Visions that come in the form of dreams...

Um... Isn't that what a dream is? I'm begining to wonder if I might be a prophet since I have "visions" on a nightly basis. Just the other night I had this vision that I was getting busy with Sara the hot bartender. Well, who am I to question these visions that are bestowed upon me? So the next time I saw her, I asked her out. Could you believe that she actually denied my advances. If it were any other time I would simply accept the rejection as is and move on, but we're dealing with prophecy here and I'm obviously being tested so I will continue to pursue this quest regardless of the restraining order! I may end up spending a few nights in jail as a result, but that only means that I would have plenty of time during my persecution to write a book telling everyone how to live their life.
Who's with me?
Free your mind.
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I dont think the world can handle, Doomy pursuing his dreams...
Majority of dreams takes place in astral realm. The dream realm is characteristic by it's total plasticity and responsivity. It locally shapes itself according to people's wishes, desires or fears.
Therefore, you should understand, that astral visions and prophecies are plentiful and there's nothing special about them, quite oppositely, it's a kind of junk. It's just a manifestation of your desires, or someone else's. We all have astral dreams, but of course, not everyone have hot bartenders to dream about.
However, you can still try it on her, that you keep dreaming about her. Maybe it will sound romantically.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Theism is why we can't have nice things.
Although I'm not "with you", I think you would very much enjoy reading "Memories, Dreams and Reflections", by Carl Jung. Although I'm not a Jungian, I found it to be one of the best books I read when I was in college, and have recommended it as interesting reading on more than one occasion on this Board.
I don't know about the whole prophecy idea. Don't get me wrong, I dream about hot babes all the time, it's just that the dreams are never sexual.
For example, the last one that I can remember currently was a girl that I work with. In the dream, we were both spies and we had been sent by our nation to keep an eye on a ship. As long as it stayed where it was, we were to do nothing but if it left port we had to head away from the area and report in. If it took on some relevant cargo (and we were not told what that would be, only what we would see if the bad thing went on board), then we were to detonate mines that navy seals had placed on the hull under the water line previously.
So Luminon, since you seem to know about this stuff, does that tell you anything about me? If so, what would that be?
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Fair enough.
I remember 28 years ago, I was on the verge of graduating high school. I had a dream that I died and got to the entrance to heaven. However, before I could get in, I had to take a final exam on my life.
So the question that comes to mind is: Just what value shall we place on our dreams?
Prove an 'astral realm' exists.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Otherwise, if the dream is not symbolic, if it looks like a routine activities in the dreamworld, you can ignore it. Vast majority of dreams is just like that.
You could be perhaps interested in the research of spiritists in 19th and early 20th century. They were quite succesful in contacting astral realm. This is not what we do here, on the contrary, we try to build our own resistance to the astral influences, so I won't elaborate much on it. The correct approach to astrality is through science, technology and higher realms, any other approach puts people into disadvantage.
Reiki healing technique and Tesla's "tachyonic" tablets take their energy from some higher astral level, probably 6th. I'd gladly post the link on the tablets' homepage, but it's a bit obscure website in German language from the Swiss manufacturer.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Sweet Jesus on a pogo-stick.
So science could investigate the various numbered astral plains with the right technology, even though the technology to do so doesn't exist yet.
Luminon, I sell a very high quality tiger repellent. Just in case you need some.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Ah? Lummy doesnt want a chain-gun... me on the other hand, I'LL TAKE IT!
What Would Kharn Do?
"Haven't diacovered" or "choose not to waste time on what isn't"?
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin
Doomy, by the time the chain gun sped up, that tiger would be on you. I'd recommend something more manageable. A Holland and Holland in .375, maybe.
"The whole conception of God is a conception derived from ancient Oriental despotisms. It is a conception quite unworthy of free men."
--Bertrand Russell
Pfff... thats just improper use of the chaingun as a repellent
You're supposed to be shooting the chain-gun before you even leave the house! ... not wait till you see the tiger, its the equivalent to eating the bear mace to avoid being a tasty meal instead of spraying it in the bears face while he eats you!!
... that sounded alot more sensible in my head...
What Would Kharn Do?
Btw, I'd appreciate the spray, if it also works on domestic cats.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
The cloudbusters? Orgone batteries?
So etheric materials and technologies can be defined thus: an object or theory based on speculative ideas which are not supported by evidence and have no basis on fact.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
I'm sorry to hijack the discussion, it should be about the astral world of dreams, which is for an octave higher in vibration. As for this, (I almost forgot) I have to say that it is advisable to pay attention to repeated or returning dreams.
My information is, that ether does exist according to certain scientific experiments. The Michelson-Morley experiment was deeply flawed. The Silvertooth experiment got it right. A similar mechanism was already made in 1913, in Sagnac experiment. This effect is so useful, that till this day it's used in airplane traffic to show the plane's movement.
Also, I have read some underground science articles who use your definition to dismiss things like theory of relativity or big bang theory. They would all deeply insult in what you believe.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Yes, and I ignored it because anti-matter is a feature of the physical world and nothing to do with the "ether".
It's identic with orgone? Orgone being the all-prevading life-force tied deeply into Riech's beliefs as well as holding a similar position to Freuds ideas of sexual urge being the driving force of all life? That orgone? You're equating this with a new "space radiation" (please clarify this - provide a link to what you're talking about) so the all-pervasive driving force for life only exists in space? Interesting.
