Doctor's Group calls for Moratorium on GMO's
A few week's ago,I reply-ed to a post about Genetically Modified Foods and from what I remembered a few people stood up for the use of GMO's in our foods,and earlier yesterday I heard this I was wondering where these people stand now ? I think that it came from "The American Academy of Environmental Medicine"
Signature ? How ?
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All of our food is genetically modified food. Thousands of years of selectived breeding has modified the hell out of our food's genetic structure. Unless you are eating wild berries and meat, you are eating GM food.
Where do I stand on this issue? I support the use of GM food. In the sense that I support the use of all domesticated organisms (which are genetically modified) and in the sense that I support food that was genetically modified through gene insertion. I don't care what the The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has to say on this issue. I didn't know they even existed until I read your post. I'm not about to take their word on this.
"These foods--primarily corn, soy, canola and cotton, most of which are used in production of oils and animal feed--are linked, they claim, to mutagenic and other undesirable effects in not only the plants themselves but in those consuming them."
And yet they have no evidence of this claim. This is their reason for calling for a moratorium on GM food. But they have NO evidence to support it. Show me evidence that this is true, and I'll agree with them that GM food is bad for you. Until that happens, they are just a group that is throwing out unfouded claims about GM food to scare people into supporting their political stance on this issue.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
I agree with Jorg on the issue of the food itself... though lab-bred GM food products are almost all exclusively produced by Monsanto. Monsanto is a fairly awful entity.
Moreover, we now know that GM foods do not provide significantly better yields than standard 'organic' crop breeding methods.
So lab breeding may very well be a waste of time, effort and $$$ (Which sucks. We could really use that extra food).
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Every domesticated plant and animal that humans ingest is genetically modified... period, end of story, its been this way for ni on 150years at least. Cows? GM, Corn? GM, potatos? GM, Chickens? Eggs? Pumpkins? Watermelons? Bananas? Wheat? GMGMGMGM. People should be more concerned about altered homone injections or pesticides, rather then if the meat they're eating comes from a test tube cow or some shit -_-
What Would Kharn Do?
Well, in fairness, this is an oversimplification. Gene splicing is not really within the same margin as simple cross-breeding. Now, that doesn't somehow make it automatically 'unsafe' or 'unnatural', but it's accurate to say that the lab bred crops like Bt corn could not be produced through standard domestication practices. Honestly, I get agitated with people who harp about potential health hazards because that seems like a smoke screen issue to me.
I mean, shouldn't we maybe be talking about terminator seeds instead? Or how the crops have not met (nor come anywhere near meeting) the promised yields? Or how they appear to be an excellent means for creating new strains of resistant weeds and pests?
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Your going to have to explain this one to me... my mind went off in about a dozen different directions...
Most of them following the line of, robot seeds attempting to kill John Corn'er by... uh... nevermind >.>
What Would Kharn Do?
I've read the position paper and it is referenced, so that's a nice change for once. I'm a bit swamped at work right now, but I'm willing to check out the individual papers once I get some time.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
they claim,to mutagenic and other undesirable effects is not only the plant themselves,but in those consuming them." Well,I'm pretty sure that this is more than just "a scare tactic". From what little that I know,I understand that these GMO's are linked to organ damage.But like you ,I will need to see some evidence. I'll say now, that I'm totally against the the GMO tomato's,you should not be making a cold weather tomato with splicing it with genes of a flounder,taking a gene from the animal kingdom and injecting it into the plant kingdom and making a new life form just seems wrong,I believe that this is a clear case of science going against nature itself,plus this technology is not being used to help more people out,but instead I see it as a way that big business is controlling our food supply.
Signature ? How ?
Those tomatoes have NEVER been sold commercially. That is another anti-GM scare tactic. There has NEVER been any GM plant that has had animal genes in it that was sold commercially. Let's also keep in mind that all breeding of plants goes against nature itself. I don't see any difference between breeding mutant plants for 10,000 years to alter their genetic structure and inserting a few genes. Millenia after millenia of selective breeding has radically altered the genetic structure of crop plants; but that is A-OK and not somehow not against nature in the eyes of people against GM crops. But if you splice a gene into a plant, now it is against nature and dangerous and will probably give you cancer and harm your organs. This is just a scare tactic to make us fear GM crops and follow the political ideology of anti-GM people. The lack of any supporting evidence for their claims speaks for itself.
No, they aren't linked to organ damage. Some anti-GM people like to make stuff up and lie about cancer and organ damage being caused by consuming GM organisms. Where did you get this information from? Did you read some scare-mongering anti-GM article that lied to you about how GM organisms are linked to organ damage; or did you read a peer-reviewed scientific study that found emperical evidence that GM organisms are linked to organ damage?
This has nothing to do with genetically modifying crops. Big business already controls your food supply. They own the farms, the distrobution network and the stores that you shop at. GM crops merely give them another thing to own: the genetic structure of their altered crop. I suppose you could argue that patent law is poorly written and unfairly lets companies own genetic structures. I don't get why patent law is set up that way, but big businesses own our food supply regardless.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
Terminator seeds (also known rather unaffectionately as 'GURT' - Genetic Use Restriction Technology) are simply seed that will produce sterile plants. They will give you one crop and that's that; you can't re-plant new crop from the seeds of the one you just harvested because they're sterile.
It's patently (har har har) ludicrous. If there's one thing we don't need to be doing right now, it's producing sterile food crops.
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
Not seeing anything I didn't know before. There is nothing wrong with genetic engineering, weather the ones we have now are safe I don't know. Btw suicide crops are just evil.
Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
No animal shall wear clothes.
No animal shall sleep in a bed.
No animal shall drink alcohol.
No animal shall kill any other animal.
All animals are equal.