Teleportation experiments continue

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Vastet wrote:In the Jan. 23

And what does this mean? Does this mean we will be able to dissasemble every Adinine, Guanine, Thiomine and Citozine, in every double helix, not to mention dissasemble every nerological path, and memory in the brain, and reassemble all those parts to exact detail, including our memory?

"I can't do it Captian, I haven't got the alchemey!"

Whatever lagit aplications that scientific method produces for scientists, should not lead us to gap answers.

Gene Rodenberry did conceve a hand held comunication divice. He basically wondered if the bulky microwave technology of the time could be reduced to a hand held device. Scientists worked to see if that was possible, but in no way was he making a prediticion.

So I warn that we dont jump to the conclusion that because atom manipulation automatically translates to an entire human body being beemed and reasembled to the moon.

I doubt that will ever be a reality. Newton was a smart man, but he also thought alchemy was credible.

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Actually, I was thinking

Actually, I was thinking more about the implications for the communications industry.

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Vastet wrote:Actually, I was

Vastet wrote:

Actually, I was thinking more about the implications for the communications industry.

That may be, and I merely get a kneejerk reaction because there are even atheists who try to take lagit science and fawn over Captain Kirk reciting the line in Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance".

Absurd is absurd, even when an atheist claims it. I have seen it happen, I wasn't accusing you of postulating that, but I have seen people jump to the "transporter" conclusion.

I was not accusing you of postulating the transporter, but fear that someone reading this without clarification will go " AH HA, SEE", after reading the OP and then run off to their Star Trek convention claiming that Klingons are really real.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Brian37 wrote:Vastet

Brian37 wrote:

Vastet wrote:

Actually, I was thinking more about the implications for the communications industry.

That may be, and I merely get a kneejerk reaction because there are even atheists who try to take lagit science and fawn over Captain Kirk reciting the line in Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance".

Absurd is absurd, even when an atheist claims it. I have seen it happen, I wasn't accusing you of postulating that, but I have seen people jump to the "transporter" conclusion.

I was not accusing you of postulating the transporter, but fear that someone reading this without clarification will go " AH HA, SEE", after reading the OP and then run off to their Star Trek convention claiming that Klingons are really real.


I can easily see how you came to that conclusion, what with the topic title I chose. But I wanted people to read it, and I didn't think something on communications would get as many views. Sticking out tongue

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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Vastet wrote:Brian37

Vastet wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Vastet wrote:

Actually, I was thinking more about the implications for the communications industry.

That may be, and I merely get a kneejerk reaction because there are even atheists who try to take lagit science and fawn over Captain Kirk reciting the line in Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance".

Absurd is absurd, even when an atheist claims it. I have seen it happen, I wasn't accusing you of postulating that, but I have seen people jump to the "transporter" conclusion.

I was not accusing you of postulating the transporter, but fear that someone reading this without clarification will go " AH HA, SEE", after reading the OP and then run off to their Star Trek convention claiming that Klingons are really real.


I can easily see how you came to that conclusion, what with the topic title I chose. But I wanted people to read it, and I didn't think something on communications would get as many views. Sticking out tongue

I expect gap answers from theists, but certainly not someone calling themselves an atheist, although they are just as capable of making the same leap in argument as a theist. I just wanted to set the record streight.


"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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If it is possible, and there

If it is possible, and there is profit to be made, I have no doubt eventually humanity will seek it out.


I highly doubt much use will come from this in our lives /directly/ although I do imagine it being a very viable method for testing theories in labs similar to how we have used particle accelerators. You know, instead of using them as death-ray-guns, as people feared.

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

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Brian37 wrote:Vastet

Brian37 wrote:

Vastet wrote:

Brian37 wrote:

Vastet wrote:

Actually, I was thinking more about the implications for the communications industry.

That may be, and I merely get a kneejerk reaction because there are even atheists who try to take lagit science and fawn over Captain Kirk reciting the line in Dumb and Dumber, "So you're saying there's a chance".

Absurd is absurd, even when an atheist claims it. I have seen it happen, I wasn't accusing you of postulating that, but I have seen people jump to the "transporter" conclusion.

I was not accusing you of postulating the transporter, but fear that someone reading this without clarification will go " AH HA, SEE", after reading the OP and then run off to their Star Trek convention claiming that Klingons are really real.


I can easily see how you came to that conclusion, what with the topic title I chose. But I wanted people to read it, and I didn't think something on communications would get as many views. Sticking out tongue

I expect gap answers from theists, but certainly not someone calling themselves an atheist, although they are just as capable of making the same leap in argument as a theist. I just wanted to set the record streight.


It's an advertising gimmick. If you don't like it, you must get angry fairly often. The world is full of them.

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Hey , I was thinking of you today.  I reloaded about 300 rounds of 9mm and remembered what you said about guns being a cowards weapon.  So I thought about your house being broken into and you touching the tips of your fingers to the palm of your hand and saying " Time out."  Then you would challenge them to single combat with blade or black belt.  Of course they would comply.

So I imagined myself in a war situation,  after a few hours of combat I would touch my tips of the fingers to my palm and say "Time out!".  "Why?'  They would ask.  "Well we have just to pick up our brass." Of course they would comply.

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As an addition to my

As an addition to my previous post, at the very worst the title I chose could be considered a dramatization. It was not deceptive. I frankly found it exciting.

Dracos wrote:

Hey , I was thinking of you today.  I reloaded about 300 rounds of 9mm and remembered what you said about guns being a cowards weapon.  So I thought about your house being broken into and you touching the tips of your fingers to the palm of your hand and saying " Time out."  Then you would challenge them to single combat with blade or black belt.  Of course they would comply.

So I imagined myself in a war situation,  after a few hours of combat I would touch my tips of the fingers to my palm and say "Time out!".  "Why?'  They would ask.  "Well we have just to pick up our brass." Of course they would comply.

Are you expecting a serious response to this?

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.