And please explain how the Michelson-Morley experiment was deeply flawed, and so so in a manner that wouldn't make a physicist laugh.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
wait... did we just jump from sex, to space radiation, to space sex? ... or even space sex radiation?
What Would Kharn Do?
Does sunblock shield you from the space sex radiation? What will too much exposure do?
You have to wear a lead condom.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
The equation of orgone with the new space radiation was done by British editor, writer, artist and futurologist Ben Creme, who also tested the orgone batteries by himself, together with tetrahedron, which is another interesting device.
The Silvertooth device avoided this problem and basically reproduces the Sagnac effect, which is obviously a fact.
The MM experiment also neglected Snell's law. It was done in air, not in vacuum. In vaccum the speed of light is c, in air it's c/n. However, for MMX it was taken as c, and thus it neglected the effect of light refraction in air, not even in equations. As such, the experiment was badly described.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Then prove it. If they're physical there must be a way to test for them. Tell me what it is so that I might try it for myself.
I'm not saying that Wikipedia is an outstanding academic resource, but the comments on orgone hardly seem critical. The article reads quite objectively actually. And I wasn't saying it was all about sex. Reich saw it as an omni-present force - but the theory had its beginnings in what he understood to be libido.
I've had a look at those videos. They don't prove anything other than some pointed an "orgonite" device at the sky on a clear day. There's absolutely no evidence that the device is responsible for that clear sky. Not only that but they admit that time-lapse imagery is used so the disappearing vapour trails from the planes are more likely to be completely natural. It's a pretty clear sky in Glasgow today. I could go out and make that same video by pointing my hand, my foot, or the can of deodorant at my side at the sky and get the same result. It wouldn't mean anything.
Could you point me towards these equations? Is there a link somewhere? You still haven't explained what this space radiation is and I'm becoming highly skeptical - though willing to be convinced with evidence - now that you've mentioned one Benjamin Creme. The same Ben Creme that heard in 1959 that the Christ would appear 20 years later? Making it 1979? And then told the world that the Christ would appear in 1982, and when he didn't it was because "the time wasn't right"? Of course. And when Uri Geller can't bend spoons under test it's because the "energies" aren't right.
Benjamin Creme is not a good man to reference when it comes to scientific theories. I was born in Glasgow too. I know the special breed of lunatic that comes out of this city.
Oh, I'm sorry, I must not have been clear. I said I wanted an explanation of the experiment's flaws that wouldn't make a physicist laugh.
1. Silvertooth's work has been shown repeatedly to be highly questionable. He matched his data to observe anisotropies in the CMB to show that the aether was present... except these anisotropies are easily explained using the standard models of cosmology.
2. The difference between the speed of light in vacuum and in atmosphere is negligible - air/vacuum value is 0.9997 if I remember correctly. If the angle of incidence in vacuum was 45o the angle of incidence in atmosphere would be 44.83o. In other words it can be ignored.
3. The value for refraction would only matter if the light was travelling from vacuum to atmosphere at any point during the experiment. It wasn't so your point is... well... pointless.
4. The Michelson-Morley experiment has been repeated many many times, using far more advanced equipment and much greater understanding of physics than either man was fortunate enough to have. Guess what? Still no ether.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
At least 3 people would be the better, but we received a positive feedback also from individuals and couples.
However, to that meditation also may belong a device called Tetrahedron. People receive the energies and step it down. Tetrahedron steps them down even more. Within, it contains silver and gold discs, crystal and magnet. From each disc there leads a silver and gold wire, which the meditating men and women hold. An colleague of our local club had been in Belgium for a meditation with the tetrahedron. She held the wire, and it became so hot by the flowing energy, that she had a red lines on her hands for several days.
(the "equating" was meant as "saying this is that", not as a mathemathical equation)
This space radiation was discovered last year by the american astronomers from the ARCADE project, at NASA center in Texas. It is an electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, better said. It is an electromagnetic "noise", which had not been identified with any known source.
As for the Teacher, there are thousands of reports from the world of people who had met him, there are photographs, news reports, and also previously unimaginable plethora of various symbollic signs, both religional and non-religional. There are also appeared many healing water springs. A water from them is said to have a special physical properties - it is somewhat lighter than a normal water. And it is not nearly everything. Creme says, that there is one cause behind this all. Of course, most of these signs are designed to impress the poor world's majority, not us, well-fed, cynical caucasians. Most of these events are of course not even scientifically studied, because this kind of attention among people is very unwanted.
As for the public appearing of the Teacher, it's not as easy, as you imagine. In fact, it's unimaginably diffcult. Tthe resistance is fierce and persistent. Opportunity after opportunity went in vain, because of a synchronized counteractions of the opposing side. For example, the 1982 was a great opportunity, but at the same moment, the Falkland war of Argentina and USA started. In that situation, public response would have been negative to the Teacher's arrival. There is a counteraction to everything he does.
However, there is a great hope placed in the upcoming financial crisis. A worldwide crash of this unfair pyramid lottery called "global economy" expected in 2009 is the most promising future opportunity I know of.
