Black man attacked in BC by white supremecists. White boys can't even win 3 on 1 fight.

...Unfortunately, I imagine it will be discovered that the neo-Nazis were Albertans (Alberta is somewhat like a cross between Akansas and Texas; if there's racial hate crime anywhere in Canada, it's in Alberta). Fortunately, the idiot racists decided to do this in Courtney.
Courtney is a pretty small, tightly knit place. Dudes were more or less immediately identified, and have had their personal info virally leaked all over the internet. They now have the option of either surrendering to the police or waiting indoors for fear of getting their own lynching until their food runs out.
"Natasha has just come up to the window from the courtyard and opened it wider so that the air may enter more freely into my room. I can see the bright green strip of grass beneath the wall, and the clear blue sky above the wall, and sunlight everywhere. Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full."
- Leon Trotsky, Last Will & Testament
February 27, 1940
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Is this how Canadians fight? It was painful to watch adult males act like that. I think if those three guys ran afoul an American middleschooler, they would get their asses beat.
I only hope that other Canadians are better than this.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
Yeah the East Coasters can really fight, and of course we have one of the best MMA figters, George St. Pierre (ok, he's a quebecer but damn it he's Canadian and can fight.) Really those guys I bet are what a majority of of idiots that like the 3 to 1 odds, wanna be fighters....kinda the reason there was 3 of them not 1.
ugh... i despise such, amateurish scum
i can just see it now... "UH! UH! WANNA GO PUNK? UH! UH! WANNA GO?"
the swagger in the walk, the tough act, the voices... the lack of balls
Just makes me wanna kill all 3 of them
and slap the fat bitch for interference! >.<
What Would Kharn Do?
That is the worst fight I have ever seen. The dildo in the gray tank top...what was that overhand slap maneuver? Geesus Krist!
You know, I give the attackee credit for not taking them out, he obviously didn't want to engage unless he needed to.
Slowly building a blog at ~
Keep moving, keep your distance, pick your shots, and constantly switch targets. You're waiting to land a knock shot, or an opening to disable another fighter with a broken bone or dislocation. Thats how you fight it to live, if you cant escape. Doesnt really matter how pussy your opponents are, if they catch you, and gang on you at the wrong moment, you will pay for it. Prime example, is when the blackguy in this video is pushed and loses his balance, instantly all 3 are on him inflicting much more damage then they managed to do before.
Now! to cheer everyone up, with some justice!
What Would Kharn Do?
Good example of what im talking about
Defenders wrecks 3 guys while constantly retreating
(post the video appears to be fubar... fuck it, i've lost interest)
What Would Kharn Do?
That guy knows what he is doing. That jab at 1:03 is great. And what happened at 1:00? Did that other guy try to throw a kick or something? He keeps his (decent) guard up most of the time and backs away from them constantly.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
Obviously, They were all trained in Tae Kwon Dope....
Gee...more exciting.
What was up with the driver of the truck?
Really, if all four of them were going to try the guy, then they would have. If he had had the job of staying in the truck and keeping the engine running for the eventual retreat, then he should not have been getting out of the truck just when it was time to bolt. But no, he got out of the truck right at the end and walked around a bit.
Then too, if you and your buddys all fight like Charles Nelson Reilly on a bad hair day and the guy you want to beat up obviously knows his stuff, at what point do you all say that it is time to pack it in? Also of note is the fact that the white guys are all showing sings of getting winded way too early in the fight.
I am not quite ready to call shens on this video but the driver comes off as a guy who could not take direction and ruined an attempt at a fake video and the rest of it doesn't look right to me either.
I'd get out of my truck too if some one attempted to body check my door
What Would Kharn Do?
And that's when I don't have my Glock with me.
Violence is fun!
ah ha... what a crock... sorry, garbage like that doesnt work in real life
Wing Chun is a joke. Please, everyone here, whatever you do, don't try Wing Chung in a self defense situation. For that matter, don't try Wing Chung at all in any situation. I think you'de be better off not practicing martial arts at all rather than practicing a pretend martial art that will teach you to do stupid things.
"You say that it is your custom to burn widows. Very well. We also have a custom: when men burn a woman alive, we tie a rope around their necks and we hang them. Build your funeral pyre; beside it, my carpenters will build a gallows. You may follow your custom. And then we will follow ours."
