Near-Death Experiences

It has been argued by many members on this particular forum that there is absolutely no evidence that consciousness can exist independently of the brain and the body. Well, this is not entirely true. There is evidence - namely, NDEs (Near-Death Experiences) and OBEs (Out of Body Experiences). This thread will discuss the near-death experience.
The phenomenological aspects associated with near-death exepriences are listed below. These characteristics have been reported regardless of culture or society (although the vocabulary employed to describe the experiences have differ).
1 A very unpleasant sound/noise is the first sensory impression to be noticed (R. Moody: Life after Life);
2 A sense of being dead;
3 Pleasant emotions; calmness and serenity;
4 An out-of-body experience; a sensation of floating above one's own body and seeing the surrounding area;
5 Floating up a blue tunnel with a strong, bright light or garden at the end;
6 Meeting deceased relatives or spiritual figures;
7 Encountering a being of light, or a light (often interpreted as being the deity or deities in whom they personally believe);
8 Being given a life review (the "life-flashing-before-your-eyes" phenomenon);
9 Reaching a border or boundary;
10 A feeling of being returned to the body, often accompanied by a reluctance.
11 Feeling of warmth even though naked.
(source: Wikipedia: Near-death experience)
NDEs have steadily increased in accordance with the advancement in modern resuscitation technology. A Gallop Poll reported in 1992 that nearly eight million Americans have experienced a NDE. [1] Recent scientific studies have demonstrated that between 10 and 20% of people who are clinciallly near death (such as cardiac arrest) have reported a near-death experience. [2]
NDEs have transformative power. Individuals (including former avowed atheists) who have undergone NDEs have reported personality changes (less anxiety and fear concerning death, a change of values from materialistic ones to spiritual ones, and inner peace). [3] In fact, A. J. Ayer (self-professed atheist and eminent philosopher and proponent of "logical positivism" ) is reported to have had a near death experience in which he had purportedly seen "God." [4]
The NDE of Pam Reynolds is especially interesting because of the situation in which it occurred. Reynolds had to undergo a very risky brain surgery due to an aneurysm. The operation required that her brain be completely drained of all blood. She would be declared clinically dead during the operation. During this time, she would experience an NDE. Later she recounted her experience, describing things during the operation that were validated by the medical staff.
Reynolds was under close medical monitoring during the entire operation. During part of the operation she had no brain-wave activity and no blood flowing in her brain, which left her clinically dead. She made several observations about the procedure which later were confirmed by medical personnel as surprisingly accurate.
This famous near-death experience is considered by many to be proof of the reality of the survival of consciousness after death, and of a life after death
(source: Wikipedia: Near-death experience)
1 < Mauro, James (1992) Bright lights, big mystery. Psychology Today, July 1992.
2 <
3 < Ex-atheist describes near-death experience: 01/31/2004
4 < "Did Atheist Philosopher See God When He Died?" by William Cash, National Post
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
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Shocking, really.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
So? It would be surprising if the experiences did not have a lot of similarities across different people, since our experiences are governed by the way our brains respond to reduced blood flow and other common aspects of that situation - just helps to prove how much our mental experiences are a function of the physical structure and chemistry of our brain and nervous system.
You are very remiss in not mentioning Susan Blackmore, who has a BA (Hons) degree in psychology and physiology, and studied NDE ( and the paranormal) extensively in her earlier career, as a believer, and was lead by the results of her investigations into strong scepticism.
EDIT: All good evidence in for the naturalistic, non-supernatural nature of conscious experience, and how closely it is tied to the physical state and functioning of the brain. Thanks for that.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
Even with a completely strict materialistic world-view, there is nothing surprising about NDE's around the world exibiting the same, or similar symptoms.
The brain plays weird sensery tricks on all of us every night, it's called dreaming.
It is not difficult to imagine that dying will cause the brain to create sensery experiences like warmth, a feeling of moving around, floating through a tunnel, and the memory, and imagination conjuring up various scenarios, like meeting deceaced loved ones, or deities.
The Pam Reynolds case is much more interesting. While her brain is being drained of blood she can experience a dreamlike state in which she thinks alot of stuff is happening that really isn't. This experience may also feel as though it lasts longer than it actually does, since that phenomenon is familiar to anyone who has woken up in the morning, looked at the clock, fallen asleep again and had what feels like a very long dream, only to wake up and see only 10 minutes have passed.