It ensues from these two basic measurings with interferometer, that with validity of Snell's law, mathemathically calculated shift of interference stripes is the same as a shift measured on the interferometer. This total agreement of mathemathical calculation and measured data is the proof of Snell's law for the measuring with interferometers.
When we chose the speed of light as c (as it is in description of MMX) there is no shift of interference stripes ensuing from calculation for both measurings. With choice of light speed in both beams of interferometer as c, the effect of refraction index change is excluded, as it is not present in the equations.
This difference between mathemathical calculation and measured shift of interference stripes proves a big mistake in the description of MMX. The contraction of lengths, derived from the description of MMX, is also a mistake.
As I understand it, it does matter a lot, if the changed light speed is used in calculations.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
All this is is evidence that there are 1000's of deluded people. I knew that already.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Sun Tzu wrote in his famous book Art of War: 'know your enemy'. And he was right.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
Thats right and so are you; either that or you are fucking lying piece of shit.
People talking shit and believing shit proves people believe shit; that's all it proves. It does not prove that what they believe is true nor does it prove that what they report is true nor does it even mean that it is evidence of what they believe.
Cough up some scientific data or go fuck yourself
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
That’s not proof
That’s not proof
That’s not proof
That’s not proof
That’s not proof
From what I see from wiki Yogananda and Krishnamurti are liars, frauds, dishonest and deluded who have no evidence.
anyone who makes outrageous claims without any evidence is a target for ridicule. You better get used to it because you’re full of shit.
I think you’re here to promote your family’s business – crystal ball reading.
Its you who needs to learn. Open a book on science.
there is no evidence to support the garbage you spew; if there was you would have presented it by now. You’ve been posting for a year and a half. You’ve been lying right from the beginning when I asked you if you believed in a thing called a god and you are lying now.
You’re insane. There is no question as to whether viruses exist.
Lets see your mathematical equations that demonstrate any evidence of the garbage you vomit into this forum!
(… )
Scientific research is conducted on a base of proven criteria. You and your clown community have nothing to base your beliefs on. NOTHING!
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
NOTE TO THE OP AND OTHERS: I do apologise for hijacking this thread away from the original discussion on dreams BUT I feel the subject ran its course fairly quickly and the scientist in me can't stand the kind of crazy ignorance that's on display here.
unfortunately for you all sorts of meditation techniques can be shown to operate on a self-hypnotic level. The people involved could essentially be willing themselves to feel whatever it is they feel.
And don't get me started on tetrahedrons/pyramids. Not only is there very little evidence that they actually do anything, but the fact that some can be sold $16,000 reeks of nothing but a sham to me.
And I've seen trails that disappear rather quickly. How long a crystalised vapour hangs in the air depends on the atmospheric conditions. Largely the same rules that govern the formation of... er... what do you call them?.... oh, yeah... clouds!
And just because you haven't seen them disappear as quickly as they do in the video it still doesn't meant that the "orgonite" pointed at the sky had anything to do with it. Again, I could replicate that video with a tree stump, stuffed squirell or automatic burette and get the same result. Nothing is proven.
Aaaaaaah, now I understand. He took a new discovery that isn't understood and immediately tied it into something ambiguous and ill-defined. I wonder why that sounds familiar? For some reason the phrase "God of the Gaps" keeps going around my head....
So what happens if we can explain that background noise in the future without the need for orgone? What do you think Mr Creme will say to that? Will it just be "Big Science" shouting down the truth or do you think Mr Creme will find another mystery to latch onto?
Just because we can't explain something yet, doesn't mean that all possible explanations are valid.
Please clarify the highlighted statement.
Wait, the world-saving Messiah can't come because the world is mean? Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Who are the mysterious "Other Side"? How does the Falkalnd's conflict change anything? Are you seriously trying to suggest that a range war between 2 nations would stop the rest of the world from accepting The Messiah? The bringer of joy and peace to the world? Wow. You're into the mysteries of the mind. Is there a mental equivalent of the calf muscle? I only ask because I'd like to know how you managed to avoid straining it during all your mental gymnastics...
Wait, so a range war between Argentina and Britain is enough to stop "The Teacher" but a global depression, affecting all nations, caused by the collapse of complex economic systems which will impact the lives of millions of people in countless negative ways, is what primes the world to accept the teacher? Would you care to explain what's different between the two sets of circumstances
Oh god. You don't understand the sagnac effect do you? I didn't, but I took all of 5 minutes to find out what it was. The sagnac effect is a shift in the interference fringes of an interferometer caused by angular velocity. That much you might know about and are grasping at.
What the sagnac effect disproved was the ballistic theory of light - that light always has the same velocity relative to the source. The ballistic theory was in agreement with the MM experiment but was not required for the experiment.
The contraction here, I presume, refers to the Lorentz contractions. These are not derived from the MMX but description of the effects witnessed in the experiment by Lorentz (and others... Fitzgerald maybe?). These contractions can also be derived quite nicely from first principles in relativity theory.
You've still not explained how snell's law affects the MM experiment when the light is travelling through the atmosphere. Please provide a link to the paper you're discussing so I may have a look at it myself. Don't worry I have a colleague who can translate from Slovak.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
Dude, do your thing. Watching you redress Luminon's topsy-turvy circus of crystals and energy is half the reason I sift through these threads.
