Obamas speechs soaked in Jesus-Christian rhetoric

Ken G.
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Obamas speechs soaked in Jesus-Christian rhetoric

 I thought that Bush was bad,but Polictical.com has done a search on religious rhectoric in our last two pesidents  atheism.about.com/b/2009/06/24/obamas-speechs-soaked-in-jesus-christian-rhetoric.htm  

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I haven't really seen anything of the sort. Care to give a link?

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I found it on that site. For some reason the link you gave didn't work..I'll give a response when I've read it. :3



Edit: Okay I read it.


I don't see what the big deal is though. He appointed someone to a position that has no value in decisionmaking, and that person is who was spoken to. With his speeches, the religious leaders were spoken to and met with /after/ the speech was written....I would presume to make sure that it appealed to as many people as possible, and didn't offend anyone. He is quoting multiple religions to try and solve problems in areas with their own beliefs.


I have yet to see him use "God" as an excuse or reason for any decision, or call anyone "evil" or "evildoers" that god put him on a mission to destroy. I could care less what he uses to appeal to people, so long as it isn't the basis for decisions. So far, it doesn't seem to be.

Theism is why we can't have nice things.

Ken G.
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ClockCat wrote: give me a link

  I don't know what went wrong with the link that I put up,but I'm glad to hear that you found the article.

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Fixed linke  HERE

Fixed linke





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Ken G. wrote:  I don't

Ken G. wrote:

  I don't know what went wrong with the link that I put up,but I'm glad to hear that you found the article.


Next time try linkifiing it.



Highlight some text then click the chain on the top of the comment box and then paste the URL there




treat2 (not verified)
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I assume you are aware of

I assume you are aware of Obama's trip to meet with the

As far as I'm concerned, Americns deserve him.

Better yet, if Bush could have run again, Americns would be more deserving of him.

This country is the asshole of this planet.

Ken G.
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ClockCat wrote:I don't see what the big deal is though

 Not to disagree for the sake of disagreeing,but the bottom line is that he's pandering to an Illusion that is shared by many people,which as we all know is not logical.And as the President in this day and age religion should not be in any U.S. President's speech's.It's like what if he stated that he follows his horoscope in order to make critical decisions.And although he does not use the term evil doers,we do all know that if your a christian,your whole mind set is just simply wrong,religions has always separated different cultures,it has never united them.

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Ken G.
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Cpt.pineapple wrote:Next time try linkifing it.

 That sounds easy,but I can hardly even make a correct link in the way that I do it ,which is a real bite-I write down on a piece of paper,the link that I want ,and then I go to RRS post form and type it in there.I'm waiting for my sister in law to show me what cut and paste is.I don't have the instruction of the functions of this computer.  PS -  Thanks for fixing the link,and the info on linkifing.

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Abu Lahab
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treat2 wrote:I assume you

treat2 wrote:
This country is the asshole of this planet.


Then you've never been to the Middle East.

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Ken G. wrote: That sounds

Ken G. wrote:

 That sounds easy,but I can hardly even make a correct link in the way that I do it ,which is a real bite-I write down on a piece of paper,the link that I want ,and then I go to RRS post form and type it in there.I'm waiting for my sister in law to show me what cut and paste is.I don't have the instruction of the functions of this computer.  PS -  Thanks for fixing the link,and the info on linkifing.


If you're using any version of windows then here's what you do. Click in the address bar at the top of your browser. The text should become highlighted in blue if it doesnt then hold down the left mouse bottom (make sure the cursor is in the address bar) and drag the mouse to the end of the bar so that the address is highlighted. Now hold down the "ctrl" button and press "c". Then go to the RRS forum and type your message like normal. To add in the link hold down the "crtl" button and press "v"

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             I read an internet article that Obama had NOT yet chosen a church to attend  (06\29\09). I have said and written before on this site the Obama  CHOSE to be christen on the same day he CHOSE to run for office,  any office.  I will stand by that   and STATE  "Obama is an Atheist" .


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Ken G.
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Stosis wrote:click in the address bar at the top etc.

Thanks for the info.,but I do have a question Do I first highlight it with the right of left button,and then after holding down the Ctrl button and press "c",how long do I hold down the "Ctrl" button before going to RRS forms ? 

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I saw Obama on the new

I saw Obama on the new saying "the whole of the Torah is to promote peace". What freaking lie that is. It condones racism, slavery, genocide, the murder of children and homosexuals and waging war because 'God' tells one to.


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Jeffrick wrote: I will

Jeffrick wrote:

 I will stand by that   and STATE  "Obama is an Atheist" .


I've always wondered about such claims, are atheist that pathetic that they seeks to label "good" theist as atheist to prop up their ranks? Richard Dawkins claimed that Jesus was really any atheist, Christopher suggested that MLK was an atheist, and orthodox preacher who died at the hand of the Nazis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a "nebulous humanist". You guys are some silly people.

Of course if we want to see cognitive dissonance in full affect watch the atheist squirm when a theist suggests a "bad" theist is an atheist. "Hitler was an atheist", and now everyone is fucking offended. 

Obama consider christian theologian  Reinhold Neibhlur as his favorite philosopher and discussed "The Irony of American" history with David Brooks, imagine a typical atheist here doing that, that would be a miracle in itself.  His biography, his speeches are all drenched in a religious perspective, on life, hope, morality, justice, etc..... There's really no room to call him an atheist, anymore so than calling Rick Warren, Jerry Falwell atheist. 

It would be one thing if he wasn't so upfront about his religion, like McCain who seemed to keep his faith kind of private, or Dick Cheney, but the dude is drenched in it.