The ability to document things that has happened while she was out, is however, alot more interesting. Since this is only one case, it is not sufficient evidence to draw any conclussion, since it hasn't been repeated. With a p of 1, there is always the possibility of a fluke, a coincidence, or a hoax, but I'm not one to kill anyones buzz.
Consider me intrigued.
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
My own (already written) contribution to the question:
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Well, the first thing is that it is not entirely true that all NDE events are all that similar. Read your own links Paisley. They vary across cultural boundaries and children, who presumably are not yet fully acculturated report NDE events that are lacking in details.
Also, I must note that a friend of mine had one after an accident several years ago and his report was nothing like that standard one that we are supposed to expect. He reports that he had an angry conversation with some entity on the other side and was then shown his future before he was sent back. Apparently, some of what he was shown has subsequently occurred but he has never given me the details on that, so it may just be things that could happen to anyone are thus fail to be remarkable.
If there are any similarities, those are hardly surprising as the way that the brain is stressed in the process of dying may be similar across many people.
As far as Pam Reynolds goes, she had the most specific parts of her NDE at the beginning of her surgery when she was only under general anesthesia. While situational awareness is fairly rare in such cases, it has been documented in the medical literature. Hell's bells, there are even support groups for people who have been traumatized by the phenomenon.
In any case, the fact that she could describe what a bone saw looks like may not be all that controversial. Sure, she claims that she did not know that information but I don't really see how we could know that with certainty. Her surgeon may have explained the procedure to her, in fact, informed consent laws probably require some type of discussion before she can sign the consent forms. She may have seen one on TV at some point, she could have researched her surgery on the internet.
Basically, there are lots of ways that she could have been holding the information on a subconscious basis before the surgery started.
Here is an example right out of real life: A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream that I was using a new astronomical instrument that was capable of much finer resolution than any similar instrument previously built. With that new toy, I was able to solve one of the outstanding puzzles of the universe. When I woke up that morning, I checked the news as usual to find out that the Planck space observatory had just been launched.
As it happens, I am a huge astronomy/cosmology buff so I must have heard about it somewhere. I don't recall where that might have been but somehow, I managed to program myself to have that specific dream on that specific night.
Now, if in the next couple of years, it turns out that the details of my observations are somewhat similar to what they eventually find, that still will not be a big deal. It would involve multiple big bang events occurring at different times and locations, if you are really curious. However, there are some speculations in the cosmological community along those lines. So again, even what at first may seem to be an accurate prediction would really only be an example of one of several scientific speculations of which I am aware coming to be confirmed.
It's funny because I never really made a connection of it being a "near death experience," but I believe I've encountered this so called phenomenon several times. In fact, I can do it on command...
First off, let me just say I do NOT believe there is anything supernatural occurring during one of these episodes. I do not know the exact biological trigger that sets it off, but what I believe it to be is simply an involuntary lapse into lucid dreaming during a woken state. There have been studies that suggest REM during these NDE’s, and given the symptoms of temporary paralysis, increased sensitivity to light and sound, and often unexplainable brain activity (or visions), I think it makes more sense than “God didn’t think much of me before but now he’s handed me a mission!"
Ok, now I’ll explain my own personal experience with this (or whatever the hell it is that happens to me). It started when I was younger, when I was trying to go to sleep and would all of a sudden become paralyzed but still awake. I could move my eyes, remained conscious, could still hear everything going on around me, but I was definitely not asleep.
AS BAD AS IT SOUNDS NOW…I honestly thought I was being intruded by ghosts, since I was a child and had limited understanding of science and an overactive imagination. I would get cold chills and sweat which I believe was a response of being absolutely terrified, but one of the signs of being haunted is a sudden drop of temperature. I knew this, because I watched a lot of horror movies.
Now, I also don’t believe in ghosts so that theory got shit-canned years ago, but after researching my experiences I came across lucid dreaming and that seemed to make the most sense. The neat part, is I can create this state on command very easily. All I do is make myself extremely tired (works best when I stay up for 24 hours or longer playing games or whatever), I lay down and allow my body to relax (concentrating on each individual muscle), and NOT allowing myself to drift into sleep. You just allow your body to relax while remaining focused.