Lol. He was NOT expecting that.
I might add that I think I'm going to steal your idea and film myself pointing a stuffed squirrel at vapor trails. My friend's uncle is quite the taxidermist.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
There are times when I just stare in amazement at things people say.
often felt pulses within the head, much faster than heartbeat. However, this all stops if a person loses focus on the forehead. I don't believe that it is possible to simulate these physical feelings so easily, and besides that, nobody has a time for it, because they must concentrate on the forehead. I doubt that anyone can simulate feelings according to their will, specially when they're not even trying it.
The 'Lourdes' of Mexico
One of the earliest reports came from Tlacote, Mexico, a small village 150 miles north of Mexico City. There in 1991, on a chicken ranch belonging to Jesus Chahin Simon, his dog, Lucas, was cured of wounds after drinking from a well. Chahin tested the water, with great success, on his ranch workers and farm animals, then decided to make it available to everyone, free of charge. With government help he set up a modern storage, pumping and purifying system.
Though the number of visitors has now declined, four or five years ago as many as 10,000 people a day often lined up at his gate, some in wheel chairs or walkers, patiently waiting their turn. Chahin has kept scrupulous medical records, and cures of diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, arthritis and many other ailments are well-documented. In addition, the water has increased the productivity of the ranch. Plants and trees bear extra crops, an unusual occurrence for an area with a cool climate.
According to a CBS report, 'Up to the Minute' (KENS-TV, Aug. 5, 1993), the water was found to be 44 grams lighter than conventional water, measured in kilograms per liter. Scientific tests are continuing, but as yet scientists are unsure what is causing the benefits of 'Mexico's Lourdes'.
But your colleague should also be able to read the articles in Czech language, it's very similar. Other interesting articles may be "Důkaz existence éteru" (the proof of ether's existence) on page 2 and many other iconoclastic articles which slander Einstein, Higgs boson, LHC, and so on. " Elektrický vesmír" (electric universe) may also be interesting for you. I'm seriously considering the electric unvierse hypothesis instead of the standard model, you know.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
These pulses couldn't be... their pulse? Which has quickened under the intense focus?
And yet, you argue that you're able to change how your body feels by the power of your will alone. So can people simulate physical feelings or not Luminon? Which is it?
I am aware of the difference in shape. My point was that you've no evidence that your device is any better than a sham pyramid that someone sells for extortionate amounts of money.
How do these tetrahedra work Luminon? Can you link me to something? What are the crystals for? What are the wires for? What evidence do you have that they do anything? I won't hold my breath for anything that is etheric or based in feelings.
A better video would work. Here's what I'd need to see in the video:
With both these videos there would have to be evidence that the tape was recorded all in one day and no jump-cuts would be allowed. A cut in a video leads to thoughts of editing which isn't good if you want to prove anything. The video would also need to come with an explanation of the theory and the method so that others might be able to repeat the experiment if they wanted to.
Skepticism doesn't lead to disbelief nor does it necessarily something that's coached - all it is is a requirement for vigour in claims. Give me a tightened up video and we'll talk.
The only thing that it's a sign of is that you can assign meaning to something when you don't understand it, and it certainly does not compare to Mendelejev. The genius of Mendelejev was that he realised that his periodic table wasn't the complete picture and he left gaps in the table, acknowledging that there was still more to be discovered. The discovery of new elements couldn't make the table obselete - they were predicted by it.
If you're going to bring heroes of mine into the discussion please make sure you know what you're talking about.
Science is science my friend. "Esoteric Science" is far ahead in theory? To be able to make this sort of bold assertion you have to be able to prove the theory is accurate - and as esoteric theories have so far contributed nothing to the advancement of the human race I'll take your claim with a pinch of salt.
Actually no, what you "esoterics" are doing is taking any poorly explained scientific discovery and making it fit to vestigial beliefs after the fact. For example, the article you linked to had this to say:
This does nothing to back up your ridiculous claim that the ratios of the matter types were predicted years ago. All this is is an explanation of the scientific theory with "oh, it's quite mysterious so is probably the same as the mysterious ill-defined energies that other dudes spoke about ages ago". This is not proof of a predicion. This kind of thinking is what gets people to assume predictions and prophecies are true after the fact. It's easy to make things fit in hindsight.
You don't know. Normally I would congratulate you on this bit of honesty - doesn't hurt to say you don't know from time to time - but it should have been simple to answer. If we find an explanation for the radio noise that doesn't fit Creme's orgone idea then he will have been wrong and - I'd put money on this - he would have to find some other unexplained phenomenon to account for orgone. And so the cycle will continue.
I'm not sure what you're really asking here, what will happen if you provide an explanation of dark matter?...
Except you can't explain it. Unless you want to proffer a reasoned hypothesis as to why 94% of matter is dark? And is your hypothesis testable? If it is then I'll tell you what happens. I'll gladly take your theory to the physics and cosmology department at both Strathclyde and Glasgow Universitiest to have learned men dicuss the theory and set up experiments to test it. And we'll find out if your explanation is close to being correct.
If you're right you're right, if you're not you're not.
This is a pointless question that has nothing to do with the argument at hand. You've just carried out the grown-up version of the following:
Child 1: I think Basketball player A is better than Basketball player B
Child 2: I think I can show you otherwise. Also, your mother is a whore.