British General Charles Napier while in India
Yea, two wrongs make a right? I can only speculate in the moment. If I was being attacked for being an atheist, how would that be different than being attacked for my wallet?
What people miss on both sides is basic human emotion. Since when is any race or human immune to emotion?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Really? Based on what?
Dude, calm down! I don't think 'everyone' is going to rush out and try Wing Chun....
Which stupid things would they be? I would be interested in which martial arts you've been involved with and for ho long?
My only experience in Wing Chun was in the UK under Sifu Simon Lau and Sifu Wai Po Tang and only for a couple of years.
I've been around practicioners who were far better than I was and they were able to drop people in seconds.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
Interesting. What's been your experience?
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
I am not a trained martial artist by any means nor do I consider myself to be a bad ass. On the street, for me self defense means pulling a trigger. My personal safety is not a game and that means the stakes are as high as they can get, ie living or dying. If anyone, like these punks, approaches me in an obviously threatening manner I will assume that they are going to try and kill me. Most bad guys are not immune to damage from bullet wounds. Sorry, no sporting aspects at all. A verbal warning might be as close as it gets, after that I let my handgun do the talking. That's not bravado. That's just how it goes.
At any rate in the early 90's I took some time to train in Muay Thai. My instructor was a cool little guy from Laos named Master Yang. His Muay Thai mentor was Chi Sirisute, a world class Muay Thai fighter and trainer. Master Yang's financial bread and butter was teaching Tae Kwan Do but he loved Muay Thai the most. It's a relatively simple art that has little or no flashy choreography. It's moves are very basic in form. There are no Katas and there are no belts to indicate skill level.
By and large in the new sport of MMA most of the strikes ( with the exclusion of elbow strikes which are considered too dangerous for competition ) are derived from Muay Thai. Most of the kicks are also the same...kicks to the inner thigh and outer thigh of opponents to damage their leg and take away there movement, checking kicks by lifting the leg off the floor, using the shin as the striking surface to deliver kicks, etc.
Not all MMA competitors train in Muay Thai for striking. It's a personal choice of course but I have yet to read any interviews ( so far ) of them choosing to use Wing Chun to develop their skills for actual competition. I'm not poo pooing Wing Chun. It just seems that most of the fighters who train for stand up seem to employ Muay Thai over any of the other martial art disciplines. I can only assume that their motives are utilitarian ( to win ) and their choice is based solely upon that fact.
No disrespect, just a layman's observation.
Fine if you are law enforcement or have a CCW. I was denied the CCW.
See above.
I agree, although most kicks are similar in most arts. Ok, that's made things a little more clear. In my opinion Muay Thai is great if you're young and fit. The training is brutal (as is Wing Chun if you train traditionally) so I wouldn't recommend it for most people.
Using MMA isn't the best comparison guide as it isn't street fighting.
Yes, I'd rather be an MMA fighter in a street fight than some tough dude, but you really need to experince a street fight to know what you're capable of and not have a safety blanket of rules. Bar fights (ex-Army), football (ex-soccer hooligan) and street brawls are never what you expect and unlike the Brazilian Jujitsu mantra or 'All fights end on the ground' they rarely did for me. I'm too small to grapple and win but I can hit and move.
In closing, any established martial art is better than windmilling and none of what I saw in that first Vid was fighting. The second Vid looked like the guy was a boxer so he should have been comfortable doing what he did.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
After years of study, I have devised a fool proof way without a gun
It is called foot to testicles then running
Too bad you were denied a CHL. The effectiveness of firearms as a deterrent is indisputable.
I've never had the oportunity to observe actual Wing Chun in person, either in training or competition. I remember a very young Bruce Lee had trained under a Wing Chun practitioner named Yip Man and used that as a spring board in his development of JKD. My experience is that in the States Wing Chun is still a fairly overlooked style.
Muay Thai is indeed brutal. That's why it's fun to watch. In one class I remember a female student newbie asking Master Yang if people got hurt in Muay Thai. He said "People die in Muay Thai." LOL. If Master Yang's senior students wanted to fight in a legally sanctioned tournament using full Muay Thai rules they had to drive next door to Oklahoma as the use of elbow strikes to the face and head was not allowed by the governing body in my home state.
Incidentally, one our "baddest" students was a very athletic dude who was in his fifties.