When you enter this state your first initial response is panic because you cannot move your body. It’s pretty much automatic, even as an adult, if you’re not used to it. You can struggle and get yourself out of this paralysis but it’s difficult. So difficult, in fact, my muscles would be tired after coming out of this. Especially my neck muscles because when you cannot move your body, I think turning your head seems to be a person’s response in determining if you’re really paralyzed (it was at least with me). Over time, I was able to get slip in and slip out of this state easily.
Now, this is just my personal experience and there are differences between what I go through and what others claim to go through. I don’t have visions, I never saw a bright blinding light, I HAVE gotten the sensation of lifting from my body. Not always, but occasionally it feels as if I’m levitating. I cannot look down at my body (especially since I cannot move my neck), but there’s a definite feeling of being stationary, and suddenly lifting.
I would just assume that the average person who goes through one of these episodes either doesn’t have the control that I do, so they quickly enter a dream state, or maybe they have a more exaggerated episode than me. I considered doing a sleep trial to see if I’m right on my assumption is all just lucid dreaming but haven’t had the time. Feel free to offer any opinions, but be warned…I’m a skeptical person. I don’t believe in the paranormal so I’m not trying to lean my experiences in that direction, even though they probably sound weird to many of you.
In response to increased NDE's during resuscitation, I've also heard the theory that when your body and mind are temporarily disconnected, the NDE is the brain's response to coping with this breach (hence the supplemented visions). Meaning, you're basically dead but the brain is still somehow slightly active (maybe the brain doesn't always die at the exact same moment as the body?), and when you're resuscitated, it's like hitting a reset button on your brain and that's just the end result. Maybe a lack of blood flow followed by a sudden burst of electrical activity and/or adrenaline affects the mind during this helpless state? I'm sure there's a biological explanation for all of this that we either don't understand yet, or which may be documented but not added to this thread.
Penn & Teller on NDE/OBE :
And neuroscientist Michael Persinger recreates them in his lab :
Man, that "God Helmet" looks really dorky.
And this :
"in 2006 scientists demonstrated brain activity in someone in a vegetative state, which is not identical to a flat EEG but which indicates that some machines might detect brain activity while others do not.* Thus, those researchers who claim that their patients have memories of experiences they had when they were dead (as Dr. Michael Saborn does of musician Pam Reynolds) may be mistaken. Just because their machines don't register anything cannot be taken as proof positive that a person is dead, nor can it be taken as proof positive that the patient isn't aware, on some level, of what is going on around her. Unconscious patients may hear what surgeons and nurses are saying, even if the hospital machines aren't registering any brain activity.*"
"At this point in our knowledge, to claim that NDEs provide strong evidence that the soul exists independently of the body, and that there is an afterlife awaiting that soul that just happens to coincide with the beliefs and wishes of the near-death experient, seems premature."
We have already been over this.
"Dr. Jamer Whinnery did centrifuge tests on pilots for the Air Force and they kept reporting out of body experiences. It turns out that you lose all sense of where you are when your brain is starved of oxygen. Also the pilots reported seeing bright lights, feeling at peace, and feeling that they are floating after passing out on the centrifuge. It was a classic case of NDEs, but these pilots weren't even dying, they were just spun around until enough blood was drawn out of their heads that they passed out. So "near death experiences" is a very poorly worded phrase. It is actually more of an "oxygen deprivation in the brain experience." Out of body experiences are the product of a brain that can not function properly due to oxygen deprivation. Unless centrifuges have a mystical property to them that frees the soul from the body, I think that out of body experiences and NDEs have a rather boring and non-mystical explanation."
NDE=oxygen deprivation; plain and simple. In some ways reality is a bit disappointing. This mystical and amazing experience of your soul leaving your body is actually just your brain going haywire from oxygen deprivation.
Here is an excerpt from an article Major General James Whinnery wrote about his research in gravity induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC). See if you can find the similarities to NDEs:
"It is possible to classify the G-LOC episodes. The G-LOC experience includes specific visual symptoms (tunnel vision through blackout), convulsive activity, memory alterations, dreamlets, and other psychological symptoms. The major, overall G-LOC experience characteristics that have commonality with NDEs are shown below.
a. Euphoria
b. Dissociation
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
This is why your (last) source isn't credible or respectable.