The closing statement has nothing to do with the conversation and is, at best, a cheap shot and a diversionary tactic.
Yes there are monetary, corporate and political interests in science. There are monetary and corporate interestes in esoterics as well. Ask the dude that's selling a pyramid for 16,000 dollars.
Suggesting what you're close to suggesting - that there's some sort of BIG SCIENCE conspiracy fuelled by special interests - makes my blood boil. I am a scientist and I have worked my arse off to develop testable theories and methods that others can use and learn from so that our wealth of knowledge continues to go. I don't get lots of funding. This isn't because I'm doing "underground" science, nor is it because I'm working against "the establishment". It's because I'm working in an area that isn't "sexy" - it's not military, pharmaceutical or biotech. BUT that doesn't mean anyone is working against me. My work gets published and is accepted in the scientific literature because it holds up to scientific rigour.
Don't dare tell me that science is corrupt.
False. All opinions are not equally valid. If there's only one explanation then it can only be explained in one valid way. If you express it any other way it's an analogy, metaphor or bollocks.
What the waters that were shown to be nothing more than unremarkable drinking water? They were not lighter than normal water.
Bullshit. If he really knew how to save the world then that truth would shine out regardless of when it was spoken. In fact we would be more likely to listen to it in desperate times.
This is about as strong an argument as "You'll only feel Jesus if you invite him into your heart, and if you don't feel him then you don't want it enough". It's a cop-out that gives whoever your talking about free reign to never appear.
Ah, the undefined "Them". What are you calling them these days? Illuminati? The Watchers? The Masons? THe Grand Order of Seth? The Lizard People?
So this "Other Side" is working against the man with all the answers on how to save the world? This world that already includes these others? If he can't work around them then how does he have all the answers? I mean if he can save us from ourselves then surely he has an aswer for overthrowing the evil conspiracy? Right? Right?
The whole world you say? Everyone on the planet? In 1982 the media coverage of the Falklands did not reach everyone because the mass media network was not that large. The entire world was not watching the Falkands conflict! What about all the people that the news didn't or couldn't reach? Do their voices not matter? Or is it only western civilisations that matter? What about tribespeople that couldn't give a flying monkey's fuck about Argentina?
The answers on how to save the world would have to compete for the front page with a range war between two pissed off countries? Then the answers must not be very impressive. In fact surely the Falkand's war and events like it are exaclty the kinds of thing that the answers are designed to solve. I know a great many people that wanted that war to end quickly.
If there's an answer to the question then it can't have been meaningless.
Yeah, but you're links do nothing to explain why this is the right time for "The Teacher" to appear. I'll accept the premise of all the linkes that the current capitalist system is flawed. Its total collapse will still plunge the world into misery and people will be as desperate and distracted as they were during a war that didn't affect them, even more so in fact.
So I repeat the question - How does something which affects millions of people badly and is covered by the media network differ from something that affected thousands of people badly and was covered by the media network? What is it about current events that makes it more likely for "The Teacher" to come?
Is it that the teacher will guide us to a new and better economy? If so then he's not the teacher anyone wants. I think we'd all prefer a teacher that would turn up during... I dunno... a war perhaps... and give people the answers that will end war.
I'm not even sure what you're asking here, can you clarify?
Excuse my language but I've had enough of this conspiracy bullshit. There is no "underground" or "official" science. Science is science. The stuff people like you regard as "underground" is not taken as "official" because it does not stand up to testing. The people most vociferous in this sort of argument are those whose ideas are disproven or whose theistic beliefs are being eroded by scientific discovery. Just because you got told you're wrong doesn't mean people are out to get you or silence you. Sometimes it means you're wrong
The claim that people have to act "underground" because the "establishment" doesn't like them is the defense of an ignorant child and I will treat it with nothing but scorn.
It is not out of the discussion. You have claimed that ether is part of the physical world but can't provide a physical proof of it. If you continue to make this claim then not only does it stay in the discussion but it does so front and cenre.
And yet the esoteric science website you linked to earlier seems fine with it and accepts it as one of the major breakthroughs in science. It even makes the claim that the possibilities opened up by relativity (and quantum mechanics, two areas it mistakenly overlaps) match esoteric teachings.
So is relativity in agreement or not?
Yes he should. My colleague is from Ricany outside Prague and speaks Slovak as fluently as his home tongue. I'll get back to you on the articles
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
There are two wires going out of the tetrahedron, gold and silver. All men hold one wire, and all women hold the other. The energy goes through the wires.
You can find the most information by examining the free meditation handbook. You can find a lot of the 'tetrahedron' keywords and related information in the text. There is some interesting information, for example, that people should not sit in front of the gold disc within the tetrahedron, because this is where the output of energy (beam) is. I know from my own experience that excessive playing with spiritual energy can make people feel rather bad.
Matter is mostly empty. It can collide with other matter, because their electrons repel each other. But a difference in vibration of the atom disables the collisions, and the atoms pass through each other freely. This is why there may be other items, even whole worlds on this very place, but they're invisible. This would also explain the energy in every cubic milimeter of vacuum, which is immense.
