The complex matter of contemporary infidelity
I was talking with Alexandra in Skype about the hilarity of MMORPG cybersex logs and player denials thereof... and this thought sort of gelled in my head:
I'm pretty sure it's more or less socially agreed upon now that cybering with someone while you're already in a committed relationship is basically no better than physical infidelity, yes? But thinking about that for a few moments raises a number of really challenging questions; for example, what is the meaningful different between cybersex with someone and taking a Hustler magazine into the bathroom? Or, in the case of a woman, taking out a sex toy and having at 'er while watching pornography? The latter two things are (by most sane people) considered actions well within reasonable boundaries to partake in while in a relationship... but reading an erotic text and getting it off that way isn't, for some reason.
I guess I just find that amusing.
What is modern day infidelity, anyway? How do we decide where we want that particular line to be drawn? Or, really, do we want to bother trying to draw a line at all, given what the numbers tend to bear-out regarding the successfulness of attempting to socially enforce monogamy upon people?
"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
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Unlike my usual mouthy self, I have no answers to this one.
However there are companies working on devices activated over the net which will exchange sensations. Last I read about it there was not much more than press a key and a device on the other end does something (e.g., squeeze a breast) without any kind of tactile feedback. No subtlety at all. As with all opportunities to make money this will improve greatly in future. And when it does sources like WIRED will give it more free publicity than can be imagined not to mention denunciations of its immorality around the world. Electrically controlled sexual stimulants have been patented in the US since the 1880s so this is an eminantly profitable place to spend money.
Whatever the complexity of the problem is today it will soon become very much more complex.
Now were I to guess, the divorce courts will fall back on the use of love letters without any evidence of actual physical meeting to be sufficient for alienation of affections. Which brings up a different problem. A judge can read the letters. Will he have to "experience" the captured "appliance" session to decide? And where do I apply to become a judge?
Jews stole the land. The owners want it back. That is all anyone needs to know about Israel. That is all there is to know about Israel.
I don't know if this is more or less agreed upon. I did a quick google search and found quite a bit of discussion on both sides.
Real time interaction with a real person, even though it's over cyberspace. Presumably, the other person is getting pleasure from it, and doing it willingly, so it's reciprocal. Typically, that's a step worse than doing it with a hooker. (Women will forgive a man for a hooker more easily than a mistress... not that they forgive either easily.)
There are sex toys for men...
Oh, and the same thing... personal interaction with a willing (and presumably turned on) partner.
The best way not to hurt your brain is to give up on the idea that it's actions. It's a principle. Infidelity is breaking the bond of sexual trust with a partner. For monogamous couples, it's usually any act that signifies bonding with someone else. It might be kissing, groping, oral sex, or full blown sex, but the implication is still the same. Whatever the act, that's the boundary at which the bonded partners acknowledge the breaking of trust.
For swingers, the boundaries are different. A lot of swingers are ok with their partners fucking other people, but they don't allow kissing. (How's that for throwing convention under the bus?) For some, it's any kissing on the lips, for others its open mouth... geez, if I had been cheating everytime I kissed a female friend on the lips, I'd be the biggest womanizer around...
Anyway, the point is that cheating is a state of mind, not an act. That's why cybering is so threatening to most people. It's not the text. It's what it represents.
In the healthiest of relationships, by asking and then testing.
"Are we ok with this boundary?"
"I think so..."
"Are we still ok?"
"Ok. That's our boundary."
You know I'm not a big fan of socially imposed monogamy. However, consentual monogamy is the way most people roll most of the time. What most people don't realize is that monogamy is usually serial. We outlive the normal lifespan of a relationship. (That hasn't always been so.) Unfortunately, jealousy and social convention conspire such that cheating is how many people get out of a relationship they don't want anymore.