Give me a break. "Freddie was a womanizer, that means he lies about everything."
Peer-Review or it didn't happen.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
A couple of points:
1) Before Raymond Moody's seminal book entitled "Life After Life" was published in 1975 in which he presented case studies of NDEs, the tack of skeptics was simply to deny that anyone was really having a near-death experience or any experience whatsoever. The argument was that any notion of "life after death" was merely a fantasy or wishful-thinking and that any anecdotal evidence was simply a fabrication (although NDEs have been reported throughout recorded history).
2) As more academic case studies on NDEs were subsequently published in peer reviewed journals, the evidence for NDEs began to mount. Eventually, the skeptic was forced to acknowledge the overwhelming evidence that people were really experiencing something. At that point, the tack skeptics took was to argue that the experience was some kind of hallucination and that it had a perfectly "naturalistic" (i.e. materialistic) explanation. This is where you (as the skeptic) are right now. You have to provide a materialistic explanation why everyone is essentially having the same hallucinatory experience. I'm afraid that simply saying that "similarities" is what we would expect is really not much of explanation or argument. I will kindly ask you to exert a little more effort and make an honest attempt at crafting a real argument. In particular, I expect you to provide a compelling materialistic explanation for the following:
- the sound that indicates an OBE is imminent
- the ensuing out-of-body experience itself
- the realization of being "dead"
- floating up through a tunnel, culminating with a light
- seeing dead relatives and other loved ones who have already passed and speaking with spiritual figures
- coming in contact with a "being of light" or "light," which most identify as a deity (i.e. God).
- having a "life review"
- the ineffable experience of overwhelming bliss, unconditional love, and serenity
- the reluctance of not wanting to come back.
- the transformation of personality which subsequently occurs after the NDE
- the loss of the fear of death
Why am I remiss? You're the skeptic. It is your responsiblity to provide the opposing view, not mine. Also, Susan Blackmore has never provided a scientific explanation that accounts for all the phenomena associated with NDEs.
By the way, Susan Blackmore says that she practices Zen Buddhism but does not identify herself as a Buddhist. This kind of double-speak does not exactly bolster her credentials as a bonafide atheist skeptical of all religion. And, if I am not mistaken, I believe reincarnation is a core belief of all forms of Buddhism.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
There are several problems with your analysis.
1) The "dreaming" is taking place in a brain and body that is declared "clinically dead." IOW, the computer (to use the materialist's metaphor of the mind/brain) is without power. This presents problems for the materialist because he has to explain how the operating system and software applications (the metaphors employed to describe the mind on the materialist view) are executing while the hardware (the brain) is nonfunctional.
2) Everyone is essentially having the same "dream."
3) Those who are having the "dream" are having a dream of an out-of-body experience in which they are able to make observations in the emergency or operating room which are later confirmed by the medical staff.
The problem is that avowed atheists are also having these "fantasies." And to reiterate, the "imaginations" are occurring when the brain should not be able to generate any imaginations. How exactly does a clinically dead brain generate imaginations on the materialist view?
Correction. Her "dreamlike state" does not begin until her brain is completely drained of all blood. What makes Pam Reynolds' case interesting is that the nature of her surgery required that the surgeons place her brain in a clinically dead state.
Correction. It's not the only incident of a NDE in which an individual made an observation that was later confirmed by the medical staff.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Why do we bother with this shit? He won't change his mind, and we won't change ours. Our standards of evidence are millennia apart. He thinks somebody said so is good enough, and we don't. All of his arguments are based on hearsay or conflation. How is it that they always end up with some 2-3 hundred replies?
After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring. He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut.
What's this, another chapter from Philosophy for Dummies?
NDEs and OBEs are all garbage. People make shit up, especially if they can sell their "proofs" to idiots that buy up that conspiracy trash.
All of your "proofs" and rumors of "proofs" don't change the fact that there is no god or gods. It's all make believe and you know it. Shame on you for promoting the idiocy of religion.
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
Perhaps you should have read what Hamby said as well as previous threads on this subject. Clinically dead is not dead - dead. The brain is still running on the last little bit of oxygen and blood. When the brain is dead-dead, there is no coming back. NDEs are no more than low power operations in a CPU that is untrustworthy and giving blue screens.