And now the interesting part. Every life form must be less or more based on the matter with higher vibration, rather than lower. A living being lives primarily in form of the matter of higher vibration, than dense-physical. The more evolved the being is, the higher octaves of matter does it include. And when a being dies, the remaining higher part continues to live for some time. This is the potential explanation for the ancient notions of afterlife and spiritual worlds.
Also, with more control on higher octaves, there are new abilities - better emotions, greater intellect, and even intuition. Living in higher octaves is easier and different, because the time and space are more relative there and entropy is much lesser. However, it presents relatively few opportunities for work, learning and development. This is one of reasons why the life decides - or is decided, to undertake the diffculties of dense-physical form, live, die, and again.
Btw, esotericism is probably currently corrupted the most of everything, and it's least effective, because one good group has little influence on a dozen of deluded groups. It's still such a free discipline.
The ranch also had a big archive of people healed of serious diseases, water-testing apparatus and a doctor taking care of the visitors.
The difference of the global economic collapse should be obvious. Quoting you, Its total collapse will still plunge the world into misery and people will be as desperate and distracted as they were during a war that didn't affect them, even more so in fact. There is something you seem to miss out. The world is already in misery. There is a catastrophe happening every moment. Tenths millions of people die every year for trivial reasons and by very unpleasant death, leaving the others to live in still worse conditions. And on the other side of the world, there live people who waste so much, that they would need several more planets to keep their style of living. Knowing that, the global financial collapse will not be a catastrophe. There will not even be anything bad about it. It will be a wake up call, a call to wake up, or die. It is the best thing, that can happen. It has a chance of awakening the people to global responsibility, to make them refuse the blind evil of market forces which does lead us to the verge of self-destruction.
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
I don't have time to address your complete post at the moment - I'll get to that later - but I'd like to take this time to let you know that I'm now regarding everythng you say as suspect. Why? Because you repeatedly show yourself to be unwilling or incapable of actually checking your facts.
The USA didn't fight the Falklands war It had nothing to do with that country. The Falklands war was between the UK and Argentina, and British victory allowed Margaret Thatchers government to sweep to victory in the 1983 election. At best the US supplied support to the British but it still wasn't their war.
So do you still stand by your claim that the whole world was watching because the mean old US of A was involved in the war? Or would you like to retract that statement and admit that the conflict wasn't of as much interest to the world as you seem to think?
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.
But you're still not saying anything that convinces me that the sensations experienced aren't just natural occurences of the body.... maybe it's one of these things you have to try. Have any of these meditations been performed under controlled conditions? Studied by psychologists? Doctors?
So why couldn't the meditation sensations be a form of self-hypnosis then?
I'll take time to look at the book you linked to, but I've not found any other reference to the type of tetrahedron you seem to be discussing. When I search for "tetrahedron meditation" I get lots of hits for the Merkabah (sp?) technique which seems to be espoused by followers of your "teacher".
I will warn you though, your description makes it sound like a lot of pseudo-scientific bunk.
Sorry Luminon, but this doesn't cut it. I admire the fact that they've put a time and date on there but...
It takes over an hour for anything to happen, including the set-up of the orgnoite device. Are you suggesting that cloud cover couldn't clear in that time? The time taken falls perfectly within a natural time scale so if the device is having an effect it's indistinguishable from a natural cause.
Also I note whenever the cameraman pans up from the device to a hole in the cloud cover it's never in a straight line. He's always rotating/angling away from the vertical position of the device. So it doesn't affect the clouds above it, but slight to the side? If you're going to say that the original part of broken cloud moved with the cloud then why don't we see a trail through the clouds where the device is pointing?
Also, what the hell is the wire connected to?
The reason no one has tried to interpret discoveries in terms of these octaves is because all discoveries have fit very well into the testable standard model. Just in case you start to bring string theory and its higher dimensions into this - so far string theory has no testable predictions either.
Until you can make a testable prediction with a theory then its validity is always questionable. It's that simple. I hold string theory in higher regard than esoterics because it has a mathematical basis in its physics and at least makes attempts to show where all of its ideas come from.
So esoteric science is just getting started but it's miles ahead of other theories? Er...... what?
So when you made the claim that "the ratios were as predicted by..." why didn't you link me to this woman rather than a website that had none of the information on it? If you're going to make a claim and then provide references at least make sure the references are actually what you're talking about.
It's a nice coincidence (sort of) but it doesn't hold water, and here's why.
Not only that but I'm pretty sure that if Alice Bailey had predicted 300 sub-realms, thus making the solid-liquid-gas trio 1% of the total mix, the claim would then be "Alice Bailey was able to predict that there are other states of matter beyond those we can perceive in the physical world" and the number would be ignored. She'd be forgiven for saying 1% rather than 4 because it's not an exact science, or the energies were off... or some other hand-waving, after the fact claim.
And to add something else to the mix - Dark Matter is the sexy subject of cosmology at the moment. It accounts for a lot of what we see in the universe and is, by and large, becoming a majority position (from what I can see).
BUT there are other theories out there using modifications of gravity and quantum mechanic effects to explain what we see. Observational evidence for dark matter - like high numbers of WIMPS passing by - is currently thin on the ground so, technically, these other theories still stand a chance of usurping dark matter. If that does happen then your friend Alice will have a lot of explaining to do.
