Just a rant about nothing in particular~enjoy :-)

Do you guys remember the "baby on board" car accessories that made their debut in the 1980's ?
I don't see those much anymore however, I have been noticing another obnoxious replacement
Now, these stickers are not hurting me in any way ~ I am just annoyed by them.
I found this vehicle decided to add their own flair to their family stickers with the addition of a bumper sticker
And in case you cant read the sticker it reads " Children are a Gift from God"
Most of you know I don't have kids and don't plan on having them. However I am quite certain that I wouldn't place these stickers on my car or truck if I did.
Maybe I am jealous of the success the creator of these stickers must be having ~ early retirement I will guess
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Something about the "baby on board" stickers always struck me as kind of odd. Is it an alert that because its vehicle is carring a baby that said vehicle should get special treatment? If so, is road rage, drunk driving, driving with a full bladder, driving sleepy, et all acceptable in the vicinity of non baby carrying vehicles?
"I've yet to witness circumstance successfully manipulated through the babbling of ritualistic nonsense to an imaginary deity." -- me (josh)
If god can do anything, can he make a hot dog so big even he can't eat all of it?
And what if Mom takes the car while Dad is at home with Baby, and Mom gets in an accident? Are the paramedics and other emergency personnel just supposed to keep looking for a baby because there's a stupid yellow square?
Babies are not miracles.
"Yes, I seriously believe that consciousness is a product of a natural process. I find that the neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers who proceed from that premise are the ones who are actually making useful contributions to our understanding of the mind." - PZ Myers
Attention whores and vagina clown cars. News at 11.
Awh... how come 804s avatar can defy the laws of programming but mine cant? -_-
You should have chosen Tyranids. They wouldn't let a stupid border get in their collective way.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
That's one of the problems with the world. The retard fucks have 5-15 kids and the intelligent people have 0-2 kid(s). We've been out bread for who knows how long now.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again. If it were up to me, a person would be allowed 1 biological offspring (both parents would claim the same child, so it would work out to 1 per pair of people). If they want more they can adopt.
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
Hahaha~I will have to look the history of the sign up
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Bill Hicks is awesome
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They left out a word or two.
It should have read:
"Children are a pain in my ass Gift from God."
My Idea for a bumper sticker that reads "Life Wreckers on Board" hasn't taken off yet.
I'd like to slap a sticker on that car that says "Actually, the planet is a gift from God, and consuming more than your fair share of the planet's resources is either greed or theft."
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
I don't get why they have these stickers on their SUVs anyway. They're showing everybody that they have a family. So what? I have a DVD player. You don't see me driving around with a drawing of it plastered on my car.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
It doesn't take brains to fuck anymore than it takes brains to shit.
Rabbits and skunks have babies too. Humans think they are so special, but cockroaches have been around longer and produce far more offspring, and are expected to out survive the human species.
The most destructive thing to humans is our own hubris.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Hahaha! I would love to get a stack of magnetic stickers with that written on them ~ an afternoon in the mall parking lot hitting every minivan with those little stick figure stickers and I will have spread a message
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