No. They are having oxygen deprived brain misfirings which are as a PC in blue screen, errors and bullshit occurring.
When I was 18 I was shot in the head and nearly died. I had no NDE. I was so drugged I have foggy memories of being examined and have no clue if I was awake or it was imagination. The next I knew I awoke in a bed with bandages all around my head. So everyone is not having the same "dream", as I had no dream.
"I guess it's time to ask if you live under high voltage power transmission lines which have been shown to cause stimulation of the fantasy centers of the brain due to electromagnetic waves?" - Me
"God is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, - it says so right here on the label. If you have a mind capable of believing all three of these divine attributes simultaneously, I have a wonderful bargain for you. No checks please. Cash and in small bills." - Robert A Heinlein.
The bottom line is that you have already gone on record in another thread and explicitly stated that you see "consciousness as a continuum." That's an argument for pantheism, not atheism.
Consciousness is lost within seconds at the onset of clinical death. And consciousness is what is at issue here.
That's a profound insight. Why do you think they call it "NEAR death experiences?" Duh!
Unfortunately, the Harvard scientists (i.e. Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, and Ralph Metzner) who were the first to experiment with "mind altering drugs" (e.g. LSD) disagree with your conclusion.
What kind of nonsense is this? If you are not able to give a materialistic explanation that accounts for all the major aspects that are reported in NDEs, then your materialistic explanation obviously does not qualify as an adequate explanation. It's that simple. Failure to articulate an adequate materialistic explanation on your part does not constitute a fallacy of ignorance on my part.
Sorry, it's relevant. To reiterate: If your materialistic explanation does not account for all the facts, then your materialistic explanation fails to pass the muster. Try again.
I believe you are equating NDEs (near-death experiences) with OBEs (out-of-body experiences). They are not exactly interchangeable terms. And while it is true that the typical NDE entails an OBE, the converse is not true. The OBE is a separate phenomena unto itself. Also, regardless of whether or not "sleep paralysis" precedes an OBE does not in any way diminish or invalidate the experience. If I have an out-of-body experience, then I am experiencing a conscious state out of the body by definition.
Are they really "disembodied?" If they are, then you are making a case for the reality of the out-of-body experience. If they're not, then the scientists haven't really reproduced the experience.
Bruce Greyson (professor of psychiatry at the University of Virginia and prominent researcher in NDEs) developed a NDE-scale that undermines your argument that NDEs are nothing more than epileptic seizures.
Okay. Let's take your explanation that NDEs are nothing more than
"misfiring neurons playing a game with our perception." Therefore, seizures (misfiring of neurons) result in the following:
1. The subject has the sensory impression of a humming noise (the sound that one hears when you blow lightly over the top of a Coke bottle - the primordial sound which Hindus identify as "om" ).
2. The subject realizes that he is "dead."
3. The subject experiences an OBE, floating above his body and getting a bird's-eye view of the surroundings.
4. The subject then experiences floating through a tunnel, culiminating in a bright light.
5. The subject communicates with dead relatives and spiritual beings
6. The subject encounters a being of light which he will most-likely identify as God.
7. The subject will undergo a life reveiw in which he will experience the emotions of every individual in which he has interacted with.
8. The subject experiences beautiful emotions - unconditional love, bliss, serenity, etc
9. The subject is reluctant to return to his body. IOW, he desires that his neurons continue to misfire.
10. The subject will undergo a dramatic change in personality after the seizure is over by becoming a more loving human being.
What is the conclusion to draw from the "misfiring of neurons?" Answer: It's appears to be a pretty damn good experience. And of course, this is the very same conclusion that most people draw who have undergone a near-death experience.
This is tantamount to saying: What is a better explanation? That there is an afterlife or that clincial death causes individuals to experience NDEs. Is there a physical connection to NDEs? Answer: Yes - it's called cardiac arrest or clinical death! How have you invalidated the near-death experiences? Answer: You haven't.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
So to summarize your last post: Every one ought to do acid.
I never said that they did not vary. However, they do manifest a typical progression. And children who have not been fully acculturated (whatever the culture) would report events lacking in details on a large array of experiences (not only NDEs).
Not all NDEs are pleasant. Some are definitely hellish. And that your friend professes to have had a NDE just lends more credence to the reality of the experience.
