Houston man allegedly tried to beat demon from son

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Houston man allegedly tried to beat demon from son

Damn but I love my state of residence.

Link: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/6361214.html


Here's the start of the story. Just...weird. Even for Texas.


HOUSTON — A man accused of viciously beating his 3-year-old son claims he wasn't hitting the boy but trying to drive a demon out of the child's body, authorities said Monday.

Relatives say Jacky Tran, who is being held in the Harris County Jail on a $100,000 bond after being charged with felony injury to a child, believed he was an angel trying to save his son.

"He told me that he thinks he's an angel right now," Tran's cousin-in-law Thuba To said Monday, the day after speaking with him in jail. "He told me the whole family are angels. The boy is an angel but evil took his body and that's the reason why he tried to take the evil out of his body. That's what he thought."

To said she and other family members are shocked the 35-year-old devout Buddhist could have done this and believe he has serious mental problems.

OrdinaryClay wrote:
If you don't believe your non-belief then you don't believe and you must not be an atheist.

The Doomed Soul
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... im guessing the lawyer

... im guessing the lawyer didnt ask the mans religion before making him say that >.>

A buddhist pulling an evangelical... whats next?

What Would Kharn Do?

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The sad part is, this isn't

The sad part is, this isn't even the weirdest story I've heard *since I moved here*, about a year and a half ago.

OrdinaryClay wrote:
If you don't believe your non-belief then you don't believe and you must not be an atheist.

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*Chalks up reason 9,000 for

*Chalks up reason 9,000 for never travelling to Texas*

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

Ken G.
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crazymonkie wrote

Houston man tried to beat demon from son. then as I read on, the story states that he's a Buddhist,that was the part that got me,but then I remembered reading that in the Buddhist religion,you have two schools of thought.The north China Buddhist are into spiritualism,demons and chants and rituals,but the southern Buddhist Japan (ZEN) are not into all of the trappings of religions.They just meditate to learn how to focus. I wonder if that  A-Hole was from the northern tradition.

Signature ? How ?