Lastly one of the most thrilling Muay Thai battles captured on film is the bout between Masato ( Japanese ) and Melchor Menor ( Filipino ). The pace of the two fighters is almost beyond belief. It is classic.
I'd also add that from the Wing Chun clubs I've seen here it's a more watered down version, even here in East LA. That's why I did a couple of years of Krav Maga, which was 'nice'.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try to find it on YouTube.
How can not believing in something that is backed up with no empirical evidence be less scientific than believing in something that not only has no empirical evidence but actually goes against the laws of the universe and in many cases actually contradicts itself? - Ricky Gervais
Ahhh, Krav Maga. Isn't that Hebrew for "Don't f**k with me" ?
Ah! Junk-kun-do!
What Would Kharn Do?
The whole group of them were kind of embarassing. But using boxing against three guys is an incompatible strategy.
Naturally, this is when the talk of "real fights" comes out, and at least one girl (thank you, Captain) has to say that their plan is to kick the guy in the nuts and run away. Turns out every guy already knows that plan, because so many women make that announcement. You might want to consider adding a second move to that plan.
Wing Chun isn't a joke, it's just one of many martial arts that would require years and years of work just to defend yourself effectively. You'd do just as well taking fencing. Getting really good at Aikido would be enough for three punks like that (plus, it would look HILARIOUS chucking them around like rag-dolls) but if you actually felt threatened, there are some good ex-military hand-to-hand instructors who could teach you more in one week than you could learn in years of doing any of the bowing-in-pyjamas martial arts.
If you DO want to wear the pyjamas, though, judo, brazilian jiu-jutsu, and aikido are a lot of fun.
Saint Will: no gyration without funkstification.
fabulae! nil satis firmi video quam ob rem accipere hunc mi expediat metum. - Terence
OK, I have spent a small amount of time at two different dojos. I never bothered to go far enough to get a belt so I can't make the claim that I am skilled in the fun stuff. That being said, I am unimpressed at what I learned from that time.
Sure, one could spend years studying the katas and get really good at them. However, if you ever get into a real fight, knowing every kata will provide one with an efficiency of movement that may or may not actually be useful. In the pinch, your mind is your weapon.
Seriously, the asshole who wants to sandbag you is not thinking about running katas. He wants you to be hurt. You have to be able to hurt him faster and worse. If that means departing from your years of training, then so be it.
Don't get me wrong on this. Martial arts can be useful in a pinch. However, if you don't get the bigger picture into your head, they can become an excuse to wear cool clothing during your workout. The big picture in your head is where you will really need to be when the shit goes down.
Before you spend a few thousand dollars at a dojo, go to a good book store and get the books of oriental philosophy. Not the basic logic stuff like a Chinese version of Homer. Get a couple of versions of “The Art of War” and similar stuff. Basically, get your head into the place that it needs to be.
If I ever go to a third dojo, sensei had better well tell me about avoiding bad situations before he shows me cool moves. I dunno, I probably found a couple of bad places but even so, the skills come after the “bad motherfucker” headspace.
Having spent sometime training to fight off people, I can say this, you can do all the fancy martial arts move you want, the best training you can get is to training with other disciplines. I took Krav Maga, I have trained in boxing, did my time in the military, had fun training in judo, however I learned early on that if you just train with people doing the same thing, you are never well prepared for a street fight, where anything goes. I have had one to many "street fights" in my time, and I can always state that I never (unless the person is really drunk) I never think that the fight is going to be easy or that the person I am fighting doesn't know how to fight. You also gotta expect the unexpected, always keep an eye on your opponent and another on the surroundings (can come in handy when you know where the empty beer bottle is, or a chair is located, or the worse case, where the exits are).
However fighting is so much of a mental game than anything else, if your stuck with one type of martial arts discipline and all you do is train with others of the same discipline, then when you fight someone else that knows how to fight, you can be in trouble because your used to defending a certain way, and attacking a certain way. When that person attacks you in a different manner or forces you to defend in a different way than what you are used to, it can be mentally exhausting trying to quickly figure out ways to attack and or defend yourself and you leave yourself open to defeat.
All i can say if you really want to learn how to fight MMA is really the way to go, as you get a better all around training, oh and Krav Maga if you just need self defense, since I personally believe it's probably one of the best forms of self defense.