There is no materialistic explanation that accounts for the similarities.
@ 11:05 Cardiac arrest is complete and her brain waves become flat. However, Pam Reynolds NDE continues.
The bone saw is not the only thing. Reynolds stated that she heard a female voice say that "her veins and arteries are very small." This was later confirmed by the female cardiac surgeon on the staff.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Please quote the statement in my last post where I said that everyone should do acid.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
You can induce clinical death on command? Interesting.
To reiterate: OBEs (out-of-body experiences) and NDEs (near-death experiences) are not interchangeable terms. OBEs are fairly common. I have had many OBEs, but I have never experienced a NDE (at least not in the present life).
Also, your statement "but occasionally it feels as if I’m levitating" definitely lends itself to what many would call the paranormal.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
This is simply an "argument from personal belief." And belief being displayed here is a faith-commitment to materialism.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Persistent vegetative state (PVS) is not the same thing as clinical death. Enough said.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
What exactly is your point? That Alfred J. Ayer was a liar and that he lied about his near-death experience?
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
That's a question I am hoping that you will be able to answer for yourself.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
No, it's not a classic case of a near-death experience (I outlined the the characteristics of a typical NDE in the OP and your list does not agree with those characteristics). Also, how does saying "out-of-body experiences are due to oxygen deprivation" invalidate the out-of-body experience itself?
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Sounds like a fairly standard hypnagogic hallucination to me.
Studies in NDEs and OBEs are well beyond the view that "they're all just made up" stage. Even well-known skeptics (e.g. Susan Blackmore) are willing to acknowledge this much. Posts like yours simply reveal a closed-minded and juvenile attitude that is, unfortunately, all too prevalent on this forum.
Incidentally, the more intellectually sophisticated atheist would never argue that the nonexistence of God is an established fact.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
No, it's not clinical death. As another member mentioned, it's probably Hypnagogia. My body has fallen asleep but my mind is conscious. And yes, I eventually began to control it so I can slip in and out of this state as I wish. Not that I really want to.
I don't think what I'm talking about is either or. I don't believe in OBE's or NDE's. I was explaining what I go through and how I think others do confusing it for an outer body experience or near death experience. And no, I do not believe in the paranormal. Feeling like I'm levitating is probably just a reaction to being so relaxed.
I have absolutely no idea what you're implying there.
Paisley thinks that physicalist monism is a faith that requires as much positive belief in the existence of physical realities, and only physical realities, as does dualism.
He's a classical dualist, though- just so you don't spend dozens of pages discussing things he doesn't believe in. Oh, and he also believes in a universal consciousness, and that consciousness is awareness, and vice versa. If you ask him to define either of those terms, he will give you a circular definition that involves the other of those two words, and then he'll get mad if you say he hasn't properly defined his terms yet.
Just FYI.
Nope, that there was no one to keep the author's obvious bias in check.
PS- Your thread fails.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
I have read what he said (and I might add it was painfully tedious) and I responded to it accordingly. Pam Reynold's NDE occurred when her brain was completely drained of blood. So that undermines your argument.
NDEs have been formally studied and researchers have identify core characteristics of the experience which I have provided in the OP and supported by citing a source.
You stated that you "had no NDE." If you didn't have a near-death experience, then you didn't experience the core "dream." Duh!
Incidentally, the core experiences or characteristics of the typical NDE are not really being disputed at this point. Skeptical researchers are not attempting to debunk the experience as such (that is a losing strategy). They are simply attempting to identify biological processes in order to somehow show that NDEs are nothing more than hallucinations.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
K none of that applies to anything I was saying. Like, I don't have an interest discussing it with him, even if it was...the topic.
If a brain revived, it was not dead. Death is defined as irreversible cessation of brain function.
It would require much more sophisticated equipment than typically present or necessary in a medical environment to prove complete absence of blood in the brain. Since the physical deterioration of the brain that leads to irreversible damage is due to the same loss of blood that affects neural activity, the fact that good recovery followed effectively proves that there was not sufficient loss of blood for long enough to completely stop activity for a sustained period. Memory would not be expected to register a period of zero activity which then picked up again - it is unsurprising if the patients remembered a more or less continuous experience.
Unless the eyes were known to be closed fully during the period of the experience, it is also not impossible that some vision was possible. Hearing would have also been possible, which would have given the mind important cues.
