Ray Comfort and Ben Stein: World Dumbshit Championship Finals
Posted on: July 18, 2009 - 5:12pm

Ray Comfort and Ben Stein: World Dumbshit Championship Finals
So this was amusing.
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Lols. Propaganda 101.
What an incredible crock of shit! The thing is, Ray Comfort couldn't win a debate against me on evolution vs. Creation. I've got about 1/1000th the knowledge that Dawkins has on evolution, and far less oratory skills. Dawkins is right not to debate Comfort. Comfort would be the only person who could stand to gain anything. Dawkins would trounce him, but if there was any soundbyte whatsoever that could be quote-mined, Comfort would sell it and gain more ignorant followers as a result.
Ray Comfort is not interested in a debate. He uses the "debate platform" as a manipulative way to preach from the pulpit. The nightline debate with Kelly and Brian wasn't a debate. It was him preaching and Brian and Kelly trying to get him to actually debate.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
It's almost like there's a really good reason why Dawkins doesn't debate Creationists...
But I know what you mean. Just look at this video, Ray probably creamed in his pants when he saw the exploitability of Dawkins' clip in Expelled. "Banana Man vs Alien Man?" What a twat.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
I can't believe I use to like ray comfort.
You were a Baptist, right? Yeah me too. Don't worry about it, when they show this shit in church people get worked into a fucking frenzy. It's like catnip. Really, really, really ignorant catnip.
"Do not, as some ungracious pastors do, show me the steep and thorny way to heaven. Whiles, like a puff'd and reckless libertine, himself the primrose path of dalliance treads. And recks not his own rede."
Like any good propaganda it's good at working up consensus in target population. Boomerang mockery (banana-man comes back to haunt him) is very potent when dealing with a target audience who consider themselves thoughtful, and the name of the intelligent design crowd speaks for itself. Taking statements out of context (we could have been engineered) is potent even if the target population isn't biased against RD, simply because it is hard to debunk simple paroles with lengthy explanation of context. Even if you manage to debunk the statements in the video, notice that Comfort is never explicitly associated with makers of the add, so the damage to the validity is diffused to the unknown propagandist.
These facts we can do nothing about, but we can do something about the material we provide our attackers. RD is not making it easy for himself here and in extension for the rest of the atheist world. He always answers questions as they are posed, which is risky for a public person that is in the middle of vicious debates. As atheists I think we would be served better if he could understand the underlying attack in seemingly innocent questions and not step into the trap with both feet. If you want to discredit someone with a constituency of assumed thoughtful members, you want to frame your response. This is not misrepresentation, because you are actually trying to present truth by responding to a very truth-hostile questioner.
Mockery is also something RD does not shy from and I think this is something we could do without. I don't know if RD ever called that dude a banana-man, but I can imagine he would. I remember him getting completely red in the face while debating some random Jewish rabbi/teacher in some elementary school about the age of the universe - it could have been executed better. Maybe hire some professional help?
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
Yah, I think that there is something about being a baptist that makes atheists. The last xtian group that I was in was baptist. Before that, I was in the salvation army (they are YEC in case that is not generally known) and before that, I was a high church Anglican.
In any case, I will go with Hamby on this one. If you have seen what came from Dawkins dealing with Ted Faggard, you would know exactly why there will never be another debate between him and any fundie.
how do you come up with this much bs from two small, simple comments?
"Take all the heads of the people
and hang them up before the Lord
against the sun.” -- Numbers 25:4
I've seen RD interview people and get interviewed himself in many different situations. His movie is one source, Atheist Tapes by S. Weinberg another and I have seen scores of different clips on the net. This is very typical RD the anti-religious scientist, rather than efficient populist.
I remembered this video in which he states his position and basically lays out the strategy: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/richard_dawkins_on_militant_atheism.html
Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.