including job discrimination.
I would pick something out that has meaning for YOU, something special that you wouldn't mind having the rest of your life and sporting at the beach. If it's a phrase, be prepared for lots of questions and confusion. If it's a recognizable symbol to the atheist community, that may be a great conversation starter. I like the creative idea you have in the third paragraph the best!
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
dude, "no gods, no masters" doesn't sound atheistic... it sounds anarchist.
i also wouldn't go for a FSM tatoo. How the hell is some girl not supposed to burst out laughing when you take your clothes off to reveal pasta. seriously...
now i have seen an invisible pink unicorn tatoo. it's not my thing but it does look a little more mature plus people who wouldn't hire you with an upside down cross won't know what the hell the unicorn is.
That's it, I'm getting an invisible pink unicorn tattoo. But it's definately gonna be invisible. I figure that'll cut down on the cost of the tattoo. If people ask how I'm supposed to believe I have a tattoo, I'll tell them it's a matter of faith.
I got one while I read your post. It's awesome.
Tony, as for your tat, my favorite choice is an evolve fish.
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OK, I'll just try to address all the replies as a whole.
Obviously getting a tat is a big decision. That's why I've waited til I'm almost 30 (been 29 for a couple years now
)to take the plunge. I'm not going to rush into putting anything on my skin that I can't live with. Also I know the artist, and his place is super clean, and sanitary. He is anal about that sort of thing.
As far as the gang image thing, those tattoos have been used for non gang-related tats for well over a decade now. A lot of those tattoos are pretty positive in their message. Most now are family names anyway, they far outnumber any actual gang tats nowadays. The aspect of anyone misinterpreting and wanting to
What I want out of the tattoo... I would say message is first, but aesthetics are a must. I'm not putting anything ugly on my body for the rest of my life. I'm not as concerned about the artistic side of it. I'm sure it will be one of many I get, so as long as it fits in with the rest I'm cool with it.
Shelly, what you said about "No Gods No Masters" is pretty much why I've been debating whether to use it or not. I understand why it is misinterpreted, but it's the meaning I think of that interests me in it. Obviously I like it or I would just throw the idea right out. The phrase has been used by atheists for a while now, with a different connotation than the anarchists. For instance Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation,used it in the title of her book: "Women Without Superstition : No Gods - No Masters" Hell, even has a sticker with the phrase, here's the description: "Originally an anarchist slogan, representing rejection of subservience to both human and mythical masters. The slogan was used by Margaret Sanger, founder of the movement for women's reproductive rights, on her newsletter The Woman Rebel, first published in March 1914." All that being said, I'm leaning towards not using it because of how it will be interpreted.
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
Hmmm... I've never been a girl, so I didn't think of this. However, I've got to tell you, if I got a girl's clothes off and she had a FSM tramp stamp, I would think she was either the most clever girl I'd ever met or the most clueless, and I'd certainly spend some time trying to figure it out.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Some interesting ones.
^I'm really liking the idea of a more elaborate version of this one. Possibly without the word, but with an integrated scarlet A. This one could even be combined with a portrait of Darwin, or other things.
^that one's serious!
^ a true Atheist hero (the guy on the tat/poster)
Finally here's a list of symbols related to Atheism. I'm kinda digging #80 for a simple one (with the a being red instead of blue)
"They always say the same thing; 'But evolution is only a theory!!' Which is true, I guess, and it's good they say that I think, it gives you hope that they feel the same about the theory of Gravity and they might just float the f**k away."
I like this one. It's legible but at the same time, just illegible enough to be a good conversation starter.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I like the fish skeleton, although I'd go with color instead of black. The FSM sounds really cool (and I am a girl for whatever that's worth) . My favorite tattoos are all images. Words just don't seem arty enough to me. Of course that's just my personal taste. You have some neat ideas here.
"I am that I am." - Proof that the writers of the bible were beyond stoned.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster may be a good idea, I'd like one stylized like this: (an ichthys symbol parody)
But I wouldn't recommend a text at all. It's too diffcult to read. A symbol is readable from any angle, and there is a proverb, that 'a picture tells more than a thousand words'.
With my life style, I'd probably go for some crop circle. They're beautiful and geometrically perfect. A good thing to catch attention, and twice as much, if an observer recognizes that it's a crop circle. It's also a funny idea...would they ask me, "did they put it on you when you were sleeping?"
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I'd suggest staying away from actual text. Images are definitely the way to go.
I have been having the same thoughts, trying to find a good symbol for an atheist tattoo. I have a few other tattoos, so the idea of a tat itself is no big deal. My favorite so far is the "evolve fish" - it is not as blatant as the DNA symbol with "atheist" worked into it, or the ambigram "atheist", but I think that it sends more of a message than many of the other atheist symbols, like the FSM, or the American Atheist atomic A, or the stylized A, or the silly scarlet A of Dawkins, as it will only be mostly other non-believers that will even recognize those. Some people have said that the evolve fish or darwin fish are not appropriate symbols for atheism, as atheism is not about attacking one religion. But I live in a country (Canada) that many unfortunately strongly believe is a Christian country and so I kinda like the idea of mocking the prevailing religion.
Since my last post I have (again) been scouring the internet for ideas and images. I have come around and actually quite like the invisible pink unicorn symbol. I did not originally like it - looked like a penguin sticking its beak through the circle at first. But an elegant and subtle symbol that seems to be growing more popular. But maybe the IPU "movement" dies off, and then no one has any idea but you what the symbol means. But isn't that enough, if you know what it means? The tattoo is not about impressing others, but has to have the most meaning to you.
save up for the sleeve dude, soooo worth it
I'm about to get a tattoo done myself, and also wanted something to do with athiesm/humanism. I have decided to have a styalised version of the mathematical symbol for 'empty set', which you can see here:
'Empty set' is not the same as 'nothing' - the site likens it to an empty bag - the bag is empty, but the bag itself still exists. That is very much like my concept of the world, in that I don't believe in gods, but the world is still real, and still has meaning.
I hope that helps!