The thing is, we can talk all day about where a line ought to be drawn, and it won't change where the line really is. Cheating is an individual thing because it is defined by how another person feels. As you well know, we can't help how we feel.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I'm sure there's a geek out there right now working on electronic stimulation of the G-spot and prostate. Then virtual reality to have sex with a supermodel(or 2). I believe within 50 years, sex in the 'natural' way will become obsolete, only done for nostalgic purposes(assuming technology doesn't destroy civilization).
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Funny how you're in agreement with the hard-core fundies. The religious moderates and 'weak' atheists have their own made up standard. Whatever is convenient, so they are not a cheater.
But people will still believe in eternal monogamy. It's necessary for the high we get from being in love. The fairy tale wedding/honeymoon industry pushes this fantasy. If you take away the monogamous fantasy with scientific fact, there goes the fix.
Was not monogamy a useful ideal in our species development before we had birth control and an understanding of venereal diseases? A way to ensure both parents are involved in raising children?
Now we have nearly 50% of babies born out of wedlock. Shouldn't the stigma of being promiscuous change to a stigma against having unwanted pregnancies and deadbeat parents?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Monogamy is lame.
The end.
Also, I have never considered someone cybering to be cheating. I equate it with phonesex.
If someone is into it, let them be. I don't see the big deal, but it's not actual sex either way.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
There aren't many things that i agree with that bald headed, putz pulling, guilt peddling, spooge rag Dr Phil about...But he and I both define infedelity similarly.
"Cheating is anytime you act in a way without your spouse present that you wouldn't act if they *were* present"
Hamby is once again correct...most people are actually "serial monogamists" monkeys swinging from tree to tree they can't lt go of a vine until they have a hold of a new one...The unfortunate result is that otherwise terrifically compatible couples often succumb to inevitability of infedelity rather than simply acknowledging that most of us (men *AND* women) must sacrifice much of who we are to remain so. That frustration will invariably find a venue to express itself, either through a physical affair, an emotional affair, the internet, or food...
It would be lovely if relationships were like Walt Disney movies...but then again, I dont imagine that Ariel ever got to experience the carnal joys of getting double teamed.
Its a lot healthier for a relationship to stop trying to decieve one another as to the motivations of our clandestine behavior, and what imaginary lines we may or may not have crossed, when the much simpler solution is to just be honest. Of course, with the way we are taught to exist within the Mars/Venus paradigm, we also have to be willing to allow our spouses honesty without them fearing a "moralistic" self righteous, religion/self-help inspired reprisal.
Internet Rule #34
"Generally accepted internet rule that states that pornography or sexually related material exists for any conceivable subject."
( 1 ecookie to the first person brave enough to risk a google search to prove it! )
What Would Kharn Do?
Found it! It was DBZ porn also...
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
#34... never fails...
edit; and this is the last we shall speak of DBZ/Mermaid porn... those are some crazy images i do not want floating around inside my head -_-
edit 2; and no i didnt mean it like that... sickos >.>
What Would Kharn Do?
Epic Win!
Welcome to RRSchan, please enjoy your stay.
...But it's a tad more complicated than that (which is why I found the convo on Skype so amusing. )
Take WoW cybersex for example: the players in question tend to be fapping to the other player's avatar, not the person behind the keyboard. Better still, on many occassions, it's just a trap - some crusty asshole has hoodwinked a horny dude into 'cybering' with 'her', chuckling all the way to the proverbial bank as he logs the session and then posts it up on an alt. newsgroup for everyone to laugh at.
So it's certainly not guaranteed to be reciprical.
Or what about e-mail cybersex, where it's not in real time?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Like I said, I think it's comparable to phonsex. That is to say, not sex at all.
The moment people start laminating their keyboards to have "safe typesex" to prevent STDs, let me know.
Anyone who gets upset or makes a big deal over something like this, deserves to be laughed at. Even more so than at the person actually DOING it.
It's just a fantasy. Some people get too possessive of eachother. Take a chill pill, your mate's fantasies don't always have to involve you.
This reminds me of when I laughed my ass off over some girl upset because her boyfriend was looking at porn. She acted like he was cheating on her, and the porn was some kind of "competition for her love". Hilarious.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.