Introducing my self and wondering if God is wondering. And an anecdote from my youth.

My name Is André, I am around 30. I live in Sweden. Have never been religious but just recently started calling myself an atheist. I am new to the debates around religion. I never knew they were there really. Now I know. To be honest, we just don't have them much in Sweden because there is no Creationists around. At least not that I met or ever saw in some kind of media spotlight.
The YouTube channel "Dechha1981" was the first youtube channel of its kind that I subscribed to. It is still my favourite one. It was through him that I eventually ended up here.
I am skeptical by nature, I'm really not judgmental. I keep a fairly open mind and I am curious. I keep more to science than philosophy.
The first thing in my life that set me in to the scientific way of viewing the world is something my grandfather once told me. He had been walking on one island on the west coast of Sweden. These islands have hardly no vegetation, and no dirt on them. They are just rock. But they are softened by the weather and are called "barefoot islands" by us who live there.
Walking on the Island he saw a crack halfway down to the water on the steep rock. It was the smallest of cracks, he said. But from that crack there was a Birch growing. And my Grandfather thought that pretty damn amazing. A small Birch growing in that hostile little crack on the side of the cliff. Wind blowing, and the saltwater waves pounding just below it. He thought it very strange.
However, when he continued his walk he started thinking about this strange Birch. And that is when truth hit him. If there was a crack, and in that crack some dirt and in that dirt a small Birch seed.... Would it not been even stranger if there was not a Birch growing there? If everything it needed to grow was there, it would sure be a miracle if it didn't?
I was young when he told me but after his death I read about the day in his diary and there he tells both the story and mentions telling me about it. This story has always been with me and I have quoted it a gazillion times. I like its simplicity and I like its meaning. w
Well, I hope to have a good time here. And I hope to be able to contribute some with whatever reason I can muster. ^^
And now for my wondering about if God is wondering.
Well as I understand Creationism God did not have nor need a beginning. He is just there. I never wonder why I am here. I know I am a side effect of the universe existing. And I don't think I have a set purpose. And I am fine with it. But I do wonder what in heavens the universe does here? Why is it here in stead of not being here? It bothers me that I dont know and it bothers me even more that I'll never know. But God. He knows why we are here. It is for his benefit. He also knows how we came about. It was of his own creation. And he knows how he himself came about. Or rather that he has been there for eternety, but does he wonder why he is there? or André
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You will find the posts here quite informative and you will find rational reasons to stop believing in imaginary beings.
"Very funny Scotty; now beam down our clothes."
VEGETARIAN: Ancient Hindu word for "lousy hunter"
If man was formed from dirt, why is there still dirt?
That's a good story, and it illustrates a fundamental truth about evolution as well. The more we learn about life, the more we realize that if we were to find a planet on which the conditions for life had been around for a few billion years, we should be quite surprised if life was not there. Even on earth, we have learned that in the most inhospitable places, if there is water and an energy source, there is almost certainly some kind of life.
I can't say that I completely understand what you are saying about God wondering. I think you're talking about whether or not an infinite (always existing) God would know why he had always existed. This is the kind of paradox that you always end up with when you try to ascribe infinite capacity to a being. In short, infinite anything is paradoxical in the physical universe. It is only an abstract concept that's useful for doing math and physics.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
An awesome tale. As Hamby said, it will come in handy during debates on evolution. Whenever the theist pulls out probability, you can throw it back at him/her. I might use it myself, if you don't mind.
Welcome to the site!
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Go for it. It would be an honor. Hope it will serve you well.
I think that's similar to the anecdote about the puddle.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare