Best practical jokes you have pulled, post them here.

I don't mean vengefull jokes that really destroy property or insult people, but allong the lines of "I know you can take a joke".
I'll start off.
I had a friend I was hanging out with at another friend's house. We finally left the house and I was driving my car and he was the passenger. Keep in mind, outside this joke, we all know that the passenger cannot see the rear view mirror when adjusted for the driver.
ANYWHO, we were driving along and slowed to a stop for a stop light. SUDDENLY I heard a honk behind me. I looked in the rear view and noticed that it was our friend, from the house we had just left. My passenger of course, could not see him.
In a split second I looked over to his startled face(because of the honk, and after knowing who was behind us) I said to myself "Opportunity".
So I rolled down my window and shouted, "Who the fuck do you think you are". My friend in the passenger seat was shocked and said, "What are you doing".
So I continued by starting to open the door, and he swung his left arm at my chest grabbing my shirt to prevent me from leaving the vehicle. HE LITERALLY THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO START A FIGHT WITH A COMPLETE STRANGER, which was funny because he knew, as I am still today, a complete wimp when it comes to physical confrontation.
The look on his face was priceless and I and the guy behind me laughed our asses off.
So what kind of harmless practical jokes have you pulled on your friends?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
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Mua ha ha ha ha.
Working security in a hospital(Kingston General Hospital to be specific). Newbie training one night. Fellow guard gets on a gurney(bootless), we put a sheet over him and the proper tags in the proper places(pouch and toe), and wheel him into the morgue. 5 minutes later, he's freezing, and the trainee is on his way with the trainer to show her proper morgue procedures. Trainer's showing her the tags to take and the tags to leave, when the "corpse" sits up. She screamed, he was white as a ghost(no, neither of them had been informed of the prank in progress to ensure its effectiveness) and both were shakey for the next half hour or so. We laughed so hard...
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
That is cold! HE HE HE HE
That reminds me of some old puns about how one answers the phone.
"Joe's Morgue, you nab em, we slab em"
"Charlie's Morgue, you kill em, we chill em".
"Joe's Pizzarea and whore house, how my I help"
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Just after I got married, my wife and I and another couple went camping for the weekend. We had seperate tents but shared a picnic table. My wife and I were sitting on one side and buddy's wife was sitting opposite me. Buddy thought it would be funny if he snuck up behind his wife, grab her sweater and yank it up to her neck, thinking she had something on underneath. Wrongo! Two big boobs flopped out almost in my face and the look of horror and shock was just about enough for me, just about. Without any fanfare I stood up, took my wallet out and peeled a five dollar bill out. I slapped in down on the table and said, "I didn't think you would do it, here's your fiver!"
The single best joke I ever played and I was the only one who thought it was funny. Go figure!
I thought I had posted this next one in the OP, but I guess I didn't.
My boss at work asked me to "hit him with some ice", meaning replace the melted ice with fresh ice to keep the food cold.
So when he turned his back I beemed him with a piece of ice in the back. Startled, he looked back with a "WTF".
I simply threw up my arms and said, "Hey, I was only doing what you told me to do".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
In high school I had a math teacher who was not only brilliant but a huge fan of Quentin Tarantino. Before my friends and I graduated, we wanted to pay him a special surprise prank.
I contributed to the prank a small, plush tiger. Another friend contributed an old Barbie car. We ripped the head off the stuffed tiger and did our best to stuff it into the backseat of the Barbie car. Then we went to the artroom and used various shades of red paint to make the stuffing protruding from the neck look bloody and entrail-like. We also dipped some extra stuffing in red paint and placed it around the car for good measure. Made the tiger guts look more splattery.
During the senior's last day, in the middle of one of his freshmen math classes, we opened his door, pushed the Barbie car with the decapitated tiger into his room and then quickly slapped a sign to the inside of his door that read "DEAD TIGGER STORAGE".
It's not as funny having to explain it, but it was a brilliant Pulp Fiction reference. He liked it so much that he took a photograph of it. None of the freshmen kids in his class got it. Too bad.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
A friend of mine introduced me to someone over msn, who she knew with the same surname as myself. Even though my surname is uncommon we deduced quite quickly that we weren't in the slightest bit related. Anyway, I got talking to this guy over the next few months, and we decided to play a prank on the girl who introduced us telling her that we were actually cousins from two branches of the family that had fallen out and that neither of us had ever been told about the other, and we wouldn't have known if it wasn't for her. So we came up with a story about a family party that both branches of our family had been invited to (by us), the fights and arguments that had broken out, and shared facts about each others families (she knew both our families anyway).