If it's not testable then it's not a good hypothesis. Just so you know.
I'm not a physicist but from the get go I could say two things. First, you need a better defenition of these octaves - what are the frequency ranges of the octaves? How are they distinguished?
How do you explain the frequency gap? Why doesn't energy occupy these empty spaces?
For the record, an octave is an 8 point scale. Any musician or linguist would be able to tell you that (Octavus = eight, Octava dies = eighth day, verse sense = stanza of eight lines)
Differences in "vibration" cause things to boil or freeze luminon*. Atmoic vibrations are tied to the movement of electrons and molecular bonds. Changes in these vibrations alter physical properties but they wouldn't allow whole-scale transformation into other energies. It doesn't allow phasing or inter-dimensional travel, not matter how much the pseudo-science of comic books wants it to.
*that's a broad brush definition of it, I know it's not exactly accurate.
Nothing you've just said here means anything.
What does evolution have to do with these ill-defined higher octaves? I'm willing to put money on this being tied to the mistaken idea that Evolved = Better. This is blatantly untrue. Evolved = changed with time. Nothing more.
Youv'e no evidence of a "higher part" to any matter as you've yet to define these octaves and how they interact with each other. Couple with the lack of understanding of vibrations in molecules I've yet to see any evidence to back up your claim that life "must be less or more based on the matter with higher vibration".
Better emotions? Really? Are our emotions bad? How do we define better than love or lust?
Time and space are more relative? You've just won the prize for the most ridiculous statement ever. Have a cookie. Please explain how things can be more relative.
Just to repeat, nothing you said meant anything.
Skating dangerously close to a one true scotsman fallacy there....
Please expand on this. What point are you trying to make about stem cell research?
All the nurse's report shows is that she travelled and collected water. Her statement that it tasted sweet and pure is not evidence of anything being present (or not) in the water. The fact that she's a nurse doesn't add validity to her claims.
And your claim that all the pipes would be stuffed with bicarbonate is untrue. Bicarbonate residue - or limescale - would only be required to be filtered or cleaned out if it existed in high concentrations. Bicarbonate will happily stay in a constant flow of water without crashing out into the pipe.
Conspiracy theory nonsense. The media does report good things. What they tend not to report is nonsense.
And here we have something I'm going to call the Oligarchy Fallacy, which we'll classify as a sub-division of the cosmological argument.
You've looked at the strucutre of the capitalist system come to the top and said "IT controls them but who controls IT? There MUST be someone". Except you've done this - Countires < Banks < IMF/World Bank/Whoever - which is wrong.
The central banks of the world such as the IMF are made up of member states and countries that use the banks. It's a complicatedly cyclic system but there's no one tiny group at the top controlling it all. The myth of an all-controlling body at the top is nice because we like to think that someone's in charge but, really, once the money starts going round it's a self-sustaining system. It's faulty and can be manipulated but there is no requirement for anyone to sit at the top controlling it all.
So he'll only save the world if it wants to be saved.... nice little cop-out there. "Jesus can save you but you have to let him into your heart".
The plan is to inform and inspire people to make changes? So much like the miracles of God the effects of "The Teacher" will be indistinguishable from the efforts of people if God/The Teacher hadn't intervened in the first place? Funny that.
I'm not playing with words, quite the opposite in fact. I'm being careful with the words you're using. You said the whole world had to be involved and that the mass media was controlling that message. In 1982 the media did not affect the world like it did today. Not everyone on the planet - the whole world - was getting any interest in the Falklands conflict. You've yet to explain why only the Americas and Britain count as the whole world. I'm not couting Russia and China in here because only their governments were looking and the several hundred million chinese probably couldn't care less.
Not only that but you're now saying that indigenous peoples get to make up their own minds? Why don't they count towards the whole world? Are they not worth the teacher's time? If they get to make up their own minds why can't we?
If you're going to convey a message about the whole world make sure you're logically consistent.
So the time was right after WW2? Why didn't he step in then to change things? He saw the war changing into a more political one? Then why not step in at an early phase and stop all the corruption and fighting before it got going? You're making it sound more and more like this teacher will only appear to save us once we've done that for ourselves.
He reminds me of a guy I used to roleplay with. We'd be playing some fantasy game (not necessarily D&D) and we'd all spend all the effort fighting a huge monster. This guy would make one contribution at the very end to finally slay the beast and then he'd claim all the credit.
So again: The teacher knew these things were coming - your explanation for him holding off after WW2 - and did nothing to prevent them. So once the system that he allowed to come into place finally collapses under its flaws he's going to come in and tell us how we should have been doing it all along? Which he could have told us at the start?
If this Maitreya is really a Christ then why didn't he appear earlier and stop all this before it started? The idea that he hasn't appeared yet because the world is mean seems to me to be ultimately childish.
And what happens if the capitalist system doesn't collapse? What you're forgetting is that capitalism by its very nature is prone to periods of boom and bust. It can't sustain one without the other. There's no guarantee that the whole system is going to tumble down (and you've only got half a year left of your 20009 prediction....).
If it doesn't happen what then? Is he no longer the man to fix the economy? He'll then be the man that needs to come in and fix "global problem X"?