Once again, there is nothing here that really challenges the idea that consciousness cannot survive separate from the brain.
There have been several places where unusual notices are deliberately left on the top of cabinets or equipment in operating theaters, so as to be completely out of sight of anyone standing on the floor, that could form significant support for the reality of OOB experiences if reported by patients after recovery. AFAIK, there have been no such reports. Reports of sights and sounds in the vicinity of the patient that could have been normally witnessed, are not adequate to demonstrate non-corporeal sensory activity.
OOB experience, the feeling that one is really outside one's body and actually looking at it from elsewhere can be induced using virtual reality equipment, which demonstrates that the feeling of being outside your body requires only experiencing images and possibly other physical sensations consistent with being out of your body, which are well within the range of the hallucinatory mechanism. It therefore does not mean that your consciousness is actually somehow outside the body. The brain adjusts its perception of the location of physical 'self' to match sensory perception. At a simpler level, this is easily demonstrated with 'rubber hand' experiments, which I am sure Paisley, as a serious student of such topics, will be aware of...
IOW, we appear to have no innate direct perception of the 'location' of our awareness.
Favorite oxymorons: Gospel Truth, Rational Supernaturalist, Business Ethics, Christian Morality
"Theology is now little more than a branch of human ignorance. Indeed, it is ignorance with wings." - Sam Harris
The path to Truth lies via careful study of reality, not the dreams of our fallible minds - me
From the sublime to the ridiculous: Science -> Philosophy -> Theology
Paisley, why don't you contend with the fact that people who experience OBE's see absolutely nothing that's outside of their field of vision? Lay some photo's on the floor around a person that's having an NDE and they won't recognize a single one. I wonder why..
Right off the bat you're going to have to admit that if your seperate mind exists, it still resides and stays in the brain even upon death.
Oh that's right, it's the fuzzy warm feelings and subjective stories of visions of NDEs that you're after right? Not the actual facts.
Humans think, they observe and try to make sense of what's around them. What they think they are observing isn't always what they are really observing. Humans can and do mistake thier observations. They can and frequently do, make shit up. People that promote this new age garbage concerning nde and oob activity may want to believe it exists but that doesn't affect the reality of our material existence.
I am closed minded to bull shit and nde has a specific medical cause that has been researched, documented and explained ad nauseum on this thread and several others and it has nothing to do with any god crap.
Incidentally, I never claimed to be an intellectually sophisticated atheist. I'm barely above mouth breathing idiot. But I don't need to be the sharpest tool in the shed to realize the argument for there being no way to prove a gods existence therefore I should be an agnostic fence sitter is retarded. It's not possible for anything resembling a god to exist in our reality. It's just not possible, despite however afraid of dying you or others may be. Superman and Spiderman are also fantasies in case you were wondering.
"The righteous rise, With burning eyes, Of hatred and ill-will
Madmen fed on fear and lies, To beat and burn and kill"
Witch Hunt from the album Moving Pictures. Neal Pert, Rush
William Cash was simply recounting what Dr. Jeremy George (Ayer's attending physician) had told him about Ayer's NDE. It's documented in the Wikipedia article on Ayer (see excerpt below). That prominent atheists have NDEs and report seeing a Divine Being does not exactly help your cause.
Hardly. I have already responded to the Whinnery argument.
Do fighter pilots undegoing G-force oxygen deprivation...
1) have life reviews?
2) see beings of light?
3) have paranormal ESP abiliities (this is common with NDEs)?
4) see dead people that they had no idea were dead?
Are there any individuals who have been blind since birth and are able to see when undergoing G-force oxygen deprivation.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Sorry to burst your bubble, but physicalism (materialism) is a metaphysical belief, not a scientifically-established fact.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Sorry to burst your bubble, but physicalism is the default empirical value system we have. We can sit here and woolgather for centuries about what the 'other half' of your or any dualist system truly is like. We can go out right now and gather objective (or at least close enough to be objective, subjective) information about the physical world.
Unless you or any other dualist is insane or in a terribly obstinate mood, 'this' reality, the physical world, is all that we have. The rest is speculation at best.
All you need right there. It was found out several years ago this is all attributed to normal brains behaving erratically. Out of body experiences can be recreated at will with any person.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
*HUGS Clockcat*
Hey. I know I haven't been around here much lately.