She was easily persuaded. And of course extremely excited. Her face was so funny when she found out she'd been lied to.
Ok, so this isn't funny when it's written out. I was gonna write about a particular prank I pulled during sex, but thought it'd be a little bit too lurid. Was also gonna write about the time my friend convinced her boyfriend (also my friend) that she was pregnant with his child. He was almost in tears by the end.
Atheist Books
I started this thread for a couple of reasons.
1. To show theists that we are not all venom and fangs, and that we too have a sense of humor.
2. But, in a serious context, the reason we fall for these jokes is quite simple, because our brains evolved to seek out patterns and we fill in the gaps. When reality doesn't meet the gap , "VIOLA, PRACTICAL JOKE".
And for the same reason my friend thought I was going beat the shit out of a complete stranger, is simple, he was ignorant(not supid, or dumb), but did not have the information that I had at the time I decided to pull the joke on him.
People, even today, outside of pranks, all kidding aside, lean towords filling in the gaps over introspection. Once we get it into our heads that a pattern works, our egos wont let go of it. The only tool to overcome personal bias that works is scientific method.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Lurid? around HERE? have you seen some of our topics? o_O
What Would Kharn Do?
In the army, we lived in dormitory style rooms one soldier per room and on the second floor there was a narrow ledge outside that went around the entire building. It wasn't meant for walking on but you could hug the wall and sidestep along it. Those days learning remote controls were new so not many people knew about them yet. I paid a visit to one of the guys in his room one day and when he stepped out for a bathroom break, I programmed my remote to control his tv's power on/off. Later on that night when he was watching tv laying in bed, I went on the ledge and made my way to his window and with my remote turned off his tv. He yelled out WTF! For some reason, when you turn of his tv with remote, he had to get up and manually turn it on again. So he goes back to laying down and I turn it off again. OMG, after a few times he was furious and started slapping his tv and cursing it to no end. I was trying so hard not to laugh my bellie was convulsing and I nearly fell off the ledge. That was my cue to stop. Anyway, he never knew what happened that day.
You had me at "WTF?"
A gift for you to express my agreement!
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
At my old job part of my work was packaging orders, with two others who were good friends. So one day, just before Christmas, we decided to prank our Finance Manager. (It's ok, we knew him well)
So we ''borrowed'' his suede jacket out his office while he wasn't there, and took it to the packing area, where we proceeded to wrap it in bubblewrap, put it in a large box, and fill that with shredded paper. We then wrapped the whole thing in gift wrap.
We went straight to his office before he could notice the missing jacket and presented it to him on behalf of the packing team( all three of us) Amazingly, he completely fell for it( Didn't really expect him to since he knew we were clowns) he tore into it like a 6 year old on christmas, tearing away at all the wrappings. When he finally got it out the many layers of bubble wrap,he looked at it and excitedly exclaimed, " A jacket!"
Then as he twigged, his face kinda fell and he looked at the chair where his jacket had been. This time he just said, " My jacket"..maybe you had to be there but his expression was priceless..I was almost on the floor laughing
Psalm 14:1 "the fool hath said in his heart there is a God"-From a 1763 misprinted edition of the bible
Argument from Sadism: Theist presents argument in a wall of text with no punctuation and wrong spelling. Atheist cannot read and is forced to concede.
HA! That reminds me, my first VCR came with a remote that could be programmed for up to 13 different tv remote signals. You can't imagine the fun I had walking around with that. The range was awesome too, the furthest away I had stood was a good 50 metres.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
I didn't do this but a friend of mine told me about it.
He was driving a car with some passengers and would turn his head around and look behind him periodically. After he had done this 3 or 4 times the passengers were getting nervous and curious. The curiosity prevailed and they looked behind them. As soon as they did he screamed and slammed on the breaks. Everyone in the car started flipping out thinking they were going to hit something due to his lack of concentration on the road.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
I spent many years working offshore. Drugs were career busters. One tender had a birthday and on that morning we took him some baking soda in lines on a mirror. While he was thanking us the dive supervisor {who was in on it} came in. "Whats going on here? You are confined to quarters until the coast guard gets here to take you to jail. And your fired." We let him sweat in his room for one hour.