Yes the sagnac effect disproved the ballistic theory which was in agreement with the MM experiment. This is countered by the Lorentz contractions - these are why there is no sagnac effect in the MM experiment. It's simple and can be derived from first princples of physics.
False connection. Just because someone is persecuting you it doesn't mean that's what is happening everywhere.
I'm not dismissing this but I'd like you to expand this into a more coherent question. Right now I'm not sure what you're asking or saying.
Fair enough.
My friend has had a read through that site and he's told me that much of it is very questionable and he's not surprised that these things are in a local magazine rather than a scientific journal.
His opinion of the article about the MM is simply this:
"All the guy is saying is that you get different fringe patterns if you use the speed of light in atmosphere (which is c/1.0003) than in vacuum. He's then saying that the initial results of the MM experiment may not be true, because MM used c rather than this number, so there may be other explanations. What he doesn't convincingly show is that the fringe shift associated with c/1.0003 is significantly different enough from the value obtained with c to come to another conclusion" - in other words, while the numbers may vary there's nothing to stop the conclusion remaining the same. My friend thinks whoever wrote this is badly interpreting his own numbers.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
As empty statements go it was a very nice one - bravo for that - but it didn't answer my question at all. You stated that the teacher couldn't come because of the Falkands war. I stated that the world wasn't as interested a you think because it was a range war between 2 countries. Your counter, however humorous, was that the world was interested because one of these two countries was the USA.
I've shown this to be wrong. Please defend your statement without wandering off and hiding in "other events" and higher realms of existence.
Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here
- Lawrence Krauss
Also, there is a possibly relevant information. During meditation, there almost certainly is an increased blood flow and neural activity in frontal lobe, hypophysis and epiphysis. Both glands are supposed to be gradually "activated", which basically makes one clairvoyant. As for the doctors, for that we've got very little information. But one honorary member of our group is a young woman with two university degrees. She works for a laboratory for brain research in Los Angeles. Which is exactly what I need. Her visa is ending and she will have to return home for at least 2 years before she can return. I will surely consult everything with her when she pays us a visit. She is such a spiritual person, she does a lot of mountain climbing and meditation (also in mountains). I'm pretty sure she is just as interested in these questions as I am, but the company she works for has it's own schedule of laboratory work.
This could give sense: look at this website and the big writing, which says:
But octave has primarily no linguistic meaning of the number 8. According to Wikipedia:
In music, an octave (
You see, there is nothing unnatural about octaves or harmonic series. The whole universe, including the invisible realms, is possibly arranged in harmonic series.
Question: Where does all electromagnetic (EM) field energy and all EM potential energy come from in the first place? Answer: From the vacuum all around us. A Nobel prize was awarded in 1957 for substantiating the extraction process. — Tom Bearden referring to the work of Lee and Yang (Note: Conventional academic theory implicitly just assumes that the source charges freely create, from nothing at all, all the flowing EM real energy in the Universe.)
End of quote.
And this is a partially quote, partially paraphrase from another article, from your "favorite" magazine.
"The empty space (vacuum) has at least two observable properties: dielectric constant (permitivity) and permeability. But if the empty space is really empty, why it has these properties? If it's filled with "emptiness", only a fool could claim that it can have any other properties than volume. But because it has them, it seems that it contains a rejected entity, which was in 19th century called ether!"
Paraphrasing the article further (removing some degree of sarcasm):
The speed of light is determined by permitivity and permeability of vacuum. Similarly, the speed of sound in a steel rod (using analogous equation with the speed of light) is determined by elasticity and density of the steel. The speed of sound is determined only by properties of the material, and no physicist will claim that he can remove the steel rod and keep the properties and therefore the constant speed of sound. However, it seems that they claim the same thing about the speed of light. Special theory of relativity and Lorentz theory of ether contraction says, that the speed of light is independent on the speed of it's source. But the same independence matches for waves spreading in any medium, it is not characteristic for an entity spreading in empty space in a ballistic path. IOW, if we shoot from a gun, then light behaves as sound waves of the gunshot spreading in the air, not as a bullet. But if we cancel the ether (or air), then the observed independence of light speed on the speed of it's source has no logical basis. It would require a cooperation of some sort of "magic", otherwise the light would have no way to determine how fast it should move. Any alternative theory? (note: waving a hand or argumentation about time-space will not do the job)
"If we examine the Dirac's approach to creation of supplement particles from high-energy photons, we will realize that Dirac, to finish his mathemathical work, had first to think up "a sea of negative energy permeating all the universe." If we leave out the fact that "negative energy" is in Dirac's sense unexplainable and absurd, then what is the difference between a "sea of negative energy" and ether? Both says, that in a space, which is per directivum assumed to be empty, "something" exists!"
The larger rest of the article contains two problems - an extreme number of particles in interaction, and a problem of gravity being reputedly produced by these particles. Further there are two interpretations of quantum theory. I am lazy and tired to translate or paraphrase all that. Perhaps only a bit... Let's say, if the gravity is mediated by exchange of gravitons, why the objects are attracted? If two people throw each other a ball, the ball only mediates an eccentric force, whether it is thrown or caught. The same thing should work for gravitons. How it is possible, that particles supposedly heading in one direction attract the object in the opposite direction? Isn't that absurd?
Beings who deserve worship don't demand it. Beings who demand worship don't deserve it.