Been kind of quiet in general, huh?
Well... New Paisley thread... eh? Eh? That always lights a fire under everyone's collective ass, huh?
It's been debunked, so I'm guessing it will go on for at least 4 more pages.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Yeah. We're already starting on the 'dualism is the priveledged POV philosophically' tack again. Didn't take two or three pages to do it this time.
Hi Paisley. Sorry for the long time to respond.
Well, you can't actaully know this. It is quite possible (and from a materilistic perspective, necesary) that the experiences take place before the brain enters the clinically dead state, or as it is returning to life. Just like you have no sense of when in time you have a dream, you have no sense of when you are experiencing the NDE. When the brain is deprived of oxygen, it will likely have a short period of activity, in which the NDE occours, just like an engine running on vapours from an otherwise empty gastank.
I'm reminded of a scene from one of my favorite Books: Use of Weapons by Iain M. Banks, in which the main character is decapitated, and still sees the next few seconds, as he's head rolls on the ground to face his headless body. A powerful scene, but not at all unbelievable, since his brain still has oxygen from the last gust of blood it recieved before it was detached from his heart.
People say: "I had a dream last night", but as we know, it would probably be more appropriate to say, "I had a dream this morning", since the dreams you can remember, and recount to others, are dreams that you have just before you return to your wake state. You experience several periods of REM sleep during the night, and probably dream during all of them, but only the ones you have shortly before you wake up stay in your mind.
Because everyone is having essentially the same experience: they are dying (or returning to life). While the brain is "running on vapours", why should it not be possible that it shuts down, or turns on varies brainregions in the same order: the "tunnel vision" section, then the "Thinking of relatives" section, then the "seeing bright glowing balls" section et.c.
And furthermore, they are having essentially the same experience, not exactly the same experience. For one thing, they see their own relatives, not somebody elses. This makes me think that that is because it is their brain having the experience, again completely consistent with a materialistic world view.
And as I said, this is intriguing, but you didn't say in your first post that all of those who experiences NDE's do that. You only said Pam Reynolds did. And I said that that was intriguing, and had me stumped, but that a p of one is not sufficient evidence to draw a definitive conclusion.
Are you now saying everyone who experiences NDE's have such coorporated stories? Because, like I said, I am intriguied, so if you can provide me with evidence, you have me right where you want me, but you can't just mention Pam Reynolds in the OP, and then go on to say Those who are having the "dream" are having a dream of an out-of-body experience in which they are able to make observations, and expect me not to notice.
You showed me evidence for one case, not all of them.
But do they identify the glowing ball as God? Or do only some of them do? You said yourself that diffent religious people recount their NDE's with their OWN deity in the staring role. Atheists don't have deities, so therefore where does the bright light-ball come from you say?
Well if I were to die and have a powerful experience of NDE, and later return I might think the ball was God, but that's just because I think about the concept of God alot. And the God would be one that suits my personality, I'm sure. Some sort of pantheistic, non-sentient presence of power of the universe, because that is the only God I can imagine. The rest are paradoxal.
But what about a former muslim, or former lutheran, or babtist, who is an atheist, but whose life has been steeped in images of one particular religion? If they return from an NDE believing anew, which God do you think they will say they met? Hmmm?
I would be interested to hear from a stone-age man, who has absolutely no concept of God whatsoever. If the only semi-religious ideas he has ever been exposed to is ansestor-worship, what might he say when recounting his NDE?
My guess is, if he follows the description of NDE's you recount in the OP he'd say: "I met the ancestors! They were all there smiling at me! ...oh, and there was also this light-ball there... I think it was probably some sort of torch so the ancestors could see better. No biggie"
Well I was born an original sinner
I was spawned from original sin
And if I had a dollar bill for all the things I've done
There'd be a mountain of money piled up to my chin
Actually, physical phenomena is not the only reality we have. We also have mental phenomena. Moreover, science has never established that the physical world is actually physical. That's not speculation. That's a fact. Hence, materialism (like dualism) is a metaphysical belief.
"Scientists animated by the purpose of proving they are purposeless constitute an interesting subject for study." - Alfred North Whitehead
Paisley, you should test your theory by allowing someone to stab you.