Bill Maher blasts religion at Oscars.

Now as a producer and a star of my own documentary this year, the one about religion that didn't get nominated. I know, it's a touchy subject. But someday, we all have to confront the notion that our silly gods cost the world too greatly. But there I go, ruining the ending.
Quote from this website.
Thank Jake or Thor or Snarfwidgits for peole like Maher and Kathy Griffin, who don't attribute a statue to a deity anymore than an NFL fan should attribute a touchdown to Thor/Vishnu/or Jesus.
[mod edit to fix link - Will]
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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HA HA HA! Fuckin' A Bill!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Bill should post religilous on line somewhere easy.
I hate virus bit torents.
I heart Bill Maher.
Amazon has it for Video on Demand for 3.99, rental price.
Well, if you haven't seen it already here's a pretty easy site.
The only downside is that if you dont have a membership you can only watch 72 minutes at a time, so you would have to wait about an hour and then finish it.
''Black Holes result from God dividing the universe by zero.''
FYI. Bill's an agnostic. He's said "I don't know.", in response to the existence question, and he's also made clear that he's not an Atheist.
Personally, I really enjoy Bill, regardless of whether or not he's an Atheist, he's clearly stated why he's not a Theist, and expressed political and social views that wisely challenge the established "order".
Unfortunately, I've not had cable for quite a while and missed whatever it was that he said which resulted in his show being taken off the air.
If anyone knows what that incident was about, feel free to fill me in, ... even better, I'd be interested in viewing the video of it, if you have any ideas as to how or where it can be viewed.