Faith is a Placebo - Theists?

It does nothing but make people feel better about themselves by believing in a lie.
Taken from Paisley's thread (thank you for this), but without the Paisley.
What are your thoughts about this concept?
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
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I think he just blew up the ground under his feet.
Our revels now are ended. These our actors, | As I foretold you, were all spirits, and | Are melted into air, into thin air; | And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, | The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, | The solemn temples, the great globe itself, - Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve, | And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, | Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff | As dreams are made on, and our little life | Is rounded with a sleep. - Shakespeare
He set the ground on fire in a circle around him and detonated bombs with white phosphorous and c4 in them under his feet.
I'm not convinced that Paisly believes these things to make him happy.
I just think he really hates "materialists" not so much that "imaterialism" makes him happy, but him being wrong pisses him off.
As for the topic itself, I'm sure for some people it does provide a placebo effect, but there are many reasons people believe irrational things.
So, what. Why should you care if it doesn't hurt you.
Personally, I don't care for anyone Atheist or Theist proselytizing anyone else about religion when their own personal views have hurt no one else.
I'm not talking about the Billy Graham's or his anti-stem cell assholes...
I'm talking simply about personal beliefs that are not shoved down your throat, nor those of religious activists that result in hur ing anyone
If their lie works for them, then it's none of your goaddamn business, given what I just said.
Strike a nerve? :3 Why so sensative Mr. treat2? No one is shoving anything down YOUR throat...and I'm afraid you aren't quite my type.
And yes, people wandering around looking at the world irrationally does hurt not just them, but everyone else as well when they make decisions like in Paisley's faith heals thread. Faith healing kills many people every year, and most of them are children who didn't get a say in it.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
No. Why would it?
No one's shoving religion down my throat.
Perhaps, it's struck a nerve with you.
Although, I grant you,... I've an aversion to assholes like yourself.
I love you too!
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Here's a clue.
You've no clue about what anyone on the Net is about...
only their posts, and if you give a fuck about either, or your looking for friends and get PO'd by anything, your in for a bumpy ride, especially if your idiotic enough to give a shit and walk around with a chip on your shoulder, because you're moronic enough too get POd by your own PDA, PC, etc., by any assholes on the Net.
In short, cc your clueless as to what I really think about anything, including your moronic posts.
You'd be more on target by taking that as a complement
to your understanding of how to act the asshole, but a helpful suggestion that you're not posting to anyone that gives a fuck about you or this board.
Far as I can see, it's a few
Mods lacking much of a following, and those sheep that do, pay homage to anyone they're interested in brown-nosing. Along with it is the hive/Borg mentality of "we" VS "you".
Like I really give a fuck.
cc, you got spunk and skank, but it'll be quite a while before your head has shrunk enough to realize that you're as clueless as the rest, when you're dealing with bullshitters, like myself.
BTW Did this thread have a topic like .. Why's cc always got her period?
Daaaamn, dat hit something.
Got ESP. Read dem empty screens, see dem delays, watch da logons, refreses,
freezes. And kills, esp.
Dat wazza killa.
Don't be so gd obvious!
You're overcmpensating.
Best to watchout for T2, eh.
Wazza key logger?
Watch da freeze.
Hey, treat2!
You know that threatening someone with identity theft is illegal, right? And that it goes without saying that pulling that shit here is a good way to find yourself sailing through the door you came in?
Keep it up, dude. It makes my day whenever a poser gets tossed off of the boat.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Why are you an active member on this forum if you don't 'give a fuck' - or am I reading more into your post then what it truly is?
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